Angel & Devil [EDITING]

By poutyUJin

31.7K 1K 96

..An ANGEL with evil soul .. ..A DEVIL with angel soul .. Angel and Devil could never be together forever . H... More

He is the Devil
Just Like Him
Who Are You ?
Who I Really am ..
Cast Your Vote : Next HallKook Project
Thinking of You
Before too Late ..
The Lost Memory
Bring Her Back
"I Miss You .."
End : Keep Myself Alive in You

Halla's Bravory

1.5K 59 4
By poutyUJin

He hide Halla in his embrace , spread his wings and quickly fly way back to home . As he arrive home , he lay Halla on her bed .

Then , go out of her room and go to the kitchen . He pour water into a glass .

As he sit by the her bed , using the tip of his finger , he dip it into the water and drip it to the burning mark at her neck . Since it's not an ordinary burn , it might take time to cure or maybe never . Fire from Earth is nothing compare fire from Hell . It could kill any human even through touch with the devil that own that power .

He had done as much as he can do . Just to lessen the pain of the burn when she wake up later .

JiMin fell asleep by her bed .

However , when he wake up he find out that Halla is not at her bed . He became panic , so , he search for her inside her room .

Maybe , she's at outside .

Like what his mind said , she's standing in front of the opening refrigerator . She take a milk out and pour into the glass and place it back into refrigerator back .

As she close them ...

" Aisyh , you scared me" , seeing JiMin is standing by the refrigerator with his arm cross .

" Good morning , JiMin-ah" , she smile to him , then sitting at the dine table .

She take a sip of milk .

"I don't know that you love the refrigerator that much that you don't want to sit on the chair in front of you" , he pull out the chair and sit on it . But still , he's not even smiling and staring her coldly .


"What ?" , Halla grin her teeth .

"Smile" , he just look at her but not intend to do it even it actually funny to him .

"By the way , are you on your day off today?" , she continue .

"Day off ? What is that ?" , crossing his arm while leaning back coldly .

"Ah~ your sister never told you ? It usually happen to girl"

"So , what make you think that I got a day off when it usually happen to girl?"

"You're not smiling and seems moody that I'm scared to say anything to you . Well , girl always being like that on their day off"

He sigh .

"Yah , do you actually forget about what happen to you last night?" , she stop eating and take a deep breath before answering .

"Of course not . How can I forget about that ? I just don't want to think about it about since thinking about worst things , so my day will too. I decide to just shut it off"

There's short silence between them before JiMin throwing his tantrum to Halla .

"Yah , you know how scared I am?! How can you even shut it off when it actually the event that went for your life ?!"

Halla is shock so she stop from eating at the moment .

"Done ?"

It's kind of late but he nod .

"Okay , relax a bit. Take a deep breath and release" , he do as what she say .

"JiMin-ah , I know that I'm not going to live much longer here . Maybe I won't be able to bring back the heir of the 1st Angel rank back with what had happened to me last night .Let's assume that as my pay back to you for saving and protect me . Also maybe this is a torment for me of making the heir of the Lead Angel became a devil"

"But you don't need to . I don't ask for pay back , it's my job to protect you"

"I know but even it hurt but it still cannot be compared to his parents . It's my fault of making him falling in love with ruthless devil like me and my mistake of falling much deeper , finally , I'm the one that being left."

"Even I don't have any power left but JiMin , no matter what happen. Even I'm dying , I'll bring their heir on the next eclipse" , she continue .

JiMin stay silent . Accepting her words . In her eyes , she looks like she have a strong will but at the same time she looks scared .

At school ~~

It's Mrs Park time , as they had been told that she won't be around so the kids are doing their things including Halla and JungKook .

At that moment , she receive a text from JiMin .

"Hey , I'm sorry that I can't have lunch with you today . Have work to do . So , meet you at school gate later"

She pull her expression and go out of the class .

After she left , JungKook also left the class . Usually , he will hang around at the rooftop to get some rest or turn someone into bad person but he is meeting a person at the basketball court .

While Halla, she is on her way to go to the library . However , she suddenly stop her step and find a hiding place .

She is shivering ..

Sweating ..

What she is doing here ?

As the person passing by her hiding place , she take a glance of that person . When the person is turning back as she feel someone is looking at her, Halla quickly hide back .

She is really sure about that person . That person is the one that attacking her last night .

Even her hair is black in colour but , still she can see few strand of red hair .

The Red Hair devil or to Halla ,

Her sister .

Even Halla is hiding but the devil can sense her whereabout .

Coward ..

I'll make you suffer because leaving us to become a so-called ANGEL ...


A/N : Again an update . This will be the last update for this week . See you guys next week ..


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