Brothers Best Friend (H.S)

By harry1d_af

2.1M 28.1K 47.1K

Book 1 in the Brother's Best Friend Series. Through drama, arguments, love and lust can you still fall for y... More

Chapter One- Always Full of Sunshine
Chapter Two- Miss West and Mr Styles
Chapter Three- Peach
Chapter Four- Not Turning Down The Hook Up
Chapter Five- Doesnt Explain Why Your Half Dressed
Chapter Six- And then There Was Two
Chapter Seven- The City
Chapter Nine- That Would be Funny Right Harry?
Chapter Ten- A Date
Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door
Chapter Tweleve- If You Over Step The Line
Chapter Thirteen- Spare Room
Chapter Fourteen- Breakfast
Chapter Fifteen- Not Interested
Chapter Sixteen- What Were You Gonna Say?
Chapter Seventeen- Oh You Like Her?
Chapter Eighteen- Bonding
Chapter Nineteen- Well You Already Fucked That
Chapter Twenty- Baby Steps
Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me
Chapter Twenty Two- I've got Cups
Chapter Twenty Three- I Need Some Air
Chapter Twenty Four- Dare
Chapter Twenty Five- Goodnight
Chapter Twenty Six- Harry Invited Her
Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek
Chapter Twenty Eight- A Word Now?
Chapter Twenty Nine- 8 Planets
Chapter Thirty- Ever Heard Of a Cab?
Chapter Thirty One- You Say It Like It's A Bad Thing
Chapter Thirty Two- You Can Do Better Than That
Chapter Thirty Three- Rumour Has It
Chapter Thirty Four- Barbecue
Chapter Thirty Five- Unexpected
Chapter Thirty Six- Rough Love
Chapter Thirty Seven- Packers Are Shit
Chapter Thirty Eight- Soft Spots
Chapter Thirty Nine- Just
Chapter Forty- Baby
Chapter Forty One- Strawbs
Chapter Forty Two- Breakfast, Books and Pages
Chapter Forty Three- The First Tear Fell
Chapter Forty Four- Decisions
Chapter Forty Five- New Things
Chapter Forty Six- Surrender
Chapter Forty Seven- Apuesto a que te encantarĂ­a
Chapter Forty Eight- Did You Forget My Bestfriend?
Chapter Forty Nine- I Told You So
Chapter Fifty- Trust
Chapter Fifty One- No Time Like The Present
Chapter Fifty Two- Visitation
Chapter Fifty Three- Family Are Lethal
Chapter Fifty Four- Four Days
Chapter Fifty Five- Maybe I Learned From The Best
Chapter Fifty Six- Stepping Up
Chapter Fifty Seven- Next Door
Chapter Fifty Eight- Endless Questions
Chapter Fifty Nine- Silent Tear
Main Cast List- Final
Chapter Sixty- Perfect
Chapter Sixty One- Haven't You Done Enough?
Chapter Sixty Two- Harry's Girl
Chapter Sixty Three- Zac
Chapter Sixty Four- Symbolism
Chapter Sixty Five- Ring
Chapter Sixty Six- Just Pretend
Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters
Chapter Sixty Eight- Lingerie
Chapter Sixty Nine- Swings and Roundabouts
Chapter Seventy- Famous Last Words
Chapter Seventy One- 102
Chapter Seventy Two- Wrong Place Wrong Time
Chapter Seventy Three- The Letter
Chapter Seventy Four- Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Side Chicks
Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY
Chapter Seventy Six- Family Dinner
Chapter Seventy Seven- Ruining The Moment
Chapter Seventy Eight- Tell Him
Chapter Seventy Nine- Feels
Chapter Eighty- Paper's
Chapter Eighty One- 2935 Miles
Question Time!
Q&A 2
Chapter Eighty Two- Nothing Left To Give But Tears
Chapter Eighty Three- The Guy I Hated To Love
Chapter Eighty Four- Method Behind The Madness
Chapter Eighty Five- Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole
Chapter Eighty Six- For The First Time
Chapter Eighty Seven- Saints And Sinners
Chapter Eighty Eight- Caught
Chapter Eighty Nine- Our Song
Chapter Ninety- Scattered Dreams
Chapter Ninety One- Don't
Chapter Ninety Two- Friday
Chapter Ninety Three- Birthday
Chapter Ninety Four- Heartbreakingly Breathtaking
Chapter Ninety Four (Part 2)- Bottom Lip
Chapter Ninety Five- Ghost
Book 2

Chapter Eight- You'll Probably Get An Invite

32.4K 397 340
By harry1d_af

Chapter eight

Amy's POV

"That one is the one" Harry pointed to the building in front of us.

"I agree so are you going to shoot? Or?"

"I'll shoot and you sketch some ideas based on the building" he shakes the camera he brought in his hands before I nod. I

"Okay, make sure you've got it from the lowest possible angle maybe with a slight tilt or something?"

"Yeah I've got it" he nods as he presses buttons on the camera setting it up.

"Right I'll sit over there and you can do whatever" I say as I point to a bench in the corner but he doesn't even look up before speaking.


I swear we've been here hours as it was now starting to darken around us. The street lights were brightening and so were the cities buildings. Harry was trying everything thing he could to get a good picture and I admire him as I watched him. He'd come show me what he's got every now and again before he'd run off and collect more, it was sweet. I say on the bench with a corn dog in hand and my phone in the other. I gave up on the project about 10 minutes in, and I've been enjoying Twitter and Instagram ever since.

"Okay I think I got a good o- what are you doing?" I look up from my phone to see Harry with his camera round his neck with a strap as he holds it in his hands looking at me with a slight frown.

"Uh what does it look like I'm doing? I'm relaxing" I gesture to my position on the bench.

"Your supposed to be sketching ideas!" He raises his voice releasing a small sigh as he lets go of his camera leaving it to dangle on the strap.

"Well I was for about 10 minutes but then I got bored-"

"Why didn't you say anything? We could of had a little walk or gone for coffee or something?" He rolls his eyes, cutting me off.

"I don't know I just thought that this was just like let's gets the project done and leave" I shrug as I sit up properly.

"I told you before! What did I say about you and I before?" He sighs as he takes a sit beside me.

"When?" I furrow my eyebrows as I look at him.

"In the car"

"Uh- that you didn't hate me"

"Well yeah but before that" he nods but then shakes his head. I think for a second but I had no idea what he was trying to get at.

"I don't know?" As soon as I said that, it came to me. I knew exactly what he was going to say and I really didn't want to hear it.

"I said that-"

"Harry don't" I cut him off, shaking my head.

"What?" He frowns as he looks at me.

"Please don't finish that sentence, I-" I shake my head over and over again and rub my temples for a few seconds.

"Why? What is wrong about it?" He says referring to our growing 'friendship' I guess.

"It just is!" I raise my voice a little. I was becoming frustrated that he was pushing this. I don't understand why he would even care so much about it when it never existed till now.

"But I'm trying-"

"I don't care! You shouldn't be hanging out with me at parties over your friends and especially Klaus, he's my brother!" I say as I scream back at him thinking back to the party yesterday.

"And what? I didn't say that I liked you did I! It's not like I'm fucking you behind his back! I said I like spending time with you! As friends! Just hanging out! Klaus doesn't have a say in who I'm friends with" he says sternly but I just shake my head. I do feel bad about telling Harry this but he's Klaus' friend not mine.


"I don't care about what Klaus has to say about us being friends! I like hanging out with you and I'm not going to hide that from him" he raises his voice a little.

"Harry it's not that, I just- okay so maybe it is Klaus and stuff but this is all so new to me and I've gone hating you for years and now all sudden you tell me you like hanging out with me?" I ask him trying to be as honest as possible.

"So you don't like hanging out with me because you hate me?" He raises an eyebrow and my eyes widen.

"No! I don't hate you! I did but not anymore"

"You hated me?" His expression drops and i feel even worse than before.

"Yeah I'm being totally honest with you I did, but I don't anymore" I assure him. I can't hate him.

"And that's supposed make me feel better?" He rolls his eyes before getting up from the bench and I follow him as he walks away from me.

"No I don't expect it too, I was just trying to tell you that it's weird that everything changing so quickly and its a lot to take in" I yell at him because I couldn't keep up with him as he stormed away. He spun round straight away and stopped right in front of me.

"Look Amz, I didn't mean to cause this but I do like hanging out with you and I know that I probably shouldn't with Klaus and all but at the end of the day I do and I don't want Klaus to be an issue. I like hanging out with you just like I like hanging out with other friends, why should Klaus come between that?" He sighs, running a hand through his hair.

"You guys have been best friends for ages and I know that things would be different if you all the sudden started hanging out with his sister" I say and he nods.

"I just feel bad lying to him about hanging out with you" he admits and I nod.

"Well technically this is compulsory so he can't say anything about us hanging out right now- it's to do with our education so screw him" I shrug trying to lighten the mood and he laughs.

"True but as for last night..."

"He was the one who disappeared" I shrug and shakes his head. I know he was getting worked up about it because I could see it in his mannerism.

"I know but we just lied to him on the phone just then and we shouldn't of" he says and I frown.

"And since when did you care about shit like this? Your like crying like a baby about it" I laugh lightly.

"I'm not crying!" He laughs and we carry on walking, taking our backpacks and stuff with us.

"You might as well be" I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"That's rude- can you pass me that" he points to the small bottle of water in the side pocket of my backpack. I nod and pass him if.

"When do you want to head back?" I ask.

"I don't mind, do you need to be somewhere?" He asks as we walk slowly through the park.

"No no, we can go get something to eat later you know? Like maybe after a walk around Central Park? For like the project" I add at the end. I don't want to leave just yet. I like hanging out with Harry and I'm happy to admit that but I just don't want this to be a regular thing because of his and Klaus' relationship.

"Yeah sure" he smiles and I smile too.

"So I didn't know you had a sister?" I said.

"Yeah she lives in London, she only visits on like special occasions with my mum so I don't really see them a lot" he shrugs.

"Does she call?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah all the time and it's a little annoying but in used to it" he tell me and I laugh.

"It's not annoying it's sweet" I tell him and he roll his eyes whilst laughing.

"If it happened to you you would be annoyed too"

"True" I agree and he smiles. The funny thing about being around Harry is the fact that I don't feel uncomfortable at all. I feel more than comfortable around him and I don't know why.

"How are Marie and Edward?" He asks, referring to my parents.

"They're good they're travelling actually" I tell him. Harry and my dad were close. Like probably closer than my dad and Klaus. I don't know why but my dad just took a liking to him and treats him like one of his own, my mom does too.

"Travelling?" He raises an eyebrow.

"On a cruise around the med" I nod. My parents always wanted to do something like this and I was pleased that they decided to take the opportunity to do it.

"That's amazing, what about Elijah and Rain?" He asks about my older brother and sister. I don't see a lot of Rain because she's always off doing something with her fiancé Matt. We've never been amazingly close to be honest. However, my brother Elijah and I were once known as the gruesome twosome. We did everything together. We were partners in crime through out our childhood and I wouldn't change it for the world. Elijah and I are always going for lunch or out sneaking me into clubs and stuff. He's so much fun.

"They're good, Rain is engaged to Matt and Elijah is well he's Elijah" I laugh.

"He hates me" Harry moans and I frown.

"No he doesn't" I argue. Why would Elijah hate him?

"Yeah he does, he told Klaus" he tells me. When was this? I've never even heard Elijah speak a lot about Harry.

"He wouldn't do that" I shake my head.

"Uh well he did" he insists and shake my head.

"Oh well he's never around anyway who cares?"

"True, when's Rain's wedding?" He asks. Harry always thought my sister was hot but Klaus doesn't know this. He always used to make crude remarks about her or flirt with her in slyly. Obviously Rain had a boyfriend at the time who turned out to be her fiancé so she took no notice of him.

"I don't know she said she hadn't planned a days but she said she's sorting it" I tell him. Of course Rain was sorting her wedding, she is the queen of managing everything and everyone.

"That'll be nice, Matt's a nice guy" he says and I nod. Matt is lovely and I'm happy that Rain found him, she really does deserve someone like him.

"You'll probably get an invite" I say. Of course Harry would get an invite because my family see him as an extra brother or son.

"Your family love me, except Elijah" he laughed and I join.

"They like everyone, don't get too big headed"

"Marie made me muffins once and Klaus got nothing doesn't that say something?" He says and I laugh rather loudly making him look at me in confusion.

"She told you to give those muffins to Me and Klaus and you didn't so that doesn't count" I call him out.

"How do you know about that?" He questions.

"She told me"

"Shit" he hisses making me laugh and he does too.

"She probably hates you for stealing the muffins" I tell him jokingly.

"I didn't steal them!" He laughs, his voice raising as he lies.

"You kinda did" I tell him with a smug smile on my face.

"I didn't I was keeping them safe" he argues and I laugh.

"By eating them? Great one" I roll my eyes.

"Shut up" he laughs lightly. We talk about other things for a good half hour like Klaus, food, music, films, books, celebrities and shit. We were in the middle of Central Park sat on a rocky area near a large portion of water. Birds were everywhere and Harry was taking photos of the scenery, commentating on how beautiful it was for being in the middle of a city.

"Oh my god!" I scream and raise my hand to cover my mouth as I look at Harry. He quickly turns to me with a worried look on his face.


"Oh my fucking god!" I try not to laugh.

"What? What is it?" He asks again clearly worried about me.

"A bird just shit on your shoulder!" I yell pointing to his right shoulder as I let out a little laugh. His eyes widen and he looks down at his coat and sees the shit stain.

"No fucking way!" He gapes and I begin to hole with laughter.

"Oh my god I can't breathe!"

"Stop laughing and help me" he says as he wiggles his shoulder around.

"I'm not touching that!" I argue still laughing.

"Amy!" He whines like a child, pouting slightly.

"Let me take a picture!" I quickly pull out my phone and he protests straight away.

"What? No! Get it off!" He groans wiggling his shoulder even more.

"I can't believe you got shit on" I say as I take the picture still laughing slightly.

"Stop laughing!" He hits my arm and I laugh even more.

"It's funny!" I argue.

"It's embarrassing! Help me" he pleads again whilst making a weird noise.

"Take your coat off" I snigger and he shakes his head.

"It's freezing"

"Do you want my help or not?" I raise my eyebrows and he pauses for second before rolling his eyes as he answers.

"Fine" I stand up of the Rock and jump down to the gravelled pavement and Harry looks skeptically at me.

"Come" I say.

"I feel like your up to something" he narrows his eyes at me.

"I'm not! I'm honestly going to help you" I argue putting my hands up

"How?" He inquires and I groan whilst rolling my eyes and walking away from him and towards the grassy area.

"Just come on and hurry up" I yell at him.

"Uh there's a railing here for a reason, your not suppose to be over there" he tells me and I instantly know he's following me.

"Well I don't see anyone telling me to leave, do you?" I ask I as swing one leg over the railings as I stare up at him.

"No but-"

"Please don't tell me your scared of getting caught by some mall cop in the park" I laugh and he quickly shakes his head.

"I'm not I was just saying"

"Well get over it" I say as I stand on the other side of the railing from him before walking away again.

"Alright wait up"

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