Promises (Pirates of the Cari...

By AlaudeAbyss

56.6K 1.3K 318

I noticed there isn't a lot of stories about James Norrington from Pirates of the Caribbean.. I decided to ma... More

II - Reunion
III - Tour around the town
IV - Will Turner
V - Pirates
VI - Confession
VII - Perfect
VIII - I'm sorry....
IX - A Way Back
X - Returning
XI - Promises
XII - Aboard the Flying Dutchman
XIII - Faltering Trust. . .
XIV - Raise of the New Ruler of the Sea
XV - Judgement Day

I - Past

9.6K 148 21
By AlaudeAbyss

"Mari? are you in here again?" I hear my sister's voice as she calls me by the nickname she gave me. "what is it, Elizabeth? I'm in the middle of reading.." I told her then flip a page.. "reading.. you're always reading.. when was the last time you set foot outside? do you even eat?" she asks "I only set foot outside when I am in need of fresh air.. and that's mostly at night.. and yes, of course I do.." I respond, not looking away from the book.. she sighs deeply and took my book away. "you're always in the library.. it's like you live here! come on, get dressed! father expects you at the ball room!" my sister says and I glared at her "you know how I don't like crowds.." I tell her and grab my book back and search for the page where I had left off. "Mari, at least once.. listen to me as your older sister.." Elizabeth begs me, but I refused to look at her.. after several moments passed, her name was called by the voice of our mother.. Elizabeth sighs and gives up on me like everyone else had.. I place a book mark at the page I was currently on and looked out the window of the library.. several people had came, dressed so extravagantly in their best attires. "I really don't get it... we are all humans.. but why were they so harsh on me..?" I let a few tears flow as memories flashes in my head of the days I would go to places with my family.. people would stare at me, glare at me, trip me when they thought I wasn't paying attention.. and my days at school when they would bully me.. I've had enough of their torture and had locked myself in my room for days without food.. in those days, my existence in the family start to fade.. Elizabeth was known to be the only child of the Swann family.. Elizabeth was the perfect child everyone would want.. but I am but a forgotten child... I would sometimes be mistaken by my own mother to be a servant girl when I'm not dressed so elegantly like Elizabeth.. and I would act the part.. not letting her look at my face nor my eyes.. Our family portraits would consist of only Father, Mother and Elizabeth.. while I am but a mere shadow in the back.. I never minded the loneliness as I would only get in trouble for something so small.. I held no emotion when facing the people in the household.. the servants often mistake me for a ghost, but Father defends me.. only Elizabeth and Father show that they truly care for me.

"Maria, my daughter.. are you here?" father voice calls and I quickly wipe my tears. "I am, father.. is there anything you need?" I ask, opening the book I have been reading and acted as if I had been reading for hours, like I would usually do. I see father come from behind a bookshelf and then stands before me. "my child, why do you hide yourself in this old and dusty library? you should be downstairs, with your sister and mother. when you were little, you would always be in a cheery mood when you hear there would be a ball.. but now.. what has become of you?" he asks with concern in his voice. I sigh and close my book.. "I'm simply trying to get myself on track of the studies I'm suppose to learn since I don't want to go anymore.. you know how I feel about society.." I say, never telling him of the abuse I had suffered when I stepped out to the world outside our doors. Everyone seemed to be oblivious of my injuries that had healed and some had scarred .. he lets out a sigh "at least.. would you think about traveling with me and your sister? there is a town in the Caribbean that the higher-ups had assigned for me to govern. your sister had jumped to the chance and begged Elethea to have her come with me." father asks but I shook my head "if the both of you were to leave, then who would take care of mother? besides, I can help around here by doing the paperwork in her place.. I know she pushes the paperwork towards you as she spends time with Elizabeth.. I've learned so much and ahead of my level, father.. I've even studied politics and how things work." I tell him and he chuckles "really? then what do you need to read to catch up for?" I realize my mistake.. "my apologizes, father.. I lied.." I bow my head in shame but he lays a hand on my head and chuckles. "you truly are an odd girl, Maria.. but that's what's special about you.. it's your choice, to leave or stay. your sister and I will be leaving in a month. if you decide to stay, then I hope you best take care of your mother." He goes to exit but stops and turns to speak to me once more. "and, it may be best if you stay in my study from tomorrow and onwards.. I must teach you everything that you need to learn about the fun of paperwork." he says then I laugh as he chuckles before he closes the door. I was left alone again.. I sighed and turn to my book "' To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death-
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns- puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.- Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia!- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins rememb'red.'
" I say with feeling and emotion.. I then heard clapping noises. I turned and saw a boy, older than I.. my guess probably 5-8 years older than I am.. "such emotion.. I applaud your wonderful performance. but a tragic tale that it is Hamlet.." he says and I back away from him a little and he looked a bit alarmed at my movement. "i-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to interrupt and intrude.. I was simply passing by when I heard you.. and I felt drawn to your performance.. If I may ask, what are you doing here?" he says and I didn't answer, unknowing who this person is. and seeming as if he has read my thoughts, he gasps "oh dear.. where have my manners gone? My name is Norrington, James Norrington." he introduces himself.. and feeling a bit rude and unfair that I had learned his name but he has yet to learn mine, I summoned up some confidence.. "Miss Swann..." I curtsied at him, not telling him my first.. "just Miss Swann..?" he asks.. I took this distraction as he faced the ground in deep thought to escape his view.. 'I've revealed too much about my existence.. I don't want anyone else other than my family and the few workers in this household know of me.. I can't allow being seen in public again.. I don't want to be hurt anymore...' I thought as I ran off with a flushed face.

James Norrington POV
"Miss Swann, wh--" I cut myself off when I looked back at the silhouette of the girl, who was already gone without trace.. "I thought Miss Swann was with her father in the ballroom.. who could that be?" I ask myself then exit the Library room. "you saw her, didn't you?" someone pops out of no where and asks "w-what?" I nearly jumped in surprised.. "the ghost of the library.. Miss Elizabeth claims her to be her sister, a few believes her.. but we all know that she doesn't exist.. probably a ghost child of a tragic incident that came and haunts the library.." a maid says as I had turned to face her "g-ghost..?" I ask in confusion "yes, sir.. if Madam Elethea had another child, she would know.. but she does not.." she says then someone calls for her. the maid jumps and runs off.. 'a ghost... she does resemble one.. the moonlight showed me not of her face but she had very light hair and very pale skin.. as if she had not seen the sun in years.. slender as well..' I find myself lost in thought as the girl starts to haunt my mind.. "-enant? Lieutenant?" someone waves a hand in front of my face. "o-oh.. my apologizes.. I was lost in thought.." I apologize to the man who tried to gain my attention. "quite deep, if I may say so.." the man, who I recognize to be soon-to-be Governor Weatherby Swann say "y-yes.. I came across something as I had gotten lost to find my way back from the washroom.." I tell "how rare.. I've heard great tales of you, Lieutenant Norrington. you climbed up ranks in a blink of an eye, at such a young age at that. but I never thought I catch you off-guard as you think deeply of something." he says and that gave me a bit of pride "well, I am still human, sir. great tales you may have heard, but I would have never achieve such title without the help and support from my family, friends and men. without them, I would never be where I am today." "well said, Lieutenant. well said." and with that, we converse about the voyage to Port Royal.. but after meeting the young Miss Elizabeth, my thoughts couldn't help but wander off to the said 'ghost' I had met in the library.. 'why can't I stop thinking about you?' I place a hand where my heart would be and glaze at the way where I had met the mysterious 'ghost' .. 'why does my heart beat so fast when I think of you?'  

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