Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

Waking up
A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

A moment of silence

716 29 0
By oXMoonBeamXo

I followed behind Kakashi silently and looked around. We were walking toward the kia stone. I frowned and rushed up to Kakashi and took his hand. He smiled down at me and then looked forward. I looked at him and he was wearing his pj's except he had pants on.

We stopped and stood in front of the kia stone... It made me wonder if I had thought that I knew what happened to kakashi. But I only knew Kashia's story, so I bit my lip and decided to hold off on it until. I looked down at the stone and reached out, running my fingers over the engraved names. Some freshly engraved while others had been there a very long time. I felt very sad suddenly and tears escaped my eyes, just for a moment I left the fate of the many people play at my heart.

" I didn't mean to upset you..." Kakashi said, reaching out, stroking the side of my face tenderly.

I shook my head, " it wasn't you silly... Just its very hard to be happy while looking at the reminder of our life's heavy burden." I said it lightly and wiped the tears away. " you come here every morning?" I asked and turned to him.

He nodded looking at the stone, he seemed to be looking at the stone as a whole but also seemed to be looking through it. I knew that face too well, his mind was elsewhere.

We both stood there in silence staring at it, I started to read the names out in my mind. Rin, Liola, Mina.... The names seemed endless. I closed my eyes and let out a breath...

A hand rested on my shoulder, "Alright let's get moving." He said it and grabbed my hand.

I didn't bother to open my eyes and let him guide me until I was sure we had left the graveyard. I tilted my head, opening my eyes. " So what else do you do?" I asked, noticing we were not heading home.

He looked thoughtful and looked at the sky, " well... I walk around the village and just check things out... Then I meditate on Hokage mountain, then ask Lady Hokage if she needs anything from me today." He explained thoughtfully. He was running through his daily morning routine in his mind.

I frowned, "I slept through all of this?" I mumbled. I frowned at myself mostly, I sounded like a kid sleeping while the parents did all the hard work.

He chuckled, "normally I use it to think." Before I could even pull away and insist that I could go home, he continued. " not that I don't want you here... Which I do want you here." He said it and pinched my cheek with his free hand. He looked down at me with a smirk and knowing eyes.

I smiled and started to swing our hands. "Alright then... First a walk." I said. He knew me too well... but did he know my past? And did I know his past? I just couldn't let it escape my mind. After walking for a bit I started to think about kakashi...

" you seem to be worried about something...." Kakashi said it and leaned down closer to my face. He examined me as if it would be written on my face.

I blushed and snapped my head away, "uhhh." I grumbled and fiddled with my fingers. I didn't want to make Kakashi upset, I knew he didn't really like to talk about his past that much.

"Please tell me..." He pushed for me to tell him. He squeezed my hand and looked at me with safe, caring eyes.

I sighed and glanced at him then the ground, "I was wondering if you had gone through all that kashia had." I admitted to him. "I can't help but wonder if we actually know each other's pasts. I didn't want to assume that you went through the same or that Naruto went through the same." I looked down at our intertwined hands.

He was silent, dead silent. I couldn't look up at him... What if he was mad or terribly upset. I just couldn't... I looked everywhere but Kakashi for a few minutes. But the time seemed to crawl and it was almost painful.

"To a point... I spoke with her... Everything but her mother was murdered." He told me. He didn't sound upset or angry, he just sounded careful. Like he had thought deep and hard about his words, which he probably had. He looked around since we were supposed to check the village, to make sure it was safe. That everything was for the most part the same.

I nodded and looked away.

" Do you know?" He asked, suddenly making me look up at him.

I nodded without even thinking, "Yes..." I said it and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Really..." He said it lightly, " and you're still with me." He smiled and leaned down kissing my foreward.

Suddenly there was a gasp then a squeal. I turned with wide eyes to see Ino with her hands together with a blissful and admiring face. "So it's true?!" She sang it.

I sighed and then an arm went around my waist. "Yes... We are together." Kakashi said it awkwardly but he seemed happy enough to admit it.

I looked up at him with a raised brow, said that oddly. I blushed and looked away, "it's a dream come true." I whispered. Ino ran inside to do god knows what.

"shall we run for the hills?" Kakashi whispered down to me nervouisly.

I looked up at him and nodded, "please!" I was swept up into his arms. He carried me off toward the Hokage heads. He moved like lightning but I was used to it. He ran up the cliff-like side then jumped, landing on the top. He put me down once we had fully stopped then sank down to the ground. "Thanks kakashi, I love you but the way they act gets really annoying." I explained and sat crossed legged next to him. "I look forward to everyone getting over the shock." I said it laughing a little.

He smirked. I could see it from the amused look in his eyes and the way his mask moved, "exactly." He told me and closed his eyes, straightening up. "Lets begin?" He suggested.

I smiled and closed my eyes, relaxing. I was good at meditating, but it had been a while since I had properly meditated actually, years and years. But I wanted to respect Kakashi's time and daily routine. I let my breath out and let my mind go blank.



I looked up from my play spot in the grass. I saw a dark figure in the trees who had called my name. Fear shot through my veins and I scooted back forgetting my dolls.

I looked around for help but there was no one. When I looked back at the spot where the man had been he was no longer there. I grabbed my doll then ran off.

~~~the memory faded~~~

I was sitting in the recesses of my mind again like before in the hospital. I hadn't expected to be back so soon... And that memory...

"Naruko... That was odd..." Kun said it thoughtfully as her face came into view.

I got up and stumbled over to her, " hey kun, wasn't I supposed to like... Not see you for a while, not that I mind." I said, stretching mentally. At least in my mind I was at peace although somehow I was tired.

She nodded, "yes well while meditating... You happened across a memory.... And now that I think about it... That man has been around often throughout your life." She mumbled it as if trying to solve a problem.

I shrugged, "maybe I had a scary imaginary friend or something." I said it with my hands behind my head. I couldn't remember him exactly, but I felt a vague familiar vibe from him.

She watched me then let out a breath, "I guess we better just let it be for now." She said it quietly.

"Naru-chan." Kakashi's voice echoed through my mind.

I smiled, "oh how time flies..." I said it waving at kun as I faded back.

I opened my eyes and turned to kakashi, he was laying in the grass looking at me. "Kakashi..." I answered back.

He raised a brow, " I've been calling your name for some time now... But glad for you to join me again." He said it looking up at the sky.

I laid back to resting my hands behind my head, it was still pretty early.... But I had been in that state for a while. "Sorry, didn't you need to go meet with Lady Hokage?" I asked, watching a few clouds move slowly across the sky.

He hummed, looking at me a little guilty. "yes but I already did that... Just some in the village missions. I also got you on them..." After he said that he went back to humming. It was a sweet tone, up beat even... Why was he in such a chipper mood?

I turned my head looking at him, he was looking at his book. I smirked and looked back at the sky. " So what are we doing today?" I asked.

He stopped humming, " well we have to babysit, walk dogs and help pick up trash around the village... Not in that order though... Trash, dogs then babysitting." He said it then yawned.

I looked at him and he turned to me, "You're tired, hehe, that's right, normally you come back and sleep with me." I said it and turned on my side toward him. "When do we have to do that trash?" I asked.

He tapped his chin thinking then turned on his side toward me. "1.... It's about 10:30 now." He said it then reached into his side pouch putting his book away.

While he did that I wiggled up to his chest and wrapped my arms around him. Well tried anyway, I ended up just cuddling into him. "Then we can nap for a while..." I said it sweetly to him.

He wrapped his arms around me casually and comfortably. "Sounds like a plan captain..."he said it and then let out a tired breath. He relaxed greatly within seconds as he pulled me closer. " My little Naruko." He whispered into my hair before we both slowly drifted off into a soft sleep.

----a little while later----

It was bright, and hot... I rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly staring off into the woods half asleep. I was laying in the grass held close to kakashi. Right we had napped... I glanced up at the sky and then yawned. When was that first mission again? I stretched... Hmm... Wasn't it 1? I looked down at my watch. It was 2:30... I blinked at it lazily... Hmmm.... I turned toward kakashi. "Kakashi... Wake up..." I said it in a sleepy voice.

He opened his eyes slowly and looked over my head for a moment then down at me, "right... Hello Naruko..." He said it back I'm a sleepy voice. "What's the problem?" He asked before he yawned.

I flicked his chin lightly, "it's 2:30..." I said it leaning on my hand looking at him.

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