Made In Germany

By RiverWild

4.4K 131 59

Orchid, on her sixth birthday, was sent a gift she will never forget. Two friends in the mail by the names of... More

A Birthday Special
Dreamer's Delight
Stage Performer
A Death in the Family
Traditions and Jewelry
Why Can't You See The Door?
Into the Other World
Coloring Outside of the Lines
Just Don't Sleep
Mondblume (Moonflower)

Aren't I Good Enough?

425 13 9
By RiverWild

             Orchid, dressed in her last clean practice leotard, a tight bun, and Pointe slippers, said farewell to her new friends who lay on her bed in a haphazard manner, “Goodbye Billa, Goodbye Tomi. Wish me luck, I’ll be back soon.” She whispered, smiling the whole time. The room fell eerily silent as the dolls lay still in their positions. Bill’s porcelain index finger twitched. A small movement that could be argued logically by the Earth’s constant motion and the doll’s odd placement.

                When Orchid arrived at Madame Zoe’s studio, she was early, as usual. She began to stretch as part of her warm ups. Madame Zoe, an old, heavy-set Russian woman came walking into the studio, a look of disdain plastered onto her face. However, today seemed different. Madame Zoe, a typically cold woman was smiling. “Oh, hello Orchid. Glad to see you here early as usual.” She said with unnatural cheeriness. Even Orchid, a usually oblivious girl, couldn’t ignore this personality shift. “You seem very happy today, Madame Zoe.” She grinned, knowing it bettered her chances for a solo. Madame Zoe’s cheery disposition confused Orchid. “That’s because I am happy, Kitty. Tomorrow a talent scout from New York is coming to recruit my dancers for their Broadway production of ‘The Lion King’.” She said in disbelief. Orchid interlaced her fingers, “Madame Zoe, for next month’s recital, do you think I could have a solo? I’ve been working very hard and I know I can do it.” Madame Zoe’s ecstatic expression faltered, “Orchid, you’re my best dancer in your age group, but you’re not nearly ready for a-” She stopped, her mouth closed, “You know what, I’m going to give you a chance to prove yourself.” The stocky dance instructor cruised by the elated child with chocolate ringlets for hair and grabbed a stack of CDs. Furiously, she sorted through them, and tossing the ones she didn’t want to the side with a loud crack when they landed. Orchid flinched with every snap of sound. Finally, Madame Zoe handed her a CD with the words, “Track 16” on it, “You’ve earned your solo, Orchid Fontaine. Make me proud.” Orchid beamed her smile too broad that it hurt her cheeks. She eagerly took the CD, “Oh, thank you Madame Zoe!” She squealed happily.  She hugged the disc to her chest.  After a long six hours, Orchid was finally released from her class, she ran full heartily into her mother’s arms, “Mama, Mama, Madame Zoe gave me a solo!” She gushed. Elaine’s look of shock was unmistakable. She’d only known Madame Zoe to be cruel and strict, unfadingly difficult to change. However, this rarity was something to celebrate. Her daughter, her precious Orchid Kathryn Fontaine was like a bird in flight when she danced, she usually stood out of her class anyways, so she didn’t understand the need for a solo, but she’d always support Kitty.

                Orchid couldn’t run quick enough to her lavished lilac room. She flung herself onto her plush bed, the dolls bouncing into a new position. She grabbed Bill, “Billa, you won’t believe what’s happened! Madame Zoe, she gave me the solo! I’m so happy.” She let out an excited giggle, while slightly hyperventilating. She hugged the Bill doll closer, staring into the dark brown eyes with red tints. Like chocolate mixed with blood. As she lost herself in the glossy reflection, the dolls lips began to twist upwards. Utterly flabbergasted, Orchid watched as the dolls lips turned into a smile, a congratulatory smile. She dropped Bill onto the bed and rolled off in a panic. She crawled backwards until her spine hit the wall behind her. “Bill?” She called out just above a shy whisper, her voice hoarse with fear and wonder. After a minute passed with no response, she eased her way back to the bed. On her knees she peered, at eye level, at the mysterious doll dressed in black clothing. Using a stubby index finger, she poked the porcelain boy, it only moved with the transfer of motion of her hand. Once she decided that it was safe, she picked up Bill once more; his lips were straight as they had once been. As straight as when she opened the box. Setting Bill down she held Tom next, his face hadn’t changed either, “Are you alive?” She asked with the same shy whisper. There was no answer, just a shine in his glass eyes.

              Orchid was wary of the dolls; she placed them on a shelf until she was comfortable around them again- which happened to be the night of her birthday. “Bill, Tom, let’s go downstairs, Granny is here. I’m sure she’d love to see you!” She grabbed her friends off the shelf, “No making faces, okay? Everyone already thinks she’s loopy.” Tom’s head shifted, as if to nod ‘Yes’.  With one doll under each arm, she zoomed down the stairs, eager to show Granny that her gifts were absolutely perfect. “Granny!” She drawled. The aged, silver-haired woman glanced up and over her thin framed round glasses. Her face lit up as she watched the small child running nearly full-speed ahead for her old, brittle arms. “Hello Kitten!” She said with a scraggly voice laced with evidentiary proof of her seventy-five years on the Earth. “Granny, look! It’s Billa and Tomi” Orchid exclaimed with a giggle. On the rare occasions she did see her grandmother outside the ‘hospital’ were ones she cherished most.

              “I see that, lovey.” She smiled; she was concerned that her son and daughter in-law would throw the dolls into the garbage because they simply didn’t understand the magic of the universe. Orchid handed Tom to her grandmother, who inspected it carefully. “So tell me Kitten, have the woken up yet?” Orchid stopped gushing over Bill and Tom, “What do you mean Granny?”

“Have they woken up yet?” She repeated softly, so neither of Orchid’s parents could hear. Orchid’s brown curls bounced as she leaned forward, “Bill smiles at me Granny, and Tomi nods, I’m scared of them. I don’t want to be, but I am.” She squeaked out. Granny laughed, her deep amber eyes turning to half moons. “Don’t be, Orchid. Do you remember the letter I sent; about the magic’s of the world? This is one of them.” She patted Bill on the top of his spiky black hair. His lips turned up into another faint smile. “Tell me Kitten, do you read yet?” Orchid nodded her head, “I do, and I have for a whole three months now.” She said proudly. Granny’s lips bent upwards, “Good, then I’m going to give you this piece of paper. Can you read it?” Orchid’s eyes were fleeting from Granny’s face to the old piece of paper. She read silently. “Kitten, read it to me, just so I know that you can.” Orchid glanced up and nodded."Come to me moon goddess and shed your light, onto thy object breathe its life, This is my protector, my friend and guardian. For as long as we both are alive, we shall never be apart, for as long as one heart beats, so does the other." Granny smiled, “I want you to read this to Bill and Tom every night before bed, but don’t tell Mommy, okay?” Orchid nodded in understanding, she knew her Mama would take away Billa and Tomi from her.

              “Kitty! It’s time to open presents!” Mama called to Orchid, who rushed over to the table stacked high with boxes and bags filled with tissue paper. With a doll in each arm, she tore open the fluorescent colored papers to reveal socks, shirts, pants and more porcelain dolls. There was one bag left, “Look Kitty, another present from Granny!” Mama said enthusiastically. Orchids amber eyes met Granny’s identical ones, who smiled like an old, sly fox. Orchid reached into the bag and felt more fabric, she was about to complain about the amount of clothes, but she was surprised when she pulled out the shiny, silver outfit that was nearly a thousand times smaller. “Oh, look Kitty; Granny bought some clothes for your dollies.” She giggled dryly. Orchid’s smile was wide and toothy. She reached in again pulling out more shiny fabric, matching pants to go with the jacket. She dipped her arm in several more times, pulling out more and more black, grey, white and red articles of clothing, including several extra small bandanas for Tom’s forehead. “Thank you Granny, I love it.” She yelled over the clatter of the crowd enjoying red velvet cake and French vanilla ice cream.

                After the party ended Granny was escorted out the door by two of her doctors, “Come visit me soon, Brandon, or I’ll think you’ve shut me away just to be rid of me.” She joked, but really meant it. Orchid gave Granny one last squeeze, “Bye Granny, I’ll come see you soon.” She smiled sweetly, “Are you gonna be at my recital on the fifth?” Orchid asked with saucy eyes, “Wouldn’t miss it even if I were dead.” Granny replied gingerly. “Alright Ma, you better get going before they lock up the doors at the facility.” Papa butted in. Granny nodded, “See you soon, Kitten.” Granny winked and left. Orchid walked with her mother up the stairs to be tucked into her large, fluffy bed. She snuggled in Tom and Bill on either side of her. After Mama left the room she grabbed Bill and Tom and set them up side by side as she whispered her chant, "Come to me moon goddess and shed your light, onto thy object breathe its life, This is my protector, my friend and guardian. For as long as we both are alive, we shall never be apart, for as long as one heart beats, so does the other." She folded up the paper and taped it to the underside of the headboard for safe-keeping. She kissed the tops of their heads, they smiled, “Goodnight Billa, Goodnight Tomi.” And she repositioned herself between the boys and fell into a deep sleep.

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