Affair | CAKE

By lvergurl

63.6K 3.8K 2K

where luke is a teacher and meets a man who's been having problems with his wife. dom!calum [ON HOLD] More



1.8K 132 83
By lvergurl

"Good morning, Mr. Hemmings." One of Luke's students smiled, looking up at her teacher and walking inside of the classroom. Luke watched from the door as she rushed to her seat inside of the room.

Luke glanced around the hallway on that Monday morning, feeling so refreshed about everything in his life. He found someone he was truly in love with and that man told his wife about everything which made Luke feel at ease with everything.

His eyes then caught the sight of a woman walking inside of the hallway. She wasn't a teacher since none of them had such curly and black hair. Luke's eyes widen when the woman lifted her head, it was Nicki. Their eyes locked and Nicki immediately sped walk over to Luke as she ripped off her gloves.

"Nicki, I'm sorry —" Luke began but was automatically cut off when feeling a hand slap against his cheek. He gasped, his head turning to the side as he cupped his cheek with his hand. Hearing all of the teachers gasp, Luke's face turned red.

"Screw your sorry." Nicki snapped, hate and anger filling her eyes. She stared down at Luke as the blonde lifted his head to look at her. Luke understood that she was angry so he wasn't going to fight back or try to deny the fact that he had been sleeping with her husband.

"I understand that you're upset and you have every right to be." Luke stated, glancing around the hall and feeling small when noticing all of the teachers and some students staring at the two.

"Thank you for that insight." Nicki said sarcastically. The people around them were trying to hear what they were saying but the students and their parents were being way too loud.

"Can we talk somewhere private?" Luke asked in a whisper after glancing around the room. He shakily clasped his hands together as his stomach filled with nerves and guilt.

"Private? Why do you get any consideration when you have shown none for me? Either of you, all you two did was lie." Nicki exclaimed, enunciating her words with heartbroken and angry eyes.

"We should've talked to you sooner but we've been completely honest, we didn't lie." Luke said calmly, trying to keep himself quiet so he wouldn't bring even more attention to their conversation, unlike Nicki. But, he couldn't be mad at her for it. He's done far worse to her.

"Didn't lie? You snuck around, you broke up my marriage with a pack of lies with some crap like not being able to connect." Nicki explained, also knowing that fact that Calum was gay but the tan man should've talked to her about it and not have lied to her. "He didn't have any trouble connecting with you."

"Calum didn't tell you about us?" Luke asked as a look of confusion formed in his face. Tilting his head to the side, he gave Nicki a rose eyebrow and a look of realization.

"No, of course not. That would've been the honorable thing to do."

"He — He said that he would tell you."

"Well it looks like he lied to you too. Good luck, making it work." Nicki sighed, turning around and began walking away. But, she stopped and glanced at Luke before giving him a cold eye. "You two deserve each other."

That's when Luke wanted to break down and cry. His eyes looked around and saw the teachers whispering to each other, glancing at him occasionally and giving him a mean look. Luke took a shaky breath before making his way back into his classroom.

He immediately walked over to his desk and began packing his things. Luke told the class that he wasn't feeling well so he would find a substitute for them before he left. The blonde couldn't teach when he wanted to just cry and scream. He was so hurt that Calum lied to him and never even told Nicki.

But how did Nicki find out?

That was the question that rung through Luke's mind as he drove home from the school. Him and Calum were very careful. When they were in town, they would barely walk next to each other. How could someone find out? Suddenly, Luke remembered something.

He told Michael.

What if Michael told Nicki? But Michael barely knows Nicki. Luke immediately turned to where the diner was and parked it car. He quickly got out and made his way inside, pushing the door open roughly. Seeing Michael serving people, the blonde walked up to the red haired boy.

"Oh, hey Luke! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" Michael teased, giving Luke a cheek grin as he brushed his hands on his pants.

"I need to talk to you." Luke said coldly, grabbing Michael's arm and pulling the older man away from the table. He opened the bathroom door and slammed it shut, locking it behind him. He rolled his eyes when seeing how frightened Michael looked.

"Luke, what's wrong? Why do you look so mad?" Michael slowly asked, putting his hands in front of himself so Luke wouldn't hit him.

"Why the hell would you tell Nicki about me and Calum? I told you that I would get him to tell her but you had to tell her? What is wrong with you? I —" Luke started before Michael gave him a confused look. "What?"

"I —I didn't tell Nicki, Luke."

"Then how the hell does she know? Did you tell someone?"

"Oh." Michael muttered, looking at the floor.

"Oh? Who the fuck did you tell?" Luke snapped.

"I might've told Ashton." Michael whispered as he looked up at Luke and immediately flinched when Luke's eyes widen at the sentence he just said. He fiddled with his fingers and was praying to God that the blonde wouldn't kill him.

"Why did you tell him?!" Luke exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. The blonde gripped the ends of his hair tightly and wanted to so badly rip it out, but he stopped himself because that wouldn't be a mature thing to do and he would regret it later.

"He pressured me! I was thinking about it the other day and he knew something was up and it sort of slipped out." Michael mumbled, wrapping his arms around his body. "Luke, I am so so sorry."

"Sorry won't fix this." Luke groaned, hitting his back against the door and falling to the ground with a sigh. He pulled his knees to his chest as he looked up at Michael. "Nicki knows and she confronted me at the school in front of everyone. She slapped me and now everyone knows."

"Luke —"

"And Calum fucking lied to me. He told me that he was going to tell her after we had sex. He lied. I can't believe he would do that." Luke sucked in a breath but failed and took a shaky one.

"I can." Michael said, sitting next to Luke. He noticed Luke's confused face and sighed. "He literally had an affair, has been lying to Nicki — his wife — the whole time and you don't expect him to lie to you about something?"

"I did, I did. I just thought he loved me enough to not lie. But, I guess not."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to end everything."

"But now you can be public with him."

"He lied to me. He lied to Nicki. We lied to Nicki. I can't live with that guilt, Michael. The whole town is going to know and you know what they do."

"I do, so you're really going to end it all?"

"I am."

I told you shit would go down. Also, don't hate on Nicki for slapping Luke and the things she said. He deserved it and she was cheated on, you see my point?


Thank you sosososo much for 5k! This is the fastest amount of reads I've ever gotten in a small amount of time. It takes months for one of my stories to get to this amount but this took three. That's crazy.

Let me know your thoughts :)


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