
By Gotisch

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It all began when Helene bore her youngest child. A girl with the most beautiful cobalt eyes, alabaster skin... More

1 - When It All Began
2 - Mrs. Orlov
3 - Deception Point
4 - Lover's Travesty
5 - Her Sudden Demise
6 - Reborn from Death
7 - Let's Make A Deal
8 - The Beginning of the End
9 - Transforming Snežana to Ivana
10 - Introducing Lady Ravalli
11 - Svetlana's Event
12 - Snežana's Doppelgänger
13 - Setting the Plan in Motion
14 - The Orlov Heir
15 - First Date
17 - The Vasiliev Duke Knows Her
18 - The Brotherhood
19 -Truth Revealed
20 - The Proposals
21 - Let The Game Begin
22 - Snow Will Soon Fall
23 - Introducing Luther
24 - Falling Into Place
25 - To Protect Her
26 - Jealousy Runs Deep
27 - Intimate Friends
28 - The Witch and The Wicked Angel
29 - The Grand Reveal
30 - Return of the Orlovs
31 - Snow Fall
32 - Kiss of Death
33 - To Love and To Our Future
Cast & Characters

16 - Lucca and Vivienne

102 7 6
By Gotisch

Above is Polina Gagarina as Vivienne.

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The meeting with Duane was a success. They got the deal so they decided to celebrate at Lucca's mansion. Right now they are at the terrace having wine.

'So where is Ivana?' Johannes asked Lucca.

'Still in Moscow. Said she'll be back soon.'

'You miss her.' Gunther stated.


'No need to be shy, man. Your face tells it all.'

'Alright. I miss her. Happy?'

'Honesty and trust is a foundation of any relationship.'

'Your point?'

'Does she know?'

'Not yet. Not now.'

'So when are you planning to tell her?'

'I haven't thought of that.'

'You are hopeless. She will get mad at you if you don't tell her. If she learn about it from another person, you might lose her.'

Lucca sighed and slouched at the couch he was sitting on. He knows he has to tell her but not sure how.

'I don't know how to.' Voicing his concern to his friends, Lucca look at both of them.

'Just be honest.'

'I'll think about it.'

'Anyway, I'm curious and I want to ask this ever since I met her. How did the two of your meet?'

'Well, it's complicated.'

'And now you are keeping secrets from us.'

'I'm not. It's just not my story to tell.'

'Then I'll just have to ask her myself.'

'I can tell you the general story.'

'That's good enough.'

'Don't freak out.'

'Now you make this sound scary.'

'Just listen first. And don't freak out.'

'Fine. Alright.'

'I found Ivana at the bottom of the cliff behind our estate a few months back, almost dead actually, so I helped her. She was in coma for a week. When she woke up, I asked what happened. Remember the one month I left? I was in Moscow taking care of her.'

'Ah, now I remember, you said you need to take a vacation. Need to fix something back home or stuff was your alibi. I knew something is wrong there.'

'So what happened to her? Why's she there?'

'That's not my story. Anyway, I offered my house and help to her which she accepted.'

'Is she your real fiancée or this is all for show?'

'She thought it's just fake but I really have feelings for her.'

'What kind of feelings? The temporary or permanent one?'

'Do you need to ask? I remembered you said it showed in my eyes.'

'Nah, just making sure it is the permanent one.'

'But I can sense something off of her.'

'What do you mean?'

'At the party, I saw how she looked at Svetlana when she almost collapsed. At first she looked worried but when Svetlana looked away, her eyes shone with recognition and wrath. Then it was gone.' Johannes snap his fingers to point it out.

'You sure have a talent for reading people.'

'So what's the deal with her?'

'Not my tale but I can assure you, there is nothing to worry about.'

'We hope so.'

'The one who should be worried is you Gunther.'


'What is this I heard about Vivi and you?'

'Err... Well,'


'Sorry for not telling anything, dude. Vivi and I are together.' Gunther warily told him.

'Bloody hell! Why didn't you tell me?'

'You'll get mad? Like now.'

'Shouldn't I be? You practically did something behind my back. That is my sister. Or did you forget?'

'I didn't forget it. Vivi said she wants to be the one to tell you.'

'Oh man! Fine. Just don't hurt her. Or else you will be hearing from me. Got it?'

'Thanks, pal.'

'What did the Spetsnaz said?'

'Mad, of course.'

'He didn't kill you?' Lucca was surprised Gunther was still alive after pulling that stunt with Vivienne in Greece.

The media foiled their private getaway so Vivienne had to get back to Russia and Gunther had to take all the brunt.

'Do you want me to die?'

'Your fault. So what did the old man said to you? Or you haven't told him yet?'

'He knows. He wouldn't let Vivi go if I don't tell him. He almost broke my arm when he used his Spetsnaz skill on me, man. God, the old man still has power.'

'That's one thing I would thank him for.'

'Still mad at your father?'

'After everything, I don't know. Maybe we will talk soon, but not now.'

'Your call.'

'But do you think your mom will approve of it?'

'She won't, I know but as much as I want to, I can't. I need more time.'

'Make sure to do something before your time is up.'

'I know.'



Ivana was sitting in the garden when a visitor came. She turns around and saw the archduke's daughter in front of her. The girl has dark brown, almost black, long curls, beautiful blue eyes and a charming smile. Ivana immediately bowed as a greeting and sign of respect.

'Good afternoon, Your Grace. May I ask the reason for your visit?'

'No need for those formal pleasantries. I'm not the duchess anyway.'

'But you are the next in line.'

'No. it's my brother but he is just a stubborn brat. By the way, what's your name?'

'Ivana, Lady Vivienne.'

'Just Vivi is fine. I think we're of the same age. So why are you here?'

'It's my fiancée's house. I'm staying here at the moment.'

'You're Lucca's girlfriend? Why didn't he tell me? That stupid moron!'

'You know Lucca?'

'Yes. I'm his little sister.'

'His WHAT!'

Ivana froze and her brain stopped processing what was just revealed between the two of them. Vivienne is the Archduke's daughter and Lucca is her brother. So that only says one thing: Lucca is the next in line as the Duke of Muscova. And she didn't even know about it.

Her head ached at the knowledge. So he is keeping this a secret from her. But why? Is it so that she won't have something to blackmail him with? But if he really got to know her, he should know she will never do that.

She slumped on the chair as she leaned her head on her hands. Vivienne sensed her distress so she immediately knelt down checking if she is okay.

'Oh dear Lord!'

'Ivana, are you alright?'

'No, I don't think so. This is one hell of a revelation.'

'So I assume my brother didn't tell you anything.'

'Yeah. I thought the next duke stepped down and left without a word. That was the news years ago.'

'That is true. When my brother finished college, he decided not to take the title and make a name for himself. Our father got mad. He had always wanted Lucca to be the next Duke. So he disowned him and told everyone that he stepped down and that he will instead pass the title to me when it is time.'

'That is quite a petty reason to leave.'

'You should ask my brother.'

'So there is more to the story than what you are telling me, huh?'

'I can honestly say yes. But it is not mine to tell.'

'I know.'

'You know what, you look very familiar. I'm trying to remember where I have seen you.'




'You are Snežana. The youngest of the Orlov siblings. The princess of Orlov Empire. Am I right?'

'How did you know?' Ivana asked as she felt suffocated.

It feels like her eyes are bulging out of its socket as she gapes at Vivi with her jaw almost falling to the ground. Practically. She looked shaken.

She got worried because she already changed back her hair color to white blonde as she prefers it now.

'Your hair may be blonde but I always remember beautiful people when I see one. I never forget that. Besides, we have met a few times during social gatherings. I even saw you at your father's wedding months ago. You may not remember that but I supposed you were just too shielded by your family.'

'Yeah. And look what happened.'

'I'm sorry to hear about your dad. Is that why you left?'

'Not really. Sort of.'

'But you still have your brothers and stepmother.'

'The witch tricked us. She is using our family business and money for her personal gain.'

'What? So it is true. There are rumors floating around saying that Svetlana is pulling Orlov Empire down.'

'Yeah. That is why I returned. I need to take back and return our empire back to its glory.'

'Well, if you need anything, tell me. Dad also doesn't like that woman. He said that Pietro shouldn't have married her.'

'He knows my father?'

'Think so. Anyway, something else is bugging me.'


'Your name, why did you introduce yourself as Ivana instead of Snežana?'

'Well, so that Svetlana won't know that I am back. And also I want to surprise her when I reveal myself.'

'Sneaky. I like that.'


'Then tell me why you also said you are my brother's fiancée? Is it true or you are just using him?'

'Oh that. He offered his help and right now I am not one to push the help away. Besides, he is the one who came up with that idea.'

'Lucca did? Really? He never let a woman fill his arms and attach himself into. You know his reputation yeah? He is an aloof and mysterious hotelier. I never thought he will be the one to offer his help. Well, if that is the case, then all the more I want to offer mine too. Anything you need, tell me. Since we already know each other, I hope we can also be good friends. And sisters-in-law.'

'Sure.' Ivana agreed internally laughing at Vivi's "sisters-in-law" word.

At first, Ivana was a bit reserved to Vivienne but getting to know her in the limited time they had made her change her mind.

The girl is quite a wild child. Blunt. Frank. A no-filter kind of girl. To think she is a royalty.

Well, royalties are more childish than normal people, maybe because they were too suffocated by many traditions and pretenses.

She remembered herself in Vivi a bit. They were both royalties. Her being known as the "Princess of Orlov Empire" and Vivi as the next Duchess. And yet, she was more caged than the pretty girl who was also Lucca's younger sister. She has more baggage than the pretty duchess-to-be.

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