Stitch By Stitch || Haikyuu!!

By himitsumints

246K 8.7K 12.3K

"And maybe this is proof that even if you think you'll be stuck in the dark forever, there will always be som... More

Stitch by Stitch
end note.
just a little update ;^^


11.3K 424 304
By himitsumints

Yaku Morisuke

Oh my goodness, I thought wildly as I swung the door open, my eyes wide.

"Hi, Morisuke~!" the familiar black-haired girl cried cheerfully, launching herself at me.

"A-ah!" I cried out, regaining my balance as she pulled back, blood rushing to my face. "N-Naomi?! What are you doing here?"

"Surprise, I'm back!" she grinned, holding her hands up in a victory sign.

I bit my lip. When did she get here? She's supposed to be all the way in America!

"So, I was wondering if you were free today... you know, to hang out? It's a beautiful day today~!"

I rubbed the back of my neck, flustered at her direct question.

You haven't changed at all, Naomi...

"Uh, I... don't really know..."

"Aww, come on, Mori-kun~! I haven't seen you in months!"

More like years...

She took my hand and intertwined her fingers, giving me a pleading look.

I looked away. "You disappear for years without telling me, without a proper goodbye, and now you suddenly come back?" I muttered.

Her face lost its usual cheerfulness, and she dropped my hand.

"And right after everything that had happened with my father... I relied on you, you know?"

"Morisuke... I'm sorry, alright...?"

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say in response to that. After all, would sorry really do much?

"H-hey! Who's that?" she said suddenly, her gaze directed behind me.

I turned around to see a familiar blonde stop in her tracks.

"Oh, Konimi-san, you're awake," I said, my expression softening. I made no mention of last night, but I was thinking about it.

If only she let me help her!

I waved her over to introduce her to my childhood friend.

"Hi there!" Naomi chirped, cheerful once more. "I'm Suzuki Naomi! It's nice to meet you!"

"Konimi Cosette."

"Ehh~! You're foreign?"

Konimi nodded silently.

"I haven't seen you around before! Are you new?"

She nodded wordlessly again, and I couldn't help but smile.

She's so much like Kenma sometimes.

Naomi turned to me.. "She's gorgeous, Mori-kun! Are you two---"

"I-iie!" I cried out immediately.

Why does everybody assume that?!

"Sh-she's just staying here because of, er---"

"Personal issues," Konimi mumbled, finishing my sentence. I sent her a grateful look.

Naomi raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

"I promise you."

She grinned playfully. "So you're available, then, aren't you?"

My mouth dropped open, and I stared at her in bewilderment. "I---"

"Am I an option for you, Mori-kun~?"

"N-Naomi! What on earth a---"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Naomi giggled. "You should've seen your face---"

"I'll just... go," Konimi said quietly, interrupting us both. "Mitsuka-san called me earlier."

I looked at her for a moment as she left, then turned to Naomi.

"Look, I'm really glad you're back and all, but I don't think this is the best time for you to show up," I sighed.

"Morisuke... it's not like I wanted to leave, you know?" Naomi pursed her lips. "I had no choice. I'm sorry that I---"

I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a sigh. "I don't have time for this... I have a lot to do today."

Did you just lie, Morisuke?!


"We can hang out another time, okay? I really need to---"


I didn't need to turn my head to know who was speaking.

"Mitsuka-san invited you to have breakfast with us."

I sent Konimi a pleading look.

You can't be serious.

Naomi chuckled softly. "You don't have to call me Suzuki, just call me Naomi---any friend of Mori-kun is easily mine as well!"

Konimi merely shrugged, in the process ignoring my expression.

"I haven't seen your mother in ages, either, huh, Mori-kun?"

"I wonder whose fault that was," I muttered under my breath, then shook my head. "Well, looks like you're staying, anyway, Naomi..."

She shook her head, giving me a small smile. "I already had breakfast. Sorry for bothering you, Morisuke... tell your mother I said thank you, okay~?"

I was relieved she wasn't staying, yet at the same time, I knew she was hurt that I didn't want to spend time with her. She was well aware that I wasn't really busy.


"I'll stop by again soon, Mori-kun~! Take care, will you?"

My eyes widened as she gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"H-hey! What was that---"

Naomi giggled. "Don't tell me you've forgotten? I always do that, silly!"

My jaw dropped.

....but I'm pretty sure I'd remember if she did.


My hand flew to my cheek as I felt myself turn a deep shade of red.

Just how reckless has that girl gotten?!

I closed the door and turned around.

Konimi was still there.

"Sorry about that," I muttered, looking away. "She's always been a handful."

The blonde made no comment as she turned to head back to the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready," she said monotonously. "You can go wake up your sister."

I groaned internally. How am I supposed to find out what's bothering her if she refuses to open up?

Dang it, Morisuke, you overstepped your boundaries last night and now she probably hates you!

"K-Konimi-san, wait!"

She turned around. "What?"

"About last night... I'm---"



"Nevermind what happened."

Her voice was firm.

"Just forget about it."

Taken aback by her cold expression, I stayed silent and looked away.

Good going, Morisuke.

I sighed and went upstairs, knocking on my sister's door.

"Haru-chan! Breakfast is ready, wake up!"

"Eh? Onii-chan...?" came a groggy voice.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty~!" I sang out, opening the door and shaking her awake. "Come on, Haru-chan..."

"Five more minutes... please...?"

I removed her blankets. "Nope. Get up. Now."

She groaned and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"No idea, just come down, okay?"

She sighed in defeat. "Hai, hai, I'm coming..."

I smiled at her and went back down, going into the kitchen.

"Oh, Mori-kun, have you woken up your sister?" mom said, setting down the plates as I entered.

"Yeah. She'll be down soon... or at least, I hope so."

"I see... Konimi-san's things won't be arriving until a month later, so us girls will go shopping for a month's worth of clothes and all, okay?"

"And I'll be doing... what exactly?"

"Well, don't you have separate plans? Go find your teammates or something, or catch up with Naomi-chan."

"Wha---no, I don't---"

"That's unless you want to take my place. I still have things to do, so if you want to fill in for me with the shopping thing, it would be a great help!"

I sighed helplessly. "Oh, alright..."

"Ohayo gozaimasu..."

"Good morning to you too, Haru-chan! How was your sleep?"

Mom explained the situation to her as I sat down beside Konimi, not knowing what to say.

I glanced to my right, almost as if willing her to say something to me.

Why is she so hard to talk to?

Then I gasped, seeing a small scar at the side of her neck.

She glanced at me questioningly.

I wonder if it's okay to ask?

"I---um---your scar..." I said, looking away.

There was no reply

I figured. Of course she wouldn't say anything about it.

"Itadakimasu..." we mumbled.


"I'll be leaving, alright?" mom shouted out from the living room as I cleaned the table. "I love you all, stay safe!"

"Okay, mom! Take care!" I called back.

"Bye-bye mama!" Haru said.

The door closed.


I jumped, startled that Konimi had entered.

"Do you... need any help?"

"Thank you, but no, I'm almost done," I smiled up at her.

She didn't leave.

She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, averting her gaze.

She wants to say something...

"Konimi-san? Do you need anything...?"

"...N-nevermind..." she muttered, turning and walking away.

I stared after her, frowning.

What was that all about?

"Nee, nee, Konimi-neesan! Come play with me!"

I almost choked.


I couldn't hear Konimi's reply, but I could clearly imagine the amount of shock she had, whether or not that was evident on her expression.

But knowing her, her expression was probably as neutral as always.

But then again... did I really know her?

"Hi, nii-chan!" Haru sang out as I finished my work and went into the living room.

I smiled softly at the sight.

Haru's brunette hair, which she usually ties into a high ponytail whether she's at school or at home, was now down.

The two girls sat comfortably on the sofa, and Konimi, sitting cross-legged, was braiding my sister's hair.

The tip of a lock of Konimi's long blonde hair was in Haru's hand.

"Your hair is so pretty, Konimi-nee-san! I really really really like the colors!" she gushed.

They're not even close, but if you didn't know they just met, you'd think otherwise, seeing this.

"Thank you, Haru-chan..." The blonde replied softly.

She met my gaze, and for the first time ever, I saw her face ease. Her expression was more relaxed than usual, and a rare smile, though barely visible, was forming on her lips.

I wish I could see her more like this...

I leant against the wall, still smiling.

"Hey, nii-chan, when are we going to the mall? Mama said we are, right? To get Konimi-nee-san some things?" Haru chirped.

I chuckled. "Yeah, but we still have to get ready, right?" I checked my watch. "We can go a bit later if you want. I'll be going to my room if you need anything, okay?"


I waved a little, my eyes softening as Haru's newly braided hair draped over her shoulders, and she started to gush.

They'll probably get a long real well.

When I got up to my room, my phone buzzed.

I frowned.

From: Kuroo
Subject: Plans?

Ohayo libero~! Hope you dont have any plans today (*^ω^*) Me and Kenma will be over in 5 minutes~

What. The. Hell.

I groaned. It was just like Kuroo to show up unexpectedly. I wonder what he wanted.

To: Kuroo
Subject: What?

Seriously, Kuroo?! Now?! I actually do have plans! Go away!

From: Kuroo
Subject: (^・ω・^)

Nope~ still coming~!

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

My phone buzzed again.

From: Kenma
Subject: Sorry

Kuro is forcing me along. Wouldn't take no for an answer. He seems determined. Don't know what he wants. Sorry if we're bothering you.

She's okay, right?

I blinked rapidly.

Now this is unusual. I rarely ever get texts from Kenma...

To: Kenma
Subject: It's okay!

I figured you had nothing to do with this... Kuroo is just being Kuroo. I should be used to it. I sit beside him in class.

Are you referring to Konimi-san? She's okay, she's getting along with Haru-chan.

I paused. I don't know if she's okay or not, actually, but...

She doesn't say much, though.


I sighed and went back downstairs, then paused in my tracks, my eyes widening as I heard a laugh.

But it wasn't my sister's.

"You're an okay person, Haru-chan..." came the soft voice of Konimi.

But it was different. It was... lighter.

Why didn't I feel particularly 'glad' that Haru had gotten Konimi to feel slightly more at ease?

Just as I asked myself that question, though, the answer came in my head.

Because it wasn't you who made her laugh, Morisuke.

And even if I didn't want to admit it, even if I didn't know why, somehow, it was, well, true.

I wanted to make her feel at ease

I wanted to get her to be happier.

I wanted to fix whatever made her like this.

I wanted to help her.

And I knew it was selfish of me. I should have expected, anyway, that she would open up so easily to my sister.

I sighed, rapidly shook my head, and pushed those thoughts aside.

What on earth's gotten into you, Morisuke?

I inhaled deeply and poked my head into the living room.

"Ano... change of plans? Two of my friends forced their way over, and, well---"

The doorbell rang, and I sighed---again.

"Yoohoo~! We're here~!" came Kuroo's voice.

I hastily swung the door open.

"Is there something you want? Because I still have plans."

"My, my, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today~!"

Kenma sighed, but remained silent.

"Kuroo, I swear, I'll---"

"Eh?! Nii-chan, is that Kuroo-niisan?! Is Kenma-niisan with him?!" came Haru's voice.

I winced, opening the door wider. Haru was fond of my classmate and his childhood friend.

"Kuroo-niisan, Kenma-niisan!" my sister squealed, launching herself at the surprised setter, then turning to hug Kuroo, who was smirking at me.

"This confirms our stay, you know?" He grinned.

I only sighed defeatedly and let them in. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Instantly, Konimi's relaxed face disappeared.

"Hello, Kitten-chan~! Is Yaku treating you okay~?"

I let out an indignant huff. "What---"

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" Konimi spat out. "I did, didn't I? Kuroo?"

"Kuro... I told you---" Kenma began softly.

"---not to do anything to her." Kuroo sighed. "I know."

Kenma shook his head as he handed Haru his PSP. "Okay, Haru, please be---"

"Hai, hai, you know I never do anything to it, Kenma-niisan!"

I glanced at the blonde foreigner.

Konimi's expression was as cold as ever, and her glare sent shivers down my spine.

How is Kuroo not bothered by this? Why did he even have to ruin her comfort?

The middle blocker put his hands up in surrender at Kenma's expression. "Alright, geez, I'll stop, don't give me that look!"

I turned to him, crossing my arms. "Okay, what do you want with me?"

He shrugged. "We were bored. I had no plans, Kenma had no plans..."

"Well, what do I have to do with that?! Go play volleyball, or something!"

"Kenma didn't want to."

"I'm fine on my PSP..."

"Then what would I be doing?!"

"Playing volleyball..."

"You're so---"

I coughed, interrupting them.

"Well, I have plans with these two, so, you two can go ask someone el---"

"We'll join in on your plans, then!" Kuroo grinned.

I glared at him. "Out of all the people you know, why did you have to pick me to bother?"

"You're my first option?" he shrugged.

"I'm supposed to be taking these two to the mall for shopping since my mother has errands to do. Konimi-san needs supplies, because her stuff won't be arriving until next month."

I raised an eyebrow. "Still interested?"

"It's more interesting than doing nothing."

Haru let out a groan. "This is so hard, Kenma-niisaan~!"

Kenma sat down beside her, wordlessly watching.

"Alright, fine, you can come with us," I sighed.

Oh, great.

"Oh! They're coming with us?!" Haru's eyes widened as she looked up from the game.

"Why yes, Haru-chan~!" Kuroo said cheerfully.

"Really? Yaay~!"

"...Haru... um..."


At Kenma's voice, my sister glanced back down only to let out a cry of agony. "Aaarghh! I died!"

"...Try again, Haru..."

I let out another sigh, my eyes meeting Konimi's.

She didn't seem fond of the idea of Kuroo tagging along either.

This is going to be a long day...


Heh, there we go. I tried my absolute best to make this a good chapter. I mean it isn't much, actually, but i hope you liked it anywayyy~

Kenma wasnt OOC in this was he? I feel like he had too much dialogue :0



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