You Made Me Love You » h.s fa...

By SimpleAnonymous

32.2K 809 81

Brianna Collins is just a normal teenager. Is she? No. Her college life was miserable. Her life is the one te... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Twenty-Nine

543 21 3
By SimpleAnonymous

•Chapter 29 

Brianna's POV

So classes are over so I decided to go home early to avoid those paparazzi. Wow I am really feeling the "Being Famous Thing". But really this is way too long to the train station. Tomorrow is the last day I am going to school anyway. Oh yeah Graduation. Even when I am at the train station now, I am still thinking about graduation..

Minutes Later...

Finally reached home, too tired. I opened the door and went inside, and closed it back.


So that means. No teachers, No Haters., EASY LIFE! Yes yes yes. But-


"Ow..Sorr-What the this is the 4th time!" I said while touching my head

"Tsk watch where your going and th-" I just walk pass by him and went upstairs. You probably know who that is, the freakin pervert. So back to my thinking. Goodbye School and Goodbye Nathan. 

He told me years ago that after he graduate hes going back to Korea. I went to my room then I lay on my bed. I will never going to see him again. He even doesn't know these years that I like him and tomorrow's the last day. Deal with it Brianna! You're going to confess to him in the back of the school near the fountain after the graduation!

10 Minutes Later....





I can't do it! How am I even gonna confess my love to him. I bet he won't even gonna love me back. I'll just embarass myself

Harry's POV

 Why do I always bump on her.?! What the hell destiny I just pulled my phone on my pocket and read some fan tweets

"Hey I saw that bumping" Louis pooping from somewhere snapping his fingers and pointing at me.

"Tsk yeah and shes mad at me" I said sitting on the sofa

"When did she doesn't?? Well dont worry someday she wont. Well see yah I'm gonna help El shop for her friends' anniv." as he waves and snap his fingers before closing the door. When will she never hate me. She's head over heels to that Nath guy anyway. And why did that pop in my head?

"What's with the weird look?" As someone snap my daydream then I turn and saw her holding her phone

"Do you care?" I said rolling my eyes back to my phone.

"Umm no" she said

"Ahh Hey can I ask you something?" She said sitting next to me

"Your already asking" I said

"Wha-No ahh! Never mind." She said standing up but I held her hand and pulled her back making her sit again. Sshe quickly remove my hand form hers.

"Ia am joking, really what is it?" I chuckled

"*So every people like someone right?" She sigh. Now I know what this is

"And you fancy that Nath guy right?" I said, putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Yeah bu-what?! No!" She said blushing a little bit.

"Ohh come on. It's pretty obvious" I said. She was biting her bottom lip

"Really?! She asks with a high tone of voice.

"A little bit. Cause you can see it in peoples eyes and I see in yours. You're happy with him" for short, your opposite feelings for me.

"Wow thats deep. Do you think he knows?" She asks

"I dont think so he's the only one who can answer that and guys are really good at hiding feelings" I said  

"Yeah for the first time your right." She said as she leans back and look at the ceiling, letting a small sigh

Silence, I was about to pulled my phone out of my pocket..

"I guess I really love him" then she suddenly said that. What is this feeling, in my heart?

"Really? Why don't you say that to him?" I said with low volume voice

"What?" She said, probably didn't heard what I said

"I mean confess like that." I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I can't take this no more

"I cant.." She said almost crying

"Why? You're a great girl anyway. You're cool with games and guys like that.." I said out of nowhere

"Pffftt but there are other girls who's more beautiful, talented around him I'm just a friend and will always be a friend" she said leaning on the sofa and look up again

"Well that's your choice, you still have time anyway." I said reading some tweets again...

"No, tomorrow's our graduation and he'll be going back to Korea the day after." She said, what?

"What? Tomorrow's your graduation? Then we gotta go shopping and buy some stuf-"

"Its okay no need, just Ice cream, chocolate, cake and beef stake is fine" She gigles.

"Okay then that's a deal" I said......

"And its a deal too that I'm gonna confess to him tomorrow" She said while smiling, finally

"Good luck then." I said, forcing a smile

"By the way, why did you follow me on twitter? And first of all how did you find me?" She said raising her eyebrow. I guess we're back to normal

"Don't tell anyone. But I have magic powers in twitter where I can search any person I want and all I have to do is know there full name" I whispered

"Pretty corny there Harold.." She said.

"How did you know my name?" I ask

"Really? That's your name?? I just make that up cause of your name is similar with it, wow." She said smiling and laughing also

"It suits you.." I said

"The what?"

"The smile..."

"Tsk nice try but sorry but those don't work on me" she said standing up

"Who said I want that to work on you?" I said

"Tsk. I'm gonna go now, I wont eat dinner. Tell the others" she said walking up to the stairs but stops "Hey freaking pervert.." she called

"What tomboy?" I said smiling

"I still hate you though but just this time...thanks"

Who knew shes cute. She continued walking into her room.

"That's great you two are getting along" Liam said.

"You saw all of that..?" I said

"Nope. I heard it" Liam said. I forgot to say sorry ahhghhh! Nevermind ill just tell her tomorrow. Liam and I decided to eat and  Zayn and Niall joined us. And they told me they heard it too, that's why it's so quiet. I bet if Louie found this he's gonna tease me again and again. Well thats why I love that little dork.

*the Next day*

Brianna's POV

So I am here in school and I am wearing our school uniform. I hate skirts, and my stepmom is fixing my hair, which made me hate it more

"There you are, heres your juice" my dad said, handing me a box of orange juice

"Thanks dad.." I said as I open the juice.

"Your school is really big sister.." Lottie said. How I miss this guys. When they pick me up this morning first thing I did was hug them. How I miss them so so much

"Well this will be yours and Jill's school someday " I said

"Finished! Now don't ruin my master piece okay?" My stepmom said

"You know what I am proud of you, congrats" she said. Wow for real?

"Thanks.." I said

"We all are" Jill said then I said I am just going to look around for the last time. So just went to look around and went to the garden and saw the school fountain and it works finally. Probably because its graduation. Well the people are increasing. This is it. Suddenly someone just cover my eyes from the back.

"What! Who are you?" I said holding the hands covering my eyes.

"Its the most handsome guy who lived in the whole universe." Yes you are.

"Nathan please." I said

"How did you know?" He said uncovering my eyes and he looks much more handsome. Please dont ever stay away from me.

"Well he's the most arrogant guy too.." I said.

"Really?" He said. We just laugh while we look around the school then suddenly I saw Chelsea.

"Nathan wait here." I said and quickly ran to Chelsea.

"Hey Chelsea" I said

"Oh Bri. Wow you look great."

"Thanks but are you free tomorrow?" I ask.

"Well why??"

"Hmmm because Louis ask too" I lied

"Really?" She said almost jumping up and down for happiness.

"Nope just kidding. Well you see, Niall seem to like you." I said.

"OMG! thats great!!" She said.

"Calm down okay. So are you free?"

"Of Course!" She said with really high tone

"Okay then i'll call you" Then I wave at her and went back to Nathan..

"Whats with the happy reaction of her?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows

"Nothing dude" I said patting his shoulders

"It's about One Direction isnt?" He said

"How did you know??" I asks, looking up at him

"My wait! I wont say it, lets just meet at the fountain and i'll tell you there after graduation" He said while blushing and a big smile on his lips has been formed.

This is it. This is the moment. My heart was beating so fast, it's like I can't move my feet anymore.

"Okay" was all I can say.

*After the graduation*

So yeah I got a honor place and its Magna Cum Laude, as one of the highest positions. Well I'm not the first one so, that's still cool. It's cool being a geek at the same time being I suddenly felt my phone vibrating inside my pocket.

1 new message

NathanI am here! Come, I'm really excited to tell you 'it'

Me too. But I am also nervous. I called my dad first to go ahead and go back home cause the boys and U.S are coming. Then I saw Francis looking like a guy? He's good looking

"Omg Hi Bri you look like a girl!"  So much for the handsome face with a girl's voice

"Well you look handsome.." I said...

"Oh  stop it!" He said. This is why we cant have nice things.

"Where are you off to?" He asks

"Ahh you see I am gonna confess to Nathan.." I said whispering

"Omg! Go girl! " he said, cheering

"Shhhhsss! Well I am off, good luck to me" I said

"Wait we'll guard you" He said.


"So where are you off to?" he said

"To the garden" I said

"Okey then go, we will guard the gate so no one will interrupt you two." He said, nice thinking.

"Thank you" She called Chelsea for his plans and I went to the Garden..

Hayzz. I saw him waving at me so I wave back

"Bri!" he shouted, hugging me. Please stop the time.

"Hey so before you're gonna say something there's something I want to say first." I said looking at his eyes

"Okay ladies first" He said. Sigh, this is it.

"You see weve know each other since were kids, we eat and play together and now this is our last day. I wanted to say thank you for all the things you did to me especially for making me happy .." I said

"Are you gonna make me cry? Don't worry we can still call each other or text or chat when we need each other. That's what friends are for" He said, rubbing my back

"And also I don't wanna be your friend any more" I said, looking at the ground

"What?!" He said, the smile on his face was replace by a frown.

"B-Because I like you..." I said, facing him.

"Ever since we're kids I like you. You're not just a brother or a friend to me Nathan. I love you.."  I can feel my face getting red and a little awkward. So I sat on the edge of the fountain as he follows.

He sat down beside me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

"I am sorry"

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