A Soul For Trouble

By cristamchugh

128K 9K 455

When you're a witch named Trouble, chaos follows. Arden Lesstymine (known to everyone as Trouble) likes atten... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 29

2.8K 193 10
By cristamchugh

Arden finished copying the last letter in the sentence and frowned. Her writing appeared as awkward and clumsy as a newborn foal compared to the sleek, flowing lines of Dev's. "I'm done with this passage."

He peered over her shoulder, nodding. "Getting neater. Can you read it aloud now, too?"

"The cat ran to the girl." For the past two days, she'd soaked up Dev's reading and writing lessons. He'd write a sentence, read it aloud to her, let her copy it, and then make her repeat it back. Now, she was beginning to recognize common words and sound out the ones she didn't know. It made the day go by faster.

"Good." He bent over the desk, sending a wave of his scent in her direction. A spark of attraction raced through her body. "Try this sentence."

"What does it say?"

A grin broke the harsh lines of his face. "You have ink on your cheek."

She glanced down at the letters before the realization of his sentence hit her. Blood rushed to her cheeks. "Where?" she asked, grabbing a mirror.

"Here." He brushed his thumb across her cheekbone. "And here." He rubbed another spot on her forehead. "Don't worry, though. I've cleaned them up."

Her skin tingled where he'd touched her. When she checked her appearance, the smudges were gone. "How did you do that?"

"Magic." He wiggled his fingers in front of her. "Now, back to your lesson."

Her concentration wandered while she copied the sentence. It drove her crazy that Dev seemed so calm and collected when she could barely control her reaction to him. But what really had her off-kilter was Loku's absence. Who would have thought she'd miss his endless stream of lewd comments?

"Dev, what did we do to Loku yesterday?"

He stiffened. "We contained him."

"But he's still inside me, isn't he?"

"Yes. The only way to be rid of him is death."

A ripple of unease flowed through her. "And how long will he be contained?"

Dev frowned. "I can't say. This is the first time I've ever tried to contain him, and I couldn't have done it without your help."

She returned to the piece of paper in front of her, not wanting to dwell on this any longer. "Next sentence, please."

"Insatiable, are you?"

"I want to learn all I can."

The corners of his mouth twitched. "You're learning quicker than I expected."

"I'm not a child. I hope I'd grasp certain concepts faster than one."

"No, you're definitely not a child." The tone of his voice made both her breath and her pulse hitch. He stared at her for a moment. The only sound in the room was the air entering and leaving their lungs. Sweat prickled at the base of her neck from the hungry intensity of his gaze. Then his usual cold mask of composure slipped back into place. "Are you up for a challenge?"

He would tie her stomach in knots at this rate. At least she knew what Kell was thinking. Dev remained a riddle that she never discovered the answer to. "Of course."

He grabbed the piece of paper and laid it on top of a book. The quill in his hand practically flew with each deft stroke. A playful glint appeared in his eyes when he handed her the paper. "Read this."

A mash of lines, curves, and dots formed strange symbols on the page, none of which resembled the letters he'd made her copy over and over again yesterday. "Is this some kind of trick?"

"No, those are words."

She raised one brow and wondered if he'd lost his mind.

"In Elvish," he added.

She studied the new form of writing. "I have to learn another set of letters?"

A faint smile appeared on his lips. "Only if you want to. Most of the documents in Gravaria are in Human. There aren't many elves left to make a difference."

A hint of sadness peeked through his mask, tugging at her heart. "What happened to them? I thought elves lived a long time."

"We do, but many have died off or mingled their blood with others. Some just disappeared over the mountains."


He shrugged, but the tightness in his shoulders told her he knew the reason.

His sober expression sucked the happiness out of her, and she changed the subject. "But back to this—what does it say?"

"Nothing." He snatched the paper from her and tore it in half. "Let's start with a new sentence."

A lump formed in her throat. Every time she felt like she made a new discovery with him, she only scratched the surface. The man was far more complex than she ever imagined.

A knock on the door spared her from his brooding. Kell stuck his head in. "Am I interrupting anything?"

She grinned. At last, some company. "Dev has been teaching me to read and write."

Dev said nothing. He crossed his arms and gazed out the window.

"The guards let him in?"

"Well, um..."

"Yes," Dev answered for her.

Kell's eyes flickered between them, narrowing. He suspected something but didn't press the issue. Instead, he approached her and nodded at the crystal vase on her desk. "I see you got the roses I sent. I remember you showed a particular interest in these."

The sweet scent of the crimson roses reminded her of his careful restraint that night. "Yes, thank you."

"Any news from your father, Your Highness?" Dev's clipped words sliced through her thoughts like an ax.

"I heard him mention something about wanting to speak to you again."

Dev turned away from the foggy landscape outside the window. "He's reached a decision?"

"If he has, I know nothing about it."

"I'd think you of all people would be privy to your father's thoughts."

"The old man still keeps some secrets from me. The contents of your previous meeting with him, for example."

The corner of Dev's mouth quirked up into a smirk. "Irritating to be left in the dark, isn't it?"

A knock sounded from the other room. A few seconds later, a string of curse words erupted from whoever entered the room.

"Guess they found you missing?" Kell heaved a dramatic sigh. "I suppose I'll clear up this mishap, but you owe me." He stepped outside.

Dev grabbed her arm as soon as they were alone. "Be careful with him."

Arden focused her fire under his fingers, causing him to release her with a yelp. "I'm getting rather tired of you ordering me around. I trust Kell. In case you haven't noticed, he's the one person in this place who wants us to get out of here alive."

Dev shook his hand to cool his singed fingertips and scowled.

"Here we are." Kell opened the door wide to reveal a very pissed-off looking Captain Larenis.

"How did he get in here? My guards had specific orders to keep them apart."

Dev's scowl melted into a mocking grin. "Are you sure they've been paying attention?"

The captain's hand gripped his sword until his knuckles whitened, pushing all the blood up into his florid face.

"Larenis, you've found him. Don't keep my father waiting."

He released his sword and bowed his head. "Yes, Your Highness. Sir Devarius, King Heodis requests another audience with you." The venom in his voice made it clear he would've preferred a good brawl instead of following orders.

"By all means, let's do as Prince Kell suggests and not keep him waiting."

As soon as the door closed behind them, Kell took her hand in his and pressed his lips against her knuckles. A shiver raced up her arm, making her cheeks flames as he turned her hand over to press his lips against the inside of her wrist. The look in his eyes stated he wanted to kiss more of her.

A growl sounded behind them, and Kell jumped away. Cinder raised his upper lip to reveal his fangs and growled again.

"Some watchdog," he muttered and released her hand. "Sorry, but I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since the other night."

"Then why didn't you come by sooner?"

"Politics," he replied with a grimace.

More like head games. He probably found someone else to occupy his bed. She kept a few feet between them in case he tried to take her into his arms again. "Poor Prince Kell."

"Trust me, I'd rather be here with you."

For a second, she almost believed him. "I've been trying to find a way to pass the time."

"With Dev?"

His jealousy shot an arrow straight into her gut. "He's my protector and teacher."

"And what has he been teaching you in your bedroom?"

Her heart fluttered, and her palms grew damp. "Just what you see before you. Nothing more." Although there'd definitely been a few times when I wanted more. "It's not like you walked in on us naked and rolling around in bed, did you?"

His pupils dilated. "I wouldn't mind seeing you naked and rolling around in the bed with me."

Cinder growled again.

"You're refreshingly transparent, Kell. Thank you." She turned away and began straightening her papers. Damn him! Just when she thought he was more than just a man-whore, he reminded her he only wanted one thing.

A pair of warm hands covered her shoulders, followed by lips gently pressing against the back of her neck. "There's no need to hide my desire for you. I told you before that I'm willing to wait."

Her knees wobbled. If he only knew what effect his touch had on her. "What's the real reason you came here, Kell?"

"The truth?" He glanced at the bed, grinning.

She broke free of him and stood closer to Cinder. "Don't you ever get your mind out of the gutter? You're almost as bad as—"

"Who? Dev?"


"Then who?"

She bit her lip. Damn it, I almost told him about Loku again. "None of your business. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Your Highness, but I'll have to decline your invitation." She held her breath and prayed he wouldn't try to force the matter.

"Actually, I came here with the intention of offering a much different invitation."


"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

Her stomach growled. She covered it with her hands, hoping to smother the noises.

"I take that as a yes?"

"As long as you don't give me indigestion." She smoothed her hands over her soft wool gown. "Am I properly attired for dinner with a prince?"

"I don't have a stringent dress code in my private chambers. Of course, this might help dress you up a bit." He pulled an object wrapped in a cloth from his pocket.

"What is it?"

"Open it and find out."

She peeled back the layers of fine linen to reveal a sapphire-studded gold comb. Her breath froze. "It's beautiful."

"I saw it and thought of you." He placed it the center of the elaborate hairstyle Katie had woven this morning. "The gold matches your hair, but the sapphires pale in comparison to your eyes."

She grabbed her mirror, admiring the way the dainty comb sparkled in her hair. How did she respond to a compliment like that? "I don't know what to say, Kell."

"'Thank you' would be a good start."

Any hostility she held toward him melted. She lowered the mirror. "Thank you for letting me borrow the comb tonight."

"Arden, I think you misunderstood. It's a gift."

"You mean I get to keep it? But Kell, it's too expensive. I can't possibly accept—"

"Please, let me spoil you while you're here. It's a simple gift, but the joy in your face increased its value for me far more than you can imagine."

She leaned closer to him. "Are you trying to bribe me?"

"Possibly." He stopped so their faces remained mere inches apart.

"Perhaps I should tell you I can't be bought." She waited for Loku to call her a liar, but the only thing she heard in her mind was her inward plea for Kell to kiss her again.


His teasing only fanned the flames of curiosity burning inside her, and she succumbed to the need to kiss him again. She started soft, barely pressing her lips against his. When he tried to seize control, she pulled away.

His hands hovered over her shoulders like she was a fragile bubble that would pop as soon as he touched her. "The Lady Moon help me, I don't know if I can handle this torment much longer, Arden."

"What torment?" She ran her thumb along his bottom lip.

"Being on my best behavior when you—" His voice cracked, and his eyes pleaded with her.

She brushed a stray lock of hair from his face. "You are trying to be good, aren't you?"

"Only for you."

Cinder growled at Kell.

"Stop it, Cinder. Bad boy!" Her scolding probably would have been more forceful if his actions hadn't startled her.

The wolf turned to watch her, but the moment Kell took a step in her direction, his hackles rose with another growl.

Arden retreated a couple of steps. As long as the wolf stayed in the room, she and Kell wouldn't touch each other. Probably a good thing. She waited for Loku to add something, but his silence worried her. What had she and Dev done to him?

He offered his hand to her, his expression one of caution as he eyed the wolf. "Come along. Dinner's getting cold."

"Dinner sounds lovely." She offered him a smile as an apology for Cinder's behavior.

"And maybe for dessert—"

The low growl prevented him from finishing his sentence. Cinder leaned against her leg and glared at the prince.

"I wasn't thinking of that kind of dessert," Kell replied with annoyance.

As if he understood what she said, the wolf trotted ahead to the door and waited for them. Wherever they went, he was coming along, too.

She smiled. "Sorry, but Cinder's rather fond of me."

"At least you know you have an overprotective wolf."

"Unfortunately, he's a bit confused on who's a threat and who isn't."

Kell raised both brows. "So I'm no longer a threat now?"

"On the contrary, I think you can be just as dangerous as Sulaino."

"Scared I'll turn you into some mindless slave?"

"Possibly." The more time she spent alone with Kell, the closer she came to understanding her mother's mistakes. Even the gift of the comb made her think of the pendant around her neck. But she began to recognize why her mother had surrendered to her lover, how a touch or a kiss could cause a lapse in judgment. Her fingers curled around her necklace. Would her mother ever forgive her for judging her so harshly?

The heavy rush of footsteps echoed down the hall. They stopped in front of the windows at the top of the large staircase that separated the east and west wings of the palace to allow the runner to pass. A beam of moonlight fell on the drawn face of a member of the Royal Guard. He jerked to a stop when he saw them and bowed. "Your Highness, I was sent to fetch you and the witch."

She winced in spite of herself. Would she ever get used to that term?

"Why?" Kell tightened his grip on her arm and turned his body so he stood slightly ahead of her. His protectiveness almost drove away the fear gathering in her chest.

The guard pointed a shaky finger to the window. Icy fingers of dread crawled up her spine. Her body stiffened. She didn't need to look outside to know what waited for them. Instead, she reinforced her mental shields and bit back the fear that rose into her throat.

"Sweet Lady Moon," Kell gasped.

She squeezed her eyes together, not wanting to see it. Her heart pounded. The stench of rotting flesh invaded the palace walls. A tremble struggled to seize control of her body. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Time to face what she feared the most.

Thousands of glowing red eyes stared back at her from outside the city walls.

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