Living in Cali <3 (Sequel)(Sa...

By chheellbbyy

267K 5.8K 1.7K

After Tori has to make the very tough decision of Sam or Jc she ends up living in California. Follow Tori as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 (PART TWO)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 13

7.2K 145 35
By chheellbbyy

Connor drove us to his a Ricky's apartment. When we got inside Connor went to go get me some blankets so I began to wonder. I went into the living room and saw the blue light from a phone coming from the couch. I peeked over the edge.

" Seriously. "

" Tori, looks like we're gonna be roommates. "

I didn't respond. I only glared at him. Then Connor walked in and began to make me a bed on the empty couch.

 " Connor, man thanks for the roommate. I was getting a bit lonely. "

" Jc, go to sleep. Here Tori. Tell me if you need anything night ", he said while hugging me.

I layed down on the couch and began to drift asleep.

" I heard about Sam. Not so perfect is he now. "

" Jc, go to sleep. "

I rolled over and put the pillow over my head. Jc didn't say a word and I fell asleep immediately.






I woke up to see that Jc had left. I don't know where he had gone nor did I care. I got up and looked for Connor. I had looked everywhere but his room and couldn't find him.

*knock knock*

I opened the door even though nobody answered. As I walked in Connor woke up and looked at me with wide eyes. I was confused at his shock until I saw the girl who was waking up next to him.

" Oh ummm. I'm so sorry- I'll just uh go now. "

I couldn't help but laughing and I know they heard me. I wonder who she was. I didn't think Connor had a girlfriend.

" Tori. It is not what it looks like. I promise. "

" Connor, you really don't have to explain yourself to me. Its your house and your bed. "

" No I do. I don't want you to think I'm a man slut or anything. She is really just a friend. She was sleeping on the couch but then you came and I thought it would be less awkward if she was in my bed instead of you. "

" Oh I see. Well bring her out I want to meet the mystery girl. "

Connor went back into his bedroom and brought out a very tired looking girl with a small smile on her face.

" Hello. I'm Tori! "

" Hi. I'm Caitlyn ", she said with a yawn in between words.

" Nice to meet you Caitlyn. I'm gonna take a shower now but we'll talk later "

I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. After undressing I hoped into the shower. I didn't really need a shower I just wanted to think and that was the best place. I couldn't stay at Connor's with Jc here for very long or I would go crazy. I guess I would have to make up with Elaisha. She called me about 4 times everyday.

I got out of the shower and realized I had nothing to wear. I was about to call Connor when I saw a little pile of clothes on the counter with a note.

It read:

Here are some clothes of Caitlyn's. We figured you would need something.


It was a little blue dress and white vans.

( ) Tori's outfit

I put them on and used the make-up on the counter. When I went back into the living room Caitlyn was also wearing a dress and Connor had slacks on.

" Hey, are we going somewhere? "

" Yeah tonight we are going to a concert on the beach then to get ice cream and coffee ", Connor said not even looking up from the computer screen.

" Who is we? "

" Oh uh.. Well its um all of O2L. "

I looked at Connor and didn't reply. Then Caitlyn spoke up.

" He said you wouldn't want to go but I really think you should. The guy who's performing is my friend and he is really good. Plus me and Connor will be right by your side. You don't even half to talk to the other guys. "

" I don't know-

" Please Tori! It's gonna be so much fun. "

" Well I guess it wouldn't be so bad. "

" Yay! ", she said while running over and giving me a hug.

Which I wasn't prepared for and almost fell over. She was probably the most positive person I'd ever met.




We left around 5 for the concert. Jc rode in the front with Connor and Caitlyn and I were in the middle. We picked up Sam and Kian and they rode in the back. Trevor's dad was bringing him later. The car ride was super awkward and by the look on Kian and Sam's faces they did not know I was coming. But they had made up. And so had Jc and Sam. And Jc and Kian. Everyone made up with everyone except me. As we pulled up to the beach I saw Elaisha standing there waiting for us. Wonderful. This night could not possibly get any more awkward.

Jc got out of the car first and Elaisha ran up to say hi. I stepped out after him and her eyes widened. He forced me into a hug and began to say how sorry she was. I pushed her off and put my arm through the crook of Caitlyn's elbow. Then we walked away not saying a word to Elaisha. Her face showed the hurt but tonight I didn't even care.

I stood arm and arm with Connor and Caitlyn through out the whole concert. I tried not to look and Sam and Elaisha who were holding hands to my right. Or Kian who was standing alone to my left while Jc and Ricky were flirting with some girls at the bar. I just listened to the music. When the set was over Connor let me know that we were staying for the after party which was supposed to last until about 12. I didn't really want to stay with these people that long but I just smiled and nodded for Caitlyn's sake.


At about 10:30 I lost Connor and Caitlyn in the crowd. I managed to make my way to the bar.

" Can I get you anything? "

" Just a water please. "

The bar tender put a glass of water in front of me and I drank the whole thing in one gulp. I sat alone until Jc came and sat next to me.

" Jc, go away. I'm not in the mood. "

" Oh come on. This is a party. Lighten up a bit. "

" No. Now go play. I don't feel like babysitting tonight. "

" Oh. That one actually hurt. You're getting better at this being bitter thing. "

" Well I've had some practice. "

" Tori, I'm sorry that Sam hurt you but you can't just not talk to any of us forever. "

" Its wasn't just Sam. It was you and Sam and Kian and my best friend. I'm just tired of being hurt. "

" Look, I know it doesn't seem fair. But you can't live in the past forever. You have to live Tori."

" Just go Jc. "

" You really want to sit all alone rather than with me? "

" Yes. "

" Fine but don't wander. I'm your ride. "

" What? "

" Connor had to take Caitlyn home because she felt sick and they couldn't find you so Elaisha took me to get my car. I'm your only option babe", he said with a huge grin while walking away.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was at camp :) But I'm back now so expect some updates this week. It felt so amazing to come home to almost 50 followers, 15,000 reads on my first story, and 3,000 on this one. I love you guys so much. Comment! Comment! Comment! I love nothing more than to check my email and it be full with wattpad notifications :) <3



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