Help! (An Alex Constanico lov...

By Samxpottorff13

8.7K 130 33

(Complete) Just read it and find out. More

help! (an Alex Constancio love story)
How it started
Flashback of hate
Shirtless boys
Getting ready for school
Robert and Elizabeth?
Please read a/n
Getting ready
The Club
Drama and a date
Make up
Talking to austin
Be mine

getting help from my best friend.

411 9 4
By Samxpottorff13

~ Stephanie's POV~

       I climbed out my window to avoid my step father. I didn't really care about breakfast because i go to my best friend, Elizabeth's house and eat there. Elizabeth has been my best friend since 5th grade. Shes been my only friend since then. And the only one that knows about the abuse.

~ Elizabeth's POV~

       I sat on the couch waiting for Stephanie to come. She is late too. I hope Damien didn't abuse her again,she told me he stopped abusing her along time ago. But i could tell it was a lie. I heard the door bell ring and I ran to the door.
~ Stephanie's POV~

       As I walked to Elizabeth house, I was thinking of telling her about the abuse.

       I don't know maybe i shouldn't. Alot of things could go wrong like if i tell the police he might come looking for me when he gets out of jail.

    Then again I could move. Or maybe change my name.

     When i got to Elizabeth's house i decided to tell her.

      I walked up to her front door and knocked. In like literally 3 seconds the door swung open and reveled my best friend.

       "I need to talk to you." I said in a nervous voice.

        "About what?" Elizabeth said. I could tell she was worried. Ugh I hate having people worry about me. But i cant back down.

         "Its.... its about... about Damien." I said. I was scared of how she would react.

          "Hes abusing you isn't he! Stephanie we need to go to the police about this!" Elizabeth yelled. God i hate when she yells.

           I thought for a couple minutes. Even if I did protest she would find a way to make me say yes, so i agreed.

           As soon as i agreed she grabbed my arm and ran to the police station.


sorry its not that good. I promise it will get better. Ill update when i get at least 1 vote and 2 comments.


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