Ninjago: Journey to the Other...

By RS4ever101

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This is for all you Ninjago fans! The Ninja get forced up into a portal, leading them to the second dimension... More

Chapter one: The Plan
Chapter two: Where it all began
Chapter three: Arrival and Confusion
Chapter four: The reveal of truth
Chapter five: How it All Started
Chapter six: The first mission
Chapter Eight: Mission B.O.O.Y.A.H.
Chapter nine: Trouble....
Chapter ten: The Surprise
Chapter eleven: Two scars for life
Chapter twelve: The Rescue
Chapter thirteen: Catching up
Chapter fourteen: One Problem Solved
Chapter fifteen: Almost a Miracle
Chapter sixteen: The Battle between Light and Shadow
Chapter seventeen: A Memory Beyond the Stars
The Epilogue

Chapter seven: A Lesson Learned

1.4K 49 9
By RS4ever101

Nya's POV

You have no idea how scared I am right now.

I mean, I'm falling to my death with Jay! I'm not saying that I hate him or anything. Sometimes, Jay will be a bit too clingy around me.

While we were falling, Jay could reach my hand then we both did airjitzu. When the rest of the group saw us, Kai had a huge grin. Everyone else cheered.

We safely landed back inside the ship. Kai quickly ran up to me and pulled me in for a hug. Jay tried to squeeze in, but Kai pushed him back to his seat.

See what I mean, clingy.

"Alright," Second Cole said, "The Fire Sword is ours."

Kai placed it somewhere safe so Lloyd's minions won't get to it. After that, Second Nya made dinner. It was really good. So were Second Cole's pancakes. I mean, our dimension Cole can't even make a sandwich.

Kai and Jay were having a food fight with each other. While they were busy being boys, I decided to make a conversation.

"So..." I said slowly, "Cole, how did you make those pancakes? I mean, our Cole can't make them that good."

Second Cole swallowed, then said, "Well, actually, Nya taught me how to cook. Sure, it took a year and a half to make things by myself, but hey, look at me now."

I giggled, "Geez, you should teach me how to cook. I mean, I don't suck at it. It's just...maybe you can teach me things that I can't cook."

Second Cole smirked at me, "I dunno, you seem to be just fine. If I were you, I would teach your Cole to cook. It sounds like he needs the lessons."

Me, Second Cole, and Second Nya laughed. Lloyd and Zane giggled a bit. Kai and Jay were still throwing food at each other.

Second Cole stopped and then stared outside. I followed his gaze. He quickly got up and shut the curtains.

"It's time," Second Cole replied, "Quick, everyone to the basement where they can't scan us."

I didn't understand what was happening, but we followed him anyway. After entering the basement, Second Cole turned on a few lanterns.

"So, let me get this straight," Kai said, "Why do we have to stay down here till four in the morning?"

"You already know why," Second Cole explained, "It's because of Lloyd's minions. They have night vision. Plus, the sun is their weakness. They're kind of like vampires. Their best chance to look for us is in the dark. I know you guys aren't used to this, but this is how it works in the second dimension. Luckily they can't dig, so that's why we're safe under here."

"Wow," I said, "So you two have been going to sleep at seven in the evening and then waking up before the sun rises? Geez, even I can't do that."

Second, Nya chuckled, "Well, you'll especially get used to it if you have to for the past two years."

"Speaking of which," Kai yawned, "I think I'm already used to it. I'm gonna get some shut-eye."

"Yeah, me too," Lloyd replied, "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"No kidding," Second Cole agreed, "Tomorrow, since Zane already did his test, we'll do Nya's next. I would love to tell you now, but I'm afraid you'll hate me."

Hate him? What did he mean by that?

Second Cole stretched, "Well, see ya in the morning."

"Goodnight, everyone," Second Nya said.

Everyone else replied back and then went to sleep. Last night I had a hard time sleeping because Jay snuggled up to me. This time I'm going to sleep next to Kai. He's my brother, so it's not weird or anything. From the looks of it, Jay didn't care.

Kai noticed me, "Hey, good luck with that test tomorrow."

"Thanks," I whispered, "Goodnight, bro."

"Goodnight," Kai whispered back.


"Hey! That's my toast!" Jay cried.

Ugh, Jay and Kai were fighting over their breakfast. Second Cole made this weird-looking meat with toast on butter or grape jelly.

"Hey Cole," I said, "What is this stuff? It's really good."

"It's fried Bat. Hope you like cave food," Second Cole joked.

Jay and Kai stopped fighting, "Bats?!" They both threw their plates away.

"I'm quite fascinated," Zane replied.

"Thanks," Second Cole, "Hey Nya, when you're done, meet me outside in one hour."

Oh great, I thought, my test is going to start.


An hour has passed. I waited for Second Cole outside. I'm surprised that he wasn't here yet.
Suddenly, the back door opened. Second Cole came out.

He smiled, "You're here. Alright, this is what you have to do....actually, I'll tell you once we get there."

"Okay," I replied, "Where are we going?"

"Come," Second Cole takes my hand, "We're heading to Mt. Equestria."

We walked for about ten minutes until we reached the mountain. Mt. Equstia is a huge mountain; well, it was smaller than the tallest mountain in Ninjago.

"Alright, we're here," Second Cole said, "This test is going to be hard for you, I guess."

"What do you mean?" I asked, "Why are you so afraid of telling me the test?"

"Because," Second Cole said, getting closer to me, "You have to carry me up the whole mountain."

My eyes grew wide, "What?! I have to carry you up the mountain? No way! I can't do that!"

Second Cole rolled his eyes, "Well, you're gonna have to because I ain't letting you leave until you do. Plus, we have to do something with your....fragile strength."

"I'm not as fragile as I look!" I yelled, punching his arm.

Second Cole looks at his arm, then back at me, "Um, yeah. That didn't hurt."

I sighed, "I have to do this, don't I."

"Yup," Second Cole nodded.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Alright, let's go."

I scooped Second Cole into my arms, and he wrapped his hands around my neck.

" gosh! You're...really heavy!" I cried.

"Well, the quicker you go, the faster you can get this done," Second Cole replied.

I sighed, then slowly walked up the steep mountain. My arms felt like they were going to break off my limbs.


It...has been....two hours. I'm still carrying him up the mountain. Sweat kept rolling down my face and arms. I thought I was going to die.

"I can't--" I choked, "I can't do this anymore... it's so hot."

"Don't give up, Nya. You're almost there." Second Cole said.

I gasped for breath, "How much further?"

"About one more mile," Second Cole answered.

"Another mile..." I said, "ANOTHER MILE?!"

I completely lost it.

"No!" I dropped him to the ground. "That's it. I'm done! You can carry yourself up the mountain! I'm going back. I don't care if I failed!"

I stormed down the mountain. After a few more steps, Second Cole grabbed my arm.

"I'm not accepting this, Nya! I'm not gonna let you fail anything."

"Well, too bad," I pulled out of his grip, "With me, you're gonna have to get used to this!"

I tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my arm again, lifted me, and put me on his shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking you back...I can't believe you," Second Cole said angrily.

"I can carry myself, thank you very much," I snickered.

"Well, that's not going to happen. We're trying again tomorrow until you reach the top."

"No! I'm not doing that again, and you can't make me," I said.

"Enough!" Second Cole snapped. "Grow up, Nya!"

I uttered a gasp. I never heard him yell like that before. Geez, it looks like I made him really angry.

Finally, when we reached the bottom, Second Cold put me down and stormed in the other direction.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, "Home is back that way."

He didn't say anything, probably because he's still mad at me for being in denial. Out of curiosity, I decided to follow him. 

The path could've been more straightforward. I could barely see anything. I hope he won't do what I think he's doing.

Instead, we arrived at a tombstone. Second Cole sits down on a log and sighs slowly. I stopped to avert his gaze onto what he was looking at.

I was surprised to find out why he went here. I walked up to the tombstone and gasped.

It was Zane's tombstone-- the other dimension of Zane. It said when he was born and died. Below it, there was a quote, a quote that...Second Cole wrote.

I looked back at Second Cole. He had a somber look on his face. He just stared at the tombstone.

I sighed and then sat next to him. I looked at the tombstone too.

"Cole..." I slowly said, "I'm sorry about everything. It's just...I have been like that my whole life. Look, if you want to, we can return to the mountain. I promise I won't complain anymore."

I got up to leave, but Second Cole grabbed my wrist. He wanted me to stay, so I sat back down.

"This is why I can't let anyone fail," Second Cole whispered, "It's because of Zane. It brings back too many painful memories. Just the look on his face...I promised myself to protect everyone else. Because if I don't...."

I put my hand on his shoulder, "I know that feeling a lot. But I did learn something. You can't be afraid to fail. No matter how hard things get."

Second Cole smiled, "Yeah, you're right, thanks."

We pulled in for a quick hug and then walked back to the building. When we arrived, the guys were playing video games.

"Haha! I won for sure," Jay said.

"Yeah, you cheated!" Kai shouted.

They both started to argue. Lloyd and Zane tried to stop them, but Second Cole cleared his throat, then everyone stopped.

"Alright, it's time for another mission. Since we already have the Fire Sword, it's time to get the Lightning Sword from the Temple of Guidance."

"Woo-hoo! My turn!" Jay shouted.

Second Cole rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, everybody, let's get inside the ship."

We all head inside. Okay, so it's Jay's turn. I can only imagine how fun that will be.

It's time to finish what we already started...

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