Exiled Chronicles - Purge War...

By con782

1.5K 27 3

Deox and Apprentice are part of The Anti-Exiled Ones and are agents in the middle of a nine year war against... More

Chapter 1: Snow Village.
Chapter 2: Back at Base.
Chapter 3: The Meeting.
Chapter 4: Pub Knowledge.
Chapter 5: Old Friends.
Chapter 6: Casual Hitman.
Chapter 7: Free For All.
Chapter 8: Phase Two.
Chapter 9: Aftermath.
Chapter 10: History
Chapter 11: Genesis
Book Two - Connections
Chapter 1: The Front Lines.
Chapter 2: Giggling Brunette
Chapter 3: Anti-Exiled Ones.
Chapter 4: The Exiled Ones.
Chapter 6: Meet the Esclavo.
Chapter 7: Genesis Clash.
Chapter 8: Family?!.

Chapter 5: Secret Mission.

73 1 0
By con782

After remembering the past Reaper, Void and Amp all made their way to the make shift barracks within the destroyed High School. They needed to kill five more hours. As they were walking a phone rang. It was Reapers. 

“Yes Hello?”

“Yes I will be their in five minutes”

“Sorry guys got to do something ill be back for the meeting.”

And Reaper disappeared into the shadow of Amps wheelchair.  Amp and Void were left in the hallway looking puzzled but Reaper was always mysterious a lot like Deox.  Void and Amp made their way to the Barracks to get some sleep before the meeting. 

Violet and Cole were sitting in the middle of Princess street with the steel cage that held her pet. Violet was storming back and forth much like a five ear old not getting their own way. Hey witch hat bobbed back and forth as she ranted. Cole sat on top of the cage was lying down chilling out. For a hitman Cole was never that serious about it. The rules that he was were given were the code but he never really lived by them. They had been waiting for over an hour. It was not one of Violets strong points waiting. She was started chanting mini spells and shooting blasts at buildings. 

“Kazam Shoop” 

A pink ball of energy flew at the shop glass exploding on contact. 

“Am bored Cole entertain me!” Violet ordered

Cole slothfully turned his head to her. He clicked his right finger. Nothing happened. 

“Well! I want to be entertained!” Violets mood not calming down.

Her eyes were Bright purple now shining bright. Then bang. She turned to be faced with ten figures that all wore black hoodies with the imprint of a skeleton on them. She turned to Cole. Her cheeks puffed up and a frown on her face.

“Only ten and the same old black jeans skeleton hoodies look.”

“Leave me alone, am saving ma energy for the boy.” Cole replied.

He then turned his head back slowly and went to sleep. Two of them pounced at Violet she just spray her hands in their direction a dust of purple flew at them. On contact it made them explode. Two more jumped at her as she was open. She chanted a little.


As they made contact with her eyes their eyes exploded. Three attacks they split up left, right and straight. She lifted both hands and a giant purple wall came out and shot and them. Slightest contact made them explode as usual.  The last three split up and went for different attacks the one that went for right kicked at her head. She ducked He hat was kicked of her head. Violet snapped no one touched her hat. She slammed her hands on the ground and before the other two could attack they exploded from beams of purple light below them. She picked up her hat and popped it on. She then looked at Cole sleeping soundly on top of the cage. She was in a bad mood and he was going to find out about it. She floated above the Cage and above Cole and stopped floating she dropped onto Coles chest feet first. He burst into sand. A chuckle came from behind the cage. It was the real Cole. 

“you think I was dumb enough to be that open such a silly lass. I knew one of them would knock your hat off. That’s why I hid.” Cole said

Violet stormed of the cage and started moaning to her pet. Cole sat went back behind the Cage to see the view of the Princess gardens. The pants were blooming around the rubble and mortar holes from the war nine years ago. Cole always found it sad as he was from Edinburgh and guilty that he didn’t fight.  The shadow that Cole cast Reaper emerged from it.

“He will be here in a matter of minutes.” Reaper said.

“How do you know?” Asked Cole.

“Leader was tracking him.” replied Reaper.

Violet rushed around the cage to see Reaper. 

“About time am bored I wanna play with the boy and my pet!” she shouted.

“He’s here” Cole said pointing to a boy in a suit in the distance being followed by a small army of weird humanoid figure. 

“Get ready he’s going to fight to kill us. And were going to fight to keep him alive.” Reaper said

They all entered Fighter stance. 

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