Forgetting the Murder

De withthebigfellow69

34.6K 559 249

Abby Winston has her pretty average life turned around one day when she meets the gorgeous Zeke Riley in the... Mais

1: Forgetting the Murder
2: Amnesia
3: Zeke Riley
4: Missing Person's Report
5: Memories
6: The Drink Spiker
7: Lake Placidus
8: New Friends
9: Bonjour Mère et Père
10: Violence
11: New Job
12: Adrenaline
13: Disagreement
14: Theories
15: Sleepovers
16: Persuasion
17: Happy Endings
18: Goals
19: Moving House
20: Chinese Lanterns
21: Driver's Lesson
23: Pain
24: Explanation
25: Revelation
26: Absolution
27: Betrayal
28: Interrogation
29: Goodbyes
30: Epilogue
Author's Note

22: Exposure

854 12 6
De withthebigfellow69

This is the point in the story, reader, in which a skip a little bit. We are going to fast-forward a year ahead - exactly a year since that beautiful day on the beach where our lips touched for the first time.

Let me fill you in a little on what has happened in the gap, just so you are not confused. Rest assured, not much has happened - thus the reason I am skipping it. Anyway, Zeke and mine's relationship had blossomed to great heights and I had finally reached the highest level of happiness one can reach. Although, things with Emily still weren't good. I had spoken to her a few times, even if it was just small talk, but we still weren't at a sisterly friendship. The last time I saw her was on her eighteenth birthday, in which I made a remark about her finally being old enough to drink herself to death.

Poddy and Hannah got back together, but Poddy had still not received a job as a police officer. This didn't stop him from trying, though.

Steve was still my boss, and still single. As for Mum and Dad, they were doing fine.

Earlier I mentioned that I was extremely content in my life; but as we all know, when you are at your happiest, life has a way to drag you back down again. This is the day that happened. The day everything became clear. The day I will never forget.


I hopped out of bed cheerily, remembering the occasion. I checked my calendar and there it was, exactly a year since Zeke had confessed his feelings for me. I knew he had something special panned for me, even if he wasn't going to admit it.

I ran a shower, undressed and stepped in. I let the warm water fall down my body, wakening me up. I washed my hair and got out again. I stood in front of my wardrobe, contemplating over what I should wear. Eventually, I picked out a casual but still quite fancy navy dress with a brown knitted cardigan and brown suede heels. The whole vintage style seemed to be in lately, so I felt proud that I was following the trends - as I never do.

I curled some of the strands in my hair but left the rest straight and finished it off with natural make-up. Suddenly, I felt my phone buzz. It was from Zeke:

"You're probably expecting this, but I have a surprise for you. Be round at mine for one x"

I checked the clock and saw that it was half twelve, so I decided to leave my apartment. I drove round to Zeke's to find him waiting outside for me like usual.

"Happy one year anniversary!" I said to him as he greeted me outside his house.

"It has been an extremely happy year," he mumbled as he kissed the top of my head.

Zeke wrapped his arm around my waist as we ambled towards the beach. Zeke was so predictable, it was obvious he was going to take me to the place we first kissed.

"Let me guess," I said, "we're going for a walk along the beach and then you're going to make a romantic picnic for us to eat. Am I wrong?"

Zeke chuckled, "Actually, yes you are. I just thought it would be nice to go for a nice stroll and then we'll go back to mine for dinner. Sound good?"

"Is it steak and chips?" I asked hopefully.

"It's a little bit fancier than that,"

I couldn't help but feel disappointed. There was nothing better than Zeke's steak and chips. I guess I'd have to try classy food some time, but it was so hard when simple meals are just so delicious.

We walked up to the rock overlooking the sea that we sat on frequently. Zeke sat down first and I copied him - surprised, once again, at how comfortable the seating was. The sea air made it a little bit chilly so I wrapped my arms around Zeke and slid over so I was sitting even closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and we sat in companionable silence.

"I love you, Abby," Zeke told me, breaking the tranquility.

"I love you too,"

"When I say I love you, I mean it, you know that don't you?"

"Of course,"

"And I'd never do anything to hurt you,"

I looked up at Zeke, "What's brought this on?"

"I just want you to know," he answered calmly. I wasn't convinced but I didn't feel like talking much so I let it slide.

Zeke pressed his lips to my jawbone, and started to make a line of kisses along my jaw. Then, he moved his lips down to my neck. His cool breath on my skin sent an involuntary shiver down my spine.

"That tickles!" I complained.

Zeke laughed but moved his lips away. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'm not sure,"

"We could swim?" Zeke suggested.

"No!" I objected.

Zeke laughed again, then stared out at the ocean. I followed his gaze, but soon got bored of the repeated splashing of the water. I cupped Zeke's face in my hands and kissed him roughly on the lips. He deepened the kiss but suddenly stopped it.

"Do you never tire of this?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Nope,"

Zeke smiled, "Good."

He leant closer and kissed me again. Then he started to kiss my neck, but this time I ignored the tickling sensation. His lips brushed along my collarbone before he moved them back up to my face. He planted a gentle kiss on my nose and then pulled me up.

"Let's go," He said. Zeke took my hand and led me down to the beach.

We walked along hand-in-hand, and I carried my heels in my other hand. I liked the feeling of the sand giving way beneath my feet. The sun was starting to set now, turning the sea an auburn colour.

Eventually, we tired of the stroll and headed back home. I put my shoes back on when we entered Zeke's house. I wasn't used to wearing heels this high so I wobbled a little before I got used to them. I followed Zeke into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge.

"Want a soda?" I asked him casually.

"Yeah, sure,"

I tossed him a can from the fridge before popping open my own. I took a swig but the bubbles went up my nose, making me cough. Zeke turned on the stereo, the song that came on just happened to be Best Thing I Never Had by Beyoncé.

"You bought her album!" I accused.

Zeke stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I wanted to make you as happy as possible."

I blushed a shade of pink before feeling Zeke's lips on my cheek. I turned around and grabbed his hands, before swaying lightly with him.

"What are you doing?" Zeke questioned.

I smiled, "This is how I dance. Come on, dance with me."

I rested my hand on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my waist and taking my hand with the other. He led me around the room quite professionally. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I went to dance lessons when I was ten." he told me, noticing my expression.

The song finished and Zeke took my chin in his hand, lifted it up and kissed me lightly on the lips. I was about to grab his hair and pull him closer but he pulled away and walked over to the stove.

I surrpressed a sigh, "Are you going to tell me what we're having now?"

"Stuffed pork fillet and steamed vegetables," he answered proudly.

I had to admit, it sounded delicious. I watched attentively as the stereo played through the Beyoncé album. I sang along quietly to myself as I waited for my meal.

"I've never heard you sing before," Zeke pointed out.

"It's because I'm not good,"

"You're so modest,"

"It's true, though,"

"Well, I'm not going to argue," Zeke mumbled jokingly. Then he raised his voice, "Kidding. You're actually not bad."

I mumbled a halfhearted thanks and continued to watch Zeke as he cooked. His fluid movements mesmerised me. The way he could prepare such a dish so gracefully but quickly made me want to cook something myself. When he was nearly done I set the table for him.

Finally, he had finished and set out two steaming dishes, which also looked delicious.

"Oh shoot," he said, "we don't have any wine."

"It's OK, I'll get it." I offered with a smile.

I wasn't much of a drinker - as we all know - but I thought that since it was a special occasion a glass of red wine with dinner wouldn't be too inappropriate.

I began to descend the stairs to the cellar, which was where Zeke kept his wine. I had to walk very slowly as it was pitch black, apart from the light coming in from the crack in the door above me. An instant chill ran through me, making me shiver.

When I reached the bottom I fondled around in the dark for the light switch. Eventually, I found it and switched it on, filling the room with a dim yellow glow.

Zeke's cellar was quite small, only containing wine and storage boxes. It had a grey cement floor and grey brick walls. I had only been down here once before a few months ago, and I didn't stay too long.

I walked over to a rack of wine and picked out a bottle of red by a brand I didn't know - but it was French. Then, something caught my eye. The light shined off something metal behind the wine rack, causing it to glint.

I pushed the rack out of the way to discover a door. I pulled on the handle to find it was unlocked. Curiosity got the better of me and I pushed the door open. The room was pitch black and even colder than the actual cellar. There was something about this room that seemed peculiar; it smelled of something very strange, a scent in which I was not familiar with. I wasn't sure if I was just being paranoid though. I ignored my instincts and kept walking further into the room.

I found the light switch and turned it on. Instantly a bright light filled the room. I looked around me, this room wasn't normal. There was a large map on the wall of our town and nearby areas. At the back wall stood three large metal cabinets, each with padlocks on them. The thing that really caught my attention though, was the desk on the right hand side.

I walked over to it and inspected it. There was a small book sitting right in the middle, surrounded by several pens and one file block.

I opened the book first and gasped. On the inside read;

"Diary of Damien O'Kane"

My fingers trembled as I turned the page. On page one it read;

"Dear Diary, 

Task complete. I got rid of Casey once and for all. It was her fault - she was being a dirty slut sleeping with other men. That reminds me, I'll do that man next. His name doesn't even deserve to be mentioned. I don't feel at all guilty about it, why should I? I didn't cheat, it was all her. She didn't have any idea what was going on, she thought I was there to seduce her - ha! As gullible as ever. I hope she rots in hell, that's where she belongs."

Attached at the bottom left hand side of the page was a picture of a girl. Beneath it was her name, the date and - what I assume to be - the method he used to...kill her.

I didn't want to read anymore, but I knew I had to. This was not about my curiosity anymore, this was serious. The next entry was about Max, the man Casey had an affair with. He went into gruesome detail about how he murdered him, but I had to skip that paragraph as it was making my legs shake.

I flicked through the rest, in total there were about five. Each one had a different reason he chose to murder them. He only seemed to murder people who did him wrong. As I read through them, the murderer seemed to feel guiltier and guiltier. I was about to call Zeke down, as I assumed he didn't know this room was here, but the last entry caught my attention.

"Dear Diary, 

I have to be careful with the next one. The police are on to me. Although, I have to get rid of Gabrielle; I heard her phone call the other night, I know she's planning to leave me for another man - but she's not going to get away with it. 

I have it all plotted out. I stole a name tag off someone in a club last night - his name is Zeke Riley. I will use it as a form of identification from now on, which means I will have to wear it around my neck. The police will just think I'm an innocent passer-by. 

Tomorrow, I will take Gabrielle into the woods on the outskirts of town to murder her. I will report back tomorrow night, but until then, goodbye."

The picture in this page was the same Gabrielle I had found upstairs. I gasped loudly and put my trembling fingers in front of my open mouth, dropping the diary in the process. Tears started to spill out of my eyes as I slid down the wall behind me until I crouched. How was it possible that the man I love is a...murderer?

The thought of it made me sick and I buried my head in my hands. That explains why Damien looked so familiar to me, although some questions were still unanswered. Suddenly, I heard a voice I knew all too well come from the doorway.


I looked up and glared at him. Then I rose to my feet so I was in a much more defensive position. "When did you plan on telling me?"

"You're not supposed to be here!" Zeke - or should I say Damien - snarled.

"What are you going to do, Damien?" I emphasised the name, making him wince, "Murder me?"

He clenched his jaw, "Why were you looking through my stuff?"

"Stop accusing me! How long did you plan on keeping this from me?" I was yelling now.

"You were never supposed to find out!"

"You are a lying, sick bastard! Do you even love me? Or am I just part of a plan to kill me?"

"Stop talking shit, Abby."

Never once have I heard him swear. But then again, I didn't expect this either.

I clenched my hands into tight fists, "I'm leaving,"

As I walked past him, he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back. "Please Abby, let me explain!" he pleaded.

"Explain what? Your different murder methods? Are you planning we have a Bonnie and Clyde deal?"

"I'm not that person anymore!"

I pulled my wrist out of his grasp fiercely, "Then who are you? Because you look like the same person, and you practically admitted to being this twisted pyscho I found the diary of."

"I've changed," His eyes seemed almost sincere, but I looked away.

"Nobody can change." and I stormed up the stairs. I could hear his footsteps behind me.

"I have changed, Abby! Please, listen!"

"Don't give me that bullshit, whoever you are." I called over my shoulder.

Zeke grabbed my hem of my cardigan, causing me to turn so I was standing very close to him, "You said on the beach last year that you believed people can change. Don't deny that, Abby."

"Not like this," I yanked my cardigan from his grasp and continued to walk.

Soon I was out at my car, still ignoring all his pleas. Zeke - or Damien - grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, so I could look him in the eye; almost as if it was his final attempt to make me listen to him. "The person who wrote that diary and the person standing in front of you are not the same person. People can change. I've changed."

I shrugged him off, "Get away from me." I answered coldly, the only emotion in my voice was spite.

I got into my car and slammed the door shut. I started up the engine and reversed out of the driveway, leaving Zeke/Damien standing there emotionless, hiding what I think was his tears. I tried to blink away my own tears so I wouldn't be a hazardous driver. As I drove down the road I looked in my rear-view mirror and caught a glance of the house I thought belonged to an innocent, caring man. Instead it belonged to a serial killer - who I was irrevocably in love with.

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