Into The Game >> (Sans X Read...

By Melody4164

217K 8.8K 7.8K

It was just a normal Saturday. (Y/N) was playing Undertale for the millionth time. She was obsessed. (Y/N) ha... More

Authors Note
I'm Back


11.1K 463 608
By Melody4164

(Y/N)'s POV

I had taken a few steps when my soul appeared in a box in front of me. I looked up, confused as to who I was fighting. Sans walked in front of me. I was confused for a moment before I realized that he was the one who started the battle.

So I'm fighting him. I guess he was lying all along. He really does want me dead.

Sans opened his mouth to say something but I didn't want to listen. I looked at the four buttons in front of me. Fight, Act, Item, Mercy. I pressed Mercy and two options popped up. Spare and Flee. I pressed flee.

*You escaped.

I felt my soul return and I started sprinting towards box road, where the nearest save place was. I was going to try and see if I could get out the underground. If I could leave Undertale. I didn't want to fight Sans. I didn't want to listen to him.

As I got to box road, I ran behind a tree and hid. I heard Sans walk past and held my breath. When he passed, I went up to the save point. The menu opened up but I couldn't find anyway to leave the game. I saved anyway, just to be sure.

I walked around some and found a rock that I could sit on. I only prayed that Sans wouldn't find me out here.

Chara how am I supposed to leave?

Have you tried opening up the menu thing? I heard Chara ask and I frowned.


You know. Where you can look at your items and stats and use your cell phone. Chara said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

How the hell am I supposed to do that?

Swipe your right hand down.

Doesn't the menu appear on the left side though?

*sigh* The magic is in your right hand, idiot.

I swiped my right hand downwards and sure enough, the menu appeared. Four options appeared. Stats, Items, Cell, and a new one, Leave. I laughed in relief.

You're welcome. Chara muttered.

I still hate you.

I had my hand hovered over the leave button but was reluctant to push it. Did I really want to do this? I wasn't sure. I could just farm some gold using the dog residue and maybe I could find a place to live here in Snowdin. Then I remembered that Sans tried to fight me. I wasn't wanted here. I heard footsteps approach me.

What is it with these skeletons?

I looked up and saw Papyrus running towards me.

"HUMAN! SANS IS WORRIED HE'S BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU. HE-" I didn't let him finish. I shook my head sadly and pressed the leave button. Darkness engulfed my vision.


I woke up on my bedroom floor. My head was pounding. I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Ehh... What happened?" I whispered to myself and stood up. I looked at my computer screen. It was black. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was 1:00 in the afternoon on a Monday.

"I thought it was Saturday night..." I muttered and was glad that it was Winter break. That meant no school or work for a week.

I rubbed my head, trying to remember what had happened. I sat down on my computer chair and turned the computer on. While it was loading I texted my brother. (Authors note: If you don't have an actual brother that's fine. You have one in this universe! :3 His name is Tom.)

To Tom: Hey. Any idea what I did since Saturday night? I can't remember a thing.

I only had to wait a few moments before he texted me back.

From Tom: What do you mean you don't remember? Were you drugged or something? I've been kinda worried, I hadn't heard from you. I'm coming over to your apartment, okay?

To Tom: No I don't think so I think I remember falling or something. Maybe I was knocked out.

From Tom: Okay I'll be there in 15 minutes.

To Tom: K

I put my phone down and put my hands in my hoodie pockets out of habit. Then I felt something smooth and cold. I pulled it out. It was a small remote with a single red button.

Holy crap does this go to a bomb or something?! I thought to myself as I started to panic a little. I had no memory of Sunday or this morning. It was really scary and now I had this button that just appeared in my pocket.


I jumped at the beep but then realized it was my computer turning on. As my Undertale wallpaper popped up I furrowed my brows. There was something tugging on the edge of my mind. Something about Undertale was important. The wallpaper had the whole Undertale crew on it. Toriel, Asgore, Frisk, Flowey, Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, and Sans. When my eyes landed on Sans I felt my heart drop and a feeling of sadness wash over me.

Everything rushed back to me.

"Oh my god... I'm back... Was I dreaming? I thought it was so real." I murmured to myself.

Of course it wasn't a dream. It's still as real as this world. Chara remarked.

"Are you ever going to leave me alone?" I asked, irritated.

Oh (Y/N)... I own you. You gave me your soul, remember?

"Did you give me this button?" I asked and held up the remote with the button.

You're gonna return to the game eventually.

I shook my head.

"Sans would kill me." I told them. They laughed as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

You really are stupid. He wasn't fighting you he was trying to keep you from running away. Weren't you listening to the tall one? He said Sans was worried about you. Really (Y/N), you have to stop thinking that Sans hates you.... I mean he will after you kill everyone he loves but that's later.

I'm not letting you kill anyone.

Oh I don't plan on killing anyone... You're gonna do the killing. You're my puppet...

I shook my head and decided to ignore Chara. I would figure this out later.

"I have to talk to my brother first." I told Chara.

I sighed and eyed the Undertale shortcut on my computer screen. Suddenly, I had an idea. I didn't think it would work I was just naturally curious.

"Can I still play?" I asked Chara.

There wouldn't be a Sprite there. You'd just be invisible.

"Can't you make me a Sprite? I mean, you can obviously hack into the game and change the code."

Chara sighed. Um... I guess. But why would you want to play?

"I want to see what would happen." I said truthfully. Like I said, I was curious.

Honestly (Y/N) I don't know why you act so hateful towards me. You're just like me.

I winced.

"Just make the Sprite please." I said.

Fine. But it'll take a few minutes.

I nodded. I was honestly wondering how Chara did everything they did but I decided not to ask. I probably wouldn't understand anyway.

I heard a knock on the door and went to go answer it. It was my brother.

"That was fast." I said as he walked in and sat on the couch with me.

"I might have driven over the speed limit." Tom admitted. I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

"Good to see you again. And no worries. I remembered what happened." I said. He looked at me questioningly.

"So?" He asked.

"So what?" I asked innocently.

"Are you going to explain?"

"You wouldn't believe me." I told him. I never liked to lie to him. It just didn't feel right lying to my brother.

He sighed.
"Well tell me anyway." He demanded. I looked away.

"Umm... Well. You could say that I was... Gaming." I told him trying not to lie. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I believe that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"What were you playing?" He asked.

"Undertale." I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Should've known. You need to call me or send me a text next time, okay?" Tom scolded me. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Mom."

"Well I'm gonna go to the store then head home. We can game tomorrow if you want. I'll even tell you about my project if you promise not to tell anyone." He offered and I grinned. He was a game designer. He was great at it and had always made little games when we were teenagers using Rpg maker and stuff like that.

Tom stood up to leave but before he could I focused my mind on a walk through of Legend of Zelda and whispered something in his ear. He looked at me confused but nodded anyway. I walked him out then locked the door, heading back to where my computer was. I had to focus on something other then what I was telling my brother because I didn't want Chara to know what I was saying. I assumed that since they could talk to me through my thoughts they could read my mind whenever they wanted.

I sat down on my computer chair and started to doze off.

There. Done.

Chara's voice said and I hurriedly went into Undertale.

I hope you know that you won't have... Total control. Chara told me. I groaned.

I knew there was a catch. But... I can always reload my save. I'm sure it'll be fine.

I loaded my save file and found myself on box road. I looked at my Sprite and hit my head on my desk in frustration.

Seriously Chara?

I heard Chara break out in laughter. I rolled my eyes. My Sprite was actually more like Chara's sprite. The only difference was that I was wearing my own clothing. I opened up the menu. All my stats and items were the same. I took a deep breath and made my sprite go into Snowdin. I found that almost everything was the same, except that some monsters actually moved away from me.

What did you do Chara?!
They're scared of you. You don't exactly look like you. I told you. You have to go into the game to interact properly. Oh... And if you want to say something press enter and start typing.

I sighed.

I would thank you but you have control over my soul and I'm not exactly happy with that. I don't trust you.

I heard Chara scoff and I continued playing. I got to Papyrus and Sans' house. I found that I could go inside. I pressed enter.

Hello? I typed.

I waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened. I looked in the kitchen. Nobody. I looked in Papyrus' room. Nobody. I tried to open Sans' door but as usual it was locked.

I decided to just continue on with the game as normal so I left the house and walked to waterfall. I entered the first corridor and smiled as the music came on. When I had been in the game I couldn't hear it. I had missed the music. I walked in the next room and saw Sans sitting at his station like normal.

Chara does he remember me?

See for yourself. They said in an amused tone.

I walked up to Sans, who was actually sleeping, and pressed the action button. Nothing happened. I pressed enter.

Hey. Wake up! I typed and pressed enter again. I saw the words appear above my head. Sans opened his eyes (which is weird considering he doesn't have eyelids) and stared at me. His eyes darkened and his grin shrunk.

His dialogue popped up.

Who are you?

I sat there for a moment. I pressed enter and got ready to type. But words popped up before my head before I could.

It's me, Chara.

I stared at the screen in shock and pressed enter to type again. Again, words popped up in front of my head before I could.

I killed her.

Chara! What the hell?! What are you doing?

I'm bored. I want to see how he'll react.

I groaned in frustration and read Sans' dialogue as it popped up. His left eye was blue and I cussed under my breath.

... You're going to have a bad time.

"Nononononono.... Sans I'm fine..." I whispered and glanced at the remote. I didn't want Sans to think Chara murdered me but I had a bad feeling about going back in.

It's the only way (Y/N)...

"Shut up!" I shouted and looked at the game on my computer. I put my hand on the controls and pressed the action button. Sans' dialogue disappeared and I entered a battle. I groaned and clicked mercy- spare. But it didn't work. The fight button was clicked and I attacked Sans. Luckily he dodged.

"NO! CHARA STOP IT!" I shouted.

You have to go into the game or I'll make sure that the next attack hits him. Chara threatened and I reached over to the remote and pressed the red button without a second thought. I heard Chara laugh and felt myself falling. I closed my eyes and opened them to see Sans in front of me.

My soul was in the box and I noticed, too late, that I was being attacked by Sans' gaster blasters. I raised my hand to dodge but was too late. I saw my HP drop to 0 and felt the worst pain I had ever felt. My eyes widened and gasped. I looked at Sans as I fell to my knees. I probably looked like myself again because Sans eyes widened and the blue disappeared.


I tried to speak but collapsed. My soul cracked and split into multiple pieces. I had died.


So yeah... That happened. Hope you enjoyed it :3 Anyways I have homework to do and some projects to start on. As always, thanks for reading!

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