I Refuse to Fall in Love with...

By LilMzSwagga

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Sereya is a sixteen year old girl, trying to juggle being a Christian in the 21st century and dealing with a... More

I Refuse to Fall in Love with Him
*Chapter Two*
*Chapter Three*
*Chapter Four*
*Chapter Five*
*Chapter Six*
*Chapter Seven*
*Chapter Eight*
*Chapter Ten*
*Chapter Eleven*
*Chapter Twelve*
*Chapter Thirteen*
*Chapter Fourteen*
*Chapter Fifteen*
*Chapter Sixteen*
*Chapter Seventeen*
*Chapter Eighteen*
*Chapter Nineteen*
Chapter Twenty
*Chapter Twenty-One*
*Chapter Twenty-Two*
*Chapter Twenty-Three*
*Chapter Twenty-Four*
*Chapter Twenty-Five*
*Chapter Twenty-Six*
*Chapter Twenty-Seven*
*Chapter Twenty-Eight* THE FINALE!

*Chapter Nine*

563 11 6
By LilMzSwagga

I Refuse to Fall in Love with Him *ch. 9*

Sereya’s POV:

“Sterling! What are you doing?” I screamed, jumping away.

“I’m sorry; I know…I’m moving too fast. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“It’s okay. It’s just that I want to get to know you better before we move on like this. I mean, I just met you,” I said.

“You’re absolutely right. I learned my lesson, but can I at least have your number?”

“Yes, of course,” I laughed.

As we exchanged numbers Asia walked up and joined us, carrying three Aeropostale shopping bags.

“What did I miss?” she asked.

“Nothing really,” I said looking away.

She studied my expression for a while but then she let it go.

“Okay. Well let’s go meet Janelle in the food court; it’s almost time to leave.”

When we walked there, Janelle and Marcus were cuddled up in a booth, laughing away.

“Hey! Did you guys have fun?” Janelle asked.

“Girl! I racked up at all the stores I went to!” Asia shrieked with excitement.

Austin walked up to the group with a small white bag.

Pretty Girl Rock rang from my pocket. Sterling took my bags for me as I grabbed my cell phone.

“Hello…yes…food court…okay…bye,” I said into the phone. “That was my mom; she’s outside waiting for us.  Are you ready girls?” I asked.

“You guys are leaving now?” Marcus asked Janelle.

“Yes,” Janelle answered, frowning.

“We’ll walk you girls out,” Sterling volunteered.

We made our way out the door, and I spotted my mom’s car. We all walked over…including the boys.

“Hi mommy,” I said sweetly.

“Hello Mrs. Williams,” the girls said in unison.

“Hello girls, you can put your stuff in the trunk,” my mom replied, eying the boys suspiciously.

“Mommy, these are our friends from school, Marcus, Austin, and Sterling,” I said quickly.

“Hello Mrs. Williams,” they said.

“Hi boys. Did you guys get dropped off too?”

“Yes ma’am. My dad is coming to pick us up in a few,” Austin replied.

My nodded hesitantly.

“Oh yeah! Mom, this is Austin. He and I were assigned to be partners in Mrs. Thomas’ class. We’re going to have to work together sometime in the next two weeks,” I said.

Austin stepped up to shake my mom’s hand.

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Williams,” he stated.

“Nice to meet you, too. I’ll talk it over with Sereya’s father, and we will see what we can work out for where you two can meet up.”

“Okay ma’am,” Austin said.

I hopped into the car, and Sterling shut the door for me.

“Bye Sereya. Bye girls. Bye Mrs. Williams,” he said, taking a step back onto the curb.

“Bye Janelle. See you on Monday,” Marcus screamed, as we pulled off.

We drove in silence for a while. I waited for the questions that I knew were coming.

“So, did you all plan to meet those boys?” my mom asked as we drove to Asia’s house.

“No, mommy. They spotted us in the mall and we started walking around the mall together,” I answered exasperatedly.

“Okay. Well, they do seem like nice young men. Now girls, just because you may meet boys with manners, it doesn’t mean that they are the one for you. Just because he says sweet things to you doesn’t mean you can let him take advantage of you. And no matter what, always be yourself; don’t change for him. If he doesn’t like a certain thing about you, it’s his loss. You need to stay the exact same because you girls are beautiful, each and every one of you, do you hear me?”

“Yes ma’am,” we replied in unison.

I rolled my eyes. My mom always takes every opportunity to give us a lecture.

After we dropped off Janelle and Asia, I headed up the stairs to hang up my new dress. I plugged my cell phone into my charger, and headed back down stairs.

My dad was sitting on the couch watching Sports Center. My mom came over to join him, and I sat across from him.

“Hello daddy,” I said smiling.

“Hey sweetheart how was your trip to the mall,” he asked.

“It was fine. I bought a new dress and a pair of shoes, but daddy I have to talk to you about school,” I said.

“Oh boy, what did you do,” he teased.

“Daddy! I didn’t do anything. I have a school project in Mrs. Thomas’ class, and I got paired up with this kid named Austin, and we have to meet together for the next two weeks outside of school.”

“Is it mandatory?” he asked.

“Yes, our teacher said we have to meet up and record our time together. Austin and I agreed on which days were best, but I need to know from you where you want us to meet up.”

“I don’t even know this young man,” my dad objected.

“I met him today, and Chris, he seems like a fine, young gentleman,” my mom assured.

My dad put his head in his hands. He didn’t say anything for a minute or so, deep in thought and frustration most likely.

“Fine, as long as I get to meet this Austin character, I will allow you to work with him. Maybe you two can meet up at the library sometimes, and at our house, and I guess, his house other days,” he sighed.

“Thanks daddy,” I said hugging him. I knew it was hard for my dad to realize that I’m growing up and that one way or the other, boys will be in my life.

“Thanks mom,” I smiled. I walked up the stairs, and grabbed my cell phone. I had three new text messages. I opened up Janelle’s text first.

Hey girl! ~MsJM

I knew exactly what those initials stood for: Janelle Marshall. I replied saying that I love the sig. Then I opened up a text from Austin.

Hey sunshine. You know I miss you already. ~TheYoungKing

I shot a text saying: Cut the crap. Anyways, my parents said we could meet up at the library, my house, and your house, if it’s okay with you.

Lastly, I opened up the text from Sterling. It read:

Hey Sereya. Reply so I can see if you gave me the right number. ~SterlingSilver

I responded by saying: LOL of course I did!

For the next fifteen minutes, I spent my time texting them all. Janelle was telling me about all the cute texts she had received from Marcus, Austin and I were finalizing our plans, with a few bits of flirting going on here and there, and Sterling and I were just…talking.

Okay. Time for the get to know you game. Fave color? Mine is purple. ~LilMzSwagga

Red and black. Fave movie? ~SterlingSilver

This Christmas! Duhh! It has my baby Chris Brown in it! ~LilMzSwagga

It wasn’t a secret that I absolutely love Chris Brown. I claimed that he was my husband and everyone knew it.

How could I forget? He is my competition you know. Mine would have to be G.I Joe. Great stuff right there. ~SterlingSilver

Lol yes! I love that movie too! Okay now let’s get into different stuff…hmm…craziest dare you’ve ever done? ~LilMzSwagga

That would have to be…kissing my ex at a party. ~SterlingSilver

My eyebrows wrinkled in confusion at his answer.

Haha how is that so crazy? ~LilMzSwagga

She was seriously attached to me, and after that she wouldn’t stop calling me!!! ~SterlingSilver

Lol! Too funny! ~ LilMzSwagga

I walked over to my closet to pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I decided on white skinny jeans, my black and white Nike’s and a black V-neck lace top with my silver heart earrings and my long chain with the huge heart.

Janelle had stopped talking and Austin was eating dinner so I continued my conversation with Sterling.

Okay. What about you? ~SterlingSilver

Hmm...probably busting a move in the middle of the movie theater when I was standing in line for popcorn. I also sang my order to the cashier in an opera type style. ~LilMzSwagga

I laughed at the thought of that funny memory. It was the time that I went to the movies to see The Stepfather with Asia and Janelle. The line at the concession stand was ridiculously long and of course my friends wanted to make our wait fun. So we started playing truth or dare.

Wow…what I would have paid to see that. ~SterlingSilver

Yupp…it was quite something. And you ask a question because I’m out of ideas. ~LilMzSwagga

Okay what do you look for in a guy? ~SterlingSilver

I thought about it for a while, whatever I said had to be good. Sterling is really cute and he’s super sweet, so it has to be something completely honest just in case anything happens between us in the future.

I like a boy who is good looking, sweet, a fly dresser, he gives me compliments, he’s kind of protective (but not OVERprotective), he’s respectful, he has to be a little romantic, and he sticks up for me whenever its needed. Yup, I think that’s it. And wbu? What do you look for in a girl? ~LilMzSwagga

Yeahhhh, I think I meet the qualifications and I don’t really know what I look for. Honestly, my girl has got to be fine, but she can’t be full of herself because I’m tired of that conceited type. ~SterlingSilver

I was about to reply when I received another text. It was from Austin.

Are you talking to Sterling? ~TheYoungKing

Again, my eyebrows quirked up in curiousity. Why did Austin want to know that?

Yesss..? ~LilMzSwagga

Then I went ahead and continued my conversation with Sterling.

Hmph…interesting, okay I’ll accept that. ~LilMzSwagga

Don’t worry, I can already tell that you’ve passed my test…now the only thing left for me to do is to pass yours. ~SterlingSilver

I was cheesing from ear to ear. There was no doubt that Sterling was interested in me. My phone vibrated again.

Dang, so you guys are good friends now huh? ~TheYoungKing

I got slightly angry at Austin. He had no right to be in my business like this. His questions were really starting to annoy me.

 Why does it bother you? You have a girlfriend, stop worrying about me. ~LilMzSwagga

I quickly got a text back.

Who said it bothers me? I just wanted to see if you guys were talking, and yes I know I have a girlfriend. ~TheYoungKing

Frustrated, I ignored Austin, and continued talking to Sterling.

Lol okay then Mr.LayThatCharmOnHer, I’ll be ready to grade you with my red pen. ~LilMzSwagga

I walked downstairs to grab a granola bar and then came back to my room. I saw my phone light up so I checked it.

Hmm…and maybe later you can grade me with those cherry red lips. ~SterlingSilver

My eyes grew large in surprise at his flirtatious remark.

Hahahaha. I don’t even wear red lip gloss! It’s more of a dark pink. ;) But we will see about that one. I’m gonna hit the bed now. It’s getting late.  ~LilMzSwagga

Okay. Goodnight Sereya. Dream about me. ;) ~SterlingSilver

I smiled, and put my phone back on the charger. I grabbed my I-Pod, stuck in my ear buds, and sprawled across my bed. I stared at the ceiling and thought about two people as I listened to each song.

Dang! Now there’s not one but there are two!!!

Even though Sterling and I just met, I’ve got to make the promise too, and even though Austin may get on my nerves, I still have feelings for that jerk. No matter how much they compliment me or flirt with me…


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