A Living Dream // 5sos

By blackbear96

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18 year old Evelyn Rose isn't your typical girl. No one really understands her and she doesn't have a lot of... More

A Living Dream
chapter 1: a regular, boring day
chapter 2: a new beginning
chapter 3: everything will change
chapter 4: a new day
chapter 5: a whole new message
chapter 7: now or never
chapter 8: mixed emotions
chapter 9: make up
chaptet 10: duets
chapter 11: emotional fan girl
chapter 12: planning
chapter 13: count down
chapter 14: Goodbye Canada
chapter 15: Hello Australia
chapter 16: shut up hemmings
chapter 17: 1D?
chapter 18: girl talk
no one probably cares but.....
chapter 19: i hate nerves
chapter 20: sounds live
chapter 21: reckless behaviors
chapter 22: feels live
chapter 23: fluffy unicorns
chapter 24: change is good, right?
chapter 25: distance
chapter 26: break
im so sorry

chapter 6: a not so boring saturday

242 21 7
By blackbear96

Evelyn's POV:

"This girl is awesome, check her out!!"

"Oh my gawd hsjsjxhchsjsnahagdg this person is amazing!"

"Marry me please/<3"

These were only a few of the many comments, tweets and retweets.

I was very proud of my cover of outer space/carry on. 5sos was always one of my inspirations. And the fact that they posted stuff about me, made me love them even more. Not just because their good looking.....don't get me wrong, they are.....but what they have done for me is just so shocking. But its a good kind of shock.

"Wow, people actually like me. And they know I exist? How is this even possible?!" 

"I don't know Eve. But somehow, it just happened."  Riley answered. And I couldn't have answered my question better than her.

"I have to dm Luke. I haven't for a while. I haven't been on twitter in so long."  I said while rushing upstairs to get my phone, Riley following me.

"Yeah. And maybe try and dm the other boys too." 

I pretty much ignored that comment and went right to the dm's Luke and I had sent a while ago. He messaged me a couple times. Now I felt bad for not responding.

From @luke5sos:  hi :-) I really like all the covers you've posted. You're a really good singer

From @luke5sos:  is everything ok? I wanna talk to you

From @luke5sos:  you haven't responded in a few days. I'm worrying. Do you hate me? :-(

The last dm made me feel extra guilty. I didn't want to make him feel this way. Riley's right, this could be my big break. I can't mess this up.

I started typing.

To @luke5sos:  hi I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to not respond, I just haven't been on social media since I posted my outer space cover. Thanks for all the publicity by the way. <3

I sent the dm. I was nervous. I didn't expect him to respond right away, so to pass the time, Riley and I kept reading tweets and comments on my video.

"Wow you're really hot. Please date me."  Riley tries to mimicke a deep voice to resemble a boy. These comments were hilarious.

"Oh my gosh. Literally so cool. #coolforthesummer"  I read as Riley laughed so hard almost in tears.

"What the heck? Hashtag cool for the summer? What does that even mean?"  She said in between  laughs.

"I have no idea. But who cares! At least people like my voice and stuff!"  I practically yelled out of excitement.

Our laughter stopped when my phone went off. I got a notification on dm's. From Luke. Now I grew more nervous. Riley just sat in silence as she waited for me to open the conversation. With shaky fingers, I opened and read what he had to say.

From @luke5sos:  omg ur alive! Thank god. Don't worry about not responding. I wasn't ready to give up yet. The boys told me we should post something about you singing so, you're welcome. I knew it would get your attention.

Oh my gosh. I'm freaking out on the inside, even if this isn't the first time we've talked.

I showed Riley his response. She read it slowly and when she was finished, her eyes lit up. They turned a whole different shade of green and I wasn't sure if I should be happy or scared.

When I am tackled by a hug, I now  know that I should feel happy. The hug lasted a long time. But who could blame us. Our favourite band just noticed us. This is insane.

"What should I say back?"  I almost whispered, unable to talk from all the shock.

"I don't know. Try and start a conversation with him. Show him you're normal. Well, semi normal. Just don't make things awkward."  Riley said, a smile not leaving her face.

This was truly a great way to start my saturday.

Riley was about to say something, but she's interrupted by a soft knock at my door.

"Come in"  I stated, but it sounded more like a question.

I'm welcomed by Josh. I had forgotten about the condition I had seen him in when I went in his room earlier. He looked different now though. He brushed his hair and washed the dry tears off his face and out of his eyes. He's even wearing a grey long sleeve shirt now, hiding the scars beneath. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the memory.

"Oh, hey Rye. Sorry if I'm intruding. I'll come back later Eve."  His voice was shaky and cracked a little. I guess he was crying again before he washed up. I hates seeing him like this.

"No Josh its ok. I'm sure Rye doesn't mind you hanging around. Come sit."  I reasurred him with a smile. Riley did the same.

I patted the empty spot in between us on my bed. He slowly made his way toward us. As he sat down, I got another twitter notification.

"Who's that?"  Josh asked looking confused and curious.

"Its Luke hemmings. And before you tease me, he's actually nice and he likes my singing. Along with the rest of the band. And a lot of people on twitter also like my singing."  I answered with a huge grin. Josh still looked confused so I gave him my phone so he could read the messages.

His eyes went big. I wasn't expecting that reaction.

"Wow. They really do like your singing huh? Well, don't replace me. I'll always be your number one fan Eve."  After that he gave me a tight hug. I gladly returned it. I had to tell him I saw what he'd done to himself. I'm glad he didn't try anything extreme.

"Of course Josh. Always. Ok, what should I say to Luke now?"  I let go of Josh to let him get into a more comfortable position.

"Well, you should clarify that you are indeed alive and well and say thanks to the boys. Maybe ask how he's doing and stuff. But don't make it too awkward or lame."  Sometimes Riley can sound like a teacher.

"Ok. I'll try having a non-lame non-awkward conversation with him. Am I really that awkward with people?"  I asked as I started to type.

"Once you get to know the person, you're talkative and stuff. But if you've just met someone, you're usually awkward."  Riley responded. Huh, I wasn't like how she said when I first met Jack. I wonder why.

I didn't say anything back. I continued to respond to Luke.

To @luke5sos:  hahahaha yeah I'm alive. Thanks to you and the guys! Spreading the word about me means the world. You're all so sweet. So, how is everyone? Including yourself.

I was happy with my response. It had more of me and a little less fan girl. I didn't want Luke thinking I was only talking to him because I was a fan. I'm also talking to him to create a bond and to talk about my music.

He quickly responded.

From @luke5sos:  no problem. A pretty girl with an amazing voice doesn't deserve to be kept a secret. ;-) I'm good and so are the boys. Were actually getting ready for an interview right now so I'll have to talk later. Sorry

I didn't want the conversation to end so early, but it was getting a bit awkward so I guess it was for the best. I responded with something short and sweet.

To @luke5sos:  thanks. And don't worry, we have plenty of time to talk. Have fun! :-D

After I sent that last message, I closed my phone and motioned for Josh and Riley to follow me.

I went downstairs to the living room. I turned on the tv and went to Netflix. I then gave Josh the remote so he can find something to watch.

I hear the front door open. At first I panic but then I realise mom said she'd be back in a few after picking up stuff for dinner.

"Hey mom. What did you get?"  I asked as I helped her bring a few bags to the kitchen.

"I got a box of frozen pizza that you can warm up later. I also got some drinks and some snacks in case you guys are still hungry."  She reaponded while putting a few bags of chips in the cubbord.

"Thanks mom. You're the best."  I hugged her from behind. I'm glad my mom changed her life around. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Hey Eve. My mom just texted me. I gotta go. I'll come by tomorrow though. Bye Ms.Rose! Bye Josh!"  Riley yelled on her way out the door.

"Ok bye Rye!"  We all yelled back almost in sync.

"Oh, Evelyn"  my mom started, "I know I said I was going to leave by 7 but Robert called and wants to take me on a walk around Toronto first. So I'll be leaving soon." 

"That's ok. I want you to be happy and have some actual fun for once."  I replied. She then responded with a warm hug.

After putting the groceries away, I went back to where Josh was and sat down next to him. I told him where mom was gonna be this evening and he seemed pretty chill about it. He's usually a chill person, but today, he didn't have an expression. His face was blank. I really needed to talk to him soon.

"Bye guys I'm leaving now! Robert is outside. My phone will be on all night so call if you need me. I love you both!"  And with that the door shut closed. Nows my chance.

"So Josh, is everything ok at school?"  I started off suttle. I didn't want to be too obvious.

"Yeah its good I guess."  His face was still blank. I had to tell him.

Don't cry Evelyn. Don't cry.

"Ok, I have to be honest with you. Josh, I went to go wake you up this morning. I got into your room and saw that you had been crying. I wanted to find out why and I saw your phone was open. I saw the messages Josh. All of them. And I, I um...."  By this time I was holding back tears.

I was about to continue but I was taken back by 2 arms wrapped around me. I gladly put my arms around him too. I could hear his quiet sobs and couldn't help but let a few tears run down my face.

"I'm sorry Evelyn. I'm so sorry. The messages got to my head. Please don't tell mom. I'll never do it again."  Josh said in between sobs. I felt so bad. I hated seeing him so vulnerable.

"It's ok Josh. Everything will be ok. But, the bullies won't stop unless you do something about it. We have to tell mom. We don't have to tell her what you did to yourself, but we have to tell her about the bullies"  he nodded, knowing what needed to be done, "but Josh, please. Next time you think about doing something like that, just come talk to me ok? I'm always here to help and comfort you. Promise me you'll come and talk to me."  I said while looking straight into his eyes.

"Yeah. I promise Eve. And I will  not break it."  He smiled warmly at me.

That went a lot better then I thought. I knew he just needed someone to talk to.

We continued watching our movie and then when it was about 6:30 I started warming up our dinner. We had small conversations and Josh actually smiled a lot. I'm glad that he's feeling a bit better. I plan to make everything work out. On Monday, those bullies don't know what's coming for them.

Watch your back Derek.

Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School sux. SUX hahahahahaha see what I did there? Some people will understand. U know who u are.

Sorry for spelling errors and stuff.

Thanks to everyone who supported me with this story. I really appreciate it.


Those r a few people.

Have a great day!

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