This can't be real... {Markip...

By HazzardHannah

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I would like to say a huge thank you to @cakeiplier for helping with progressing the story This story contain... More

Chapter 1: Look at the random man- OMG ITS MARKIPLIER
Chapter 2: Teddy bear leg
Chapter 3: I'm so holy!
Chapter 5: Ahhhhh... FRICK ME
Chapter 6: Sexy and I know it
Chapter 7: Yawn......yawwn....yaaawww- SHUT UP!
Chapter 8: Cuddles
Chapter 9: Awkward Lap Dance
Chapter 10: Grinding
Chapter 11: The fuck?
Chapter 12: Rude!
Chapter 13: Kewl band brah
Chapter 14: Dark sides.
Chapter 15: Finding something we shouldn't...
Chapter 16: (Warning: Sexual scenes)
Changer 18: JACK???
Chapter 19: Ow...
Chapter 20: "Like you..."
Chapter 21: Freddy...
Chapter 22: You're my heroes...
Chapter 23: WHY CHICA? WHYY?!?!?
Chapter 24: OH MY LORDY LORD
Chapter 25: Fight...Fight...Fight...
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28: Nude... ALMOST
Chapter 29: Sheeeshhhh...
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32: Dark?
Chapter 33: M-Mark?
Chapter 34: Night 7
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 38:

Chapter 37:

45 2 26
By HazzardHannah

900+ Reads! Woop! That's at least 20 people reading my story and returning to it! Yay. Anyway, enjoy.

"That's the thing... Golden Freddy took over my computer, causing hacked clients and viruses to appear. The computer got so bad it was unusable. So I scrapped it." Scott confesses. "I thought that would fix the problem but they managed to release the game itself before the computer was scrapped, leading it to be sold on steam. I've been trapped here for as long as I can remember, being conducted by a virus. I'm so sorry..."

I looked Scott up and down, looking at his slumped figure. He let out a sigh, looked up and spoke, "I know you probably don't trust me the slightest, but I give you my word and that's all I can do."

I look around the room, studying people's faces. Most are a little sceptical while Fae looks like she wants to murder him.

"We'll give you a chance." I instruct, no one seems to disagree apart from Fae who looks like she is about to say something but Dark whispering in her ear distracts her.

"So, do we just wait till morning and we get transported back?" I ask Scott expectantly. He lets out a sigh.

"I'm not really certain, but that'll probably be the case..." Scott shrugs and sits himself in a corner.

"Time?" I ask no one in particular.

"4:27." Sarah tells me.

"God," I rub my eyes and begin to walk back and fourth along the room, thinking about random crap.

Well, it should be about Christmas time when we get back... So... Mark's channel has been left for a whole year without content? Presumably missing or even dead? Oh my... What must his family be thinking? His fans? They would be in tears without Mark being there with his comforting support... They might even end their life because of it. Oh god, why have I brought myself to think of such a terrible subject. ( Hannah is continuously pacing the room throughout the whole thing )

I feel tears linger in my eyes a little as I continue to think about it.

What about Nellie! Oh god poor Nellie. She is already in a bad enough state with the whole baby drama and now I'm gone, most likely presumed dead, I'm not there to comfort her or let her know she'll be okay?!? I just hope she hasn't done anything stupid... And my family! They must've tried to contact me. Oh god, they must be destroyed. What if they are having a funeral to say goodbye to me?

By now I'm shaking and tears and falling off of my face and onto my t shirt.

I come back to reality a little as I'm being shaken and yelled at.

"Hannah! What the fuck are you daydreaming about? You and Mark making love?!? Snap out of it woman!" Fae is yelling at me in a jokey tone.

"W-what?" I ask, looking around to see people eye-balling me suspiciously.

"What is up with you? You're such a state." Fae shakes her head in a dissaproving manner, wiping away my tears with her sleeve.

"I was just thinking about *sniff* how great it would be to go back to reality... Then I realised we're more than likely presumed dead. Mark, Jack and Felix have left their audience in the dark, they have no idea what's happening. They come to their channels for their comforting and fun aura, and now their suddenly gone, it can seriously affect someone who has been saved by them from depression. They could go straight back in." I start having my rant and no one stops me so I continue. " *cough* Then I began to think about Nellie and my family, they could be performing my funeral without a clue that I'm totally fine... When we go back, what're we supposed to say? We just vanished for a year with no evidence on the whole of planet Earth."

People are sniffling a little, probably realising that their friends and family are worried sick too.

"I guess we could say ... That we were kidnapped? The kidnapper was killed by falling into the ocean?" Jack suggests. "They won't bother to search the entire sea for a body."

"You know what? That's the best idea we got so I guess we'll have to meet in real life to make a video 'bout it." Mark suggests.

"Maybe in a month or so time. So we can get used to life." I shrug, everyone seems to just nod.

"5:06." Sarah interjects.

I kinda just awkwardly fist bump the air. "We might make it!"

That's when the door gets knocked down with a huge slam.

"For fuck sake!" I yell in anger and punch the wall, leading to me shaking my hand and repeatedly saying 'Ow'.

It's Freddy standing there, Bonnie and Foxy lurking behind him. Chica is no where to be found.

"Get.... Them...." Freddy's slow, creepy and robotic voice echo's throughout the room, pointing at us.

All the animatronics begin to move quite slowly towards us, where as Foxy sprints right in front of Dark.

Dark quickly gathers a ball of black smoke and throws it at Foxy's face, this does nothing to him.

Everyone panics as we are surrounded, we cling onto each other for dear life.

When suddenly.

A hugs ball of white smoke is blasted at them all, making the animatronics to fall over apart from Golden Freddy. The white smoke ball came from Scott.

"Golden Freddy!" Scott exclaims. "Stop this madness. Why do you need to hurt innocent people?"

"Its thrilling to me..." Golden Freddy quickly responds, taking a few steps towards him.

"Go, NOW!" Scott yells towards us, we all quickly scatter out of the room, barely looking back.

That is when the bells go off.

Those glorious bells.

The bells that signal the end of the night.

We did it. We actually did it.

A cheque floats in front of me, slightly bobbing up and down. I grab it up and read it.

To: Hannah Scott
Amount: $120
Signed: Scott C

P.S You can go home now.

I spin around to see Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy coming out of the room we were just in. They're in human form.

"I guess this is it..." Freddy trails off, scratching the back of his neck.

"I guess so..." I take a deep breath, watching as the sun rises through a small window.

"It's been fun, I guess." I murmur, trying not to cry.

"Group hug?" Bonnie suggests. We then all cram into each other, hugging each other as tight as we can.

Then we begin to slowly fade.

"Ness, DM me on twitter saying our favourite word so I know it's you." Jack quickly explains to Ness. She nods, hugging him tightly and kissing him on the lips.

"Rachel, do the same." Felix then runs into her arms and picks her up, spinning her around.

People begin to panic, trying to keep in contact.

"Guys, I'll start a skype call when we get back. All DM me on twitter saying 'that was one hell of an experience'." We all nod to Jack.

A tear escapes my eye as we dissapear into thin air...

OOOHHH! What's gonna happen next, huh?

Sorry I'm so late with updating. Laziness.

Anyway, its gonna be sad to see this story go. But I'm writing others so... It'll be fine.

Thanks to Cakeiplier for convincing me. Check out her story!


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