Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

Waking up
A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A moment of silence
A great father
A lesson of sorts
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

A small moment

691 35 0
By oXMoonBeamXo

I let out a deep breath and opened my eyes forgetting where I was only for a moment. I was in Kakashi's arms, which made me very happy. I looked up at him and he was awake reading of course. I gripped his vest and pulled myself into his face, "boo!" I whispered it.

He blinked at me then chuckled, " Goodmorning, beautiful." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead through his mask. His charm was laid on thick and it made my heart flutter.

I smiled and then turned around pulling the book down to my level. I was shocked to see it wasn't 'make out tactics'. It was a ninja skills book on the history of the leaf. I made a bored face, "this has to be bone crawling boring, Kakashi." I said it skimming the page only to find myself intrigued.

After a few moments he chuckled, "and yet... You're reading it. " he said, snapping the book shut, destroying my interest.

I sighed and sat up climbing out of the bed. I went over to the window and looked out, "it's finally stopped raining!" I said it smiling. I turned to Kakashi who had gotten up and was yawning. He stretched making his shirt pull up slightly showing his stomach and there was just something I loved about that.

He glanced at the dark sky, " looks like it might start back up." He walked over to me and held something out. I looked, seeing my shorts.

Oh ya... I blushed and slipped them on fast while he turned to pick up his book that was still on the floor. I then went over to my shoes and slipped them on. "I want to leave..." I turned to Kakashi who was already at the door. I looked at him with pleading eyes... And a careful look... He waved me over and I hurried over.

"You're allowed to leave, we slept the whole night and then some." He explained. " I already signed you out. " He said it looking down at me, watching my happy face and smiled.

I smiled and shoved my hands in my pockets walking next to him. " Good means I don't have to sneak out... Not that I would..." I said the last part as he glared at me disapprovingly. I looked away from him jokingly then looked back at him smiling innocently.

We left the building and started toward what I was guessing home, I paused at a vegetable stand and started looking through the stand. Hmm... I was hungry...

"There you are... " I looked up confused and turned to see Kakashi with a worried expression. I glanced the other way to see naruto. Who... Looked like he just got murdered. I gave him a scared look, " Naruto! What happened?!" I asked.

He laughed like the maniac he was and shook his head, " just training speaking of which... How are you?"He gently hugged me, it was as if I was made of glass and he was afraid to break me. I guess I have gotten hurt a lot lately. It was part of being a shinobi. People get hurt all the time.

I let out a breath, " I'm alright... You should really go get stitched up Naruto... There is a trail of blood-" I gently touched the gash on his leg worried.

"Nah, I'm fine! Sooooooo...." He glanced at Kakashi unwillingly. " what are you doing?" He asked bored. He seemed to have somewhat accepted us together but still didnt like it.

I rubbed my chin, "well I was thinking of what to make for dinner... Seeing how it's been a week and a half I know Kakashi hasn't eaten properly if anything at that. Should I make an eggplant dish or sweet potato?" I turned to Kakashi and asked him the last part. Maybe he had a preference? "You're welcome to join us, Naruto." I said in a hopeful voice, I missed him.

Kakashi gave me a smile, answering my question before Naruto." either will do." He said it while picking up an eggplant and looked at it with almost wonder. Maybe he was wondering what you could make out with it.

I turned back to a deathly bored looking Naruto, " you sound like his wife... Booorrrinnnnggg.... I'm going to find Kiba and see if he wants to train." He said it and ran off with a wave. "Thanks for the offer though. Some other time."

"No more training! Get some rest!" I called after him concerned, he was going to train himself to death.

I slowly went back to my task at hand, deciding. I tilted my head with a sigh and went back to looking at the vegetables, "ah! I can't decide!" I cried out and looked up at kakashi.

He tilted his head thinking, " I do like egg-" He started.

"Eggplant then!" I sang and picked it up.

He chuckled and shook his head. " what else will you be making?" He asked, following me into the store as I started looking around.

" I wanted to get those clear noodles..." I said and looked at all the noodles. To my dismay they were on the top shelf, " My worst enemy..." I grumbled and got on my toes reaching for them. My fingers could only touch the ledge... There was no way of getting them... I turned slowly to the tall man next to me. He was skimming his book and glanced up at me still trying to reach it.

He smiled at me, " need help?" He asked tilting his head and grabbing the box of noodles for me.

I smiled up at him lovingly, "Thanks! Just hold that for now...." I went to find the meat. I frowned when they had none... How come? I was confused, I mean they had nothing...

" The rain... No one can get through the roads." He answered my thoughts, " there is some meat left in the freezer from the last time you cooked." He came up beside me looking at the empty shelves with me.

I thought for a moment, "okay, then lets pay." I paid for the food and then headed home with the small bag carried by kakashi. He put his book away.

I grabbed his hand, " You're so tall kakashi." I said looking up at him.

He looked down at me, " am I?" He tilted his head saying it playfully.

I snickered at his playfulness, "yes... Even more so for me since I'm already short." I quoted him from our last conversation on it.

He smiled at me thoughtfully, " it makes you cute." He said, squeezing my hand.

Once we reached home I started on dinner while he took a shower, it didn't take long since it was a simple meal. We ate in silence but you know not all silence is bad. After dinner I cleaned up with Kakashi's help.

So now I sat on the couch writing my report of our last mission while Kakashi was going through some files. Mine didn't take too long so I watched some clouds until that got boring. I got up and walked into the kitchen. Kakashi was putting his papers away. He got up and put them on the shelf. I wanted to kiss him so bad... Oh wait. Haha, I can...

I snuck over to him and pulled on his arm, before he could even look I closed my eyes and made a kissing face.

After a few moments I opened my eyes with disappointment. I jumped a bit at Kakashi's face very close to mine, he just chuckled. I pouted and turned away.

He gasped and grabbed me and pulled me to him, "hey hey missy! " I turned around and he grabbed my chin. " I wasn't finished." He pulled his mask down and leaned in. I pecked his lip then ran for it, "ha!" I yelled but to my disappointment I didn't get far. I had an arm around my waist before I could reach the living room.

I sighed, " Okay... Okay... You got me!" I was placed on my feet and I turned to him.

He leaned down again and our lips met curving around each other. I needed to breathe and without thinking opened my mouth. He pulled away as if in shock. We breathed into each other for a moment and the air was so sweet.

I blinked at him confused, "sorry... I had to breathe..." I said blushing.

He just laughed nervously, " like I always say careful, Naruko." He poked my nose.

I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Careful about kissing you?" I said with a giggle and leaned in kissing him again.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me there. He let the kiss go on until around the time I always seemed to run out of air then pulled away. He let out a sigh, " alright, time for bed." He pulled his mask up.

I jumped down and locked hands with him. "Alright." Then we went to bed.

We spent the night at first laying next to each other and talking about life at the moment. It was nice to have someone to talk to. To unburden our lives to each other. It made my heart light and happy to fall asleep so peacefully.

---- the next day---

I felt cold instantly and sat up in shock, it was dark in the room. I reached out for Kakashi but he wasn't there...

" that was fast..." Kakashi's voice came from the corner of the room. It sounded like he was changing. He must be amused from my noticing him gone so fast. But he was so warm it was hard to not miss him being gone.

I rubbed my eyes and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. " Where are you going?" I asked in a sleepy voice. I leaned forward resting my chin in my hands searching for him in the dark.

He chuckled, " nowhere... Haven't you noticed I get up this early all the time. Usually you don't wake up. I end up finishing my morning stuff and come back. " He came into the moonlight and I stared at him. He looked so mysterious in the moonlight.

" Really?" I questioned and looked at the time it was 5 am.... "Well... Still... What do you do?" I asked curious. Had I really slept through him sneaking out this whole time? What was he doing?

"Get dressed, I'll show you." He told me, reaching a hand out toward me. 

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