Assassination on the Kill

Af Angelgirl4ever02

2.5K 77 12

Known as the strongest team in the Assassin World, they make impossible missions a success. Though only at ag... Mere

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Night Reaperz
Chapter 2: Night Reaperz's Daily Lives
Chapter 3: A New Friend (Part 1)
Chapter 4: A New Friend (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 1)
Chapter 7: Not All Surprises Are Nice (Part 2)
Chapter 8: You're One Of Us
Chapter 9: Good Luck
Chapter 10: Mischievous Glint
Chapter 11: Spirits
Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot
Chapter 13: The Masked Man
Chapter 14: Not The Only Ones Here
Chapter 15: The Past That Haunts
Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time
Chapter 17: Triple The Trouble
Chapter 18: Preparation
Chapter 19: Puissance

Chapter 5: Enemies

71 1 0
Af Angelgirl4ever02

**In the basement of a tall tower**

Sounds of running footsteps echoed throughout the metal halls. The Night Reaperz were running at top speed towards the main office. If they didn't hurry, a new chemical would be exposed to the world. They soon reached an iron door with a lock. Voices could be heard. Going through the front wouldn't be smart nor safe. 2bullet looked around, and noticed the air vent, he pointed upwards for the rest to see. Everyone nodded as 2bullet started unscrewing the screws off the air vent and carefully pushing the cover through. Suddenly, a voice could be heard, "Quick, this way!" If they didn't hurry they'll get caught. Everyone jumped into the air vent before closing it back. All five froze as they saw the guards directly under them, they had barely made it. Quickly, they crawled north to the main office. Once above the office, they watched from above.

There were five men standing in a row, each holding a test tube of different coloured liquid in them. There were three other men on the opposite side, facing the five. The Reaperz immediately recognized their targets, the same one that had tricked them. In the center was Joon Li, flipping through some documents, by his right was his assistant, an accomplice to the crime, and by the left was a man in a lab coat taking down notes, probably works there and not hired personally but still, an accomplice. "Down the hatch boys." Joon Li snickered.

All five put the test tube to their lips. After drinking them to the very last drop, the effects started to kick in. One guy fell to the floor screaming in pain. Another had foam forming out of his throat. The third was hitting his chest repeatedly, as if he was choking on something. The forth had an instant scream of pain and immediately stopped moving. The fifth was rubbing his eyes so hard, tears were falling out and blood was spilling out of his mouth. The very sight was nasty, and yet Joon Li didn't even flinch.

He passed the document file to his assistant as he observed them, then he calmly told the guy taking notes, "It's the forth one," then he turned to his assistant, "with this it'll be a huge success." They high fived.

OO9 clicked her tongue in annoyance. That gave Phantom the signal that she can't take it anymore. Phantom took out a tiny ball from her belt, removed the pin before dropping it in the slits of the air vent. As it dropped to the floor, smoke started to fill the room. "What?!" Joon Li quickly covered his mouth and started to cough. The Reaperz took this confused moment to jump in. They didn't bother with the other five as they were already dying from what they drank. "How nice of you to drop in..." Joon Li said sarcastically but he trailed off, not knowing who they were, his face was soon covered in confusement. OO9 facepalmed, "Reaperz, Night Reaperz. We are in the news every single week and you're telling me you don't know us? I'm pretty sure we're quite famous." she exclaimed. "Literally we did drop in but technically, you should have invited us." 50k spitefully said. Suddenly the door bust open, guards came in, surrounding them. "12 guards, 5 assassins, 3 targets, 1 goal... Double nine and I will take care of the guards, Phan and 50k will take on the targets while bullet goes through the data...And have pizza afterwards?" Trixie murmured to herself about the calculations part then telling the others of the next part and exclaimed the last part. "Sure, we could go after school." Phantom suggested. Three seconds later, the fight broke out.

3 guards tried to run over and protect the targets but were stopped short by OO9. "Sorry not sorry but you're with us." she simply said before elbowing one in the ribs, he bent over in pain and she used this opportunity to kick him towards the other two whom fell flat at the sudden heavy weight on top of them, the shock crushed their bones. The guy on top immediately got up and charged towards her with a knife. He strikes, she dodges. In that same second she grabbed him by the shoulder and flipped him over onto his back, hard.

"Nice." Trixie said as she looked at the now group of 6-wait, she turned to see 3 had passed them and were now fighting with Phantom and 50k. Damn it, she thought. "Hey little girl, are you lost? Put your hands up and we won't hurt you." Two guards approached, gun in hand. "Try me." Trixie said, standing casually and crossing her arms with a smirk playing on her lips. The guards were taken a little aback but quickly regained their footing before taking aim. Two shots echoed in the large office. Trixie easily dodged their bullets. More were shot. She took a step forward under the bullets' path. In one swift moment she was directly infront of them, she stabbed them in the heart with her katanas before jumping back as the bodies fell to the floor. Suddenly she was surrounded by the remaining guards with Jennifer. 4 left. She turned to look at Jennifer, she nodded. They stood back to back. Jennifer took out her dual guns while Trixie took out her riffle. "Let's play." They swiftly shot the 4 remaining guards. They noticed in the corner of their eye, Joon Li and his assistant was getting away, with the files. The man in the lab coat was lying on the floor, the coat stained. Right next to the man was an unconscious guard.

Phantom and 50k were still fighting the two guards, the one whom 50k was fighting off kept trying to get to 2bullet whom was still at the computer. They jumped into their fight, "He's getting away, you two get him while we handle this." Trixie said as she and Jennifer pushed them out of their fight and fought in their place. They nodded and ran off to the exit. Phantom clicked onto her earpiece, "Flame, you're on. You know how they look like, guards are probably with them, they're heading west. Be careful, we're on our way." "Roger." Flame replied.

**At the West Tower**

Joon Li, his assistant and the guards came to a stop in the hallway. Their path blocked, by a 15 year old with a mask that only covered the lower part of his face, his orange fringe covering his eyes. He slowly looked up with yellow gold eyes, so hard that it was like stone. "Get him." Joon Li muttered under his breath. The five guards charged towards him. Flame ran towards them, dodged their attacks and sprayed them with one of the cans he had on his belt. They were soaked head to toe with gasoline. Clink! The can drops to the floor. Flame clinked his teeth and blew, a little fire appeared out of his mouth as if he was a dragon. "Night..." he grinned. He inhaled a deep breath before clinking hard and exhaled a breath of fire at them. They instantly caught on fire, they tried to roll on the ground to put it out but to no avail. What he had attached to his teeth were a pair of lighting tonsils in cube form, they stuck on like braces.

Joon Li, immediately fled at the sight. His assistant stumbled and fell but received no help from Joon Li. Flame held the assistant down as he called back. "Target is out of my range, I've got the accomplice held. Target headed east this time, to the roof." He hanged up before a reply could be made. "Now, tell me what you know. And maybe I'll spare you." Flame said to the assistant, holding him up by his collar.

**East Roof**

Joon Li repeatedly clicked the up button of the lift. The lift was slowly coming, as if taking it's own sweet time. Joon Li heard running footsteps around the corner. He clicked the button even more. Eventually he gave up, he turned to use the stairs. The Reaperz got a glance of him, just as he turned the corner. "There!" OO9 pointed. They quickly disperse themselves. 50k and 2bullet would take the stairs behind Joon Li, Phantom and Trixie will use their grappling hooks to climb and reel themselves from the window to the roof. OO9 will take the lift that had just arrived, this way he won't be able to go back down and he'll be surrounded. All at once, broken pieces of glass lay on the floor, rapid footsteps echo and the doors of the lift closed.

Joon Li hurried up, not caring about his rapid heart beating. He locked the door after slamming it open. He gasp as he turns. There by the edge of the roof was Phantom and Trixie. he ran for the lift but the minute the doors opened, there standing was OO9. He tried to unlock the staircase but it was already broken into by 2bullet and 50k. They backed him into the center of the roof. He held onto the files closely as they surrounded him. "Hand it over." Phantom approached. "Never!" He took out a 9mm pistol, but none of them flinched. "With this, I'll succeed! I'll be the best writer in the world! No one will not buy my books. I'll be rich!" his eyes glinted with arrogance. "Last chance JL, give us the file." 2bullet stepped forward. "No!" He shot his pistol at 2bullet but of course he'd miss in that rush. Everyone took out their weapons. Phantom went in and slashed his arms, causing him to drop the file. 50k swooped down to pick up the file but Joon Li raised a leg, blocking her path. Trixie shot his legs with her riffle causing him to fall backwards by the impact. 50k quickly grabbed the file before jumping away from the fight, keeping the file far from him. OO9 and Phantom approached the living body that was slowly bleeding. "I'm afraid we'll need these." Phantom was holding up two rings in her right hand. His eyes widened as he struggled to get up. One ring bore his name, another was given to him by the company he worked for as a token. 50k held up the file, "And this." "This is goodnight from us to you, remember us in your next life." and with that OO9 had shot Joon Li.

Everyone did a group high-five. 2bullet called Flame, "Mission Success, meet us on the roof." Everyone pulled down their hoods that had been covering their heads the whole time. They let the breeze cool their sweat. Flame jumped up from the edge of the roof. "Wow, are all your missions like that?" he asked whilst removing his mask and hood, revealing his sweaty hair. "Usually they don't backfire and they're more intense sometimes." OO9 answered. "OO9, we're leaving soon so would you please..." Trixie gestured to the body. "Oh right." She smeared her 4 fingers in the target's blood. She drew their mark beside Joon Li's body before placing an envelope beside. Flame's face looked a little pale. "Do you have to do that?" he ask disgusted. "It's a thing now and the one who does the final blow gets the honors." OO9 say as she got up. "Let's go, I got the data, Phantom has the rings, 50k has the file and OO9 has done the honors." 2bullet say as he turned around, ready to go. "Wait." Trixie called out. She bent beside the body as she picked up his 9mm pistol. "Can't leave evidence." she waved it around.

Everyone pulled back their hoods as they started making their way back to the house. "Who knew a mission would be within 150km range from home." 50k mused. Jumping roof to roof, they jumped through the silent night. When they were within a few more jumps from their own roof, dawn broke through the night sky. The sky turned from purple to crimson as the 6 admired the view. When the sun was about half rised, 2bullet suddenly exclaimed, "Shoot! School starts in 45 minutes!" Everyone quickly hurried back into the house to change and refresh. After getting ready and helping Flame for his first day, they ran all the way to school, exhausted but relieved as the last bell rang when they entered the building.

"So close." Tricia said as she tried to catch back her breath. "Yea but we still have these on us." Takahiro say as he showed his thumbdrive, Iris the rings and Katherine the file...Tricia gasped. The 9mm pistol was in her bag. "Oh no, what are we gonna do?" Vince asked. "For now, nothing." Katherine say as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "Let's get you settled in first." They brought Vince to the 3rd level where there were two people holding up signs with Vince's name. "These are our seniors whom will be taking care of you in their class while we're in ours, you're older than us after all. We'll meet here at the same spot when break comes, we'll accompany you, otherwise, don't move." Takahiro says. "Let's go we're late!" Jennifer pushed everyone towards the stairway. "Bye Vince" they say in unison. "Hi Vince, I'm John and this is my twin sister, Jenna." John introduced him and his sister. They held out their hands for him to shake. He took them, "We hope you enjoy these 2 weeks with us." Jenna say with a smile.

Meanwhile, the other 5 were sliding down the handles of the stairway, towards the 1st level. They slid into their classroom. Just as their math teacher, Miss Lee, greeted the class. "Late again?" Miss Lee questioned with a raised eyebrow. "All for one, one for all?" Tricia say, awkwardly. "Get to your seats, I'm handing back your math quiz today." Miss Lee said before turning to the whiteboard to write down the answers. They sat at their seats which were of course, near each other. They picked up the quiz that were on their desk. Same score... "All right, let's begin...." 


"Okay class, settle down." Mr Sim clapped his hands together, "we have a new student with us starting from today for two weeks." "An exchange student?" someone raised their hand. "Yes, now Vince, please introduce yourself." Vince stepped forward, clearing his throat. "Er hi, I'm Vince and I'm from London. I'll be joining this class for the next two weeks as an exchange student, I hope to get along with all of you." "Very nice Vince, your seat shall be beside John." Vince walked along to the back of the class, he noticed in the corner of his eye, a foot stuck out, it's purpose clear. He continued walking, when he reached the foot, not only did he step on it, he whispered to it's owner sarcastically, "Oops, my bad." with a small smirk. 

He sat down in his seat as Mr Sim started talking about core values. "Dude! Why'd you do that?! That's Billy, also known as Bull for his tremendous bullying. Even teachers turn a blind eye! He is so after you now and don't you dare get me involved." John said before going back to his notes. "Relax, I got this." Vince simply replied. The only big bull I know, is Leo. 


The bell finally rang to mark break. Everyone rushed forward but 5 went upwards. Vince leaned on the wall by the staircase as he waits for his friends, eyes glued to the screen of his phone. Hm? The light around him darkened slightly, someone was approaching him, three someones. He watched as two of the shadows raised their hands. So cliche...but, might as well have fun whilst I wait. He walked towards the staircase, faking not knowing about the people behind him, and stopped at the very edge, pretending to check his phone again. Then he felt it, the slight movement in the air. He swiftly moved aside as two people went tumbling down the stairs in shock. He raised his arm and then two fingers behind him to stop the bucket of dirty water from spilling on him. "Oops, I seem to make enemies easily." He said as he turned around to face Billy, whose face was full of frustration. "Urgh, how did you know I was behind you?" Billy asked in anger. "Skills." Vince shrugged. "Vince!" he turned around to see the 5 friends standing behind him. "Well, gotta go. Let's play again next time." Vince turned on his heel and let go of the bucket he was still holding up. The water spilled slightly on to Billy's shoes.

Billy gritted his teeth as he watched Vince joined the five. "Better watch out new kid." he muttered under his breath before walking away. His two companions behind him.  

Author's Note

Hi peeps! Late again but I've had the time recently so this one finished faster than I intended. I actually rewrote the whole plot when one of my friends pointed out a mistake I made. The next one would latest come by late February hopefully. Till then, stay tuned!

Have you spotted the new unwritten characters I added in? Keep track of them ;)  

New Characters in this Chap: John, Jenna, Billy, Mr Sim, Miss Lee 

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