My New Doctor

By leahkinson

158K 2.3K 379

Being a doctor is very rewarding but can sometimes be very, challenging... The first chapter is awful but it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Part 64

Chapter 51

1.2K 27 8
By leahkinson

Harry's POV
I had two hours left until I finished my shift and Rachel was almost ready to come home so I rang Sophie and asked her to pop to my house for me to get Rachel something to wear home cause she only had pjs and is refusing to leave looking like that, typical.
I grabbed the next patients admission form and headed out to the waiting area, "Brooke Danver?" I called and no one came or even replied so I walked towards the exit to check out there and there was a young girl stood there so I walked over "are you Brooke?" I asked and she nodded slowly "I'm Harry one of the doctors here, would you like to follow me please?" She nodded again and so I led her to the free exam room "sit down for me love" I said and she sat on the bed and looked at the floor. "What can I do for you today?" I asked as I stood in front of her
"I've hurt my arm" she said simply
"Okay, what happened?"
"I fell down the stairs and landed funny" she replied
"Okay, can you move your fingers?" I asked and she tried but shook her head no "that's fine, I'm going to take a look now okay? I'll be gentle don't worry" I said after noticing her expression and she nodded. I felt around her arm and wrist before telling her "you may have just sprained your wrist but I'm going to get an X Ray because it could be fractured, so if you wait here I'll be back in just a second" I said and she nodded.
I came back a few minutes later and she was crying while clutching her chest struggling to breathe "tell me what's going on love?" I said she shook her head no "I'm trying to help you, but I need you to talk to me"
"I can't breathe, haven't got my inhaler" she replied
"You have asthma?" I asked and she nodded so I took my stethoscope off my neck and listened to her chest "try to relax for me, I'm just listening" I said as she tensed under my touch. I ran to the door and called the first nurse I seen "I need a 40mg salbutamol nebuliser as soon as you can please?" I said and she nodded and ran off.
I turned back into the room "okay Brooke, I need you to turn and lean on the bed for me and try to relax, your having an asthma attack, have you ever had one before?" I asked and she shook her head no as she turned and put her feel up "okay, I understand that your scared right now but I'm here to help yeah?" I said and she nodded as a nurse came through with the nebuliser, I thanked her before switching it on and replacing it for the oxygen mask "this is just medication that you breathe in to help you, just take nice deep breaths"
15 minutes later her breathing was under control enough for her to head to X Ray, the results came back and she didn't have any breaks so I put a small bandage on for support and discharged her.
I then went to get the next patient "Riley Moore please?" I shouted and a women and young boy came towards me. I led them to the room and sat the down and said "I'm Harry, I'm a doctor here. How can I help?"
"You going to tell the doctor?" The women and sweetly and the boy just stared at me in fear and shook his head no "he has swallowed a small metal ball and got another stuck in his ear" she said
"Oh right" I said surprised "how big are they?" I asked
"About the size of a pea?" She said
"Alright what I'm going to do is take a quick look first to see what I'm dealing with and we can go from there okay?" I said and she nodded "great so, Riley can you lay down for me?" I asked and he just looked at me while his mother turned him around and layer him flat "I'm going to have a feel of your tummy now, is that okay?" I asked approaching him and he shook his head no "I'm not going to hurt you mate, I want to help you" I said
"Come on babe, I told you there's nothing to be scared of" the women said and he nodded. I felt all around his abdomen for any abnormalities and could find any so I let him sit back up, "it hasn't caused any damage as far as I can tell so you just need to wait for that one to pass but if he starts complaining of any pain or there's blood in the poo just come back"
"Okay" she smiled
"So let's take a look at your ear now" I said as I grabbed my otoscope "which ear is it?"
"Left" the mother replied. I then looked in his ear and seen it wasn't too deep so I decided to try and remove it myself "I'm going to go get some equipment I'll be right back" I said before o left. I came back in to find a young girl and a man also there and the girl had blood pouring down her head and the mother was flapping around in a panic while the man held the boy on his lap. I placed the tray of equipment down and grabbed some gloves "hello sweetheart, what happened to you?" I asked her as I went over to the chair she was sat on.
"I fell off that bed" she stated simply pointed at the bed
"Oh that's no good, can I have a look at your head?" I asked and she nodded so I went over and looked. I then covered it with some gauze and taped it down "what ill do is I'll see to Riley first and then I'll glue that cut" I said to the mother who thanked me "I'm going to need you to come and hold Riley's head still for me now okay? I'm going to try and get the ball out" I said and once we were in position I grabbed the magnifying glass and light and started "just stay nice and still for me and I'll be as quick as I can" I said as I put the forceps in his ear and grabbed the ball, I lost grip a few times but eventually it came out but he was sobbing by this point "there we go, it's out" I said showing him, he sat up again and hugged onto his mother. I grabbed my otoscope to check for any damage but he moved further away as I approached "last time buddy, just need to have a little check" I said. There was no damage so I asked them to change the children around while I went to get more supplies.
I came back and the girl was now laying inter bed slightly upset "you ready sweetheart?" I asked her while putting on clean gloves and she shook her head no "it will hurt" she said sadly
"It doesn't hurt love, it's a little bit stingy but your a brave girl you will be okay, I will be 5 minutes that's all" I said and she nodded so I cleaned it out first which cause her to whimper and become more upset so I put the glue on as quick as I could and held it in place for a second "all done!" I said as I left go "I'm two minutes I'll put a plaster on it" o said and she nodded.

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