A bet with Mr. CEO (COMPLETE!)

By HollyJohnson

231K 7.7K 1.1K

What the hell is wrong with me? Seriously? I can't believe i just did that! I cant believe i just made a $50... More

Chapter one! I bet you...
Chapter 2 you're you're? No!
Chapter 3 where is he?
Chapter 4. Little shows for daddy!
Chapter 5. Notes and hidden camras!
Chapter 6. Worst fears realized
Chapter 7. I'm to young to die
Chapter 8. Dinner with the parents
Chapter 9. Old army buddies
Chapter 10. Family reunion!
Chapter 11. Issac!
Chapter 12. Hide away places and not so pleasant torture!
A/N: Formal Attraction (complete)

Chapter 13. Wedding bells in the air.

13.2K 488 80
By HollyJohnson

Jason's POV...

The next few days after i woke up had its ups and downs, up because Rick and i because so much closer then ever we talked about everything he told me stories about his childhood and before we met and i told him everything about my parents and everything from when i met Oscar.

Unfortunatly there were the bad parts to like everytime i needed to go to the toilet was like hell, Rick started coming in with me to hold me, i would have found it awkward but i was actually thankful, there were also the scars all over me Rick was told by a Doctor to rub some cream on them, and let me tell you... Son of a bitch.

It's so painful i know he is rubbing gently but it feels like he is re-opening the cuts.

Right now im sitting in the lounge room with Rick mother while he is at work, Rick said that his mum had takin it upon herself to be our official wedding planner so right now she is running some ideas past me, i asked shouldnt Rick be apart of this but according to her he has the absolute worst taste when it comes to stuff like this making me laugh so here we are just the two of us.

"So i was thinking it would be lovely if it was out yours and ricks backyard it has the perfect space out there" Mary said, honestly i thought that was a great idea.

"That perfect" i say excited.

"Great! So we have the where now we need to figure out how many people you and Rick want there so we can organise everything else" she said grabbing her notebook and putting the backyard as the where down, i picked up my phone a called Rick i know he is at work but it would be easier for me and his mum to continue on if we had a rough estimate.

"Hello my darling what can i do for you?" Ricks cheerful voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey we were just wondering, could you give me a pretty rough estimate of the amount of people you would like to invite so we can continue, by the way is the back yard fine with you for it to be at?"

"The back yard is perfect"

"Hahaha thats what i said" Rick laughed in response.

"Anyway i will invite a few work collegues and obviously family so about 30 to 40 people then plus whoever you wish to invite" i reply the message to Mary why nodds writing it down.

"Anyway babe i gotta go im in a meeting" my eyes widen when Rick said this.

"Shit i am so sorry you should have told me i would have called you later" i said feeling guilty.

"Hey hey its okay i was more then happy to answer your call why dont i call you at lunch time?" He asked.

"Okay i love you"

"I love you to babe" he said before hanging up.

"So we'll say Rick is inviting 40 people, how many will you invite?" Mary asked, i was actually thinking about this and the only ones i want to invite are my new army friends and obviously issac and Davids.

"Say 10 for me"

"And what about your parents are they on the list or the stay away list?" Thinking of my parents just soured my mood, ever since i saw them in hospital they havent once tried to get in contact with me, we saved them from Oscar the least they can do is call to say thank you or something.

"How about you think about that, and let me know when you've made your dicision, for now lets sort out what food courses you would like" she said changing the subject away from my parents to which i was greatful for, just then Issac walked in the room with a yogurt.

"There you go Jason" he hands me the yogurt which i thank him for then something clicks.

"Um issac?" I stand up with Issacs help.

"I was wondering, i totally understand if you say no but would you please do me the honor of being my best man at the wedding?" I asked, suddenly im of the ground being spun around in Issacs arms laughing like a mad man.

"I take that as a yes?" I ask when he put me down.

"Oh my god Jason i would absolutly love to be your best man thank you thank you thank you" he said hugging me again, i hug him back smiling at his excitement.

"Your welcome"

"Oh my goodness this deserves a celebration drink, Issac dear can you grab the wine from the fridge and three glasses" Mary asked clapping her hands in excitment pulling us both in a group hug.

Issac left and came back with the wine and glasses while he was pouring us drinks i sent Rick a quick text.

Me: Your mum Issac and i are having some wine as your mum says a celebration drink.

Rick: what are you celebrating?

Me: I asked Issac to be my best man who said yes so your mum said we needed to celebrate with a drink is that okay with you.

Moments later my phone started ringing i looked at the screen and it was a face time with Rick so i answered it and waved.


"Hello beautiful" he replied just then Mary sat on one side of me and Issac sat on the other so i positioned the screen so everyone was in shot.

"I believe congratulations is in order Issac for becoming best man" Rick said looking at Issac.

"Thank you sir i couldn't be any more happier to take the honor"

"Well we will be home soon i have 2 and half hours before im needed back in the office so we will come celebrate with you" Rick said before looking away from the screen.

"Davids can you go get the car we are going home" we could faintly head Joe in the background say yes sir.

"I will see you all soon"

"Bye" i said before hanging up.

20 minutes later the front door opened and Rick and Davids walked in i stood up again with the help of Issac and walked over to Rick who wrapped his arms around me and started kissing me all over my face i started screaming trying to get away but he held me to tight.

"Aahhh someone save me, he's spreading his coodies all over me" i cry desprately but everyone just laughs making me huff in annoyance. I see how it is, Rick finally let go of me and shook Issacs hand.

"Congrats again Issac i can tell how much you mean to Jason so thank you"

"Thanks and no worries, he means just as much to me" Issac said smiling. Joe stepped forward and punched Issac playfully on the arm.

"Congrats on becoming best man" Joe said smiling, Issac smile widened as he jumped on Joe hugging him, joe being the big bad tough guy that he always is just rolled his eyes but you couldn't miss the smile he was trying and failing to hide.

"Yeah yeah get off me now" joe said, when Issac did detach himself he had the biggest smile on his face known to man.

The next two hours was spent with the 5 of us talking and laughing until Rick had to go back to work.

Since Issac is offically my best man he decided to help Mary and i with the wedding planning and we have got through so much, the food list, the music list, the company who will serve us and also we are going to be booking a different security team so the current security team can be invited to the wedding as our friends.

Three months later.

Wedding day!

Pacing back and forth in Issacs room clenching and unclenching my sweaty hand, the nerves of whats about to happen is driving me crazy.

Im about to get married.


Who would have thought a year ago that id be getting married to the most handsome man alive in what? An hour.

"Jason i need you to calm down long enough to GET DRESSED!" Issac said grabbing me i looked down i was still in my pjs.


"Where are my clothes, i swear i already got dressed, see! im that nervous i forgot to change"

"Its okay you've got time, undress now" he said turning and walking to the closet to get my suit, i did as i was told and undressed so i was wearing just boxers, i kept fumbling with my clothes so until Issac gave up and dressed me, when i was dressed he gelled my hair up to perfection and smiled when i was all ready.

Knock Knock!

"Who is it?" Issac yelled, Rick has been trying to sneak in to see me all morning so Issac locked the door and asks who it is first wwhwn someone knocks it was so funning when Rick got kicked out this morning.

"Mary" Issac opened the door for Mary who gasped when she saw me.

"Oh my goodness sweety you look absolutely beautiful, Rick is so spoilt Marrying some so handsome" she gushed wiping her eyes of any tears so her make-up doesnt run, i laughed hugging her.

"Thank you Mary, and as always your looking absolutely stunning" she pinched my check smiling.

"Oh honey your to sweet, anyway its time" she said excitedly making my nerves come rushing back full throttle.

"WHAT? Already! Holy shit, is there any way i could run away for like five minutes to have a panic attack?"

"No! Besides whats got you so nervous anyways?" Issac asks.

"Im not exactly Mr good luck, what if i fall? what if someone objects? What if i forget my lines? Im bound to screw this up somehow"

"Okay enough with the self dought Rick loves you more then anything he doesn't care that you've had bad luck in the past because well it was the past, now get your ass out there and Marry Rick"

"Yes sir" i said sarcastically before walking out, we were standing in the kitchen looking out the window at everyone seated talking amoungt themselves, as expected Mary did a beautiful job setting everything up.

Mary walked out and signal that i was ready so the music started and immediatly everyone stopped talking stood and faced the house.

I took hold of Issacs arm into a death grip as a man in a suit opened the door we walked out into the warm summer breeze.

I wanted to cower away intimidated by all the eyes watching me but that thought immediatly left me as i locked eyes with Rick the man i bumped into in a rush to deliver his coffee the man that saved me from oscar but most importantly saved me from myself.

When we reached Rick Issac was more then willing to get me off him i totally forgot about how tight i was holding him.

"You look breathtaking" Rick whispered taking my hands in his.

"So do you" i say blushing looking down at our hands, Mary thought we would look cute if we wore matching suits the only difference is that mine is white with a black tie and his is black with a white tie, he really does look amazing.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming to this very special day to bear witness to these lovely gentlemen Rick Barrett and Jason Bailey, before we begin is there anyone that do not believe these to are made for each other, please speak now or forever hold your peice" i started to panic again looking at everyone no one made a peep when the lady continued talking i sighed in relief, it was when we were about to exchange rings when my heart dropped.

"Do you have the rings?" I turned to Joe who was Ricks best man and he pulled the ring out from behind him as he was about to pass them over to us the worse happened.

"I OBJECT" all eyes turned suprised at the sudden voice objecting Rick and my wedding, i turned and saw my mother and father but it was my father that said it.

"Im sorry sir but we have long since past that your to late" the lady marrying us said.

"I dont care that is my son and i say he wont be marrying a faggot" there were quite a few gasps at his words but i just snapped.


"Why the hell do you think you are talking to me with such disrespect?" Dad asked obviously mad, before i could reply Rick answered the question for me.

"He is the co-owner of this house and as an owner he has the right to call the police on the both of you for tresspassing but seeing as its our wedding day, SECURITY!! Get them out of here and dont let them back" three security guards appeared behind them grabbing their arms pulling them away and off the property.

Rick wrapped his arms around me kissing my forehead.

"Im so proud of you for standing up to them, now, why dont we get back to getting married i cant wait till you are all mine" i blushed at the thought, yesterday Issac took me to the hospital yesterday and i got the all clear that on my wedding night Rick and i will be able to do the deed, i havent told Rick yet i actually want to supprise him.

"Okay" we grabbed the ring this time there was no interuption and before i knew it.

"I now pronounce you both husbands you may now kiss i didnt even hesitate i jumped on him and kissed him as hard as i could, he laughed into the kiss but kissed me back just as hard.

Everyone was standing up clapping and chearing congratulating us, we looked over at them smiling. A body crashed to my other side hugging me tightly making a lot of people laugh.

"Im so happy for you" Issac said in my ear squeezing me, i was so happy in this moment nothing could sour my mood now, im married to the love of my life, i have an awsome hyperactive best friend who i wouldn't change for the world and i now have the one thing i've always wanted.

A Family.

Rick's POV...

We were finally married i couldn't believe it i have never been so happy in my life, looking out at all our friends and family cheering for Jason and i it makes me so thankfull that we have everyone loving and supporting us.

Just and Jason and i were about to walk down the isle together Jason was suddenly jumped on, i would have freaked out but when i saw it was only Issac, everyone laughed at their encounter.

Issac whispered to Jason making him smile the biggest smile out then turned and hugged Issac back.

"Thank you Issac for everything i couldn't have asked for a better best friend" Jason said in his shoulder.

"Congratulations Rick" i turned and faced Joe who had his hand out to shake so i grabbed his hand and pulled him to me into a hug suprising him.

"Your my bed man Joe no need to be so formal, thank you for always being there for me all those years"

"It's been my pleasure serving you" he said pulling back, he looked behind me wide eyes at something but before i have the chance to turn to see what he was looking at Jason appeared infront of me running and jumped on Joe wrapping his arms around joes neck and his leggs around his waist.

"Thank you" Jason said before hopping down smiling up at him, joe cleared his throat then smiled down at him.

"My pleasure Jason, congratulation by the way" while those to were talking i turned around and was suddenly engulfed in a hug by Issac.

"Congradulation sir" I hugged him back laughing.

"Its my wedding day Issac call me Rick" i said, he pulled back smiling.

"Yes sir, uh i mean Rick, by the way Jason has a suprise for you when everyones gone home, we delt with it yesterday and now i can tell how excited he is about it" i frowned at this, what did Jason get me? He didn't have to get me anything but i wonder what it is.

"Don't stress about it now for now make today the best he's ever had" he's right its our wedding day, time to have some fun, that in mind i turned and grabbed Jasons hand and led him down the isle and started to have real fun.

That night when everyone had left and Issac and joe when to bed Jason and i went to our room where i was going to set up a movie.

"Im just gonna go to the toilet" Jason said before walking into the bathroom, while he was in there i got out of my suit into my boxers and jumped into bed with the remote in hand.

The bathroom door finally opened and when i looked over at Jason i gulped getting aroused at the view, Jason was slowly walking towards me wearing the see threw underwear he was wearing the first time we made love and he also had in his had that bag with all his toys in it.

"Baby, are, are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"Issac and i went to the doctors yesterday and he said i have the all clear to make love to my new husband" so thats what Issac was talking about today.

"My god i seriously need to give that man a raise" i growled making Jason laugh the most beautiful sound.

He removed the blanket from me and sat stradling me, my hands went straight to his bum loving the feel.

"So beautiful" i whispered causing a cute blush to appear, he lend down and kissed me softly, i kissed him back lifting him laying him on his back while hovering over him.

I slowly started kissing down his neck letting my hands wonder by the time i pulled Jasons undies off we were both way to hard for our own good.

I reached into his bag and pulled out the lube squirting some onto my fingers.

"You ready?" I asked lowering myself so i can get a better view.

"Mmhmm" slowly i started circling my finger around his hole making him squirm, i took it real slow when i pushed a finger in, when i was fully in Jason tightened himself around me.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked when i saw the pain in his eyes.

"No please move" he managed to get out, so thats what i did i moved and moved and moved, when i could tell he was ready i added another finger, and another, and another.

By now i couldn't take it watching Jason ride my fingers was deffinatly a sight to behold but i wanted him, i wanted to be inside of him.

I pulled out much to Jasons displeasure but i assured him it wont be long, i squirted some on myself and got into position, i lent over hovering over him.

"Keep your eyes open i want to watch you okay, but if it gets to much for you tell me and we'll stop okay?"

"Okay, i love you Rick Barrett" he said.

"I love you to Jason Barrett" he started laughing when i called him that and i took that oppotunity to go for it so, painfully slow i entered him when i was all the way in i stopped and stared Jason in the eyes, i watched as a single tear rolled down the side of his face but other then that he was smiling.

"Please make love to me" he asked, i kissed him hard and did exactly that.

I was in heaven making love to my sweet husband, the love of my life, my everything. Suddenly he came crying out my name as did i filling him up with nothing but me as it should be.


Welp that's it THE END!

Please comment and tell me if you like the new cover photo or if i should put it back to the old one!

Thank you for everyone thats stayed with the book people like YolandaEstelaQuezada you are amazing and because im so greatful there will be a sequal its called FORMAL ATTRACTION! Its the story of Issac Patterson and Joe Davids.

Cant wait! :)

Please please please!



Byebye <3

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