Pregnant With The Nerds Baby

By anonymousgirl1120

1.5M 40.8K 6.4K

Ashley is one of the most popular girls at Westwood high. She comes from a rich family and has had everything... More



22.5K 669 201
By anonymousgirl1120

Finally,I got a call from my doctor today and she said I can actually go places. I can't do anything extreme, like no running but I can go to the store. I still can't go to school since its to much walking, but I can walk a little which is great.

Now I will actually have something to do all day while no ones home.

I get dressed into something comfy, yet cute. A pair of black legging with a long red shirt and a pair of sneakers. I tie my hair up into a messy bun and decide not to put on any makeup.

I'm having my baby shower in a week so I really need to go shopping for that. Get all of the decorations, stuff like that.

I head down stairs, as I'm about to leave I hear Miranda call my name. I didn't even know she was home.

"Yes." I say

"Where are you going?" She asks

"To get decorations for my baby shower."

"Need any help?" She days with a big grin

"Sure" I say

I really wanted to go alone, since I haven't had any alone time lately. Im just trying to be nice by inviting her along with me.

She decides to drive us, she heads to the party store. We don't talk the whole way there, which is kind of awkward.

"I like this" I say pointing to a sign that says it's a boy!

"Those are tacky, We need something more elegant." She says

"Okay.." I thought it was my baby shower?

She picks up whatever she wants and doesn't really let me get a chance to decide. It's not really that big of a deal anyway, It'll only be a 2 hour party.

I didn't really want to have a baby shower anyway, Miranda really wanted me too. It's kind of like she's acting like the ones who's about to have a baby.

"Do you like the stuff I picked out?" She asks as she drives to the closest restaurant

"Yeah." I say back

I order a steak and Miranda orders a small salad. A small salad, really?

We talk about random things, like Mary and my dad nothing big. It's still kind of awkward around her, since we still don't know each other well.

"I've always wanted a second child." Miranda says

"Why don't you have one?" I say

"Well I don't have to now silly."

"What you're pregnant?"

"No of course not." She laughs "I can't ruin my body, I'm a model."

"Then what? You and my dad are adopting.?" I ask

"No, You're having a baby and since you're only 16 hes basically going to be my baby."

"Excuse me?"

"What? It's not like you're going to take care of him, You're a child for crying out loud." She says

"Are you being serious? You had Dylan at 15 so how could you say that?" I yell at her

"Well my mother took care of him, Just like I'm going to do for you"

"You're not my mother, and you're not touching my child"

I don't understand how she thinks that's right. Just because I'm young I can't take care of my own baby? I got myself into this, so I'm going to own up to my responsibility.

I'm not going to be like my mother or Miranda. I don't need anyone's help with my son except Zack.

"Sweety, trust me once the baby comes you won't want to have that kind of pressure." She says after a few minutes

"Yes I will, Miranda. I'm sorry, but I'm not my mother or you. I'm going to do what's right." I say

I'm honestly not even hungry any more.

Her and my mom should be friends since they both want to pawn their kids off on other people.

"We'll see" is all she says and takes a bite of her salad

I tell Miranda that I'm meeting a friend here, even though I'm not. I just really didn't want to drive back with her.

It's 2:35, so Zack should be out of school. I called him and told him where I was and asked him to pick me up.

He said he would be here in 10 minutes, so now I'm just waiting for him.

I see my dad's old car pull up and I know it's Zack.

I get into the back seat and sigh.

"Thanks for picking me up." I say

"No problem. What are you doing here anyway?" Zack asks

"Well I was having lunch with Miranda, but she decided to be a complete bitch. So I didn't want to go with her. I really can't stand her. No offense Dylan"

"None taken" Dylan says and laughs "what'd she do?"

"Oh nothing really. She just said she knows how i won't want to take care of the baby so she will for me." I say and cross my arms I didn't realize how bad She actually pissed me off.

"Thats fucked up" Dylan says

"Dont listen to her Ashley. You're going to be a great mom." Zack says

I smile, he really knows how to cheer me up.

"Besides, how could she take care of your baby when she didn't take care of me until I was 12." Dylan says

"That is true." I say

We head home and all I can think about the whole time is how I'm going to prove every one wrong and be the best mother I can be.

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