My Bad Boy Protector ✔

By Zanzan112

4.2M 136K 53.5K

"He looked at me as if I was the only star in the dark night sky. And kissed me as if I was the air that fill... More

My Bad Boy Protector
Chapter 1 : First Day Back
Chapter 2 : Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
Chapter 3 : Deliciously Entertaining Dinner
Chapter 4 : Snapping Out and Breaking In
Chapter 5 : Eventful Day
Chapter 6 : Crazy Thoughts Lead To Crazier Actions
Chapter 7 : A Cry For Help
Chapter 8 : Apology Accepted
Chapter 9 : The Meganerd and Megajerk
Chapter 10 : Teach You How To Fight Back
Chapter 11 : Self Oath
Chapter 12 : Preparing For The Return of Medusa (Part 1)
Chapter 13 : Preparing For The Return Of Medusa (Part 2)
Chapter 14 : She's Not Exactly A Witch She's Just A Terrible Bitch
Chapter 15 : Drunk Alex Is Definitely My Favorite Alex
Chapter 16 : The Cute New Guy
Chapter 17 : That Smile Was As Fake As Kim K's Ass
Chapter 18 : Goosebumps Are Forming
Chapter 19 : He Made Me Soup
Chapter 20 : Cruelty At Its Finest
Chapter 21 : And The Lessons Begin
Chapter 22 : Warnings
Chapter 23 : Guess Whose Tutor Am I?
Chapter 24 : The Unexpected
Chapter 25 : Secrets Revealed
Chapter 26 : Anonymous Notes, Bonfires and Surprises
Author's Note (important)
Chapter 27 : Sleepovers
Chapter 28 : Confessions Of A Bad Boy
Chapter 29 : That WTF Moment
Chapter 30 : A Trip To Remember
Chapter 31 : Reminiscent Tears
Chapter 32 : Like Beyoncé At The Grammy's
Chapter 33 : Oh Hell Nah
Chapter 34 : I Kissed A Girl & I Didn't Like It
Chapter 35 : That's My Boyfriend
Chapter 36 : Hurt
Chapter 37 : A Party? Not My Cup Of Tea
Chapter 38 : Shocking Appearances (Part 1)
Chapter 39 : Shocking Appearances (Part 2)
Chapter 40 : Drama Like No Other
Chapter 41 : Kidnapped
Chapter 42 : My Name Is...
Chapter 43 : Smashing Attempt
Chapter 44 : News
Epilogue : Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 45 : The End

66.3K 2.2K 1.3K
By Zanzan112

Chapter 45 : The End

**Third Person**

Funerals were never Alexander Parker's thing.

But then the day arrived and he found himself in a dark jacket and cords, preparing to leave in a black car and as he stepped out he was surrounded by people he never met.

To enter the cemetery he had to skirt around a pile of brown frosted leaves, the innumerable flashing fragments shone brilliant wintry light. For today there was no weather; no wind nor clouds just the frostbitten temperature like the hearts of many gathered here today.

Ahead the path glistened like silvery quartz yet ice crystals on hard ground was all it was in reality.

Alex tilted his chin up as he gazed around him, stuffing his gloved clothed hand in his pockets.

It was as clear as ice that all the beauty over everything here had died.

He took his grief and balled it up so tight none could escape.

The zombie family stepped out a line of limousines, every eye dried.

Before he knew it the wintry winds invaded his lungs and stung his eyes. He adjusted the dark shades on his face grateful that he had worn them.

The funeral was all black clothes and white, waxy faces that held red puffy eyes, a sign of earlier crying.

Everything was grey and foggy as were his emotions and cold, damp with silent air.

We all progressed over to the burial ground and Alex watched as the preacher spoke melancholy and the hymnals were truncated just after a few lines.

He stood beside my family members and their faces weren't the only ashen with grief. 

Tears flowed steadily down the faces of many as they made an attempt to hold them back but continuously failing to do so. They traveled slowly downwards immobile faces, felt crumpled on the inside, numbness, emptiness, journeying in front of the dark mahogany coffin to say farewell even though she was gone already. Their souls were unwilling to accept the reality of her being gone; the finality of death. That they would never look upon her face or feel the warmth of her embrace ever again.

Alex's face turned to the side on its own accord when the family of the one being sent away tossed their flowers into the hole that had been dug into the ground.

He couldn't help the thoughts that flooded him that this was a part of his doing. He hadn't been blamed this time around by the family for taking a life but a whole new tidal wave of despair washed over him leaving him with a hole in his heart that was familiar to him when Olive Bradshaw had passed away.

The thoughts seemed to be hitting him from every angle and his face contorted into an expression of pain as if the blows had been delivered to him physically.

And just as they reached the highest peak of cruelty and morbidity he felt a small hand slip through his.

He looked around quickly and just like that all the thoughts dissipated. And that was because of one person.

She stood there looking exquisite as ever in a full black, knee length dress. Her face lacked its usual color but her cheeks were flushed by the cold weather and nose an adorable red shade reminding him of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Her long, blonde hair had been shielded from snowflakes with a broad black hat that made her look mature for some reason but then he realized that she was. He would be headed off to the college of his dreams soon and so would she. Her face reflected concern and those blue-green eyes he fell in love with shone brighter than any morning star could as they met his.

"Are you okay?" Carrie finally asked quietly.

She knew this was hard for him but even more so for her.

They had traveled over a thousand miles to attend this funeral and she knew they had made the right decision. She deserved this much, both of them.

And even though Carrie Monroe could not see those eyes she had begun reading so well she could feel his uneasiness, his guilt.

She recalled the day a few months ago when this girl that was gonna be placed six feet under ground had a gun pointed at heart with a promise of death.

"Olivia..." Carrie said slowly. "You don't wanna do this."

Olivia shook her head frantically and fingers locked tightly ready to squeeze but then there was a desperate cry in the distance.

Both heads snapped to the side to see Alex racing towards them like a mad man.

Carrie's heart seemed to become alive again and she took a step towards him without noticing but before the two lovers could be reunited Olivia grabbed her by the arm holding her at gunpoint.

Alex froze feeling his world come crashing down.

"Olivia, put the gun down and let's talk about it." Alex reasoned softly watching the gun at Carrie's temple like a hawk.

Carrie noticed some movements in the distance and her eyes widened significantly when she saw the uniform of a policeman. Hope bloomed inside her but then it dulled again at the feeling of the metal digging into her skin, a cold reminder of the sticky situation she was in.

"Did anyone talk about it with my sister? Huh!" Carrie flinched at the tone of her raised voice and the feeling of her hot, disgusting breath blowing across the skin of her neck.

"I'm sorry." Was all Alex croaked out.

Carrie watched as the boy she loved eyes met hers and spoke all the words he wanted and still haven't yet said to her. She saw a future with him; waking up and seeing his face and falling asleep in his loving embrace.

And as Olivia muttered her last icy cold words, "This is the end Alex." she knew she didn't want to go.

Swallowing down the bile, Carrie thrust her hands forward and then back resulting in her elbow smacking Olivia hardly in the stomach.

The girl's hold loosened and Carrie scrambled as far away from her as possibly and she thought it over when she saw the group of police emerging yelling, "Freeze!" with weapons pointed behind her.

Guess she was wrong because out of nowhere a hand pulled her back and a smack was delivered to her cheek with the gun.

Alex watched on the sidelines with fear and anxiety running through his bones and for the first time his fighting skills had no use.

The police warned Olivia again not wanting to commence firing with Carrie so close in range.

Alex was completely shocked though when a bloodcurdling scream erupted from Carrie and he saw her leap on top of Olivia. The gun in her hands flew a fair distance away and Carrie began straddling her, pumping her fist into Olivia's nose.

Blood rushed from her face and Alex felt pride blossom inside his heart and much relief.

Just when he thought Carrie would ease up she didn't, she kept pounding her fists into Olivia's face, clawing like a vicious and savage animal.

"Jesus Monroe." He whispered.

Grabbing her waist, Alex pulled her off the bleeding girl and into his arms kicking and screaming.

He wound his hands around her waist making her face him then cradled her face between his hands.

"Stop. Monroe, stop. Look it's over."

When she stopped struggling in his arms Alex brought her closer to him.

"Hey it's just me, no one's gonna hurt you." He cooed, entangling his hands in her soft hair.

"Alex?" Carrie whimpered, still shaking slightly.

"Right here baby. I'm right here."

"She was going to...kill...she was..."

"Shush," He said gently. "She didn't."

As Carrie went to close her eyes finally feeling at home she saw movement in her peripheral vision.

Looking up swiftly she saw Olivia having ahold of the gun again and the trigger being pulled.

It was like everything happened in slow motion.

Alex felt Carrie unwinding herself from him and then himself being pushed to the side. He saw her stand in front of him and felt her body jerk as the sound of a gunshot rang throughout the air.

Alex looked wide eyed as his girlfriend's figure slumped against him and a red color spreading across her tattered blouse.

"No, no, no." Alex whispered frantically as he fell to the ground in a crumpled heap having her still in his arms.

Carrie coughed and Alex looked down at his hands that were now ironically stained with blood.

More sounds of gunshots rang through the air making his hold on Carrie tighten and he looked up swiftly to see Olivia's body falling to the ground, laying lifeless a few seconds after.

Alex's gaze shifted at the sound of Carrie's weak voice addressing him.


Tears now blurred the boy's vision and his heart never ached as much as it did in that moment.

"No, don't talk. Save your breath."

The sound of her wheezing then coughing and not just anything but pure, thick, crimson red.

The tears trailed down Alex's face as the blood splattered all over him but disgust was the farthest thing he felt.

"R-Remember when you asked what I saw in the future?" She whispered lowly.

He could see the light in her eyes slowly dimming and it scared him to the core.


"Now just listen," She pleaded and Alex nodded unwillingly. "I saw you. I just wished it didn't take a bullet to the stomach to admit it."

A sob escaped the boy's lips and he shook his head frantically as the girl he loved eyelids flutter shut.

He brushed her blonde hair out of her hair and begged for her to not go like this profusely.

The police were by their sides in a heartbeat shouting orders at him. They tried to pry Alex off her unconscious body but he didn't oblige.

It took three of them all together to cage him as he begun lashing out.

Alex watched with a heavy heart as they carried the girl he loved away.

A few seconds later his world begun spinning and then he fell limp in the officers' arms, passing out.

That day Alex thought he had lost her for good but then a miracle took place and he was told she would live when he awoke at a hospital himself.

Now he didn't ever want to lose her, because seeing her in that state was something he didn't want to relive.

He thought history was repeating itself and Carrie would've died.

Alex flashed Carrie, who was still holding his hands tightly, a reassuring smile.

"I'm okay." He nodded.

Carrie stood on her tippy toes and gave him a side mouthed kiss. Despite the occasion surrounding them a giggle slip past her lips as he smiled broadly.

She shuffled closer to him as he placed a hand around her shoulders.

Olivia's funeral seemed much more sad than Sonya's had been. Carrie still felt her heart crack knowing that the girl had died for her. She only hoped that she was happy wherever she was...both of them.

"I love you you know that right?" Carrie felt Alex whisper seriously against her ears warmly.

She nodded, resting her head against his chest sideways.

"I know."


"I still don't understand why the fuck they had to have this funeral in the winter ugh! And away from Cali at that!"

Carrie watched with an amused smile as her best friend continued ranting as they made their way to their designated rides.

Zoey flared her hands about with the most ridiculous frown playing on her lips as her boyfriend walked along side her, his hands hanging loosely around her waist.

She had gotten so much better with her issue pertaining to bulimia. Anyone could see the difference in her. The new glow that came along with her had everyone in awe and Carrie with everyone else was proud of her for getting along so well in her therapy.

"Babe, we all know that you're not upset about the weather." Justin mused making her snap her head quickly up at him.

He had seen when she tried to hide the tears in her eyes during the ceremony. He loathed how she still had nightmares of that night when Francesca had snuck up on her and hurt her. She woke up at random hours in the morning screaming heartbreaking words as she pleaded for them to not hurt her. She said that it was no big deal but it most certainly was. They were working on it though like they did with most stuff in their relationship.

"Fuck off." Zoey hissed, folding her arms across her chest making him laugh.

Everyone watched as Justin gave her a peck to the cheek and despite her dark complexion it was obvious that she was blushing.

They all laughed as they got into their cars.

The two gave Carrie a hug, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Sirina who looked immaculate in her silk dress and designer coat, Natasha, her dad and Caleb who managed to make it despite his busy schedule.

Allison gave Carrie an extra tight hug. Somehow her brother's girlfriend had become her role model after she had apologized about the entire Luke controversy.

Carrie had let the past be the past and forgiven her with open arms and a weightless heart. Since then the two could always be found in each other's company.

Alex absolutely adored seeing his two favorite girls together, excluding his mom, and happy.

Allison was no longer bitter about what Luke had done and forgave him. He had asked for another shot but she that she couldn't offer him. They went separate ways and when she caught his beautiful blue eyes as she went inside her parent's car her heart still called out his name. With a deep breath she told herself he wouldn't be the only man she would love. She was young after all, but it still hurt. Even more so when she swore she saw a tear slide down his right cheek.

She watched as the boy she still loved turned his back and shoved his hands into his coat pockets. His hunched figure journeyed throughout the gloomy cemetery looking like a ghost itself.

Carrie watched as everything flew by her through the windows of Alex's car where she sat comfortably.

His hands were intertwined with hers and she felt like a burden has been lifted off her shoulders.

She had to admit that she hadn't met anyone in her life that had had so many drama occur in their life but she was grateful for it all.

She was thankful for Leona who was now serving fifteen years of imprisonment in jail for the years of abuse she had done to her. The same went for Ricky who was staying behind bars for five. Carrie felt grateful for Olivia, Olive and Sonya and even all who had bullied her. Her life played out exactly like it was destined to.

Carrie looked out the window and noticed a streak of bright light piercing through the dull atmosphere, it reminded her of hope and it made her realize something.

She wasn't bitter that everything had happened, no, because if they hadn't she wouldn't have been sitting here in this car.

Carrie looked over at Alex whose eyes locked with hers reflecting the same emotions that were bubbling from deep within.






Carrie Monroe was grateful for all the storm because she now appreciated the sun.

She was grateful because without it she wouldn't have the boy sitting beside her. She wouldn't have had...

"My bad boy protector."


A/N: What up title referreencce!

Today marks the day of my grandfather's memorial. I was very emotional when writing this chapter and I know it shows...a lot. Brings back many goods memories, and I-I couldn't help it.

Evidently it's a (very) early update and I hope it's appreciated. I'll be writing an epilogue so don't worry but absolutely no sequel. I promise the epilogue will be filling. I can't thank you enough for reading this book and keep and eye out.

If you want to go on another journey with me I suggest you check out my new book. It's teen fiction and very emotional. The first chapter will be uploaded as soon as the epilogue for this is. Please guys, it would mean a lot because I really like the idea of this book.

Anyway, don't forget to make me smile by commenting and voting.

I love you so much my heart hurts, ugh. I'm an emotional wreck.

I bet you thought Carrie was dead huh?

Lots of love,
Zan. ♡

***update*** 12/04/2016

I'm thinking about doing a Q&A thingy later on so share any questions you've got in the comments section below and I'll do my best to answer them. Thank you x

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