The Story of a Wayward Cat

By yarncat

2.3K 105 69

The story of two cats, three ninjas and a planet called Lop Lop. More

Chapter One- Two Cats, Three Ninjas and a Rocket
Chapter Two - The Quest for Petrol
Chapter Four - The Only Way Out Is Up
Chapter Five - The Argument
Chapter Six - The Chase
Chapter Seven - Lop Lopian 3
Chapter Eight - Unexpected Allies (or Enemies?)
Chapter Nine - Treachery
Chapter Ten - The Test
Chapter Eleven - Marshmallows
Chapter Twelve - Minka
Chapter Thirteen - Dreams
Chapter Fourteen - Mice
Chapter Fifteen - Happy Endings

Chapter Three - Minka's Quest

151 6 4
By yarncat

Minka paced up and down, cursing. "That idiot Minke!" she said, her mood cloud turning so black that she could hardly see through it. "Going off on adventures of his own! I told him to stay put!" Muttering, Minka yanked open the pantry. "Ow!" she yelped. A cake tin had hit her on the head. Then she gasped. On the floor were two long rows of scrach marks going from the pantry to the middle of the floor. Also, the side of the pantry was scratched, as if someone had been hanging on for their life. "Did Minke do this?" wondered Minka. "Hmm..." She looked for more clues, and then she found a word scrached into the carpet. Minka's eyes opened wide. "That wasn't here before," said Minka. It read "HELP!" Minka suddenly leapt up. "I've got to save him!" she thought. "Minke's been kidnapped!"

The dungeon door clanged behind him as Minke was thrown into the room. Minke suddenly could move again. "Let me out! I won't help you if you don't!" he cried. There was a harsh laughter outside the door. "We will leave you in here until you cooperate." said Person 7589307820. "You will get no food or drink either." Minke clawed at the door, but it was no use. Eventually, Minke just sunk to the floor. Where was Minka? What was she doing right now? Had she even noticed that he was gone? Minke sighed. He would have to either escape or starve. He hoped Minka wouldn't come after him though. Person 758930782 would surely kill Minka. He just had to wait and see.

Minka was packing supplies when she heard a thump. She was in another room, so she peered cautiously around the door. There, in the middle of the floor, were Lop Lopian Ninjas 1, 2 & 3.

"Ow! get off me!" said Lop Lopian Ninja 2.

"SHUT UP!" screamed Lop Lopian 3. "WE'LL BE DISCOVERED!"

Lop Lopian Ninja 1 punched Lop Lopian Ninja 3 in the stomach. "Why don't you?" he sneered. Before the other two could protest, Lop Lopian Ninja 1 held up his hand. "No more talking. We are here on a mission." Minka listened attentively. "The boss told us to infiltrate this place to achive our one true goal. PETROL!" Minka gasped. Then she ducked behind the door. Lop Lopian 3 had seen her.

"Uh," started Lop Lopian 3.

"QUIET!" screamed Lop Lopian 1.

"But, sir," said Lop Lopian 3.



"WHAT? REALLY?" asked Lop Lopian 1. He caught sight of Minka. "GET HER!"

Minka turned and ran. She didn't care how many things she knocked over. She only knew one thing. She had to somehow lose them, trail them then find Minke. If she didn't, she knew he would be doomed.

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