Book of Aria

By SkylarJapera

986K 30.1K 13K

It was never in my plans to marry a vampire. My dream was to become a doctor, marry my boy-friend, and have l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

58.1K 1.8K 609
By SkylarJapera

Chapter 4

Aria wakes up by the sun streaming into the room. She groans her head was pounding. She blushes when she notices she is out of her sun dress from the other day.

She pulls the covers down and notices she is in a silk pink night gown. She yawns into her hands but gets out of bed quickly when she smells something delicious.

Aria walks into the bathroom. Take care of her personal business and then walks out the door running into her two guards again.

"My Lady." They both bow.

Aria rolls her eyes and stresses, "Do you have to always be outside my door."

"Well yes." The guard answers. "It's the Queen wishes to protect you."

"From who?" Aria blurts aggravated. "The big bad monster."

The guard looks at her confused and with that Aria walks away from them. She notices that the beach house was huge. It had at least three floors. She walks through the kitchen and then the fully furnished living room. She turns another corner and heads upstairs. She smirks. She finally finds the Queen bedroom. There were no guards standing post. Aria looks behind her and frowns. She had to lose her guards.

She stops and asks, "Who room is that?"

"The Queen ma'am."

Aria looks at them and glares, "Well you can leave."

"We cannot..."

"You disobey me!" Aria puts on her best glare. "I cannot see my wife!"

The two guards step back shocked. They bow respectfully and heads back downstairs.

Aria grins and heads to the door quickly. She burst it open and notice it's pitch black inside. Aria gulps. She could not see anything. She closes the door softly behind her. There was no point of turning back now.

Amelia grins. She had heard Aria behind the door. She softly gets out of bed and walks behind Aria like a ghost. She knew the human couldn't see or hear her. Amelia bites her lip as she looks at Aria in her pink gown that stop sinfully at the top of her thighs. She couldn't take it anymore. She grabs Aria hips roughly and pulls her back into her front. The human yelps in surprised and then begins kicking and screaming. Amelia wraps her hand over Aria mouth and then The Queen whispers, "Shhh it's only me."

Aria settles in Amelia arms and then after she calms down she blurts, "Why didn't you just say something."

Amelia chuckles in her ear and Aria hates that her laugh is so freaking addictive. Amelia turns Aria around and looks down at her. She bites her lip and whispers, "I like making you scream." She answers seductively running her fingers down Aria shoulders. She didn't need the light no know the younger human was blushing.

"Could you give me space?" Aria glares.

Amelia rolls her eyes but smirks. She steps back but not too far.

Aria quickly misses the contact and screams out in frustration, "I cannot see anything. Could you turn on a lamp?"

Amelia whispers something in Latin and all the windows begins to let open. The sun shines violently into the room. Aria had to adjust and when she focuses her heart almost stop. Amelia stood in front of her in only a white lace bra and matching thong. Aria gulps and wets her lips.

Amelia grins and walks towards Aria.

"Could you put some clothes on?"

The Queen does not answer. She walks past Aria and heads towards her walk in closet. Five minutes later she walked out in a red silk robe. Aria instantly groans. The robe did not help.

"Sit." Amelia demands.

"I rather stand." Aria crosses her arms over her chest.

Amelia was on her quickly. Her vampire speed of course.

"I said sit!" The vampire hisses.

Aria rolls her eyes and replies she was use to the outburst and speed, "You don't tell me what to do."

Amelia snatches Aria up and pushes her back on to the bed. She was on top of her quickly, "Why do we always have to come to this."

"Because you're a spoil bitch who always have to have her way." Aria says calmly and then snaps. "Get the fuck off of me."

Amelia pins Aria hands over her head and says, "Make me."

Aria growls in anger and tries to flip them over but the vampire smirks and whispers, "You have to try harder than that honey." Aria watches the glint of playfulness in the vampire eyes. She sometimes really looked like a normal human. However, Aria gives up not giving the vampire the satisfaction. She just settles with the vampire straddling her.

Amelia smirks and then leans down running her tongue across Aria neck.

Aria wiggles around and snaps, "I didn't come here for you to rape me."

That hit a nerve. Amelia head shoots up and she sneers, "Don't ever say anything to me like that again. Your body reacts to everything I do."

"Doesn't mean I want it." Aria rolls her eyes but she knew she was in trouble. It was weird. She knew when the vampire was just frustrated and she knew when Amelia nose flare up that she was pissed. Aria again was ready to be toss. However, she was surprised when she felt Amelia getting off of her and heading towards the door. Again Aria felt like shit. UGH! She screams in her head. She was so confused.

Amelia turns around and pulls the robe open and then strolls back to the bed. She was not about to give the pathetic human the pleasure of knowing she hit a nerve. She grips the human thigh and rest between her legs. "It seems I have to prove something to you." The vampire hisses.

Aria gulps and then bites her lip when she feels Amelia hips moving in a rhythm against her. Aria screams for her body not to react. Amelia smirks and softly nips on Aria shoulder. She places soft kisses down the center of Aria chest while her hips continue to grind into Aria.

Aria places her hand on Amelia shoulder and squeezes. She was so frustrated and confused.

Amelia brings her face back up towards Aria and connected their lips together softly. She nips on the bottom lip making the human pant giving her the opportunity to sneak her tongue inside. She quickly takes that opportunity.

Amelia begins to move her hips harder and faster and Aria throws her head back in reaction. The human was always so surprised at how soft and gentle the vampire could be.

Amelia moves her face towards Aria ear and whispers, "You like when I'm soft and gentle but you love when I'm rough."

Before Aria could reply she was pulled on her two feet and slammed into the wall. She groans in pain but Amelia lifts her up and her legs instantly wraps around the vampire body. She runs her hand though the vampire hair roughly and pulls.

The vampire eyes shines and she grips Aria hips roughly making the human hiss. She then grinds harder and before she could even stop herself her fangs was popping out and burying itself into Aria neck.

Aria screams out in pain and couldn't believe the vampire was feeding on her. She tries to yank her neck away but that only frustrated the vampire and before she knew it she was back on her back with beautiful white teeth burying itself deeper into her neck.

Amelia groans in pleasure. Aria blood was so delicious and rich. She couldn't stop herself. It was what she needed.  However, when she didn't feel nothing protesting against her that's when she knew she took too much blood. She rips her mouth away and looks down at the slump body below her.

Everything was blurry but Aria could see Amelia licking her lip and moaning from the taste. Am I dying. She wonders. She couldn't move and couldn't keep her eyes open.

"Aria breathe."

She was surprised at the gentleness in the other voice. Yet, she still hated her guts.

"I'm going to bite you again okay."

If Aria had strength she would shake her head no quickly.

Amelia kisses her neck and whispers, "It's okay." She then feels the fangs in her neck again. Although, this time it didn't hurt as much. It was like something was going into her instead of her blood coming out. It felt good. Aria groans one last time her hand going limp at Amelia shoulder and falls into slumber.


Aria opens her eyes and groans. Her head was pounding and she felt sick. She leans over the bed and pukes all over the floor. She then pulls herself back onto the bed and settles into the soft silk sheets. The room she was in was dark but she could tell it was day time because of the small light pouring through the dark curtains.

Aria breathes slowly and squeezes the sheets. Her stomach was hurting and she felt like she was slowly dying. She had no strength and everything was just so blurry.

Aria flinches when she feels a cold rag on her forehead. It felt good. "Rest." She hears. She could not recognize the voice but it was soft and beautiful. Aria smiles weakly and then her eyes roll to the back of her head.

"You did what!" William screams through the phone. Amelia rolls her eyes and stresses, "She is fine. I didn't kill her. I just got carried away." The Queen continues to pat the human head with the cold rag.

"If she dies before she even make it to England this entire plan will be for nothing."

"Oh will you calm down and worry about your own wife William." Amelia sneers through the phone. "I didn't ask for this. Also, I remember telling you and all the others that if I did this it goes my way."

She then hung up the phone.


Aria opens her eyes and sits up quickly. She looks around the dark room and then cringes at the pain in her neck. Aria slowly touches her neck and gasps.

"You like when I'm soft and gentle but you love when I'm rough."

Aria shuts her eyes as she remembers the vampire on top of her. The human wipes the tears from her face when she remembers the vampire feeding on her. "That Bitch." She mutters and pulls her knees to her chest. She shudders and then attempts to get up several minutes later.

Aria wobbles on her two feet and uses the wall to slowly make her way to the bathroom. She almost crashes to the floor but she luckily grabs the sink. She looks in the mirror and gasps in shock. Her usually olive skin was pale and the side of her neck was red with two bite marks the evidence that Amelia had fed on her. Aria wanted to puke. She felt sick to the stomach again.

She covers her mouth and makes her way to the toilet. She pukes into the commode and then cries over it.

"Ma'am." She hears. "Do you require any help?"

"Go away." Aria mumbles sickening.

The maid cringes at the tone of voice and hurries out the room.

Amelia was lying in her bed reading one of the popular novels from the seventieth century. She rarely watched TV. Entertainment was very odd during this time. She looks up when she hears two knocks at her door.

"Your Majesty." The maid bows.

Amelia puts the book away and then stands. "Yes."

"Aria she has awakened. She does not sound too well."

Amelia nods her head and then orders, "Prepare some soup and bring it back to my room please."

The maid nods her head and then exits the room.

Aria waits for the dizziness to leave her body before she attempted to stand. Several minutes later she stood and slowly walks towards her bed. She was almost there until everything became blurry again. She was about to fall face forward on the floor until two hands wrap around her waist. Before she knew it she was in someone arms being carried out the room.

Aria protest at first but she was too weak to react. She shuts her eyes when she leaves her dark room and light attacks her sensitive eyes. She buries her face into the neck of the person carrying her and then it clicked.


She knew that smell anywhere. Aria begins to wiggle in the strong arms but The Queen only tightens her grip and continues to walk. Aria wanted to scream for help but she knew it was no point. Before she knew it she was being carefully placed in a soft bed. She opens her eyes and sees golden orbs staring back at her.

"Hey there." The Queen pleasantly smiles.

Aria grunts in response and turns over burying her head into the pillow. She flinches when she feels her hair being place behind her ear. Then she jumps when she feels soft lips on her neck. She begins to panic. Not Again.

Amelia runs her tongue across the scar and then buries her teeth into the human neck. She needed strength and she was giving it to her.

Aria groans and then when the vampire is done she feels completely new. All her sickens was gone. She felt like the healthiest person in the world. She sat up quickly yet Amelia grabs her shoulder and protested, "Your food should be here soon."

Aria bats her fingers away and grunts. The Queen rolls her eyes and Aria sits there and takes in the Queen. She had on a pair of skinny jeans with an expensive blouse and a pair of fuck me heels. Aria groans and then blurts, "How long I've been out?"

"Three days." Amelia answers.

"Three days!" Aria repeats.

"Yes." Amelia stands. "That is what I said. No point of repeating it darling."

"You...You..." Aria was pissed off. "You almost killed me you bitch."

Amelia sneers at the choice of words. "Watch it." She warns.

Aria laughs in disbelieve, "Fuck you!" The human wanted to cry but she had to be strong. She couldn't let this uptight vampire make her weak.

Amelia seethes through clench teeth, "If you weren't so damn stubborn maybe you would have enjoyed it."

"What the hell that supposed to mean?"

"When vampires bites it doesn't necessarily means they are feeding. It can be performed sexually."

"Who could enjoy that much pain?"

Amelia rolls her eyes, "You have to want it. Then it will give you all kinds of pleasures."

Aria shudders at the tone of Amelia voice. It was so damn sexy. Aria shakes her head and blurts, "Meaning?"

"It is like an unspoken bond. The first time always hurt but then you will feel like you're having millions of orgasms. Or that is what I've been told." Amelia winks. "However, it takes two and you have to want it. When I bit you, you freaked and it cut off the sexual bond."

"Well maybe that's telling you I don't want it." Aria shouts. "Why don't you just accept the fact that I don't want you? In a few years when this treaty thing has done it deeds I will move back home and marry Brandon."

Amelia growls. She was so tired of hearing his name. Aria smirks at this. When Amelia was mad she would growl or make some hissing noise. It was cute. What the hell is wrong with you Aria? There is nothing cute about this monster.

"Could you let that common pest go?"

Aria furrows her eyebrows in anger and screams, "Don't you dare speak of him like that. He has more respect then you. He surely didn't rape me."

And she hit the nerve again. It was like slow motion. Amelia eyes flashed with anger and her nose flared in fury. She was pissed. She grabs Aria brunette hair and sneers, "I remember telling you not to speak to me that way. I didn't rape you. Like I said once before your body reacts to my every touch."

Aria snatches her head away and replies in rage, "If that was the truth then I would have felt pleasure instead of pain when you drain me of my blood."

"You freaked."


Amelia growls and retorts, "If I just wanted your blood and precisely your body I would have taken it."

"We didn't have sex?"



Amelia doesn't answers she just stands. Aria stops her and asks, "Why when you bit me just now it felt different."

"It was my venom." Amelia answers. "My venom gave you back your energy."

Before Aria could say anything else the maid was walking through the door with a bowl of soup.

Aria eats quickly and Amelia sits in a nearby chair and continues to read her novel. Aria watches her as she continues to dig into the best soup she has ever had. Amelia eyes were squinted in deep concentration. Whatever she was reading must have been interesting. Aria places the bowl onto the table and then looks around the room.

It looked the same as hers. However, the sheets were deadly red but silky. After thinking and looking around the room Aria snaps, "If I have been asleep for three days then that means..."

"We leave for England in three hours." Amelia states continuing to read her book.

Aria frowns not even arguing. She bites her lip and then stands. Amelia watches her go and then sighs. That girl was much work.

In her room Aria was crying her eyes out. In three hours she would leave her home, her country and live with some arrogant ass vampire who she hated. The thing about England was it was forbidden. No humans ever went to England unless they were asking for death. Aria would be the only human over there. She would be surrounded by other monsters and she would have no one to talk to. Who would understand her?


The human frowns at the voice and looks at the Queen who was standing in her expensive clothes. "Are you ready?"

"Do I have a choice!" Aria snaps and then stands. She grabs her bag full of her personal things she wanted to bring and walk out the door brushing pass the Queen.

One of the servants grab Aria bag and then they got into the limo and rode to the airport. During the entire ride Aria was looking out the window staring at all the buildings she wouldn't see in a very long time.

Thirty minutes later Amelia and Aria were stepping out the limo and Aria was shocked at how many people came to watch them leave. Some people had signs up that were against their marriage but most were happy and grateful.

Amelia squeezes her hand and then they were almost to their jet until something loud went off. POW! Aria jumps and the next thing she knew she was tackle to the ground. Her personal guards cover her and Amelia body and Aria could hear citizens running and screaming in fear. She looks up wide eye when she notices the blood pouring out of Amelia body. Vampires have blood. She presses her hand against Amelia wound making the vampire sneers. It was a normal bullet not the kind for vampires. That mean the shot was meant for her.

"My Queen." The guard stresses. "We should get you two on the plane now."

Amelia grabs Aria and picks her up bridal style and she uses her speed to get them into the plane. When Aria feels her back connect to the seat she gasps for air. She was not use to the speed. She wanted to snap at The Queen but she quickly changed her mind when she saw Amelia ripping open her shirt and pulling out the bullet.

Amelia tosses the bullet to the side and then Aria watches in awe as the bullet wound begins to heal. Aria bites her lip and then jumps in fear when The Queen immediately snaps, "Who the hell shot at us!"

"My Majesty we are working on it now."

"Well work faster!" Amelia sneers through clench teeth and then storms towards the front. Aria sits in her seat and then before she knew it they were flying through the air. She looks around and grabs the remote and turns on the TV. She quickly puts it on the news station and it shows some young man being taken down. He had a sniper and his target was for her. Aria gasps. What did she do to deserve to be gun down? They show the clip of the shooting over and over again. Aria watches as Amelia steps in front of her and takes the bullet before she tackles her to the ground.

Aria jumps when she TV turns to black. She turns her head and sees Amelia with the remote. "Turn it back on!" she orders.

"You shouldn't watch that." Amelia sits in front of her and then grabs a glass of red wine and begins to drink it.

"I want to know why they wanted to kill me. I deserve to know."

Amelia lifts her head and looks into the watery eyes. "What did I do to deserve this?" The human continues to cry. "I didn't do anything. I was force into this marriage."

"I know." Amelia whispers.

"No you don't know!" Aria snaps and then stands and sits two rows back away from the Queen. She curls up in her chair and then falls asleep.


Hours later they were landing. Aria groans and wakes up. She jumps when one of the servants come to the back and says, "The Queen wishes for you to wear this."

Aria yawns and then takes the short fitting gold dress. "What's with her and short dresses?"

The servant shrugs and then hands her the heels to match. Aria stands and then heads to the bathroom where she changes and fixes her hair. When she steps out the bathroom Amelia was standing right in front of her with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Don't speak." She demands and then grabs Aria hand. The human rolls her eyes. She hated being ordered around.

The jet doors opens and immediately cameras begin to flash. Aria groans. She really thought that she would have some type of privacy in England. It was night and then moon was full and the wind was strong.

They walk to the limo at a fast pace and Aria ignores all the questions and such. They get into the limo and before she knew it Aria was watching black iron gates open with a "C" engrave into it.

Aria was surprised. This place was not a mansion or anything. It was an estate. It was huge. It literally took five minutes to get to the front. Aria jaw drop when Amelia came around and open the door for her. Aria step out and watch all the servants and maids bow. "My Queen." They all said. "My Lady."

Aria gulps and then blushes. Did Amelia really make all the maids, servants, and guards come out and bow at her. It was so many.

Amelia grabs her hand and then they walk towards the huge main door and make their way upstairs. Amelia leads the way and then The Queen turns towards her and says, "Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."

Aria nods her head and Amelia cocks her head to the side in wonder. She grabs Aria hips and asks, "Are you still shaken up about the shooting."

Aria knows it's no point to try to wiggle her way out the vampire hands so she stands there and blurts, "Someone wanted to kill me Amelia. So yes I'm freaking out."

The vampire smirks and then kisses the side of Aria neck. "You have nothing to worry about here. I will protect you."

Aria does not reply Amelia really sounded as if she was telling the truth. "You're mines remember." Amelia finishes with a smirk and then walks out the door. Aria screams out in frustration. When she thinks Amelia is being nice or is actually caring about her the Queen would say something dumb.

Aria preps herself in the mirror and just as Amelia said fifth teen minutes later the vampire was walking into the room. "Let's eat."

They are lead downstairs and Aria is surprised to see other vampires at the table. "Aria meet all the other crowned heads and everyone this is Aria Chamberlain."

Aria blushes as all the royalties take her in.

"Well she is beautiful. The TV doesn't do you much justice." One of the female vampires purrs towards her. She had long brunette hair and her eyes were golden but darker than Amelia.

Amelia lightly touches Aria lower back and then leads her towards the table. They sit next to each other and Aria chews on her bottom lip and then blushes again when the brunette winks her way.

"How is Amelia treating you?" the brunette asks. "She can be very interesting."

"I..." Aria starts but she was lost at words. She grins. "Like you said before. She can be interesting."

The golden orbs begin to glow as she leans closer. She wet her lips and then exhales, "I see why she chose you."

"Why is that?" Aria cocks her head to the side. She was curious. The other vampire chuckles and then leans closer until they both hear a hissing noise.

"Helen do not try me."

Aria looks at Amelia and then back at Helen who winks her way. Helen grabs her wine glass and then drinks. "She smells delicious."

Amelia lays her hand on Aria thigh and then lightly squeeze. She slowly leans over and licks over the bite mark. "You see this." Amelia purrs towards Helen. "It means she is mines and you know how I can be when others try to take what's mine."

Helen eyes flashes and Aria gulps. She felt like she was in the middle of something she didn't want to be in. Helen smirks and then laughs. Her laugh was beautiful and this was the time when Aria actually took her in. She was beautiful. Maybe it was a vampire thing. But she was gorgeous and her dress being v-cut was not making the situation better. Her breast was on display.

Aria jumps when she feels nails digging into her thigh. She turns her head towards Amelia her eyebrow furrow in anger but she bites her lip because she knew she had been caught taking in the other vampire.

Helen knew too because she began laughing again. Amelia hisses underneath her breath and William breaks the tension, "We all should be heading home."

Helen glances towards William and then stands, "You are right."

Helen stands and runs her hand down her dress and over her expose thighs. Aria watches and then turns her head. Helen laughs and Amelia grabs Aria hand and they both stand.

"It was nice meeting you Aria. Maybe we could..." Helen runs her hands through her hair. "I don't know. Hang out. Is that the word you children use?"

Aria frowns, "I'm no child. I'm nineteen."

Helen laughs, "You are sweetie. I'm much older than you. Very much." She winks and then heads out the door.

When they all officially leave Aria wasn't surprise when she was push into the nearest wall. She cringes ready to be attack but she was surprised when she felt soft kisses on her neck. Aria opens her eyes and stares at the ceiling. Tonight was the night.

Before Aria knew it they were in Amelia warm chambers. Aria gulps and her heart begins to beat rapidly. Amelia chews on her bottom lip and stalks towards Aria and grabs her hips roughly. "After tonight you won't be able to think of anyone else."

Aria doesn't reply.

Amelia un-zips the back of her dress and Aria shivers when she stands in only her pink matching bra set. Amelia takes her in and then frowns when Aria attempts to cover herself.

"Beauty such as you." The Queen purrs her eyes taking in Aria body then back up where she met her smoky brown eyes. "Should never be hidden."

"So you wish for me to stand in my naked glory in front of Helen." Aria thought she was going to get some type of angry reaction from Amelia but she was surprised when the Queen burst into laughter. Aria bites her lip. She did not supposed to like the way Amelia face lit up when she laugh. Her laugh did not supposed to be contagious.

"Do you honestly like Helen?" Amelia asks her perfect eyebrow arching in questioning. Aria bites her lip and then answers, "Would it be a problem if I did?"

Amelia closes the gap between them pecking Aria on the lips softly. She then hisses in her sexy voice, "What do you think?" Amelia kisses her softly again and then explains, "When I said your beauty shouldn't be hidden, I meant.." She runs her fingers down Aria shoulder. "From me."

With that Amelia pushes Aria back onto the huge king size bed. Aria hearts speeds up again as she watches Amelia strips out of her black dress. It drops around her feet and Aria takes in Amelia tone stomach and long luscious legs. Aria wet her lips.

The bed dipped and Aria felt Amelia crawl over her. She knew what to expect when she became The Queen wife. Amelia told her. However, that didn't mean she had to enjoy it. Aria tongue licks across her chest and then Amelia softly order, "Lift up." Aria did as she was told and Amelia unclasp her bra and toss it. Aria sucks in a breath and then begins to blush as Amelia swipes her tongue over her expose breast. Aria shudders and she stares at the ceiling.

Face to face Amelia runs her tongue across the human lips before pulling them into a passionate kiss. Amelia moans at Aria taste and Aria curses herself silently for shivering.

"You are." Amelia whispers against her lips. "Exquisite."

Amelia kisses her one last time and then begins to descend down. With softness to her touch Aria still found it hard to believe that Amelia could be so gentle. Aria bawls her hands into a fist as Amelia continues to suck onto her nipple while her other soft hand caresses the other.

Aria closes her eyes because she was getting frustrated with herself. She did not suppose to be enjoying this. She bites her lip and shuts her eyes tight. She imagines Brandon. His brown eyes, his boyish grin, his brown hair.  Her heart begins to race as she imagines his tongue making her feel this way.

A wet tongue trails down her stomach and she feels vibrations from Amelia chuckling. Aria lifts up insecure, "What's funny."

Amelia kisses her and smiles, "You're thinking of him, aren't you?"

"Does it matter?" She snaps.

"If that's what it takes for you to enjoy it." Amelia smirk widens. Her perfect eyebrow rising. "Because Mrs. Chamberlain." She kisses down her neck nipping at certain points. "You will enjoy it."

Aria hates she moans when Amelia calls out her new last name. Fuck. She curses herself and then watches as Amelia kisses back down her stomach. She spread her legs and then slowly pulls her pink panties down. Aria blushes again and Amelia begins to kiss Aria thigh and licks her way down eager to taste.

Aria heart was beating rapidly. She knew what Amelia was about to do. She remembers the day after she and Brandon first night together. She was awaken by wondering hands and before she knew it Brandon was asking could he go down on her. She smile and said yes and he smile his famous boyish grin and swipe his tongue across her. However, it wasn't the best feeling. She had to guide him to where she wanted him. It was sloppy and weird for him to be down there.

However, when Amelia ran her tongue up and then down Aria couldn't help the moan that escapes her mouth. It did not feel like this with Brandon. Stop comparing them! Amelia squeezes her thigh and grins against her.

Aria grips the sheets and hates how her body is reacting. Her head slammed back into the mattress, as Amelia licked, poked, and teased. It was driving her insane. Aria rolls her body up but Amelia pushes it back down and pulls her head back up. She licks back up Aria sweaty body.

Aria was trying to catch her breath. Amelia kisses the side of her neck and then enters two slender fingers inside of her. She jerks her hips up and instantly wraps her legs around Amelia waist forgetting she ever dated a Brandon.

Amelia rolls her hips and she could not wipe the smirk off her face. Aria moaning, panting, and writing underneath her was turning her on. She bites Aria bottom lip as she continues to feel her. Aria eagerly kisses her back and grabs her butt that's covered in black lace. She grips it and pulls Amelia down into her.

Amelia gets the hint and begins to roll her hip making her fingers go deeper. Aria screams out and feels herself getting closer. The Queen knows it to. She slows down and Aria rolls her hips up trying to keep the pace.

She groans frustrated and opens her eyes to a smirking Amelia. "Say my name."

"You got to be kidding me!"

Amelia slowly moves her fingers but then stops. Aria whines and blurts, "Amelia please."

"As you wish My Lady."

Amelia buries her fingers deep and not to long after Aria was sent over the edge while screaming into ecstasy.


During the middle of the night Amelia got out of bed and headed towards a different room. She couldn't take Aria crying next to her.

After they were done. After she gave Aria the best orgasm of her life the human look back at her in regret. The damn human regretted sleeping with her. No matter how good it felt. She still felt bad for enjoying sex with her wife.

Amelia growls and then slams the door behind her. If Aria wanted space then she would give it to her

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