The Bad Boy Saved My Life #Wa...

بواسطة PrincessofWhales

5.2M 153K 55.3K

Peyton Hills has it all. She has a perfect life, surrounded by loving and supportive parents who shockingly... المزيد

Chapter #1
Chapter #3
Chapter #4
Chapter #5
Chapter #6
Chapter #7
Chapter #8
Chapter #9
Chapter #10
Chapter #11
Chapter #12
Chapter #13
Chapter #14
Chapter #15
Chapter #16
Chapter #17
Chapter #18
Chapter #19
Chapter #20
Chapter #21
Chapter #22
Chapter #23
Chapter #24
Chapter #25
Chapter #26
Chapter #27
Chapter #28
Chapter #29
Chapter #30
Chapter #31
Chapter #32

Chapter #2

203K 5.9K 1.9K
بواسطة PrincessofWhales

Chapter #2: Goodbye Forever


I tried to hold back the tears as I ran out of my homeroom class and jumped into the police car. The Phys-Ed class outside stopped and started staring at me; probably thinking I'm getting arrested or taken away. Saying that my heart was beating crazily would be an understatement.

Curiosity flooded my mind. Why am I going to the hospital? What is this 'accident'?

"Sir, p-please tell me why we're going to hospital, what's going on?!" I fastened my seat belt.

"You'll know once we're there ma'am," the officer replied.

Lifting my knees up to my chest on the seat, I tuck my face to my knees and hold back the sobs. What the bloody hell is going on? My throat was tight as I stared out the window, the roads blurry and the trees seeming as if they were flying past me. My heart was in my stomach, and I felt like spewing out all over the seat.

20 minutes later, we pulled up to the big white building; the hospital. Unbuckling my seat belt as fast as I could, I grab my tote bag and sprint through the doors almost tripping on a wheelchair. I mentally cursed, hoping for the worst. I couldn't quite understand why I was brought here. Was it relatives? Was my mom's stomach acting up again? I knew her stomach aches weren't good news. I prayed hard as I ran for my life, tripping on the steps as I made my way past the officers who were by my side in a heart beat. I go into the hospital, rushing to the front desk. I see some police officers holding note pads and some surgeons talking amongst themselves. The air was tense.

"E-Excuse me! Excuse me! I'm P-Peyton Hills, I was brought here by police officers!" I took a deep breath.

"Hills? Peyton Hills? The daughter of Macy and George Hills?" the brunette questioned me, standing up from her chair.

"Y-yes!" I shouted, getting impatient with her calm attitude. She looked around, then eyed her assitant, sitting on the phone, her eyes full of something I couldn't quite read.

"Come with me dear," the lady gave me a remorseful look.

Following behind the lady, she took me up two flights of stairs in front of a room numbered 19. A man walked out wearing white scrubs and asked if I was Peyton Hills. At this point, I couldn't hold back my heavy breathing and I was soon hyperventilating from the anxiousness eating at me.

"Yes! God how many times do I have to tell you people?!" I said enraged, wanting to find out why I was rushed to this hospital. Behind the man, I noticed my Auntie Sharon and Uncle Pete. I hadn't seen them in years and they looked awfully pale.

"Auntie, Uncle why are you guys here?" I gave them a huge hug that seemed to be a little awkward and uncomfortable.

They didn't reply and pointed towards the doctor who was waiting to speak. Walking back over to him I gave him a look which basically said 'can-you-please-explain-to-me-what-the-hell-is-going-on?'

"Dear, your parents have been in an accident," the man held my shoulder, and just then, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "They got hit head on by a drunken driver who was driving a delivery bus at approximately 9am this morning. We've been operating for a few hours and your dad... your dad didn't make it. Your mother is in a coma, she has a fifty-fifty chance of living," the doctor sighed, his voice going down to barely a whisper.

My heart.

In my stomach.


I felt sick and I couldn't focus on the words that just spewed from the mans lips. Unintentionally, I fell to my knees with my hands layed out before me. My legs were shaking, as if they were jello and I couldn't control them whatsoever. My throat was urging to scream and it felt tight. My heart was beating harder than I had ever imagined a heart could beat and within seconds, I opened my lips and screamed. The loudest scream I've ever screamed in my life. Even louder than the time I almost fell out of a roller coaster when I was in 8th grade. Even louder than when my dad had bought me my first car at 16. I felt the muscles in my throat tear as my sobs filled the hallways of the hospitals and my tears felt like they were going to flood the room any second.

"No! No!" I screamed bending forwards, cupping my face screaming. It all seem like slow motion, nurses rushed to my side and I could hear my Aunt and Uncle sobbing behind me.

"Daddy!" I cried. "I want to see my dad!"

I got pulled up just to see two nurses pulling a body that was covered in a white blanket on a stretcher into a dark room. They were in a rush, squeezing past me and the couple of nurses by my side.

"Dad!" I cried, slowly reaching my hand towards him but they were too fast. They zoomed past me and I cried, chucking my tote bag against the door. It slammed harshly against the wood, my books flying across the hallway, papers spewing into the air. My ears were ringing and it was so hard to focus my eyes.

"Where's my mom!?" I wailed to the doctor who looked teary-eyed.

My shaking grasp on his shoulder was threatening as his shaky hand pointed behind me.

He pointed to the room 19 and I felt my feet run before me. I ran in, slamming the doors out of my way too see my mom. My beautiful mother, laying there, scratches on her head- needles in her arms. Cords every which way, the slow beeping of the machines. I was gasping for air at this point, my eyes too red to see clearly. I blinked away my tears, trying to focus my eyes on her fragile skin.

"Mom!" I cried, dropping my head to her lap. "Please, please for me make it out alive. Please mom you can't leave me, you can't. I c-can't do this. I-I can't, mom please!" I sobbed. My head throbbed and I prayed to God, everything still not wrapping around my head.

This was complete bullshit and it didn't feel real. My heart was literally broken. I couldn't even see in front of me.

"Mom I love you so much," I stroked her hair, looking into her dead-beat grey eyes that lay open; unconscious. 

"I need you mom okay? You're okay, I promise. You're okay. You're a fighter," I smiled for my mom, tears streaming from my eyes down my cheeks. "God I'm so sorry for everything that I've done wrong. I'm so sorry for never listening to you and for choosing those god-awful parties, over you and dad. I hate myself for that. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. Please be strong for me mom!"

Within seconds, I had spoken to soon and the machines blasted in my ears. Beeping everywhere, bells ringing and the screens went crazy. I violently looked around me, suddenly overwhelmed by everything. I felt like an innocent child, staring at the buzzing machines, not quite understanding what was going down.

"Help! Doctor help!" I screamed, standing up and throwing my fist against the screen, in complete and utter confusion.

Nurses streamed in, doing things I couldn't see because my eyes couldn't focus. Another nurse came in and tugged my shoulder.

Slow motion- again.

"You've got to get out ma'am!" she spoke loudly over the beeping. A different nurse tugged against me as well, their tight, sweaty grips making me furious in my skin.

"No! No! I'm staying, I need to stay!" I cried, fighting and pushing against the arms attempting to drag me out of the room. I felt like a rag doll, compared to the tons of arms pulling me out of the room.

I kicked my legs so hard, as if police were trying to weigh me down. I fought back. I fought back so hard, kicking everywhere and as powerfully as I could muster but it was useless. There was now 8 of them, their arms tying around me waist, my shoulders, my arms.

"Peyton you need to get out now!" I heard my Auntie shout from outside the doors but I shook my head, my tears streaming down my face.

"No!" I fought as hard as I could, getting further away from my mom. "Please no! My mom! My mom!"

Throwing punches and kicking my feet; I tried moving forward but all they did was push me back. The nurses shouted, scattering around the room, rummaging for things I didn't even know existed. The voices faded; all the voices shouting 'pass me this; pass me that' went quiet and the buzzing noises from the screens went blank. The nurse's grips loosened on my now red skin, and I froze in my spot, staring at each nurse carefully.

My chest physcially hurt, knowing exactly what was going to hit me.

"We lost her," the nurse whispered, gasping for air- and letting her arms fall to her sides.

Right then, my body felt loose and I felt my entire brain shut down. Tears poured from my face- my sobs got louder and I did the only thing I could do at that moment.

I let out the loudest scream I could rip through my throat- more of a sob; and fell to the floor once again, smashing my fist into the cold hard tiles, my throat burning, my eyes bulging and my head throbbing. I pounded against the floor with all my might.

"Mom! How could you do this to her! Oh God you're not supposed... You had to help her... You..." I couldn't speak, my saliva smoothing down my chin.

I had just lost the most important people in my life.

All the nurses tugged at me to leave the room but I couldn't. I lay on the cold tiles, and in that moment, I couldn't hear, couldn't see or even breathe. My hands went limp and I felt my eyes roll. My stomach tightened and my cheek collided with the cold hard floor. My eyes closed and everything was silent. 



A/N: Picture of Peyton on the side >

I wrote this chapter through experience, trying to give every detail in hopes to give you guys a sense of what it may feel like. Thank you to my amazing readers who helped me through this difficult time and thank you for all the kind messages & love I have received, I wouldn't have been able to continue without you guys here! Seriously. Much love, Diana. x

P.S: The 'bad boy' will be appearing in around chapter 4 so don't worry, all the 'exciting' things are coming soon. wink wink wink

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