SHE'S/I'M DIFFERENT (Kuroko n...

By Trufflerabbit13

1.3M 32.1K 10.3K

Kuroko Koyuki was very much similar and different to her cousin Kuroko Tetsuya. They both had a burning passi... More

Chapter 2: She's back Rewritten
Chapter 3: She's Rather Popular Rewritten
Chapter 4: Scrambled Eggs Rewritten
Reunion Chapter 5 Rewritten
CHAPTER 7: P-PERVERT?! Rewritten
CHAPTER 8: British Accent Rewritten
CHAPTER 9 "We play." Rewritten
CHAPTER 10 "YOU TRAITORS!!!!" Rewritten
CHAPTER 11 Basketball at the beach! Rewritten
CHAPTER 12 Results and Dinner rewritten
CHAPTER 13 BET rewrittened
CHAPTER 15 Girl's Day rewritten
CHAPTER 16 Empress's Eye rewritten
CHAPTER 17 edited
CHAPTER 18 edited
CHAPTER 19 edited
CHAPTER 20 edited
CHAPTER 21 edited
CHAPTER 22 edited
CHAPTER .......
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 1: Meeting the Cousin Rewritten

60.5K 1.2K 888
By Trufflerabbit13


"Run around the field three times under ten minutes or I'll make the workout three times harder!" Aida Riko, coach of the Seirin basketball club yelled, her voice echoing through the gym.

'I swear under that face there's a devil,' Hyuga Junpei, the captain of the team thought as he looked at the petite brunette.

He snapped out of his thought as she yelled out his name to run faster. With a loud puff, he picked up the pace and ran in front of his teammates.

Riko huffed with worry as she wrote down the data of each player's weakness and strength. To win the winter cup they needed to improve, and she meant a lot. After getting defeated by Touou, the team was thirsty for victory.

"One minute left," the brunette yelled as the players sprinted into the gym one by one. She looked worriedly out the door waiting for the last player to run in.

"Five, four, three, two, one," she yelled. As soon as she yelled the last number, Kuroko Tetsuya, the former phantom player of Teikou Middle school ran in, in last place.

Riko sighed and shook her head watching the boy collapse next to the other huffing and puffing players. Even though he was one of the GoM (Generation of Miracles) his stamina wasn't as strong as the rest.

As she deep in her thought she looked at the door and let out a silent scream as she saw a petite magenta haired female looking her way.

'When did she get there?' She thought. Riko could easily see the girls bright magenta eyes stand out with her pale white skin, and unlike herself, the magentanette was wearing casual clothes, while she herself was wearing the school uniform.

Riko could tell that the girl's rare colored hair was long and was probably cascading down her back even when it was in a high pony tail.

The magentanette's black jean shorts and tank top hung on her perfectly and Riko couldn't help herself but feel jealous about the mysterious girls already developed chest, which looked to be at least a C, bigger then her own B.

"Ummm can I help you?" Riko asked the girl smiling kindly.

The fragile looking girl gave a polite bow and smiled, "I'm looking for Kuroko Tetsuya," she whispered, her voice gentle and sweet.

The boys that were panting on the ground notice her voice and sat up looking curiously at her.

'Kuroko? Why was a cute girl like her looking for someone with little to no presence like Kuroko?' All the members thought.

Teppei Kyoshi examined the girl but couldn't help but feel like he seen her somewhere, she kind of looked like Kuroko if he thought about it.

Riko looked around searching for the said boy, ready to yell out his name because she couldn't find him. Though before she could open her mouth, she suddenly felt a presence next to her and jumped.

"Yuki-chan," Kuroko smiled a bigger smile then when he ate the special sandwich the seniors made him buy.

Everyone gaped in disbelief, their eyes wide in shock after seeing Kuroko with the happiest expression they've seen from him.

'Kuroko's actually smiling,' Kagami Taiga thought, shocked at his partner's expression.

"Tet-chan!" The girl answered walking up to the pale blue haired boy.

Before anyone could mutter anything, Kuroko pulled the smaller girl into a hug which made everyone in the gym gasp.

'What the hell?!' They all thought.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Izuki Shun asked breaking the awkward silence.

The light blue haired boy and the magenta haired girl broke away and looked at Izuki with their common non expressional expression.

"This is Kuroko Koyuki, my cousin," Kuroko announced.

Koyuki give a small bow and smiled kindly everyone.

"Your cousin?!" Everyone in the gym exclaimed.


"Yuki-chan's parents travel around the world and they decided to go to Africa next, but Yuki-chan wanted to settle down in one place for a while so her parents thought she should stay with me in Japan. For now on she'll be living with me," Tet-chan stated, his usual stone mask back in place.

I took a step closer to Tet-chan and grabbed a piece of his clothes in my hand, feeling a bit shy with all the states I was receiving.

"Koyuki-chan, Kuroko said your parents and you travel a lot but where were you before you came to Japan?" A cat like boy asked peering into my face curiously.

"You could just call me Yuki or Kuroko cause it's easier. And to answer your question, I was at Los Angeles, USA for two years and before that, I was at Great Britain, where I mostly grew up," I replied moving a strand of magenta hair out of my eyes.

"Umm, I was wondering if you guys can tell me your name, it's kind of hard to talk when I don't know names," I shyly stated looking at the boys, or should I say men. At least they looked like men, although I'm not sure mentally.

"I'm Hyuga Junpei, captain of the Seirin basketball, you already met our coach Aida Riko," the boy with dark spiky hair with glasses pointed at himself and the female brunette that talked to me first.

"Hi! I'm Teppei Kyoshi and that's Tsuchida Satoshi my buddy and the three guys over here are Furihata Koki, Kawahara Koichi, and Fukuda Hioshi," the brown haired giant kindly smiled at me as he pointed to the three boys in the back. I gave each of they a friendly wave.

"Hey! I'm Koganei Shinji and my buddy Mitobe Rinnosuke, he doesn't talk that much but he's happy to meet you!" The cat like boy energetically said.

I slowly turned towards the red giant who was looking at me with stare quite similar to a glare, "And you must be Kagami Taiga!" I exclaimed, looking at the red head. He looked surprised that I knew his name.

I smile kindly at them and looked at them.

"Good, now all the names match the faces," I happily stated, looking closely at each face, "Kagami Taiga first year, position is power forward and talent is his amazing jumping power," I stated, looking at the astonished redhead.


"Hyuga-senpai, a second year with Teppei, Riko, Izuki, Mitobe, Tsuchida, and Koganei-senpai. Hyuga-senpai's position is shooting guard and talent is shooting with pressure.

Teppei-senpai's a center and his talent is Vise Claw, Izuki-senpai is position is as a point guard and his talent is the Eagle Eye and Eagle Spear," I stated looking at them closely, "Mitobe-senpai works as a center and his talent is the hook shoot, Koganei-Senpai is a forward his talent is to be able to shoot from anywhere but his aim isn't always that good, and Tsuchisda-senpai is a power forward and is a good rebounder," I finished looking at the gaping team.

"How in the world do you know that?" Hyuga-senpai asked scratching his head.

"Well, I'm pretty close to Tet-chan and we do talk a lot," I giggled shyly, feeling a bit more out going.

The members of the basketball club were still looking surprised but recovered a bit.

"Anyways when did you arrive in Japan?" Tet-chan asked, looking down at me. Compared to the rest of the guys in the gym, he was short but he much taller than my 4'9. I was quite short, not that it changed anything.

"Ummm, exactly two hours ago, I needed to get my new school uniform and classes so I could start going to class next week, and I thought I should come see the basketball team you talked about so much," I smiled, looking at the new faces.

"You're interested in basketball?" Riko-senpai asked looking at me curiously.

"I'm not interested, I play," I replied with a smirk.

Riko-senpai opened her mouth to say something but the loud noise of door opening cut her off.

A familiar blonde ran in, attacking my cousin.

"Kurokocchi! I came to visit again!" Kise-kun exclaimed, hugging my blue haired cousin.

I watched Tet-chan stiffen with annoyance as his facial expression turned into his usual unemotional one.

I snickered with amusement as the blond fake cried as Tet-chan pushed him away.

When Kise-kun finally stopped his bickering to noticed he had a audience, his eyes scanned everyone and when it landed on me, he froze.

He looked shocked for a moment but recovered,"Yukicchi!" He yelled and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Yukicchi?" Kagami-kun questioned looking at me, "But Kise only adds a -cchi to people he acknowledges," he muttered, looking at me suspiciously.

"Kise-kun please get off me, it's hot and heavy," I complained, trying to push his large body off me.

"But Yukicchi, it's been two years!!!! And I love you!" Kise-kun wailed as he picked me off the ground, to tell you he did it very easily.

"Love?!" Koganei-senpai choked.

"Are YOU guys going out?" Izuki-senpai asked.

"No," I muttered when Kise-kun said, "Yes!"

"Kise-kun please let Yuki-chan go," Tet-chan muttered, taking a hold of my arm.

"No, I missed her so much, why did you keep her to yourself Kurokocchi, wait until everyone else finds out!" Kise-kun complained, his grip tightening around my body, making me gasp.

"Ryouta-kun, Ryouta, let me go now or I'll die from suffocation," I wheezed out. Kise-kun looked surprises but quickly put me down.

"You finally called me Ryouta!" He exclaimed trying to hug me again, I quickly jumped away and hid behind Tet-chan.

"Kise-kun that really hurt," I say changing his name back to Kise-kun. He frowned and pouted looking at me.

A cough brought my attention back to the rest of the basketball team, making me realize I completely forgot about them.

"You know Kise Ryouta?" Hyuga-senpai asked looking at me with raised eyebrows.

"She doesn't just know me, she knows the whole team," Kise-kun explains making everyone look at me.

I shrugged them off and Kise-kun whines, "What? We always played games together!"

"You played with them?" Kagami-kun asked looking at me with wide smile. I feel a bit intimidated now that he stared at me with his dark red eyes filled with excitement.

I feel like I'm the hunted bunny and he's the tiger who's hunting me...:

"Umm, I need to go, Tet-chan meet me at our usual place," I mutter as I sprinted out of the gym.

"Hey wait!" Kagami-kun yelled after me but I ignore him and ran off.

That guy is scary...


"Look what you did Kagami-kun," I muttered, looking at the door where Yuki-chan left through.

"Yeah! Anyways why were you hiding Yukicchi, Kurokocchi?" Kise-kun asked looking a bit annoyed with me.

"I wasn't hiding her, she just landed in Japan few hours ago," I replied calmly.

"But, you could have told us she was coming," Kise-kun whined.

"I didn't know she was coming today," I mutter feelings bit guilty, I could have gone to pick her up.

"Hey Kise-kun, what's your relation with Yuki-chan?" Riko-senpai asked sitting next to Hyuga-senpai.

"I asked her out and she rejected me," Kise-kun honestly states while laughing slightly.

There was an awkward pause but one of the senpai broke it.

"You got rejected?" Izuki-senpai asked in amazement.

"Yeah, my first and only rejection," Kise looked gloomy.

Riko-senpai who caught the gloomy atmosphere clapped her hands, "Ok, I think I made you guys work enough, go get dressed," she commanded as she picked up her bag.

I started to walk to the lockers when she stopped me, "Kuroko, I need to talk to you."

"Yes coach?" I ask jogging up to her.

"Can I come with you? I want to talk to Yuki-chan," she asked.

"Coach, even if I say no, you and the rest would follow me," I sigh pointing to the member who were obviously listening to our conversation.

Suddenly the door slammed open again showing a furious looking Kaijou Captain.

"KISE! HOW DARE YOU SKIP PRACTICE!" Kasamatsu yelled stomping towards the panicked blond.

"Captain! I'm sorry! I promise I'll work really hard from now on but please let me be excused today, I need to go see someone!" Kise-kun begged looking pleading at me.

"Kasamatsu-San, I'm sorry. I was the one who called Kise-kun today, a close friend of our's is in the area," I say, helping the blond.

Kagami-kun gave me a knowing look and I shrugged.

Kasamatsu-san glared at Kise-kun, "Well, I'm staying with you to make sure you don't cause any trouble. "


"Can I have one vanilla and one strawberry milkshakes please," I asked the register, paying and retrieving the drinks.

"Why do you need two, Kuroko?" Hyuga-senpai asked.

"One for Yuki-chan," I mutter taking a sip out of the vanilla one. I looked back and sighed when I see a big group trailing after me.

Yuki-chan's not going to be happy with me.


I took a deep breath and looked at the hoop. Slowly closing my eyes, I lifted my arms up and felt the ball move to the tip of my finger and felt the weight disappear.

Hearing the loud swoosh of the net, I opened my eyes as the ball went through the net. I sighed and ran towards the ball and picking it up. The familiar feeling of the ball sent tingles down to my toes.

Tightening my ponytail and checking my Vans shoelaces I picked up the ball once again.

I sprinted to the other hoop ignoring the cold air biting into my skin as I ran. I leaped into the air and slam dunked into the hoop.

One thing I always seem to forget is that I could dunk, but I can't come back down by myself. I groaned quietly and cursed my height.

"Yukicchi you're as good as always," I hear the chirpy voice of the blond and look down, still dangling from the hoop.

I see him grinning childishly and sigh, I thought Tet-chan would come alone.

I look to my right and see the whole team there gaping at me, eyes wide with shock.

I start to feel sweat pool at my palms and curse quietly in English, "Kise-kun can you put me down?"

"Hmm, Kise-kun huh? I don't know," he teased rubbing his chin mischievously.

"Ki-chan please put me down," I ask sweetly, but the sweat made me slip making me drop.

With ease Ki-chan caught me.

"And light as always," he chuckled as he carried me in a princess hold with me pouting. Liar... Such a big liar.

I slightly pinched him in the arm, making him yelp and drop me. I land safely on the ground and walk up to Tet-chan who was drinking a milkshake.

"Please tell me you got me one of those creamy, heaven worthy goodness," I begged.

Tet-chan gives me a kind smile as he showed me another red cup.

"Yes!" I squeal with happiness and suck happily on the striped straw. As the sweet strawberry cream touched my tongue, I moan with a mouthgasm.

The males watched me with flush expression, making me tilt my head with confusion, what did I do? Riko-senpai looked annoyed at the males and smacked Hyuga-senpai on the head, hard.

"Everyone except Kuroko additional five laps around the field tomorrow!" She exclaimed glaring fiercely at the boys.

Everyone except Tet-chan, Ki-chan , the unknown man with Ki-chan, and I groaned.

What did they do?

I quickly finished up my milkshake and aimed at the trash can, easily making it.

I sighed with content and rubbed my stomach. I felt a heated look at me and look up and see Ki-chan's amber eyes looking at me.

"Yukicchi, have a match with me, if I win go out with me!" He exclaimed making me sigh.

"This again Ki-chan?" I asked, rubbing my neck.

"I've gotten stronger than last time you saw me!" He explained looking at me pleadingly.

"Ki-chan, you're not the only one," I answered with a no expression, "And you've never bested me before."

Suddenly a new voice interrupted us, "You won against Kise?" Kagami-kun asked with a scary grin.

I gave a quick nod but felt a hand at my shoulder. Tet-can was looking at me with worried look.

"Sorry to interrupt but Yuki-chan can you pull up your tank top a bit?" Riko-senpai asked looking at me closely. I shrugged and pulled my whole shirt off, leaving myself in sports bra.

"Yuki!" Tet-chan hissed making me flinch a bit.

"Tet-chan chill, sports bra, common in America," I sighed shrugging. I looked around and saw all of them were red to the face except Kagami.

"Hey, why are you all red?" Kagami-kun asked, looking at every single person's face.

"S-She just stripped," Teppei-senpai stuttered as he looked away from me.

"So? She's wearing a sports bra," Kagami commented, giving me a nod.

"Ok you two, this is Japan, not America, people don't walk around with just a sports bra!" Tet-chan scolded me, looking annoyed. I shrugged and looked at Riko-senpai who looked red but gaping.

"How is this possible! Her numbers are almost as low as Kuroko's!" She muttered, "Nobody this low can do a dunk like earlier."

I looked at her confused but shrugged my tank top back on and looked at Ki-chan.

"I'll have a match with you but with one condition, I want it to be a two on two, Tet-chan as my partner, and whoever get a 150 points first wins" I say looking at the blonde.

"What!? I wanted Kurokocchi!" He wined but shuts up when I gave a look, "Fine, Kagamicchi will do," he grumbled.

Kagami simply glared at him but grinned at me, "Let it be a fair game,"

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