Breaking Pointe

By compassrose26

145K 5.3K 1.1K

Arabella threw herself into ballet when she lost her mom. Her whole life revolves around dance and she will d... More

Breaking Pointe
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
I want to hear from you!!
Chapter 17 (FINALLY)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter Ten

5.4K 242 20
By compassrose26

Tyler completely ignored Arabella the next day. She convinced herself not to be sad because it was what she wanted. He mostly walked alone to his classes but sometimes she saw him talking animatedly with Jessica. 

After a mediocre ballet practice, Arabella stopped by the chinese place. Her dad wasn’t home yet, but she went anyways. She knew her food would be ready for her and that the owner would be waiting. She didn’t want to be rude.

Arabella had heard about how some people ate their feelings, like comfort food. She didn’t understand it at all. When Arabella was sad all of her feelings were negative and her body image issues surfaced. Looking at even her side of rice made her feel sick so she gave it all away that week.

When she got home she turned on the TV but she couldn’t get into the show she was watching. Instead, she hopped on the elliptical. She pushed herself until she thought she was going to fall off, then went a little farther. She still didn’t feel like she had burned enough calories, but she didn’t want to hurt herself so she got off. 

She grabbed her laptop and looked up some classical music. None of the songs she had tried for her audition felt right and the days were dwindling. When she turned on a song she would close her eyes and try to picture a dance in her head but nothing was working out.

Arabella was so focused that the door opening startled her. “Arabella, I thought you would be asleep by now” said her dad, dragging in his suitcase.

She looked at the clock and realized it was 11:00pm. “I just got a little wrapped up in something.”

“That’s great” he said, already distracted by his phone and not even bothering to ask what she had been doing. 

“Night” she said and went to bed.

Arabella was exhausted on Friday at school. She hadn’t eaten again the day before because nothing looked appetizing. Auditions were coming up and she needed to lose at least two pounds. It didn’t help that Tyler hadn’t talked to her yet. She reminded herself that was what she wanted.

Third hour history was the worst, though. She did miss the way they used to laugh during the boring lectures. He could make any situation fun.

When it comes to boys...”

“Mooommmm” Arabella whined.

“Really, though, if you ever meet a boy that you can always have fun with...”

her mother’s voice trailed off and Arabella gasped a little. She had never had a flashback in class before. A few people around her gave her a funny look, but soon went back to listening to the teacher drone on.

It was only third hour which meant she would have at least four and a half hours until she got home to the tree. Her hands began to shake.

She hadn’t noticed the one person that was still looking at her funny until he spoke. “Are you...?” Tyler asked quietly, alarmed. He must have recognized it from the previous week.

She was too distracted to do anything but nod. He immediately took action.

“You’re feeling dizzy?” he asked loudly and the whole class turned to look. Arabella hated that. “Can I help her to the office?” he asked the teacher.

Arabella thought she must have looked pretty sick because Mrs. Leonard just nodded. Before she had picked up on what was happening he had grabbed both of their books and was leading her out of the class. Instead of taking her to the office he went straight for his truck. Stunned from the flashback mixed with Tyler actually talking to her, she followed.

On the way her brain caught up with her a little. “We’re skipping school?”

“You’ve never done that?”

“You have?”

He smiled, “Some things are more important than school and if you were there all day you would have freaked.”

She knew that was true. “I thought you were mad at me” she stated shyly.

He ran his fingers though his hair. “Ella” he sighed and her heart fluttered. “I was hurt and confused, never angry.”

“Sorry” she muttered and they sat in silence for a while. She started getting anxious and shaking a little, but he reached over the middle seat and took her hand. It calmed her down a bit.

They got to her apartment and he sat down on the couch while she headed out to the tree. He didn’t know the whole story, but seemed to sense she needed time alone again. She grabbed her carving tool and settled into her favorite limb, etching away.

“When it comes to boys...”

“Moooommm” Arabella whined. They were sitting in the tree talking.

“Really, though, if you ever meet a boy you can always have fun with you should keep him around.  Your father can turn the most boring situations into a hilarious adventure. It’s one of the many things I love about him.

Arabella had never heard her mom talk about her dad outwardly like that, although it was always obvious how in love they were. She looked at the heart with their initials carved into the tree.

“Love is hard to find, but once you do it is worth anything” she nudged Arabella’s arm. “Maybe one day you’ll bring a boy up here.”

Her mom started making kissy faces at Arabella, making her laugh. At ten years old Arabella couldn’t even imagine liking a boy. Once she did, though, she knew her mom would want to hear all about it. 

For that story she had just carved a small, simple heart. She sat in the tree and thought for a while longer. Did she have a shot at love with Tyler? Was love really worth anything, even ballet? She thought back to her last week of ballet. She had actually been worse than when Tyler was “distracting her.” It was time to accept that she would never go back to how she was before she met him. She realized she had been stupid for pushing him away, but was she too late?

She walked back into the living room to see him sitting comfortably on the couch. He motioned to the spot next to him and she sat down. He went to put her arm around her, but she stopped him. “What about Jessica?” she asked quietly to her lap. 

“What are you talking about?”

“Aren’t you two...”

“No! God no, Ella, she’s just a friend.”

“But I thought she said she was going to ask you out.”

“She did. I told her I liked someone else. She said she figured that and now we are friends. Just friends” he emphasized and ran his fingers through his hair again, looking stressed.

“Oh” she said and relaxed a little. Then she realized the other part of what he had just said. Her heart fell because she was too late. He said he liked someone else. “So who do you like then?”

He stopped his hand mid hair tousle and looked at her. “Honestly, Ella. Who do you think? You!”

Oh. Arabella’s mouth opened a little in surprise and her face got redder than ever. She could feel the heat. He saw the smile that she couldn’t contain, however, and pulled her up against his side. 

“So you want to tell me what happened today?”

She made a split second decision. “You know how you wanted to hear those stories about my mom? I want to show you something.”

A/N: awww they worked it out:) I couldn't go more than a chapter without Tyler lol! I feel like this is kind of a short chapter. Kinda boring ish too and I'm sorry but it was necessary! It's about to get much better, I promise! HE LIKES HER<3 not that you guys are surprised...heh. Do you think he's gonna kiss her? What is she going to show him? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!

In other news I think I might want to change the title. I feel like it's not very original... super dedication to anybody that comes up with a better one because I'm stumped! Or let me know if you think I should keep it. Idk.

I AM SO EXCITED TO POST CHAPTER 11!!! It's my absolute favorite and I want you guys to read it so vote/comment/share and I'll upload it sooner! If you guys are enjoying this you should add it to your reading lists! If you do and then message me I'll definitely give you a mention in the next A/N:)


Hannah Rose

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