Burning Love

By silver_moonlight

13.2K 394 145

It has been a year since the seven of the prophecy defeated Gaea. Now, they are relaxing and enjoying their l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 21

241 11 3
By silver_moonlight

Chapter 21

Frances' POV

At exactly 6:00 in the morning we woke up and checked out of the hotel.

According to the list, we shall go to Fessineger Academy where we'll have to fight three Laistrygonians. Namely, Joe Bob, Skull Eater, and Marrow Sucker.

Where in Tartarus did their mother get their names?

Anyway, I have heard that Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson fought them in a different place. Well I guess monsters travel, right?

So, now, we're riding a bus towards our destination. Clarisse sat alone, Leo sat with Dianne (my idea), and I sat with Nico. 

"So, Nico, how you doing?" I asked him, starting up a conversation.

"Honestly, I'm not okay,"  he replied, looking away. 

"Why?" I curiously asked, not minding the fact that he might get angry because of my curiosity.

I saw him clench a fist but later it relaxed. 

He then shook his head. "No reason."

"Nico - please tell me," I said. "You can trust me.  I know you don't want to be pitied or helped at, but I also know you need a friend. A friend, who understands you."

For a second, I thought he'd shout at me or something, but what happened SURPRISED me.

He smiled and hugged me.


Leo's POV

Frances made me sit with Dianne. I knew it! She'd put me up with her! Since she knows I like Dianne, even though I only like her as a friend, and she knows Dianne loves me, she'd put us up together.

And I wouldn't be able to spend that much time with her.

Anyway, I got a little bit jealous when she insisted to sit down with Nico. Honestly, why did she have to sit with Death Boy? She could sit with Clarisse, her friend. Or her sister, Dianne. Or better yet, she could sit with me, the most handsome and hottest bad boy on fire she had ever met.

Or at least I think that.

Death Boy could be dangerous. I admit, I'm a little scared of him. But so is almost everyone in the camp.

So, here I am right now, staring at them. I saw them talking to each other. Frances seem to want something from Nico, probably a secret. Nico is very secretive.

After a few moments, after Frances spoke, Nico smiled and hugged her.

What the holy flying cows! 

Death Boy can't hug her first. I must hug her first. Ugh! I looked away from them. I don't want Frances to know I like her. I don't want Frances to know I love her.


Frances's POV

After a while, Nico pulled away from the hug.

"You are welcome to be my friend Frances," he said, frowning. "It's just that that's the problem. My father told me that if I don't want to lose someone, for example a friend, I wouldn't go on a quest. And I did, I went on a quest. And I don't want to lose a friend, or friends, like you and Dianne. Both of you are the only ones who understand me the most." 

"I don't know what to say to that," I replied. "I just know that IF you lose someone important to you, you must not lose hope and be depressed. Instead, just pray, and just be thankful for all the good memories you had with that person. Okay?"

He nodded, and closed his eyes, after a while he opened them. 

"Oh, and thank you, Frances," he said.

"A true friend always helps a friend," I said, smiling widely. 

Soon, he was asleep.


After a few minutes, we arrived. We got off a bus stop and walked a good five minutes to our destination.

Fessineger Academy... What a weird name....

As we went on inside, things only got weirder. The school was like a ghost town, literally. Since I am a demigod, I could see through the mist. And the school was full of ghosts.

Although some, looked quite normal. Probably some poor mortals who couldn't see through the mist. 

Anyway, the five of us wandered around the school for a few minutes, until the bell rang. All of us still walked through the hall, when suddenly, someone that had a tag that said: Hall Monitor, stopped us.

"Stop right there," he said, in a big voice, that matched his big body. "Who are you? A bunch of newbies?"

First impression: BULLY!

"We're just - um..." began Dianne.

"We're looking for certain people," said Clarisse.

"Who?" asked big-guy. "Who are you looking for, Daughter of Ares?"

All of us were surprised.

"Surprised how I know?" he asked, growing. I mean, literally growing. "You see, a curse is cursed on a certain blade, which enables - oh wait - why am I telling you things."

He shakes his head. He was now eight foot tall with big hairy arms with tattoos. 

"Anyway, let me introduce you to my friends, Marrow Sucker and Skull Eater," as he was speaking, I noticed his teeth were now pointy and his eyes - wild like fire.

Suddenly, two giants that looked like him, appeared by his side.

"By the way, name's Joe Bob," he said, clenching his fists.

He then punched Clarisse, which made me very angry. I then got my sword, and prepared to fight Joe Bob. 

"Hey Big Blob!" I shouted. "Come and get me!"

"It's Joe Bob!" he angrily said as he followed me along the hallway.

Honestly, what am I doing? I don't even know my plan. Good thing the caduceus made me faster.

I then stopped when I reached a sign that said "Science Lab." I looked back and I saw Joe Bob, running towards me with the ground shaking with his every step.

I turned to look at him and saw Dianne also running behind him with her bow and arrow, ready for aim. 

Joe Bob smiled and stopped when he reached a meter in front of me. 

"The sword of Peleus," he said, glancing at the sword in my hands. "Never have seen a sword like it."

He then made his way towards me, just in time for Dianne to shoot her arrow at Joe Bob and just in time for Joe Bob to....

Dodge it and quickly threw a sharp thing - a blade - towards Dianne.

It all happened so fast.

Just as the blade almost touched Dianne, Nico appeared out of nowhere and blocked the blade out of Dianne's way, leaving the blade, hurtling towards his chest. 

Nico lied down on the floor, bleeding.

Dianne gasped and cried at the same time I yelled, "Nico!"

Good thing, she has healing powers. I just hope this time it works.

"Hmmm, who's next?" Joe Bob smiled, which caused me to focus on the battle more.

"Grrrrr!" I exclaimed as I threw myself at Joe Bob, dagger at one hand, sword at the other. 

Although I wasn't big enough for him, I managed to stab his stomach, which caused it to bleed, and for him to howl in pain.

I climbed up him and managed to get on his shoulder. What could I say? I'm a natural climber! 

I stabbed his shoulder again and again, until it bled. 

He kept moving his body and arms, it was hard for me to hold on. 

"Aaarrrgghhh! Daughter of Mercury!" Joe Bob screamed.  Suddenly, his big hairy hands touched my body and threw me to the floor. My head hit a concrete block by the side.

Oh boy, it hurt. I touched my head and saw blood trickling. I was now all covered in wounds and bruises. 

I looked up and saw that Joe Bob held a flask in one hand with green bubbling liquid. 

I wanted to stand up and fight, but I can't. There's no energy left in me. 

"What's that?" I asked instead, pointing towards the liquid. 

"This?" said Joe Bob. "This a just a potion that contains water from the River Lethe, that can make you forget everything in your life with just one drop. Don't worry! This won't hurt a bit. It's side effects are just itchiness, weariness, paralysis, and pain." 

"What?!" I screamed. Is this the end for me? Would I forget everything in my life? In my current exhausted state, it would be easy to say yes. I closed my eyes, and waited.

"Now, any last memorable words?" I heard Joe Bob ask.

"Dianne, whatever happens, I love you. And please tell Mom I love her too," I said with my eyes closed, as Joe Bob pours the potion over my body.



I hate having writer's block, because for almost 2 weeks, I had a terrible case of them. So, I'm sorry for the late update.

So, what do you think will happen? COMMENT it.

And please vote for this chapter if you like it, thanks!

Read and Rock on!

Lea V.

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