Unexpected Love


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Gabriella Smith has always been considered the World's Best Friend-but giving her all in a friendship has not... More

Unexpected Love: Prologue
Chapter Two: Mutant Cow People?
Chapter Three: Tangled
Chapter Four: One New Voicemail...
Chapter Five: Cayden McDaniel...
Chapter Six: I Want You...
Chapter Seven: Girl Time and Gossip!
Chapter Eight: The Big Game
Chapter Nine: Confessions...
Chapter Ten: Oh No He Didn't!
Chapter Eleven: Bradin...
Chapter Twelve: The Pig Catcher
Chapter Thirteen: Red Bull and an Internal Battle
Chapter Fourteen: I Think I Like You...A Lot.
Chapter Fifteen: Explosive Kisses
Chapter Sixteen: Party Time!
Chapter Seventeen: Now Announcing...Broken Roads!
Extra #1
Extra #2
Extra #3
Extra #4
Must Be Fate

Chapter One: Two Years Later...

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Chapter One

Two Years Later

"He does have a voice of an angel," I sighed to my best friend, and next-door neighbor, Kyrie Tailor. She swooped in a year ago and took Cayden’s place as my best friend. Although she is great, she will never be able to fill his spot.

"I know! Cayden McDaniel—Wow. One thing to say about him, sexy."

We were lying on my bedroom floor watching the now famous Cayden McDaniel’s performance at a charity concert.          

"I miss him so much." I sighed as I gazed at the TV. He was my best friend, up until he just disappeared and never contacted me again. Still to this day, I couldn’t forget about him, and I couldn’t help but regret acting immature and letting him go. He was the best thing that ever happened to me and now he's just gone.

Kyrie turned around to face me, her beautiful bluish green eyes were wide with empathy. "Has he even bothered to try and get in contact at all, Gabs?"

"No, I'm not really sure where he is now, all I know is he is in a band, obviously, since he’s always on t.v. performing." Feeling the prickling sensation in the back of my eyes, I tried to think of anything but the way his blond, streaked hair always looked like he just woke up and didn’t bother to run a comb through it and the way his eyes always lit up when I entered the room. Just picturing him, made the tears threaten to fall unwillingly.

Why was I acting like such a baby? Grow up Gabriella. It's been two years now, he's not coming back. You need to just forget about him and stop pining for someone that is in the past.

             "One day he will realize what he's missing Gabs, you’re an amazing person. Don't you ever forget that," Scooting over she wrapped an arm around my shoulder to offer as much comfort as she could.

I am so fortunate to have met her last year. She’s been the best friend I could ever have hoped to find after Cayden left. She’s just… one of a kind, she won’t ever take his place in my heart but she comes close. I love her because she is always there for me and always knows what to say to cheer me up. Even though at times she is a little ditzy and has some crazy blonde moments…but it’s ok because she is blonde so she can pull it off.

Giving her a small smile I replied, "Thanks Ky, you are the best. You always know the right thing to say!"

"You’re—“ Kyrie was cut off by my mother yelling into the room.

            "Girls! Go to bed...Now!"

            I rolled my eyes as she tried to cover up a laugh, "Yes mother!"

She lay down on the her pallet next to the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin, laughing at her silly expression I mimicked her and climbed under my own covers, turning out the light on the night table. After a few minutes of silence, I managed to drift off to sleep.

Morning came too quickly when I slowly open my eyes and shut them immediately as the sunlight blinds me. I hate mornings. I am not a morning person at all.  Quickly rolling out the bed, I almost landed on Kyrie whose tall figure was sprawled out on the floor. "Guess I will straighten my hair before she wakes up and she hogs the bathroom," I whispered to myself, trying to maneuver my way into my closet without tripping over her. She spends more time in the bathroom then I do, which is saying something. She isn’t one to care about her appearance, it’s just that her long, curly, mass of hair takes forever to tame. I am so glad that my chocolate curls don’t have a mind of their own and they actually behave…Well most of the time. Sometimes I occasionally get the bed head that can’t be tamed, but times like those, I just throw it up and hope it looks decent.

First things first, I need an outfit. Oh joy, this will be fun. After a few minutes of raiding my closet, I finally settled on a pair of low rise jeans and a white lacy pink t shirt with some black ballet flats. Turning to look at myself in the floor length mirror, I nodded in approval. I must look like a dork, nodding to my reflection. Lord, I must be losing my mind. Good enough I suppose though, now time to do something with my hair. Today it looked like a freaking rat’s nest, so I’m guessing this is one of those odd hair days for me. I sighed, running a hand through it.

Walking into the bathroom to plug in my straightener my eyes caught on the edge of a picture. When did that get there?

            Inspecting it closer, I noticed it was of Cayden and me sitting on a tire swing in his front yard. I could still see that day so clearly in the back of my mind. I could still hear Cayden's musical laughter as my thirteen-year-old self ran squealing from our game of tag.

"Ha-ha you can't catch me." I giggled running for the tree that was the safe point.

Fourteen-year-old Cayden ran after me laughing, "Yes I can!"

            "Hey kids, go over by the tire swing, I want to take a picture," Cayden's mother pointed to the tire swing.

We both raced over to the tire swing, trying to trip each other. "I want to get in there first," I whined stomping my foot.

            "Ok ladies first," He laughed as he bowed to me.

We both climbed into the tire swing and he put his arm around me. "Ok, ready? One...two..." Cayden's mother began counting.

"Best friends forever…" He leaned over and whispered softly into my ear giving me shivers down my neck from his cool breath.

"Always and forever, Cay."

"...Three," Mrs. McDaniel snapped the picture.

"Hello! Gabby!" Kyrie's waving hands and impatient tone snapped me out of my daze. "You ready to go?"

Looking over at her I couldn't help but giggle, she was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a white and pink t-shirt. We were wearing the same color of shirt just different designs. Those jeans do bring out her curvy frame and big butt though.  

"That outfit looks great on you Kyrie! We almost look like Twinkies!”

"Thank you, you look amazing as usual too. I just need to figure out something to do with my crazy bed hair." She giggled pointing to the mess of curls.

"Shoot I forgot to do something with mine. It’s one of those days." I chuckled.

We ended up just straightening our hair as fast as we could. Kyrie even put a little feather in her hair. She is always one to be creative. She is very artistic. More so than me, it should be illegal to let me near anything to do with paint, markers or sketch pads. The only thing I can do is make a mean looking stick figure.

“C’mon, Kyrie, we need to get to school!” I urged, dragging her out of my room.

“Screw school,” She giggled, rolling her eyes at my mother who was silently giggling at us in the hallway.

"Bye mom!" I yelled as we ran down the hallway, and out the front door.


Is it break time yet, my legs are killing me! I silently thought to myself as we finished up another routine.

"Alright boys, break time," Mr. Rope waved us off the stage.

About damn time, I thought I was going to die. I really need to work out more or otherwise I really am going to kill myself with all this dancing. Following my three other band mates out into the hallway, we filed into the break room. As soon as I entered, I flopped down onto the couch, claiming the whole thing to myself.

Looking to my left whilst blowing my shaggy hair out of my eyes I reached over and smacked my band mate across the back of the head, "Hey Codi, hand me my water—Now."         

            Taylor Hennessey, one of my band bro’s turned to raise his eyebrows at me, "God, you’re demanding and lazy."

Damn right I am. When you are famous, you shouldn't have to do anything for yourself. That's a given.

            "Sure Cayden McDaniel I am here to serve," Codi laughed and chucked me a water bottle, narrowly missing my forehead.

            "Thanks dude! And yes Tay Tay, I am very demanding," Giving Codi an appreciative look I popped the lid off and savored the cool liquid flowing down my sore throat. It's a wonder that I don't lose my voice with all the singing we have to do during practice.

            "So…Cayden how's that best friend of yours you can't stop mumbling about in your sleep?"

            Looking over at my band mate, Lucas Mitchell, as he sprawls out on the floor, I sighed, "How the hell would I know?" I'm really beginning to regret telling them about Gabriella all those years ago. They never shut up about her when all I want to do is get her out of my damn head. Those beautiful green eyes haunt my dreams every night; it’s not my fault that they hear me mumbling about her when I sleep.

"Are you still mad at her dude? It's been two years now since you left Culver City," Taylor asked as he walked over to the mini fridge and grabbed some water. As he took a drink, he looked in the mirror above the mini fridge and double checked his messy dirty blonde hair. I don’t see why the crap he has to check it. He just leaves it looking like a mess all the time so it’s not like it’s going to look any different every time he looks in the mirror. I’m glad I take a little more care of my hair. It might look messy every now and then but that’s because I make it look that way.

Back to the subject of Gabriella, am I still mad at her? I guess not. I mean it has been a while since our petty little fight and she was pretty much the one who started it but it was in the past. I would have already called and talked to her but I just haven't had the time. I have been too busy with rehearsals and gigs that I keep putting off contacting her and then I just forget altogether. It kinda sucks that I forgot about getting ahold of my so called best friend but I’m pretty sure she’s already forgotten about me anyways.

            "No, it's been too many years to hold a grudge against her, but I just haven't had the time to talk to her really..." I trailed off looking at my hands that were littered with callouses from playing my guitar constantly.

"Just think of how much you hurt her by picking up and leaving without so much as a good-bye, it doesn't matter how long it's been. You really need to make the time to talk to her.  She was your best friend and that kind of relationship will never be forgotten, no matter how many years have passed. If she means as much as you say, you are being an asshole by not calling her." Codi Hall—always the sensible one out of all of us, he always has to think about everyone else’s feelings involved. I’m pretty sure if it came down to it he would take Gabriella’s side and pin everything on me. He is always telling me that I’m the one in the wrong for just leaving and not bothering to contact her to at least say goodbye.

He really knows how to make me feel like hell for not calling her. Looking over at Codi, I contemplated my reply, "I know, I know dude, how on earth do you know everything?”

I start to get up off the couch, just as Codi patted his head and replied. "This here brain is smart."

            Taylor, Lucas and I all roll our eyes at the same time as I walked over and pat Codi on the back. "Ok Yoda, let's get back to work before Mr. Rope has a heart attack."

After practice, I walked over to my shiny red Volvo, Annabel... Yes, I named my car, call me crazy, but that beaut is my baby. "Well guys, I'll see you tomorrow for practice."

"See yah man," Lucas waved as he jumped into his silver convertible and sped off down the road.

            "You’re not going to go club hopping with us tonight Cay?" Taylor unlocked the door to his black jeep.

            I sighed and shook my head, "No not tonight. I think it's time I face the music and sit down and figure out what I want to say to Gabriella. I do miss that girl. I just have to figure out the best way to go about it. At least if she has already moved on I can say good bye properly and not feel so guilty about how I left things."

            Codi rolled his eyes as he opened the door to Taylor's Jeep and sat down in the seat his long jean clad leg propping the door open, "Try a simple phone call you idiot. That would be the best place to start. I'm pretty sure you showing up on her door step with your ugly face might just give her a heart attack dude."

            Flashing my famous smirk while walking over to the passenger's side of the jeep, I kicked the door making it slam on Codi's leg, "That's for insulting me. My face is not ugly, I’ll have you know. We don’t sell all these albums just because of my amazing talent, and you’re the reason why I feel so damn guilty. You and your overly sympathetic mind."

I smirked as Codi started screaming at me, his voice thick with pain, "You—You—Ugh that freaking hurt like hell! All I was doing was telling you the truth; you have an ugly face no need to get violent!"

"Alright you two, cut it out. Cayden, I'm pretty sure Mr. Rope will make your life a nightmare if you disable his favorite pretty boy," Taylor yelled while getting in the driver's seat, "Codi shut the door, I'm already late to pick up Cassie from school, mom will kill me if I don't go get her as soon as possible."

            I laughed at the image that flashed through my mind, Taylor's mom chasing him around the house with her wooden spoon because he didn't pick up his little sister Cassie from her school.  That woman is crazy; I can't count how many times all of us have been threatened with 'the wooden spoon'.  "Alright see you guys, Taylor, watch out for the wooden spoon!"

            Taylor rolled his eyes, blowing his hair out of his eyes and started to close his door, "Hey that wooden spoon kind of hurts when you get hit in the eye with it!"

            "Bye Cayden, have fun being a nervous little boy while trying to figure out how to talk to your girl again!" Codi cackled as he slammed the door shut.

            Getting into my car and turning on the radio, I put in my favorite mix cd and headed to my house in Hollywood Hills, dreading the phone call I'm planning to make. I just hope she will forgive me for not contacting her for so long. But who am I kidding, I am Cayden McDaniel...Famous lead singer in the band Broken Roads...She would be crazy not to forgive me. I could give her anything her heart desires.

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