You're Not Like the Others

By GACfan4life

29.8K 483 83

Kayla is a hard working mother with a daughter named Abby. One day she meets the Ghost Adventures Crew, will... More

You're Not Like the Others


1K 21 7
By GACfan4life

I woke up to my phone ringing, I rolled over to my left and answered it

"Hello?" I asked tiredly

"Hey sweetie, I'm at the front door"

I looked over at my alarm clock '10:37am'. I shot up quickly

I can't believe I slept that long I thought

"I'll be down in a second" I said and hung up.

I changed quickly and went to the front door.

"I'm so sorry guys" I said when I opened the door and saw Zak, Nick, Aaron, and Billy

"It's alright, what room is ready?" Nick asked

"You can start here and then the kitchen...I'm going to go get Abby up and start acking her room" I said quickly and went back up the stairs.

I went into her room and shook her lightly

"It's time to get up baby girl" I said sweetly

She opened her eyes slowly and yawned


"Yes sweetie?"

"What's that noise downstairs?"

"Nick, Aaron, Billy, and daddy are down there helping us move"

"Move to where?"

"We're moving in with daddy"

If she wasn't wake then, she sure was awake now. She jumped out of bed and I helped her get ready. As soon as she got her clothes on she ran down the stairs to greet the guys. I laughed at her and started packng her room.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/*/*/*/*/*/

I didn't think she had so much stuff I thought as I packed the last princess thing she had

"This room ready now?"

I looked over at the door and there stood Zak

"Yeah, just packed the last thing. I didn't realize she had so much Barbies and princesses" I said sighing

Zak came to me and kissed me

"Did you get everything done lastnight?" I asked

"Yeah, and it's repainted like I said it would be" he said with a twitch of his eyebrow

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't think I've had so much pink in m-, our house before"

Our house? Does he really mean that? I thought

"Do you really mean that?"

"Mean what? The pink or that it's our house now?"

I giggled

"I guess both?"

"I'm serious about all the pink...And I'm dead serious that my house is now ours" He said motioning between me and him

My eyes started burning with happy tears

"What's wrong?" Zak asked with concern while hugging me

"Nothing, I'm just happy, that's all"

He kissed the top of my head and then let me go. Aaron then appeared infront of Abby's room

"Is Abby's room ready?"

"Yeah, you guys can get started...I've got to pack my room and then we'll be done"

"I'll help" Zak said

Me and him made it to my room and packed.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/*/*/

It took about two and a half hours to get everything arranged in Zak's house. I was in Abby's new room putting her clothes up when Zak came in and leaned up against the doorframe. I folded one of her shirts and put it in a drawer

"What's up Zak?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you two are going to be ok while I'm gone"

"Of course we'll be fine"

I then heard a screech. I looked outside and saw Abby happily playing with Gracie in the backyard

She seems even more happy I thought

I felt a pair of arms go around my waist and a chin rest on my right shoulder

"She looks happy" Zak said softly

"She does" I said looking from the window to Zak, "Thank you"

He smiled and kissed me. When we broke apart I noticed something


"Hmm?" He asked tightening his grip alittle

"Who painted that?"

Zak looked to where I was pointing. There was an ivory colored castle and you could see the detail of the bricks. There were dark blue roofs, and a flag that said 'Abby's Castle' in fancy old writing. And her bed was right under it

"Billy painted it..." He said

"I'm going to have to thank him"

"I came up with the idea though" Zak said pouting

I chuckled

"And thank you Zak for coming up with the idea"

I then kissed him on the lips.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/

It's been a week since we moved in with Zak. Me and Abby were by ourselves while Zak and the gang went on a lockdown somewhere in South Carolina to do a special lockdown. Right now I'm in Abby's room playing Barbie's with her

"Kristi, would you like to come over?" Abby said while holding a wavy brown haired Barbie

"I'd love to Samantha" I said in a high pitched tone while I was holding a dirty blonde Barbie

"Mommy! Her name's Faye" Abby said holding up her Barbie

"I'm sorry" I said with a chuckle, "I'd love to Faye"

I looked up at her princess crown clock '12:34pm'

"Sweetie, mommy's got to go make lunch...What do you want?"

"Grill Cheese?"

"Alright, I'll go make it right now" I said kissing her on the forehead and then getting up.

I made it down to the kitchen and washed my hands. I got the bread, cheese, butter, skillet, and spachula out. While I was putting the butter on one side of the bread a thought hit me. I went back over to the fridge and got out the sliced ham. I finished making the sandwhich and put it in the skillet. I turned back around to wash my hands

"What the?...I thought I put this over here" I said getting the dish soap bottle, squirting alittle and put it back where I had it

I finished washing my hands and then finished up the sandwhich. Gracie came in the kitchen wagging her tail

"Ready to eat Grace?"

She yapped happily. I poured some food into her bowl and then put the grill cheese and ham on the plate. I was about to pick up the plate until I heard Gracie growling. I looked over at her and her ears were back with teeth showing and she was looking towards the sink.

"What's wrong Gracie?" I asked and looked over at the sink

I was shocked at what I saw, the dish soap was moved again.

But how? I thought and I slowly looked around the kitchen and I saw a little red dot

That's right, Zak did say something about him having cameras in the house to catch paranormal video I thought


I jumped slightly

"Yeah baby girl?"

"Daddy said he's back and he's at the office" Abby said holding out my cell phone

"Thanks sweetie" I said taking the phone, "Here ya go sweetie" I said giving her the plate

"Thanks" she said and went to the table to eat it

I put the phone up to my ear

"How'd it go?" I asked

"It was fantastic and our winner from the mash-up contest was cool as hell"

"That's good, where'd you guys investigate?"

"The Old Charleston Jail"

"You and prisons" I said chuckling

"I know" Zak said chuckling, "By the way do you think you can come to the office today, I need your help with something"

"Help on what?"

"Some evidence"

"I'm not that good like you guys, but I'll try"

"Thanks sweetie, I need to help the guys out, I'll see you in a little bit"

"Ok, bye"


We hung up. I looked over at Abby and she took her last bite

"Baby girl, are you done?"

She nodded her head and drank her grape kool-aid

"Since your done...How 'bout we go see daddy?"

Her face lit up


I nodded, "Yeah, so go get your shoes on so we can get going"

She slid off the chair and went to go put her shoes on.

/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/* /*/*/

We made it to the office about 45 minutes later and went up on the elevator. Once we got off the elevator Abby started running down the hallway

"Abby" I said warningly, "Don't run, you might fall"

She slowed down and walked next to me. I knocked on the review door and entered the room

"Hey Kayla" Nick said

"Hey guys"

Abby went and hugged the guys and then went to Zak, which he picked her up and hugged her. I went to Zak as he put her back down so he could kiss and hug me.

"What did you need help with?" I asked as he broke the kiss

"We can't understand an EVP, so we were wondering if you could take a listen to it"

"Can't Billy change the frequencies or whatever you call it?"

"I tried and we still can't understand it" Billy said leaning back in the black leather rolling chair with his arms on the arm rests.

"Abby sweetie, can you go sit over there while I help daddy and the guys out?" I asked pointing to the leather couch

She went to the leather couch and Aaron gave her a laptop so she could play a game. I sat down in the other black rolling chair that was next to Billy

"Here ya go" Billy said handing me some headphones

"Thanks" I said while putting them on


I nodded. I listened to it and then rolled my eyes

"It's you Zak"

"Really?" He asked dumbfounded

"Yeah...Billy can you play it again so I can hear what he's asking to the ghosts"


He enhanced the audio and replayed it. I listened closely and then shock hit me, I turned around to look up at Zak but he was on one knee with a black velvet box that contained a beautiful diamond ring

"So will you?" he asked

My breath hitched in my throat as my mind kept replaying what I just heard on the EVP recorder 'I love you Kayla Summers, and I'll always be there for you and Abby. Will you marry me and become Mrs. Bagans?'

I put my left hand out and nodded with tears of joy coming down my cheek as Zak slipped the ring on my finger. He got up and kissed me while the guys were whistling and clapping. When we broke apart Abby came to us

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

"Because mommy's happy baby girl" I said wiping away the tears

"Daddy made mommy happy?" She asked looking at me and Zak

"Yeah, you see this ring..." I said showing her the ring, "This means daddy will be in our lives forever"


"Mmm Hmm" Zak said

"YAY!" Abby said jumping on Zak and hugged him tightly

I laughed because he almost fell from the impact of Abby. I heard Aaron say something into his vlog camera and I looked back down at my left hand

This is perfect. Zak loves me and Abby, I love him, Abby loves him...What more could I ask for? I can't wait for this new begining I thought happily.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter and there are only a few more chapters to this story. I don't know when the next update will be because I'm moving and I don't know when I'll be getting internet. So all I ask is please be patient, you won't regret it :)

Moving Day:, gacfan4life, untitled 67

Office:, gacfan4life, untitled 72

The Ring:

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