Life of Tony Perry's sister

By XIdobelieveinfairies

74.1K 1.5K 223

My life hasn't been perfect, I tend to tell my stories to fans that think that my brother along with his band... More

Life of Tony Perry's sister
chapter 2
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chaper 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
sneak peak :3
Chapter 13
Capter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
looking for two new characters
Closed for new characters
Chapter 19
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Not A Update :/
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

Chapter 20

1.3K 35 13
By XIdobelieveinfairies

~Two Months Later~

I felt someone shake me, I groaned as I looked up to see Austin! I screamed and hugged him as he just laughed, I heard someone run in, “Damn you scared me I thought you were getting murdered Andy!” I looked to see Maya, “Sorry! Maya this is Austin my boyfriend, Austin this is Maya.” He waved, “I would shake your hand but Andrea is on me.” I Pouted and sat on the bed again. “Ellie’s awake.” She said as I nodded before I got up Austin was already through the door, “Sorrrry Maya.” She shrugged as she left, “Breena and Jarvia didn’t wake so it doesn’t matter.” I laughed, “alright good night.” She smiled as she left. Austin came back with holding Ellie, “Do you mind if she sleeps with us tonight?” “Nope!” I giggled as he smiled at me.

I crawled back in bed as he put Ellie in the middle, Austin finally came into bed as he looked at me; “It’s  nice to be home again with my baby girl and my beautiful girlfriend.” I blushed as I kissed him as he kissed back softly before cuddling with us. We both fell asleep before we knew it; In the morning Ellie was gone as Jarvia was laying next to me, “What the Jarvia what are you doing.” She giggled at me as she smiled, “Austin is with Ellie and I was tired so when I passed by your room I figured I could sleep here.” I laughed as I got up, “Go back to sleep Jarvia” she nodded as she laid back down.


I know it’s bad to lie but I had too I have to keep today a secret Andrea is going to be a very lucky girl!!! GAHHHH I wish I was her, I should ask her if I could meet Chris Motionless that would be a freaking MAZING!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Sorry I had a fangirl moment…well I better get back toooooo sleep!!


When I got downstairs I didn’t see anyone I sighed as I laid on the couch, I saw Austin come in as he smiled at me. “you, Ellie, Maya, Jarvia and everyone else is coming with us to Paris for a show.” I squealed “really!!” he chuckled; “Yes get packing!” I giggled as I put Ellie on my hip as I went to our room, “we need to wake Auntie Jarvia.” She giggled as she clapped, I got to our room to see Jarvia up, “What’s going on?” she mumbled, “we are going to Paris!” I squealed as she squealed too than ran to her room. “Hey I’m going to Starbucks you want anything?” She yelled, “Nah it’s okay Austin brought coffee home that I didn’t grab, I heard her giggle, “I’m off” she yelled as I put Ellie on the bed; I smiled as I saw Austin’s hand go around my waist, I looked up as he kissed me softly. “I told the others don’t worry.” I nodded smiling. Ellie was crawling all over the couch as I smiled, “Your baby girl acts just like you.” He laughed as he kissed my cheek.

~Skipping to Paris~

When we got to Paris Ellie was asleep, I giggled as Austin and the rest of us got out Austin got our bags as Ellie clung onto me. We got into two cabs between us, when we got to the hotel Austin, Ellie, Alan and I shared a room and let the others figure it out. When we got to the room Alan left to the bed room as I got Ellie changed into her little white and pink pajama’s. Alan came out as he grabbed Ellie as he laid with her I pouted as he chuckled, “the little one is mine tonight hahaha!” he said as I laughed “Okay, Okay” I put my hands up in surrender as he laughed, He and Ellie fell asleep right away as I went into the bathroom where Austin was showering, I quickly got undressed and joined him. Austin chuckled at me as he let me get into the water.

I smiled as I washed my hair and body as Austin just stood there watching me, I looked at him as he just smiled at me. I hugged him as he chuckled. “Tomorrow is going to be AMAZING!” I giggled as I let go of him as he turned off the water, “You have no idea love.” He said as he kissed me, I just smiled at him as I Stepped out putting a towel around me. “Hey, if we ever get married Could Shayley come?” I asked as he raised his eyebrow at me. “Sure, I don’t mind.” He smiled as I kissed him, “I wish you all would just talk he is still pissed about the Kerrang!!!! Awards. He sighed as he kissed me, “Let’s get dressed than go to bed we have a long day ahead of us.” I nodded kissing him softly, “Alright Austin.” He smiled at me as we walked out I grabbed a pair of short and an tank top. I went into the bathroom putting them on as I walked out and crawled into bed, Austin put his arms around me as he looked at me. “I love you so much Andrea.” I smiled, “I love you too Austin.” We smiled as we both fell asleep.

I woke to cry and Alan running around, “Andrea can you help me she won’t stop crying I fed her and changed her and I don’t know what to do.”  “give my baby here, and go back to sleep.” I giggled as he nodded he handed me Ellie as she stopped crying a little as Alan sighed in relief, I laid Ellie on my stomach as Austin wrapped his arm around us as he pulled us to him. I fell asleep again, when I woke again Ellie was squirming around as I got up I kissed her cheek as she looked at me and giggled. I smiled at her as I picked her up, “Time for a bath!” she started fussing as I tried calming her down, Austin woke and I handed her to him as she stopped, “You give her a bath this time.” I giggled as he smiled at me.

~That Night~

“Babe get that black dress with the lace on the top on!” “Why?” He smiled, “I wanna see you in it tonight.” He smiled at me as I walked into the bathroom as I turned on my hair curler as I stayed in the bathroom chilling till it was done, I curled my hair as I put on my dress as I put on my heels I smiled at Austin in the mirror as he smiled back, I saw Ellie was dressed up too. “Awe Ellie you look so cute.” She giggled as I picked up her diaper bag and picked her up from the bed, “You ready?” Austin asked as I nodded, “Always.” He chuckled as we walked with Phil, Tino, Aaron, Jarvia, Maya, and Breena when we got there the boys got ready for their show as I saw my brother, Jenna and they adopted daughter Lena. “hey guys what are you doing here?” “Austin invited us, along with the guys, MIW, SWS and a couple other bands.” I nodded as I watched there set. “Everyone I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Andrea Perry.” I handed Ellie to my brother as I walked on stage everyone cheered I blushed as I hugged Austin as he smiled,

“Andrea you have always been there for me from me greaving about my mom, to my surgery’ I want to tell you I love you and that I will be there for you every day, even if I am on tour. You are my world you are my rock and you mean so much to me.” I started to tear up when I saw Elli come out getting help from my brother, when she got over here Austin grabbed a box from her hands as I started to cry a little as Austin said, “Andrea Lexus Perry will you do me the amazing honor of being my wife?” I cried, as I got on my knees as I hugged him whispering yes over and over. He smiled at me as we pulled apart and he put the beautiful red ring with black diamonds on my finger, “I love you Austin.” I said as I smiled hugely hugging him. “OMG ITS TONY PERRY!!” one of the girls screamed as another screamed “ITS MOTIONLESS IN WHITE!!” I sighed as I rolled my eyes, I got Ellie from my brother as I kissed Austin one last time as we got off the stage. I hugged everyone from SWS, MIW, Blessthefall, Never Shout Never, Asking Alexandria, and New Years Day. I also hugged Jamie (hi-mi), Mike, and Vic; I smiled at everyone, “Thanks for coming out guys.” They all smiled at me as we all did our own thing as the concert was over I gave Austin a water as he kissed my shoulder as he hugged me.

“Thank you for this it was perfect.” I smiled as he smiled hugely at me, “I had a little help from everyone here.” I smiled and giggled I can see that.” They all chuckled at me as I stuck my tongue out as Austin grabbed Ellie from me. “I love you and I meant every word you my best friend, and my lover.” I smiled and blushed at him as Jarvia jumped on my back as I giggled, as she whispered, “Introduce me to Chris plllllleeeease?” she begged as I smirked at her as I looked over to chris who quickly looked down. “Okay, I will.” Austin smiled as he and Ellie went around to mingle with people. “Chris this is Jarvia, one of my best friends.” He smiled, “Jarvia this is Chris. Don’t mind he loves starbucks just like you.” She blushed as I left them to hang out with everyone.

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