Lost in Time

By xXWolfBlazeXx

793 14 5

A Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn Fanfiction: The Serenese Massacre- It was the fire that destroyed everything Sera... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

89 1 0
By xXWolfBlazeXx

Sera watched as everyone prepared. Micaiah and Ilyana were quickly skimming through their tomes to make sure they knew the spells.

“Alright everyone, let's stick with usual strategy.” Micaiah decided, as she shut her tome.

Sothe, Nolan, Edward, and Leonardo looked at Micaiah and nodded instantly, while Sera and Ilyana glanced at each other confused.

“What is the strategy exactly?” Ilyana asked looking at the group

“Well we normally have it, Sothe and Nolan in the front with Leonardo and me covering them and then Edward keeping an eye out for any surprise attacks. With you and Sera here now, we can expand and form ourselves around the unarmed ones and keep an eye out from all sides,” Micaiah explained.

Sera just nodded her head as she pictured what Micaiah was saying. Basically surround Aimee, Kurth, Muston and the twins. It sounded alright, but Sera didn’t like it.

“This is not just your group trying to escape another group of Begnion soldiers in the back alley of Daein. This is a prison camp and you have unarmed people with you and people that aren’t familiar with your style of fighting,” she spoke up.

Micaiah nodded her head, about to speak, however, Sothe stepped in to her defense instead.

“There’s no need to worry about messing up. Micaiah has been known for her far-sight and it’s thanks to her that we’ve been able to escape so many times. This is just like those times,” he replied.

Sera nodded her head, understanding why they would have faith in her, “but still it doesn’t hurt to change it around does it? I mean you can’t just depend on knowing the outcome. We still have to pass through.”

“Are you saying that Micaiah’s far-sight isn’t reliable?” Sothe asked getting tense.

Sera instantly regretted speaking, however instead of quieting down, she stood her ground. “It’s not that I’m saying it isn’t reliable, but-”

“Then what were you-”

“Sothe stop. Let her speak.” Micaiah stepped in.

Sothe looked as if he was about to protest, but then looking at Micaiah, he decided against it and took a step back. From the way he was staring at her, Sera could tell that the thief did not trust her. Sera understood. She herself didn’t trust the group that much, even if it was the infinite Dawn Brigade.

Micaiah then turned towards Sera and nodded her head, “Go ahead Sera. What were you saying?”

“I was just saying that it would help to have a plan that everyone can be comfortable with,” She explained with a shrug.

“If you have a plan then you better say it quickly.” Nolan spoke up, raising his axe, “these guards aren’t going to let us sit here and plan our escape.”

Sera glanced over and saw that not many had appeared yet, but she knew if they stayed any longer then they would lose their chance to escape.

Micaiah turned towards Sera as if expecting something from her, “what are you suggesting?” she asked.

Sera paused and took a quick scan of the area. Her eyes fell upon a door a little off from them. From the way the walls were set up, it looked as if the door led to the same section as the rest of camp. It must have been designed so that they would easily be able to surround the enemy that was trying to enter. She then closed her eyes to think, “From the sound of it, these are the only guards here. When they called for reinforcements, the soldiers came from inside or to our left, that means that we are near the edge of the camp.”

“The exit is just north of us. We were told that by the guard that let us in,” Nolan explained.

Sera nodded her head, “ok that helps a lot. We better get moving then. It would be best to separate into two groups: one being the main and the other one having only two or three people in it. From the size of our group and the ranges everyone have. One group should consist of two and head for the gate to the northwest.” she went on.

“Gates to the northwest?” Sothe stepped in, “Why there?”

“I see what you’re getting at…” Leonardo spoke up suddenly. Everyone turned to the blonde haired archer. “Because all the soldiers will think that everyone is attacking from the east, they’ll head there. While that happens, the other two can sneak in from behind and flank them and then the soldiers would be boxed in.” he finished explaining what Sera started. “Is that what you were getting at?” he asked turning towards her.

Sera nodded her head thankful she didn’t have to explain everything.

“Hmm… you would think doing it the other way around would work,” Nolan spoke after thinking for a second. “You know having the group with two lead the unarmed people.”

“But they would catch on instantly. They know we have unarmed people and that they would need protection. They’re going to be targeting them.” Sera broke in, “With that being the case, it would be best to have them take the main route. I’ll let you decide on who should go where,” she concluded.

Nolan nodded thinking, “What do you think?” he asked looking at the others.

“I think it’ll work.” Edward announced. Leonardo nodded his head in agreement while Sothe just made a face turning towards Micaiah. “What do you think Micaiah?”

Micaiah didn’t say anything for a couple seconds. She just stood there with her eyes closed. Then she lifted her head and nodded. “It will work. Sera, you and Edward will head towards the gate then, while the rest of us will head straight.” she decided.

Sera blinked not expecting to be picked to head that way, “are you sure, you should send me?” she asked. She was honestly hoping to be with the larger group, as this was her first time actually fighting.

Micaiah just nodded her head, “Yes, I am confident that you and Edward will be fine,” she smiled.

Sera just bit her lip, wanting to protest. She felt Edward appear next to her.

“Alright, we got this, right Sera?” he grinned. Sera found it strange that he was able have such high spirits even in this situation

“Let’s just get this over with…” Sera sighed, “We’re wasting time.”

“Remember, don’t do anything until we’ve attacked. That goes to you, Edward. Follow what Sera says.” Nolan reminded looking directly at the Myrmidon.

“Don’t worry I will.” Edward grumbled, rolling his eyes.

The sounds of soldiers filled the grounds.

“They’re close. We have to hurry. We’ve already wasted to much time.” Sothe stated.

“Right, let’s move out.” Nolan ordered. The others nodded and started running ahead. Sera watched as everyone gathered by a group of tree. Micaiah and Ilyana, both casted their spells at the two soldiers close by before having Nolan and Sothe jump out and finish them. It was obvious they would be fine. Sera honestly preferred being with them, as someone would then cover her. How was she supposed to do this? She had never killed before. At least with that group there were some experienced fighters that could cover her and fix her mistakes. She watched as Sothe ducked out of the way and quickly got behind the axe-man and stabbed his knife into his back.

Sera looked away as the man cried out in pain. She saw the others run after them and back them up.

“Well Sera, we better get going.” Edward spoke up. Sera looked down at her tome. This tome was given to her to use if she was ever under attack. Now she was trying to escape from Begnion soldiers. Suddenly she felt uneasy. She was fighting Begnion soldiers, soldiers that were professionally trained to fight and kill mercilessly.

Derek, please help me.

“Hey Sera?” Edward poked her followed by a whistle.

Sera blinked and shook her head, “Huh? Oh right. Hold on.” she said looking around. From what she could see, there was only one soldier standing guard there. Sera let out a quiet sigh relaxing her self. It’s only one person you’ll be fine. she said to herself. She then looked to see the other group fighting a myrmidon and a fighter.

“All right, let’s go.” she decided. Edward nodded and started to lead the way with Sera right behind him.

“I should warn you, this is my first time, fighting in a battle,” Sera added.

Edward glanced back at her, “You’ve never fought before?”

Sera shook her head, “I mean I’ve been studying it for ages, I’ve just never had to fight,” she explained, “I figured I should tell you since we have to fight together.”

Edward just nodded his head, “Don’t worry I understand. Thanks for letting me know. Just stay back and leave the main fighting to me.” He offered her. Sera just frowned at that, but then looked up at the soldier that stood there watching the fight go on, on the other side.

She then took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled, calming herself, “okay I’m ready,” she decided as she walked forwards. Her eyes were on the soldier ahead of them. He was bound to figure out the two were coming. Sera had to be prepared to attack in case he tried to yell out a warning.

However, what Sera didn’t notice was that in the trees a little ahead of them, a warrior hid. He jumped out right in front of Sera, who was only able to freeze in her tracks. Sera’s eyes widened as he prepared to swing his axe down. However, before he could strike, Sera was pulled back and Edward was in her spot, blocking the attack.

Sera stumbled back and caught her self. She watched as Edward struggled to push back. She quickly shook her head and opened her tome, turning to the first page.

Okay… focus now, she coached herself.

“Pull back!” She called and then looked down at her tome. Sera then started reading the first spell and pointed to the warrior. Luckily Edward got her message and managed to jump back as three strips of wind came towards the man as he tried to chased Edward, but before he could, he was struck by all three of the wind strips.

The man let out a gasp as he struggled to move. Edward took this opportunity to strike the man. He ran at him and slashed his sword upwards. Sera looked away as she saw the blood squirt out. She then looked back when the man was lying on the ground and Edward stood over him victoriously.

“Haha success!” he cheered twirling his sword around. “Nice teamwork there, Sera.”

Sera bit her lip and looked at the man lying there, blood sprawled all over the place. He was dead. She just helped killed a man.

Edward noticed the look on her face and instantly understood. This was the first time she killed. Even if it wasn’t her that gave the finale blow, she still assisted. He walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder, “hey look. I know this is your first time, and it’s hard, but we need to keep moving.”

Sera looked up at Edward and swallowed, nodding her head, “right. We have to hurry,” she said to herself.

Edward nodded and then started to lead the way towards the door, watching out for any other surprise attacks.

Through the pillars, Sera saw an archer going after Ilyana. Ilyana dodged the arrow and casted a spell. A bolt of lightening came striking the archer. After that she saw the Thunder Sage move away. They were able to do that so easily.

Sera then turned her attention back to where they were. They were about to arrive to the door when suddenly someone appeared from some thickets running right at her. Sera’s eyes widened from the unexpected soldier. She quickly tried to get a spell ready, but her hands were shaking. She was still trying to recover.

“Sera move!” She heard Edward call out. Out of instinct, Sera moved out of the way as a vertical strip of wind came striking at the man.

“Gah!” the man stumbled back as blood spurted out. Sera didn’t have time to see it as she noticed something glittering flying up in the air. She looked at it confused as it came towards her. Sera reached out and caught it. She examined it before realizing they were keys.

“Hey sweet. You got the keys!” Edward remarked appearing next to her. Sera nodded looking at them. The growl from the man, reminded the two he was still there.

“Go unlock the door while I deal with this guy.” he decided, pulling out his sword.

“You sure?” Sera asked.

“Haha don’t worry! I got this.” he grinned.

Sera just shrugged running for the door. The soldier let out a battle cry, heading towards her. Sera paused in her tracks, allowing Edward to run ahead.

“Oh no you don’t,” he growled. The soldier thrust his lance forwards and Edward just sidestepped it.

Sera just let out a sigh and turned to get the door. She fumbled around with the keys, trying to find the right one. There were so many. Most of them were for the cells inside the prison and some were for the other gates. ‘Why does he have all these keys?’ she grumbled to herself.

“Did you get it yet?”

Sera turned her head to see Edward coming over.

“You’re done already?” she asked, surprised.

Edward nodded, scratching the back of his head, “Yeah… that guy wasn’t that hard now.”

That’s when Sera noticed the blood. “You're hurt.”

Edward blinked looking down at his arm. There was a long gash there from an arrow skimming it. “So I am… Haha I didn’t even notice.” He chuckled.

“How do you not notice a wound like that?” she asked annoyed slightly.

“Well I guess I’m too busy with this battle, that I just sorta forgot…” he replied a small grin.

Sera just shook her head. She felt she needed to treat it right there and started to reach for her staff. “Here. I’ll heal it quickly.”

“Oh no its fine!” Edward replied shaking his arm.

“Are you sure…?” Sera asked uneasy.

“Haha positive. I have vulnerary here so it’s all good.” He replied raising the pouch. “You just get the door.”

“Ok whatever…” she shrugged and turned back to the door looking for the right key. “It would help if he didn’t have so many.” she grumbled. Edward waited patiently as she fumbled through them.  Then she found one that fits.

“Finally,” she grumbled and with a click the door was opened.

“Got it.” she announced. Slowly, she opened the door, making sure it didn’t creak. Once it was partially opened, Sera peaked on the other side and found a soldiers and an archer standing a little off. Instantly, she moved back.

“We’ve got two soldiers.” she whispered to Edward who was right behind her; however, he was looking the other way.

“Uh… we got trouble here too.” Edward replied uneasy. Sera glanced back to see a soldier coming their way. She bit her lip. When they attacked, he would most likely make some sort of noise to alert the two on the other side of the door and they would instantly be on them.

Edward spun around, with his sword ready, but before the soldier could make it in range, he was stopped with a javelin to the back. Sera flinched as the soldier froze in place and then collapsed to the ground to reveal another soldier, except this one had blue armor.

Sera tensed up and turned the page in her tome, and lifted her hand, getting ready. Edward, however, relaxed. Instead, he lowered his sword and took a step blocking Sera, indicating for her not to. Sera looked at him confused and lowered her hand, but her tome remained opened.

“You’re that one guard that helped us earlier…” Edward started.

“I told you, if you are here to save Laura, then I would help you.” he replied.

“And how do we know you’re not gonna turn on us at the last second?” Edward demanded.

“I’ve talked with Laura and she’s helped me decide. I can’t watch Daein go through with harshness anymore. I want to help it.” The soldier went on.

Sera looked up and Edward then the soldier, then back at Edward, who seemed to have a trouble look, trying to decide. He then turned towards Sera, “what do you think?”

Sera narrowed her eyes staring at the man. His face was calm and his eyes were sincere and filled with determination. Sera still hesitated to reply. Instead, she looked deeper in the man and it showed the truth. He wanted to help save Daein. He held the same feelings that everyone else felt in the group.

“I think… we should trust him.” she finally decided.

“You think we should? Are you sure?” Edward asked.

Sera just nodded, “his eyes are filled with determination. The same kind as you all and his voice show his sincerity and hope. He really wants to help us.”

Edward blinked, “Wow… you can tell all that?”

“Yes Edward,” Sera sighed, “besides, I heard Laura mention something about you earlier and from the way she spoke, you two appears to be childhood friends, so I don’t think you would betray her,” she added to the soldier.

The soldier bowed his head, “Thank you for understanding.”

“Alright then if you say so…” Edward sighed, then grinned saying, “Welcome to the group um…” he trailed off not knowing the soldier’s name.

“Oh right, my name is Aran.” he introduced himself.

“Oh ok. Hey Aran, welcome to the group.” Edward grinned offering a hand to shake.

While they did that, Sera had turned around and was facing the two soldiers that stood in their way. They weren’t in their original spots now, which meant they knew something was up.

“Hey guys, can we get back to getting rid of these people?” she asked uneasy.

“Oh right, I almost forgot about them,” Edward mumbled. He then walked past Sera, pushing the door open. The door fully opened to show an archer standing right there. Edward growled and charged after the archer, attacking before the archer had a chance.

Sera just rolled her eyes. He was being reckless now.

“Is he always like this?” Aran asked.

Sera shrugged, “I don’t know. I just met then myself.”

Aran sighed, and shook his head, “right. Well we better go help.”

Sera nodded and they hurried ahead to take care of the other soldier. Once he was dealt with, the three headed towards the exit where they saw a cavalier along with three other soldiers standing guard. Sera quickly gestured for the two to follow her and they hid among the thickets waiting for the rest to appear.

“Is that the commander?” Sera asked in a low voice.

Aran nodded his head. “His name is Burton. He’s the one in charge of this camp…” he explained.

“Ok then we just need to kill him and then we can leave,” Edward remarked, getting ready, but Sera grabbed his sleeve pulling him down.


“Huh? What’s wrong?” he asked looking down at her.

“The others aren’t here yet. Wait until they come.” She ordered.

“But we can kill him now and then they wouldn’t have to worry about having to deal with enemies here.” He insisted.

Sera shook her head, “but the people they’re fighting would and then they would come after us along with the reinforcement.” She retorted.

Edward sighed realizing she was right and situated himself next to her better, but was careful not to make any noises.

“Relax… they’ll be here shortly.” Aran tried to assure. Edward just sat there impatiently.

“Quit fidgeting, or else you’ll get us caught.” Sera hissed.

“Sorry!” Edward apologized. After a bit of waiting, they finally appeared.

First Sothe and Nolan appeared pushing back two soldiers, followed by a bolt of lightning. Then Leonardo and Ilyana appeared a little after them followed by Micaiah and the rest. They all ran at the last group of soldiers standing in the way. Nolan was clashed with the warrior, locking the warrior’s axe with his own. Both of them were equal, one not being able to move the others. Ilyana and Leonardo were both working together to bring down an archer while Sothe and Micaiah were taking care of the last soldier.

“There they are, can we move now?” Edward asked, moving a little.

“Wait for them to move.” Sera replied pointing at the two soldiers that still hadn’t moved. But as soon as the commander saw the other group appear, he ordered the two soldiers to move.

One ran towards Nolan, who had just pushed away from the fighter, and the other had gone straight for Laura.

“Ok let’s go.” Sera sighed, getting up.

“Finally.” Edward grinned running up ahead of the two.

Sera quickly opened her tome and decided to attack the fighter, who Nolan was having trouble with. She sent a strip of wind, which came slicing the man from behind. The fighter let out a cry falling forwards.

Nolan blinked and looked up to see Sera standing there. She bit her lip, feeling uneasy. This one she killed herself.

“Glad to see you guys made it,” Nolan spoke up, making Sera look at him.

“We didn’t have that many soldiers on this side,” she explained.

Nolan nodded, “Well things went the way you said they would. Good job on that.”

Sera nodded her head and was about to thank him, but then, they heard the sounds of hooves and yelling. The two looked to see Burton coming their way. He was the only one left. Sera didn’t understand why he didn’t take the time to run. It would have been smarter, but then she remembered. Of course they were soldiers, they would rather die than run. The idea was stupid. Sera didn’t understand it.

“You won’t get away!” he cried with a sword in the air. That’s when Sera noticed that it was a wind edge. He had a long range weapon. Burton got ready to slice it through the air, but just then, an arrow hit him in the wrist causing him to cry out and drop his sword. Sera decided to cast another spell, she had the wind push him off of his horse and then Nolan went in for the kill.

“Well the leader is down…” Leonardo muttered lowering his bow. He then turned around and called to Micaiah.

She came running over with the rest of them, “alright good work everyone.” She started.

“We’re not safe yet. We need to keep moving.” Sothe warned. He was looking around, as to keep watch to make sure no more soldiers would appear.

“There’s a river that leads away from camp close by.” Aran spoke up.

Micaiah’s face brightened hearing that, “that’s perfect. Please lead the way.”

Aran just nodded his head. “Follow me.” He said and through the gate. Micaiah and Sothe followed behind him. The caravan went next and Nolan, Leonardo, and Edward went last. Sera followed right behind Edward. She glanced back to see the soldiers running around, yelling orders, and picking up the dead. She felt guilty for some reason looking back at them.

“Sera! Come on!” she heard her name being called. Sera looked to see the group had gotten far. She then hurried after them.


The group continued to travel deep into the forest. They continued to follow the river as staying on the path was too risky. The soldiers would be running around, searching for them. Staying on the path would make them easy targets, but they couldn’t just travel randomly into the forest. That’s why the group decided to follow the river. They followed it until it swerved off deep into the forest where the water had sped up. That was when Micaiah decided that they were far enough and to set up camp.

While Nolan and Aran went scouting for any soldiers, Sothe and Leonardo headed out to hunt. The rest stayed back to set up camp. Aimee and her group manage to find the rest of their caravan, but not much of it remained. What ever was left, they offered to the rest to use for the night.

Sera sighed as she sat a little off against a tree, staring at the small fire that was now burning. She couldn’t help but think of the fire again. It destroyed so much. Sera wasn’t even sure where the flames came from. Based on what she remembered, they were large men that started it, but where were they from and why? What had they done to deserve such punishment?

A greeting from Edward, alerted Sera. She looked to see Nolan, Aran, Sothe, and Leonardo return. Sothe and Leonardo were holding small critters. Sothe instantly began to skin them and placed them on small sticks to be cooked. Everyone gathered around the fire and watched the meat cook. Sera stayed where she was. She frowned seeing the poor creatures killed. They hung helplessly from the stick, over the fire. Yes they were already dead, but Sera still didn’t like it. That and she didn’t eat meat. Like all the other herons of the forests, she refused to eat.

“Sera, you’re not coming?” Laura asked as she passed a squirrel to Ilyana.

Sera leaned her head back against the tree and waved a hand, “no thank you. I’m fine.”

“Sera, you seriously haven’t eaten anything.” Muston started.

“I know. I’ll eat when I feel like it,” she replied staring up at the leaves of the tree.

“You know it’s not smart to let yourself starve,” Edward started.

“I’m not starving myself. I just don’t feel like eating,” she insisted.

“At least have some bread,” Micaiah started, “Just a loaf, please?"

Sera eyed her as the maiden walked over with some bread. She frowned, as she had no choice but to accept it now.

“Thank you.”

“No problem,” she smiled and headed back to where the rest were, joining in a conversation with the twins How did she do that? It was the strange vibe she gave off. It made Sera feel uneasy. She knew Micaiah felt it as well, and they both knew what the reason was. It would take a while for the two to get used to it.

Sera just nibbled on the bread, thinking to her self. The truth was she still wasn’t over the fight. That was her first time and she killed someone. Sera still couldn’t believe it. It made her feel sick to her stomach. She never thought hat she would kill someone. The reason she learned magic was to defend herself and that’s what she always did. She always stunned her attackers, giving her enough time to escape. Today made her realize. The longer she stayed with the group, the more she would have to fight, meaning kill.

Sera shook her head, she would have to find a way to leave the group fast.

Soon everyone was finished and just sitting back. Sera watched as they all started to get relaxed.

Edward leaned back, stretching a bit, “That was actually a pretty good meal. Thanks Laura,” he complimented her. “I’m actually stuffed and tired. How much farther are we traveling tonight?”

Everyone turned toward Micaiah, who sat there thinking. “We might as well rest here, there aren’t any soldiers in the area and they won’t be interrupting us either.” She explained then turned towards Nolan who shrugged.

“We might as well, everyone does seem tired.” He replied.

“Alright then, lets set up some blankets and around the fire and have two people on watching.” Micaiah announced and with that everyone got up to help.

Sera sighed and remained where she was, “if you would like I’ll keep first watch. I’m not tired at all,” she offered.

Sothe looked over at her, “Are you sure?”

Sera nodded her head, “I’m not tired at all.”

Micaiah looked over at her thoughtfully, “Alright then. I will keep watch with her. We will switch every three hours so that we have a chance to rest.”

Sera frowned at that, but didn’t let her disappointment show. Micaiah wanted to talk with her. It was pretty obvious. Sera figured she shouldn’t mind it. She could get some answers as to why the Maiden helped her out in the beginning that and perhaps they could figure out why Sera felt so uncomfortable around her.

Everyone continued to spread out along the fire. Sera turned away from the rest of the group, and leaned her head back against the tree so that she could focus the sounds around her. Instantly she heard footsteps coming towards her.

Sera sighed, knowing whom it was.

“May I sit here with you, Sera?” Micaiah asked.

Sera just nodded her head and shifted so that Micaiah could sit comfortably next to her. It was quiet for a bit. Sera bit her lip as she continued to try and focus on the sounds around her, but she found she couldn’t. It felt very uncomfortable with Micaiah right there and she wasn’t saying anything either. She soon found herself chewing on her bottom lip as she realized something. Sera could not sense what Micaiah was thinking or feeling. She had her heart closed so that Sera couldn’t read it. That concerned her. Why would she do that? Sera knew Micaiah was doing it on purpose. Every time Sera saw her, she would close off her emotions. Sera started to do the same thing. Then again, she always had them closed off. No, she didn’t think there were others who could read people’s hearts like there heron around, but there were still other ways to do so and Sera wasn’t going to risk it with Micaiah.

“I saw what you did back in Nevassa,” Micaiah suddenly started. Her sudden speaking caused her to jump a bit.

Sera paused in chewing her lip, “Sorry?”

“When you treated that girl’s wound. I saw you do it,” she went on.

Sera blinked, “So you were there?”

Micaiah shook her head, “No, but I saw it in a vision,” she explained.

Sera then raised a brow, “A vision?”

Micaiah nodded, “Remember when Sothe mentioned my far-sight?”

Sera nodded her head slowly, “So it’s actually true?” she asked turning towards Micaiah slowly.

Micaiah nodded her head, with her eyes closed. “I saw you in one of those visions and instantly knew I had to find you.”

Sera narrowed her eyes, “And why is that?”

“Because Sera. We are the same.”

That made Sera tense. “Do you mean that…”

“We both have the mark Sera,” Micaiah finished.

That made Sera tense. She watched as Micaiah started to take off one of her gloves. Sera’s eyes widened as she saw the mark on her hand. It almost looked like a bird flying upwards.

“You have one as well?” She asked in a whisper. It would explain why Sera felt uneasy around Micaiah and it made sense as well. Why didn’t she figure that out?

Micaiah nodded her head, “Yes, and I believe you have one as well?” she asked.

Sera knew better than to question her. However, she still hesitated before shifting her cloak and folding down her collar to reveal the mark on the left side of her neck.

“It’s the mark of a heron brand,” she explained while staring ahead.

Micaiah nodded her head, but suddenly her eyes widened as she realized, “You as well?”

Sera nodded her head. She could sense Micaiah opening up now and with that, many more questions soon started to follow; most of the about her family.

“Did they all die in the massacre?” Micaiah asked.

Sera nodded her head. “The only reason I survived was because my father managed to carry me to the edge of the forest,” she explained.

“I see… I’m so sorry Sera,” she started.

Sera just shrugged, “There’s no need for sympathy. I’ve gotten over it now.”

“But there is still so much darkness inside your heart,” Micaiah started.

Sera frowned. This was getting too much now. Micaiah was setting her up for something. Sera wasn’t sure what, but she needed to be careful. She had everything closed off so Micaiah couldn’t read it, so when did she figure it out?

“It’s not that hard Sera. I can tell you were a different person back then,” she went on. Sera didn’t say anything as Micaiah spoke continuing to go on with what she knew. “Sera, something happened in the past didn’t it? You should really talk about it. It’s not healthy holding it in.”

Sera sighed as she stood up, “I’m sorry Micaiah. But there really is no reason for me to talk about it. What’s done is done. There’s no point in talking about it now. I thank you for your concern, but everything is fine thank you,” and with that she turned around and walked off to a different spot. It wasn’t that Sera was mad at Micaiah for being concerned. In fact, Sera didn’t mind it and knew that it was better for her to talk about it, but the fact that Micaiah read her like that and interpreted what Sera was feeling so correctly when she had closed herself off the entire time, that’s what bothered Sera and she didn’t like it one bit.

Sera sighed as she sat down against one of the trees a little off. She could tell Micaiah had been staring at her the entire time she walk away. Sera didn’t bother to look back and sat down against the tree, with her eyes closed and began to focus on the sounds like she had been earlier.

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DISCONTINUED, MOVED TO "Fire emblem x readers and scenarios" A bunch of Fire Emblem Heroes one shots and short stories with everyone's beloved summon...