Unexpected Love


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Gabriella Smith has always been considered the World's Best Friend-but giving her all in a friendship has not... More

Unexpected Love: Prologue
Chapter One: Two Years Later...
Chapter Two: Mutant Cow People?
Chapter Three: Tangled
Chapter Four: One New Voicemail...
Chapter Five: Cayden McDaniel...
Chapter Six: I Want You...
Chapter Seven: Girl Time and Gossip!
Chapter Eight: The Big Game
Chapter Nine: Confessions...
Chapter Ten: Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter Eleven: Bradin...
Chapter Twelve: The Pig Catcher
Chapter Thirteen: Red Bull and an Internal Battle
Chapter Fifteen: Explosive Kisses
Chapter Sixteen: Party Time!
Chapter Seventeen: Now Announcing...Broken Roads!
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Must Be Fate

Chapter Fourteen: I Think I Like You...A Lot.

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Chapter Fourteen:

I am actually up before my alarm went off, that is a shock. That’s been happening a lot lately. It’s like I can’t sleep in any more for some reason. Too much drama going on, I swear! Jumping in the shower I thought about what tonight will be like. I absolutely adore Bray’s family; I think it will be fun. I can’t help but smile at the thought of spending more time with him. I wonder why he decided to send that text message. Am I reading too much into it or does he really like spending time with me?

Speaking of texts, I don’t know how to handle Cayden's… I don’t know if I should take it as a good thing or bad that he is thinking of ways to prove he cares…this is just great. Just what I need, once I was done having my battle in the shower, I hopped out and dried off throwing on a denim skirt and a white tank top with an intriguing gold design on the front.

Leaving my hair down I walked into my room and threw on my white flats, grabbed my bag and began to make my way out my room just as I heard a honk outside.

Perfect timing, I giggled to myself. Walking out the front door I see Bradin standing by the passenger’s door, he opened it as I walked up and bowed, “Your ride awaits my Princess.”

“You’re a nerd.” I giggled as I sat in the seat using his phrase from yesterday.

He slammed the door closed and walked around getting into the driver’s side. He picked something up out of the cup holder and held it out to me, “Your red bull as promised. So drink up and no sleeping in any of your classes today.” He smirked as I grabbed it greedily out of his hand.

“Thank you. Is this going to become a habit of yours, bringing me red bull? If so then I love it! I love my red bull.”

Chuckling he replied, “If you like your red bull that much, then I suppose it can become part of our routine.”

School passed by quickly with multiple glances passed back and force between Bradin and I all day. I answered even more questions today in Algebra thanks to my wonderful tutor.

Propping my feet up on the dash once I was inside of Bradin’s car I giggled as I said, “Where to now my chauffeur?”

“Chauffeur? This is the bat mobile my dear, not a limo,” He chuckled as he slammed his door closed, revving up the engine.

“Bat mobile, not too sure about that one.”

“Don’t diss my car woman. It gets me where I want to go.”

“Ok, ok no making fun of your car. We heading straight to your house?”

“Yes. My mom and dad should be there around five from work and shortly after that they will start dinner. So until then we can work on studying for your final tomorrow. What kind of tutor would I be if you fail the big test tomorrow?”

 “Hey! I think I’m doing pretty well thank you. And you haven’t even been teaching me for a few days! I’m sure I’ll at least get a D!” I laughed as he gave me an incredulous look.

“D? How about we try for a B at least?”

We arrived at his house shortly after, spending the remainder of the ride in a comfortable silence, listening to the soft sounds of the radio. Once he parked the car he came around and opened the door for me like a true gentleman, a girl could get use to this!

 “Madam,” He gestured to the open door as he held out his other hand to help me out.

“Why thank you kind sir.”

Arriving at his house we got to work on studying again. Time seemed to fly as we laughed and joked around about the math equations. His parent’s walked in the door and waved to us and said their hellos before going to prepare dinner.

While his parents were making dinner the smell of BBQ ribs filled the house. It smelled so good! Once dinner was finished, they took it out to the table by the bonfire and called us out to come eat.

We settled into chairs on the patio, plates of steaming hot food sitting in front of us, we began to dig in. The food was delicious! I gave Mr. Fields an appreciative look and resumed devouring the ribs.

“So who thinks it’s time to share some funny stories,” Maddie asked breaking the silence.

Bradin coughed, “Awe mom really? All your funny stories are about me!”

Well this will be interesting. “Oh please tell I for one would love to hear about Bradin.”

Mr. Fields smiled, “What do you think about the batman story, Maddie?”

“Oh that is a great one! When Bradin was a little boy he use to believe he really was Batman! He also believed he was hatched from a dinosaur egg. He would have us and his teachers call him Batman. It was so funny!” Maddie clutched her stomach as she was laughing hysterically.

“Oh don’t forget the part where he use to run around the farm naked with his underwear on his head, screaming, ‘I am Batman, bow to me’.” Adalynn pitched in.

Wow. That is defiantly one crazy story. I giggled, “Awe is that why your car is the bat mobile Bray? Or should I say Batman.” I gave him a wink and watched as his face turned bright red.

He tried to hide his blush by lowering his head, “Shut up. I was a kid.”

All of us simultaneously burst into laughter. After we had calmed down we finished up eating and cleaned up the mess. Once I had come back outside from taking the dishes in with Maddie, Bradin grabbed my elbow and started pulling me towards the barn.

“Where are we going Bradin?”

He smiled, “I thought we could go lay in the grass by the bar and look at the stars, they are really bright tonight.”

“Awe that’s sweet. Sounds like fun.”

We picked a patch of grass to lie in and lay down side by side. This feels nice. The stars are amazingly beautiful. So bright! “Hey look there’s the big dipper!”

Bradin looked to where I was pointing and nodded and then pointed off to the left, “There’s the little dipper.”

“Hey if you look over there and connect the stars it looks like a pig!” I pointed towards the constellation.

He was silent for a minute, straining to see what I was talking about, “Um… I’m not seeing a pig Princess. Sorry, but it kinda looks like an ice cream cone to me.”

“Yea whatever. It looks like a pig not ice cream.”

He turned on his side to look at me, his eyes smoldering, “Hey Princess…”

Ok, this is just a bit awkward. I wonder what he is going to say, “Yeah Bray?”

“Have you ever felt drawn to someone instantly? That’s how I feel bout you Gabby, I was drawn to you the minute you walked into my bedroom door, your amazing, beautiful eyes wide with concern…for me.” He paused.

This is just a dream right? He is not really saying this, is he?

“It’s like there’s no place I’d rather be now other than by your side. I haven’t felt like this in a very long time and I’m scared to feel again…but I can’t help it. I think I like you…a lot.” He cupped my face in the palm of his hand, slowly bringing his lips closer to mine, eyes closed.

All coherent thoughts flew out my mind as I thought, finally! I think I like him too. I slowly brought my head closer to his, meeting him halfway.

This is the moment I’ve been waiting for I thought, Just as he crashed his lips to mine and millions of fireworks erupted in my mind as my heart stopped and then began beating again at an abnormally fast pace.

And it was over just as fast as it had started.

He flipped back over on his back and sighed, “That was a…”

He’s going to say it was a mistake to kiss me isn’t he? Or maybe I am a bad kisser! I mean I haven’t kissed anyone since Logan, so it’s not my fault if I’m bad. Hell I haven’t even had a boyfriend since Logan and he was my first boyfriend!

I really need to stop overreacting, I’m sure he isn’t going to say something as bad as what I’m thinking. I hope…

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