The Astronomy Tower < #w...

By a-reader-lives

694K 22.1K 10.7K

"Since when do I, Draco Malfoy, Play fair?" Draco said with one brow cocked, and a smile playing on the corne... More

A Chance Encounter
A Hogwarts Breakfast
Melancholy Reflections
Something Different about Hermione Granger
Slughorn's Party
A Note From Someone Special
A Very Long Day Indeed
A Row in the Corridor
Unanswered Questions
A Not So Shocking Surprise
Second Thoughts
Accio Broom!
Keeping me waiting
Keeping Secrets
Their Precious Relationship
An Unwelcomed Visit
Their last night
The Battle of the Astronomy Tower
The Funeral
A White Wedding
An Escape
Where I stand
The Heavy Burden
Godric's Hollow
A Secret Message
A New Guest
A New Friend
A Close Call
Mafloy Manor
Cottage by the Sea
The Chamber of Secrets
Room of Requirement
Battle of Hogwarts
Seventh Year (Snippets)

Innocence Lost

12.3K 450 247
By a-reader-lives

November 1st, 1996

Ron's gone

Hermione thought over and over again as she looked at the dammed piece of jewelry that currently resided at her neck. She held the locket in the palm of her hand.

Ron's gone
Ron's gone

Ever since Ron had left yesterday, Hermione had noticed that a heavy cloak of depression had settled over their camp. Her and Harry just sat in silence most of the time, both too upset with the truth.

Ron's gone

"Here, it's my turn," said Harry.

Hermione took off the evil chain and handed it to him, feeling a lot better. She returned to her book, finding it a little easier to focus on what the words are trying to tell her. They need to find the sword of Gryffindor. It's their best chance at destroying the horcruxes. 

Hermione had on idea; an idea that keeps popping up in her head: Godric's Hallow. Its the only place that makes sense. Other than Hogwarts, which was definitely a no go.

She didn't tell Harry her theories though, because as soon as he finds out, there will be no stopping his from going. And they can't afford to be making rash decisions at the moment.


Things got interesting when Voldemort had asked Draco to go out on one of his 'errands' with him. Voldemort had not totally forgotten about what Draco had 'done' this summer, but his days has a favourite were running out. Voldemort was only asking Draco along so that he could prove himself once again.

Draco waited to leave with the others who had bee invited to come: Bellatrix, Lucius, Carrow, Crabbe, Nott, Yaxely, Gibbon, and three others that Draco didn't recognize.

As they all walked from the house, Draco had the nerve to ask.

"where are we going my Lord?"

"An ally to us has revealed the location of a muggle born who didn't not submit to questioning. We are going to pay them a brief visit and remind them of the new law."

Draco thought on this.

"If you don't mind me asking My Lord, why would you bring along so many for one muggleborn? Why would you even bother to come yourself?"

He heard his father take a sharp intake of breathe. Draco know that he had been bold in asking, but he couldn't help but be curious. The Dark Lord considered his question and smiled.

"Oh Draco," He chuckled, "To be so young and ingnorant"

A if on cure, all of the others laughed. Draco didn't like it.

"I bring this many people with me in case we catch wind of Potter and his friends. I want to be able to send people out as soon as I can. SO that they wont escape. As for coming along... Lets just say that I enjoy being out on the field."

Draco nodded

"Out Destination is Adlighton. We will go form there.

Every dissaparated.


Hermione found herself dreading to apparated to a new location. Once they left, Ron would be able to find them again.

She took down the charms, packed the tent, hid the place where the tent had flattened the ground with leaves, Checked one last time for anything that they could eat, use, etc, made sure they had everything, fiddles with their tent spot once more, just to be-

Oh god she was procrastination

She walked over the where Harry was waiting. He got up and she gave him a nod. He grabbed her hand and apprated to a new forest, with new trees, and new leaves.

Hermione felt a singe tear slide down her check. She suddenly felt more lonely than ever, and wanting her Draco.


Draco follower behind the pack as they headed down the small streets of Adlington. It is a quiet, small, humble town, with the proud population of 700 people.

Draco looked in windows as her passed, and felt himself longing for a small, quiet life such as this. He found Himself longing for a long life filled with the people who he loved. He wanted a small, peaceful death, with a small funeral, only for the people who loved him.

Draco was sick of all of the fighting. He wished for on side to just win already. so that they could all stop the violence and get on with their lives.

They finally came to a small house made of red brick. Through the window he could see a fire crackling in a fire place.

They started up the walk. Bellatrix raised her wand at the door and shot it with a jinx that caused it to explode off of its hinges. They all stormed up past the threshold and into the small house, Draco bringing up  the rear.

He heard a woman scream.

Then a voice yelled, "CRUCIO!"

Followed by more screams.

A high cackle of laughter caused him to cringe. He watched Bellatrix point her wand at the witch who was slumped on the floor.

"This will teach you not to disobey the Dark Lord! AVADA KE-"

"Wait." Came the calm voice of Voldemort. "I want Draco to do it"

Draco went white.

"My Lord, I don't deserve this honor." He stammered."

"Of course you do my boy. After all you were the one who killed Albus Dumbldore."

"But my lord-"

"Draco." Said the Dark Lord. "You've killed fro me once before." He shifted closer and whisoered in Draco's ear. "I would like to see you do it again."

That when Draco realized exactly why Voldemort was there. Someone had told him the truth about what had happened that night on the astronomy tower. And now Draco owed him a death, a death in which he would repay tonight.

Draco looked at the woman who kneeled before him. She looked up at him, fear evident in her eyes. She was muggleborn, Just like Hermione. Oh god. He felt like he was going to be sick.

He lifted his wand with a trembling hand and looked towards the woman. She closed her eyes and stopped crying. She lifted her fragile frame until she was on her feet once again. She was brave. Draco looked at her and realized that she was probably only a few years older that she was. They might have even gone to Hogwarts at the same time.

That's when it hit him. This girl was never going to get married, grow old, have children, possible even grandchildren, and she wasn't going to die a beautiful death, surrounded by the people who loved her.

"Come now Draco." Urged Voldemort.

"Avada Kedavra."

And a flash of green light.


That night Hermione cried herself to sleep. She cried for Ron, who had left her and Harry; she cried for harry, who had lost so much; she cried for Hogwarts, her home, in which she might never see again. She cried for Ginny, Luna, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Lavender, Pavarti, Fred, George, Molly, Arthor, Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, Tonks, Moody, Fluer, Bill, Draco. But most of all she cried for herself, and for her old life, and for her life to come.


Voldemort put a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Well done Draco." He said. "Draco is excused for the rest of the evening. We will not need him for out next stop."

Draco stumbled out of the house and dissaparated as soon as he crossed the threshold.

He ran into his house and into the drawing room that his mother sat in. She stood when she saw the tears on his cheeks.

"Draco wh-"

"Mom." he said as he walked into her open arms.



Done! not the longest chapter, but it is definitely longer than the last three.

But I guess quality work is better than stretching it out.

Quality over quantity!

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