Payback's A Nightmare | ✔

By mossrings

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She was his Sophie. He was her Fitz. But as you know, nothing lasts forever. Sophie and Fitz were together... More



661 9 26
By mossrings

Hey, my fists are tight and I'm afraid

Because I cannot explain

Your heart is like a hurricane

But can't you see I'm so in pain?

Sophie drew in a sharp breath to calm herself down as she stared at the swirling whirlpool that would lead her down to Atlantis, the underwater Lost City. She'd always been scared of jumping into the whirlpool, ever since the first time she’d came to the Lost Cities. And Fitz had been there too.

She closed her eyes as the first time she'd been there replayed in her mind. But when she thought of Fitz, she thought of Evelina. Evelina had always been angry at Fitz, and now her for not moving on off Fitz. Sophie wasn't sure how to feel about that. She knew why Evelina was angry at her, but she couldn't help feeling that Evelina didn't understand her at all.

Guess not because I don't talk

And then you write me off again

And I don't think you understand at all

I don't want to use my mouth

Don't know how to spell it out

Every time I try, it sucks

I just wish you could open me up

Sophie opened her eyes and stared down at the whirlpool again, suddenly im-agining that the whirlpool was Evelina's emotions, feelings, and opinions all squeezed into one, directed at her. A tear trickled down Sophie's cheek and landed in the water, merging with the rest as she jumped down into the sea.

And see all the confusion, the love, the hurt, the wrong words I'm using

Because tonight, it feels like you don't know my heart

Why, you say I never really see

That it's only ever about me?

Like I don't listen when you speak

Like it doesn't kill me when

Your tears fall out

And I cannot catch them

I do not have the perfect expression

And I don't think you understand at all

The raging whirlpool spun Sophie around in circles and circles, the same way she felt when Evelina had confronted, demanded, and faulted her. Was it Sophie's fault? Perhaps, but Evelina was young. She had no idea how bitter everything could taste when the whole world came crashing down on her.

I don't want to use my mouth

Don't know how to spell it out

Every time I try, it sucks

I just wish you could open me up

And see all the confusion, the love, the hurt, the wrong words I'm using

Because tonight, it feels like you don't know my heart

Evelina didn't understand at all.

And Sophie wanted to make it a point that she did. But first, she had to visit someone very special in Atlantis.


The Matchmaking Offices were grand-looking and shining with pristine colours when Sophie stepped out of the coach. The front entrance was a pale pink door with two twisted stretches of glass forming together to create two hearts bound together.

She stepped inside, and breathed in the fresh crisp air. The walls were made from smooth crystal, except for the most inside wall, which was made out of glass, so Sophie could see the outside, which had a sign that said, "The Matchmaking Offices".

There was a reception desk on her left, and behind that reception desk sat none other than Biana Vacker, one of Sophie's best friends. She had become a matchmaker, and every week she would come to Atlantis to work here, only taking breaks on Wednesdays to tend to her children.

Biana brightened up when she saw Sophie. "Sophie! What are you doing here? Come, let's sit and have a chat in the resting area."

Sophie paused. "Um, would your manager mind? And you have to attend to other visitors, right?"

Biana merely laughed. "I'll ask the gnomes to put up a sign to show that we're out for lunch break. Anyway, Sophie, I hardly see you anymore. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about."

After handing out a few orders to the gnome that was standing outside tending to the water plants, Biana pulled on Sophie's arm, leading her inside a cafeteria. They sat at the table in the far corner, and when their two glasses of lushberry juice were served, Biana leaned in and whispered, "So, I've been hearing quite a lot of talk about your daughter and my nephew."

Sophie tensed at the mention of Evelina. Then she frowned when her mind processed Biana's words. "Wait, what? Evelina? And Brennus? What about them?"

Biana scoffed, but not scornfully. "I knew that you would be confused. Because you don't really catch up on daily life with Evelina, am I right to say that?"

Sophie was leaning in to take a sip of her lushberry juice when Biana was saying that. She paused halfway, centimetres away from her straw.

You don't really catch up on daily life with Evelina, am I right to say that?

Now that she thought of it, Sophie and Evelina weren't close at all. Since young, Sophie had been afraid to touch or even see her own daughter, because she reminded her of Keefe. And when she thought of her and Keefe, she thought of her and Fitz. Evelina had been a constant reminder of Fitz. And Sophie didn't want to be reminded of Fitz. So it came with no surprise that Evelina was always tense and awkward around her own mother. Sophie had to admit that was fault on her part. But Evelina didn't know why she always kept far away from her.

"Earth to Sophie," said Biana, offering a sympathetic smile to her, pulling her out of her reverie. "I suppose that's a yes. Alright, I won't talk about that anymore. But my point is, there's been gossip going 'round Foxfire these days. And it's about Evelina and Bren. And Jensi and Marella's daughter, Elmira Babblos."

Sophie furrowed her brows together. "Jensi and Marella's daughter?" Jensi and Marella were two of her close childhood friends, and although she hadn't talked with them much these days, she knew that their daughter was quite a nuisance in Foxfire. It kind of reminded her of Stina, the Foxfire bully in their generation. Surprisingly, Stina's son was actually nothing like her.

"Yup," confirmed Biana, tilting her head to the side and resting it on her left hand, her teal eyes watching Sophie carefully. "And I know you're going to ask what happened, so I'll stop beating around the bush and tell you everything that I'd heard, right from Evelina's mouth, by the way. So you better believe it."

"Evelina told you?" said Sophie incredulously, a little hurt. Evelina had never confided in Sophie about any matters of the heart, and now, she was telling her friend instead, who she hardly knew too.

Biana must've known what she was thinking, because she said reassuringly, "Don't worry, she only told me because I forced her to. And Terrentia and Myst were there too, so it's nothing too personal. It's just some boy stuff." She waved her hand. "Do you want to know now?"

"Yes," Sophie answered immediately with conviction, nodding her head firmly. If Evelina liked some boy, it was her duty as a mother to know and help her.

But if it was the other way round, and if it had something to do with Brennus, well . . . Sophie didn't know what to make of it.

If they were a thing, wouldn't that mean Brennus and Evelina would be Fitz and Sophie all over again?


"Brennus has a thing for Evelina," Sophie repeated, her mind spinning with the new revelations.

Biana had said something about Elmira liking Brennus too, but Sophie could only focus on the other news.

Her wish wasn’t answered, and what she dreaded had become true. She was hoping Evelina and Brennus hadn't anything major to do with it, but apparently (unfortunately), that wasn't how things worked.

"This is bad," she muttered, staring at the remains of her lushberry juice and wishing that things weren't this way. But Biana seemed to have a different thinking.

"Why is it bad?" she asked. "Young love is so sweet. And they'll be so cute together! Trust me, I'm a matchmaker-I know. And if you still don't believe it, we can go and create secret lists for Brennus and Evelina. And watch as everything becomes real. We would be sisters-" She stopped short when she saw Sophie's face. ". . . Oh."

Another tear slipped down Sophie's cheek, landing into the juice with a small splash. "I can't, Biana," she whispered. "Evelina and Brennus? They'll just be me and Fitz over again. I can't do this. Not again. Brennus will—"

Biana stood up from her chair and went over to Sophie's side, pulling her into a sideways embrace and patting her back as she sobbed quietly. "Sophie, I know you're broken over all this," she whispered back. "But Brennus is not Fitz. How do you know he'll break Evelina's heart? And Evelina is such a talented and pretty girl, I think she can pass, even if you didn't. And if you're worried about seeing Fitz often because of them, don't. Can't you two just become friends? You may never be the star-crossed lovers Sophie and Fitz again, but think about what you were before love happened. Before everything happened. Be the trusting friends Sophie and Fitz again. I believe in you, Sophie. And if Evelina returns Brennus's feelings . . . well, you can't hinder your daughter's happiness just because of your past. You're being a very selfish mother if you do that."

Sophie blinked as she thought more about it. Biana was right—she was being selfish if she did that. And didn't someone once say that being a mother needed sacrifices? Well, she guessed she needed to make one right then.

But worries still clouded her mind, and as she sorted them out, she realised she wanted to know more. And her mind flashed back to Biana's hasty offer.

"Can I see the lists for Brennus and Evelina?" she asked, standing up. "That wasn't what I was coming for, but I think that can wait. Please?"

Biana nodded. "All right. My manager might find out, but I'll have you sign so that he won't say anything. And this is for your daughter, right? No harm in doing that."


"Matches for Evelina Emma Sencen," Biana read aloud as she handed a scroll to Sophie. Sophie unfurled the scroll and her eyes immediately landed on the first name.

1. Brennus Fallon Vacker

The smooth parchment slipped from Sophie's hands, landing on the soft car-peted floor soundlessly—same like Sophie, who was speechless.

"It isn't that accurate, let me warn you about that," said Biana quietly as Sophie's hands trembled uncontrollably. "These names are for fifteen year-old Evelina. Normally you can easily apply for the matchmaking scrolls at sixteen years old. But since it's only a matter of three months before Evelina turns sixteen . . . I wouldn't say it makes much of a difference. But if you want to make sure, you can bring Evelina here when she's the right age."

"So it's really true," Sophie breathed so quietly, Biana had to strain her ears to hear her. "I thought it was just a mere high school crush—but apparently it really is fate."

"I won't take it too seriously, if I were you," Biana warned her. "Evelina's still young. Let her series of events play out naturally—it won't do any good if you force her future against her."

"I guess so," said Sophie, but inside her mind was spinning. It didn't really matter if Brennus wasn't still Evelina's number one three months later. The scroll now was enough evidence that Brennus and Evelina were super compatible. She wouldn't do anything to stop them . . . but Sophie knew she would be paying more attention to Brennus and Evelina now. And now that she thought of it . . . hadn't Evelina said that she was going to Everglen today? She didn't like the feeling of spying on her own daughter—the Black Swan had creeped her out when they did that—but she was definitely going to ask Evelina what they did when she got home.

And maybe . . .


Evelina folded her arms and shot a death glare at Brennus while Ailill pretended not to be watching them. "Don't. You. Dare."

Brennus shrugged, a tint of pink flushing his cheeks, and Ailill looked away. His brother wasn't exactly his number one fan, and he was only enduring him because of Evelina.

But it was quite fun to tease him about his crush on Evelina. And watch him turn red. Then stutter a few words, like, "What? No! I—I don't like her, okay?"

"Sure you do." Ailill had smirked, and then brushed against his shoulder, exit-ing his room. And Ailill's teasing seemed to have done something to Brennus, because now, whenever he was with Evelina, he would sneak more secret glances at her. It was kind of cute, but too icky for Ailill's taste. Like, really? He was just an innocent twelve year-old that was adopted by the Vackers.

Ailill bit his lip. He had no idea where he'd come from. He'd woken up staring at his adoptive father, Fitz, and Fitz went further to explain that he was going to adopt him. So he'd assumed that Ailill's family didn't want him, and disowned him. It was rare in the Lost Cities, Fitz said, but it still happened when the parents were bad.

So here he was, given the name "Ailill Vacker" and no idea where he came from. And the Council didn't too. And when Ailill tried to remember what he had been doing all these twelve years, nothing came out. His mind was blank, like he was starting a new life at twelve years old. And nobody at school welcomed him—because he wasn't really a Vacker, was he? He didn't even look like one. Brennus and Fitz had the same dark brown hair and teal eyes, but Ailill had dirty blonde hair and a darker shade of aquamarine. Fitz was also quite uncomfortable with Ailill around, and sometimes Ailill felt like screaming at him, if you didn't want me around, then you shouldn't have adopted me in the first place! I'm having such a hard time here!

Evelina helped, though. She was the only one that really wanted to be friends. And whenever he was around her, he felt a sisterly-brotherly bond between the two of them.

But now, Brennus the Jerkface of All Jerkfaces was trying to steal her from him.

Evelina scowled, and stood up from the Vacker living room. By her tense and squared shoulders, it was clear she wasn't comfortable here. "I'm bored—let's play something else."

"What about base quest?" asked Brennus, and Ailill's mind clouded with confusion.

"What's base quest?" he asked loudly, mostly to provoke his brother. And Brennus was very easy to provoke.

Sure enough, Brennus scowled. "Don't you know? You—"

Evelina cut in. "Yeah, what is it, Brennus?"

Ailill was pretty sure she knew what it was, and she only asked because she didn't want Brennus to scold Ailill. Ailill shot a grateful smile toward Evelina, and Evelina smiled back. Right at that moment, Ailill's heart warmed with a certain feeling that he couldn't distinguish.

Brennus's scowling face immediately turned cheerful as he faced Evelina as he said, "It's okay if you don't know. Father always used to play base quest with his friends and Aunt Biana when they were young."

Two-faced much?

But all Evelina said was, "Who were his friends?"

Ailill frowned. He didn't know why Evelina wanted to know about such weird things, but Evelina was weird. Anyway, he also didn't know who his adoptive father's childhood friends were. Maybe it would be good common knowledge-ha.

Brennus suddenly looked a little uncomfortable. "Well, there was Keefe Sencen, and Sophie—"

"My parents," breathed Evelina, and even though Ailill didn't know what she was thinking, he could practically see the gears in her head spinning at the speed of light.

What was this all about?

Before Ailill could open his mouth, Evelina clapped her hands together. "Okay, let's go play—"

"Wait," Brennus said. "Base quest requires two teams. And there are three of us. So we need one more person—"

The doorbell rang, making the three of them freeze and look at each other.

Evelina shrugged. "Your dad?"

Brennus frowned. "He's not supposed to be here so early. And after work, he's going out to a fancy restaurant in Atlantis with my mum."

While they were debating who it was, Ailill got up and raced out of the building, opening the gates, wondering who it was. Anyway, it probably was one of their relatives or close friends—

A woman about his father's age stepped in front of him. She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, and she bore a striking resemblance to Evelina. She was clad in a tight-fitting tunic and pants, with a hunter green cape pinned with a family crest that Ailill recognised as the same one Evelina wore.

This woman is Evelina's mother.

Why is she here?

Why does she have brown eyes?

Why does she feel so familiar, but eerie too?

A slight cough broke Ailill's train of thoughts off, and he jerked out of his reverie to see Evelina's mother staring at him the same way he had been staring at her.

"Oh. Um. Um, come in, Lady Sencen—?"

Evelina's mother looked slightly nervous, pulling on the hem of her cape as she said politely, "Call me Sophie, please."

"Okay, alright . . . Sophie. Are you here for Evelina?"

"A little . . ." Sophie suddenly looked away. "I'm also here to see your father. Wait, what's your name? Are you F—Fitz's son?"

"Uh . . ." Ailill didn't know how to tell her who he was. "I'm Ailill. And . . . I'm adopted."

"Oh." Sophie wrung her hands together. "So you're Ailill Vacker?"

The way she said his name was almost affectionate, and Ailill felt a rush of warmth spread into his heart. Fitz usually paid little attention to him, and Aurelia was overprotective, so overprotective that Brennus would be jealous of him.

"Yeah. Lady—um, Sophie, you must be cold outside. Come in, please."


"Your mother is here," Ailill announced to Evelina as he walked in with Sophie. Evelina's eyes bulged at Sophie's appearance, and she seemed confused and taken aback.

"Mum . . . ? How come you're here? You never . . ."

Beside him, Ailill could hear Sophie draw in a sharp breath. "I came to see . . . Ailill and Brennus's father."

Ailill liked the way she said his name first. Then he scolded himself for thinking so selfishly.

Evelina looked even more taken aback. Then she looked down, then at Sophie again. "Okay then. So you're going to be here for quite a while?" When Sophie nodded, Evelina smiled slightly and continued, "Because we were about to play base quest, but we only have three people here—I suppose to have two teams, we need to have four people."

Sophie tensed, and Ailill wondered what Evelina was playing at.

"Well, three can be possible too," she finally said. "If you guys don't mind not playing fair."

Ailill and Evelina exchanged a grin, and Brennus asked, "What?"

"Evelina, then I guess you're with me," said Ailill, trying not to smile as Brennus's jaw went slack.

Evelina nodded. "Don't want to disturb the Ultimate Jerkface, do we? I heard he's the expert in base quest. Might as well team up to try and throw him off."

"Come on!" Brennus complained. "You guys are doing this on purpose—"

"Come on!" said Ailill mockingly, mimicking Brennus's pleading tone. "You know Evelina is petrified of you ever since you kissed her. Cut her some slack. Don't you want to go slow?"

Brennus's face reddened, and he glared at Ailill, an embarrassing expression spreading on his face. "What? No! You—you little—"

Ailill stuck his tongue at him playfully, and pulled Evelina to the fields out-side Everglen. "Come on!" he sung. "Don't you want to chase the girl?"

When he looked back at the living room, Brennus had a mortified expression plastered on his face, while Sophie looked amused. But there was something else in her brown eyes, something Ailill would have missed if he didn't feel so drawn to her.

Wistfulness. And maybe a little bit of sadness.


"So where are we going to hide?" asked Evelina when she had explained the game to Ailill.

They were crouched in one of the shrubs, and beside them, a short and stout gnome was busy tending to the plants. He'd squealed when Evelina accidentally stepped on his foot and he was still glaring at them, even after the two of them had apologised profusely.

Ailill's eyes scanned the pastures and saw Brennus heading toward their direction, his head whipping around to try to catch sight of them. He could also track their thoughts . . .

"No time to think," Ailill hissed. "Just run out of sight, and out of mind too."

He hadn't manifested an ability yet, which was kind of unfair. But he hadn't time to protest as he imagined himself pushing Brennus out of his mind.

Ha, that would have been so awesome if he could actually do it. Brennus was a super strong Telepath—he could enter pretty much everybody's minds.

Ailill ducked behind a big, wide tree and squeezed himself against the trunk. He held his breath as Brennus walked past—funnily, he didn't seem to see him. But Ailill could tell he was stretching his mind outwards to track his thoughts! So was he dumb or was he dumb?

Suddenly, a squeal rang out. Ailill craned his neck out to see Brennus tapping Evelina. Evelina was caught. And their hiding places couldn't be too far from their base. Brennus was coming close . . . close . . . close . . .

"Caught you!" Brennus exclaimed gleefully as his head poked out sideways, making Ailill scream. He darted away from Brennus's waiting hands, and raced away from him as fast as his legs could carry him. Soon, he was channeling energy into his legs to run faster, and soon, Brennus was straying behind. Feeling the wind whistle in his ears, Ailill couldn't help but feel blissful.

But Brennus soon caught up, and he wrapped his arms around Ailill, cackling. Ailill tensed at his touch, and tried to break free. As soon as he succeeded, Ailill pretended to brush the dust off his body, blowing his hands while doing that.

"Phew—he was sure sweaty," he declared dramatically. "And dusty. And disgusting."

He hoped Brennus hadn't known why he'd let go so fast. But from the look on his face, it was clear Ailill's hopes hadn't been answered. It seemed like Brennus wanted to open his mouth and say something, but he stopped when Ailill clutched his head, feeling a sharp burst of pain ripple through his head.

"What's going on, Ai?" Evelina asked, greatly concerned as she rushed over to Ailill's side, and gasped when Ailill fell limp in her arms. "He fainted! What the . . .? Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Someone hail Elwin!"

She glared at Brennus, who was frozen to his spot. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go! And hurry up."

Brennus pulled himself out of his daze, and raced toward the mansion. Evelina shook her head in disgust, then gazed down at Ailill. His face was deathly pale and his skin felt cold when she traced her fingers across his cheek.

A tear slipped down Evelina's cheek and plopped onto Ailill's cheek as she scooped him up and cradled him in his arms. Then she wiped the salty, sad liquid with her thumb and whispered, "Everything's going to be alright."

Then she took the first step forward towards the building where Brennus had disappeared into and started to run as fast as her legs could carry her.

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