Skyeward: Love at Agents of S...

By Avengers_of_Shield

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Skye is the new student at Agents of Shield Academy. Ward is the "bad boy" of the school. Every girl wants to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 7

1.4K 39 24
By Avengers_of_Shield

Ward's POV:

It is now 7th period. Which means it is time for hand-to-hand combat.

I walk into the boys locker room to change into my gym clothes.

Our gym clothes are different everyday. Ms. Carter (Sharon) switches them out everyday. So, every one of us has different color gym clothes. The girls have the same colors as us. We do this to determine our partners for the day. For example, the guy with the blue outfit meets up with the girl in the blue outfit. Then, they are partners for the day.

I look in my locker. I have the black outfit. So, whichever girl has the black outfit will be my partner of today.

I throw it on, and walk into the gym.

I scan the entire gym looking for the girl with the same outfit as me. 

Finally, my eyes fall upon a very beautiful girl, in black, talking with our teacher, Sharon Carter.


Skye is my partner.

I do a little victory dance in my head, and start walking towards her, quickly. I am excited to talk to her again!

However, I am stopped by someone putting their hand on my chest.

I look down to see who it is.



"Hey, Ward. I was wondering if you wanted to skip class and come to the girls locker room with me." She says, seductively.

"Sorry, Kara. But I really want to practice my combat skills." I say, quickly.

"I understand. I'll talk to you later, my love." She says with a wink.

She finally walks away.

So, I continue to walk to Skye.

I am now standing right behind her.

"Ah! There you are!" I say with a laugh.

Skye quickly turns around, startled. But once she sees it is me, she calms down and smiles at me.

"Yes! I was hoping my partner would be someone that I've already met!" She says with a smile.

I really want to kiss her.

"Well, I guess it's your lucky day." I say, smiling at her.

We laugh.

"ATTENTION!!!!!" Ms. Carter shouts, blowing into her whistle.

Everyone turns to look at her.

"Thank you. I just have one announcement before we start class. I have decided that you should have permanent partners, instead of a different one everyday. It will save all of us time. However, since you will be stuck with this person for the rest of the year, I am going to let you pick your partner. Your partner still has to be opposite gender, though. I will draw your names out of this hat, and when I call you, you must select a partner." She says loud enough for everyone to hear.

There is now excitement in the air.

"I will now draw the first name." She announces, reaching into the hat.

She mixes the paper up and slowly draws out a piece.

"Grant Ward." She says, loudly.

I can't believe it. I get the first pick. And I know exactly who I am going to choose.

I look at Kara. She has a huge smile plastered on her face.

She winks at me.

I roll my eyes.

"I choose Skye." I say, loudly.

Almost all of the boys groan. They must have wanted Skye.

But, they don't get her.

She is mine.


Hello people!

I am sorry I didn't update yesterday. My phone has been acting REALLY weird, lately.

Comment what you think! 😄

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