Eager Journeys (Doctor Who)

By JustSadielol

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Emily's roommate was noticing her saying two words every night in her sleep..."doctor who?" Emily is eager to... More

Prologue~ "Doctor Who?"
Chapter one~ Call Me Maybe
Chapter Two- Who is "Emily"?
Chapter 3- Baby You Can Drive My...TARDIS?
Chapter 5 ~ How did you do that?
Chapter 6 ~ 5/1000 questions answered
Chapter 7 ~ Meeting the Parents
Chapter 8 ~ Am I a friggin Power Puff Girl???
Chapter 9 ~ Time to Heal
Chapter 10 ~ I mist this
Chapter 11~ the black house
Chapter 12 ~ take us to your leader
Chapter 13~ allonsy I guess

Chapter 4 ~ Hot Great Grandma

85 4 2
By JustSadielol

I told the doctor I could lead him to the storage lockers from there but I wanted to show him something really quick and he agreed to let me.

"This was my childhood home." I said pointing to a cinder block house painted beige. It used to be painted a light blue color and I loved it, but my parents painted over it and I remember being so upset about it.

"It's lovely." The doctor said smiling. "Do your parents still live here?"

I shook my head. My parents moved out of it after I left to go to college in England. They moved into separate houses I might add.

"Do you know what that's about?" The doctor said pointing to a house covered in police tape.

I walked over to it to get a better look at it.  I remembered that house. It was a couple houses down from me and always looked like a fairly normal house but we all called it the crazy house.

"No, but weird things always happened in that house so I'm not surprised." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"What kind of weird things?" The doctor asked curiously.

"Someone got shot in there once and the house never had owners for long, everyone always moved out after a year or so. I don't know why." I responded.

Once when I was 15 I could've sworn I saw green light flowing through the windows  for a few seconds while walking my dog but no one else had seen it so I always figured it was a figment of my imagination. I decided not to mention it because I wasn't sure if it actually happened or not.

"Hm." The doctor said. He paused for a moment then acted like he had completely forgotten what he was thinking about. "Come on then, Allons-y."

"Do you speak French?" I replied back in French. I didn't speak fluent French but I took it in high school so I knew a little.

"Yes, do you?" The doctor responded back in French.

It didn't take as long as usual to translate.

"I don't speak much French but I took it in high school." I replied back without even thinking about it. My accent sounded so much better.

"You're pretty good at French for someone who only took it in high school." The doctor said, switching back to English. He seemed impressed, but also curious. "How many years did you take?"

"Two." I said in a soft voice.

"You must've picked up quickly, then." The doctor said.

"Not really, it was one of my worst subjects. I had to get a tutor just so I could make low B's." I replied.

The doctor paused before saying something to me in Spanish. The only Spanish I knew was what I learned from Dora The Explorer.

"I'm assuming you never took Spanish?" He asked me in Spanish, raising his eyebrows as he did so.

I knew what he said right away and shook my head, I was starting to get scared.

He tested out a bunch of other languages and I knew all of them, I couldn't name most of them, though. Lots of them didn't even seem human.

"You need to take me to that storage unit right now." The doctor said with a much more serious tone than he had earlier.

It frightened me how quickly the mood changed. I looked up into his eyes that seemed to full off joy and mischief just a moment ago. They were clouded with darkness. I'm pretty sure the darkness was there before, but now it was amplified.

I nodded and headed to the direction of the storage unit, walking with a fast and purposeful pace. The doctor walked right beside me at the same speed. His brown trench coat flared behind him, it was almost like a cape.

Once we got there I didn't have the key on me. He whipped out the weird tool who used to scan me earlier. It was silver and blue on the end. He called it a sonic screwdriver.

He held it up to the lock and pressed a button or something. The blue end lit up and it made a stereotypical science fiction noise that can't really be described. It was kind of like a high pitch hum.

It only took a couple of seconds for it to unlock the door. I was going to make the doctor explain how that works later.

I stepped inside the pod and was greeted by the scent of moth balls. The doctor followed me right inside and closed the door softly.

We searched around until I found what I was looking for. It was a bunch of boxes of things that belonged to my great grandmother. I don't know why, but I had some fascination with her. She seemed like an interesting lady. If there was an old pocket watch somewhere in here, I imagined this is where I would find it. I started digging through the boxes excitingly.

"Have you found something?" The doctor asked, seeing how eager I was.

"This stuff belonged to my great grandmother." I explained. "There might be a pocket watch- or thub watch whatever you wanna call it- in here."

He helped me look through all the stuff and I found an old black and white photo of her. She honestly looked nothing like me.

"This is her." I said holding it up to show him.

He looked at it like he had seen a ghost and stared at it for a long time.

"Earth to doctor." I said, snapping to get his attention.

"I'm sorry!" The doctor said, jolting back to attention. "It's just she's...pretty." The doctor mumbled.

"She's dead! And my great grandmother!" I scolded, shoving him. "Men." I muttered as I continued to dig through the box.

"Did  you ever meet this great grandmother of yours?" The doctor asked, ignoring my comments.

"Nope. She was dead before I was born." I replied without looking up. I didn't know why I was so interested in her. I just felt this inexplainable connection to her.

"I see." The doctor said, thinking.

"Oh my god! I didn't know we had this." I said, spotting my great grandmother's old locket. She was wearing it in every picture I had of her and I always thought it was really pretty. I also wondered what was inside .

The doctor looked at it weirdly, like he did the photograph as I pulled it out. Suddenly, my head hurt again and I heard a voice in my head this time. You're not ready. A familiar voice whispered. I had no clue who that voice belonged to, though. It was like hearing a  voice in an animated movie and trying to figure out where you know the voice actor from. I covered my ears and dropped the locket in the process.

"What happened?" The doctor asked, coming closer to me and looking into my face as if he might find a clue there.

I slowly lowered my hands and opened my mouth so I could attempt an explanation but he interrupted me before I could.

"Wait! Don't answer that." The doctor said quickly.

"Why not?" I asked him, probably looking like a scared and confused puppy as a looked up at him.

I heard four bangs from the entrance of the storage unit, similar to the bangs on the door to the TARDIS.  I froze.

"That's why."

So I decided to pick this up again cause I missed writing fan fiction on wattpad lol

- Sarah

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Some adventures through space and time between the Doctor and his companion. I do not own any characters. Β© All credits go to BBC Doctor Who.