Sexting / Texting One Directi...

By lizzielaurad

429K 6.4K 1.4K

Ever hoped to be retweeted by a famous person ? Or followed by a famous person ? Even speak to a famous perso... More

Sexting / Texting One Direction
Chapter 1: "Yes im weird. Deal with it!"
Chapter 2: Who is it? HAHA ! too bad..
Chapter 4: <3
Chapter 5: Selfish huh?
Chapter 6 part 1: Talk about sassy...people call me the sassy one HA !
Chapter 6 part 2: I'm checking myself into an asylum
Chapter 7: Operation Make Ellie Jelly
Chapter 8: Who knew they would be the fucking smart ones ?
Chapter 9 Part 2: Harry
Chapter 9 Part 3: Louis
Chapter 10: Future endeavours ? Is he stupid ?
Chapter 11: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it !
Chapter 12: You Are An Idiot.
HELP !?!
Chapter 14: You just wiped your face with my dick towel
Chapter 15: Well its official. I look like a tomato
Chapter 16: "OH MY GOD" was all i could say
Chapter 18 Part 1: Awww. Is wittle Hawwy embawwised?
Chapter 18 Part 2: buck, buck, bucuuuuk!!
Chapter 19: "Sexy as hell, hey?"
Chapter 20: Yeah and I'm the Queen of Sheba
Not an update sorry
Chapter 21: "Well, aren't you a cutie?"
not a chapter

Chapter 17: Potato Fart

6.1K 212 62
By lizzielaurad

Okay so quickly i have read this book like 2-3 weeks ago called "A Cup Of Fate" by @lettersandlights And i swear it is absolutely brilliant! Like no joke. You will all LOVE ITT!!! please go read it !!!!

That is all :) <3


Chapter 17: Potato Fart




Pictures flashed through my mind of Joe. Touching me that way and me struggling to escape him, but not working. I tried over and over and over again to leave and scream but it didnt work. Joe got me each time, and what this guy was doing to me, sent unpleasant shivers throughout my body, the same feeling i got whenever 'he' touched me.

I couldnt do this, i mean i didnt want to in the first place, but i couldnt mentally do this. I could feel my knees begin to give way, but just as i was about to, the guy behind me, spun me around to face him.

"OH MY GOD." Was all i could say.


Arias POV


Oh. My. God.

Out of all the people in the club it had to be NIALL FREAKING HORAN !!!


This isnt happening. This isnt happening.


The famous Irish leprechaun.

i just cant believe it!!!


Dont fan girl Aria. Dont fan girl.


That's it. Breathe in, breathe out.

I mean..pfft its only Niall Horan from One Dir--


Who am i kidding?!

This is a big deal ! well for me anyway.



Not just anyone can say that.

Please let me die right now. Right now on this dance floor. Under the bright, flashing lights that are illuminating this room and the music blaring. No one will notice if i just collapse on this floor. It would be the perfect death.

And in front of Niall Horan?! EVEN BETTER!!!

Don't be creepy Aria. You werent like this when you met the others.

i dont know if its because its unexpected or because im currently intoxicated? eh maybe both. But still.

OUT OF ALL THE GIRLS IN THIS CLUB,--and let me tell you there's heaps of really attractive girls-- HE CHOSE ME NOT ANY OF THE OTHERS, ME!!!


"You okay?" A voice broke me from my thoughts. Crap, i forgot i wasnt alone ha. Niall Horan is standing there, with a look of pure confusion and a hint of worry. I blink hard, slightly shaking my head, while returning my gaze back to Niall, pushing my thoughts and creepiness aside. I smile up at him, as he returns it.

hehe Niall.

"Sorry, got just a tad distracted."

"Its alright," He lightly chuckled, "Whats your name beautiful?"

"A-aria, you?" i replied shakily, trying to contain the fact that Niall Horan just called me beautiful. He looked at me in disbelief. It took me a second to realise what i had just said.

I mentally facepalmed myself. What the hell Aria? You idiot.

"I can believe I just asked you that." I laughed in embarrassment, not shy of blushing. He too laughed, throwing his head back at me. I playfully punched his arm and suddenly regretting it when his head snapped back up in my direction, his eyes boring into mine. I suddenly became extremely nervous by his actions, to the point where i broke the eye contact and became intrigued by the browns of the wooden dance floor.

"Did you just punch me?" He pried, his voice becoming quite strong and intimidating, to the point where I'm actually too terrified to reply and too aghast to take a peek.

"I said," He repeated, raising his voice, "did you just punch me?"

I flinched at his question. This is not Niall. Niall is sweet, altruistic, benevolent and kind-hearted, hes not this obnoxious, abhorrent guy that's standing in front of me.

Why is he being like this? I didnt think he would be one to abruptly snap when someone playfully punched him. I mean, come on! Take a chill pill and have a joke. Its not like i was trying to physically hurt him or something. I quietly laughed at the thought. As if! Me? Physically hurt Niall Horan? Good joke Aria, you potato fart. Hehe. potato fart. That's a new one ha. And i like it!

Im so weird i swear.

Something is mentally wrong with me. No wonder Ive never had a boyfriend.

But on a more serious note. I cant keep standing here looking like a potato fart--hehe- while Niall is standing there towering over me, thinking his better than me. King almighty. uh-uh no way josé, that i wont tolerate. someone being angry with me is different to thinking that they have the right to act superior and dominant.

Im not a 5 year old who needs to be disciplined. Im an 18 year old who can take care of herself. Im big enough and ugly enough to make my own decisions and do what ever i want, without much questioning or fair retribution, and with that i built up the confidence i needed to look up at Niall.

I assumed that Niall would be furious --because thats what was expected, due to his tone of voice-- however, instead i was taken back, when he showed no signs of aggression in the slightest. In its place was a some-what amused expression, leaving me ponder what he was entertain by.

"Umm..." I trailed off, insinuating my confusion in this situation.

Was he holding back....laughter? What does he find so funny? Do i have something on my face? Does he suffer from severe short term memory loss or bi-polar? Did he forget what just happened like, 30 seconds ago?

"Nothing..." he shrugged. He may have said its nothing, but his eyes suggest otherwise.

Its as if he knows something that he shouldnt. His voice is saying nothing, but his eyes and lips appear as though they know the real truth, showing a real look of suspicion upon ones face.

For example; when you like this guy at school alot. You like him enough that you cant help but smile when he walks in the room or briefly check him out, without anyone, including him, noticing you. And then you have those friends of yours who are constantly asking who you like, and you always give them the same answer,

"umm.. eww, no one. They re all idiots"

But you know deep down inside how much of a lie that is and you hoping no one will realise, because your too afraid of being judged, or teased, or maybe even the possibility that the guy, you have a massive crush on, will find out and cause you to be massively embarrassed.

You think you have everyone fooled with your lie, but you have that one person, who is looking at you like they know how big of a lie that was. That face that shows pure amusement and pride, because they know your secret, but also on the verge of laughter at how pathetic your attempt was.

Well if you can imagine what I'm trying to describe then you would have a clear visualisation of Niall's face right now. Its like he can read my mind, like he can see into my soul and be able to see every dark secret that i possess.

Again realising ive zonked out and got lost within my own thoughts, i cant help but notice Niall trying to contain his laughter, once again leaving me clueless as to what he finds so funny.

"Are you okay there?" I ask getting rather agitated. As much as this is Niall freaking Horan, I, in no circumstance, like to be mocked.

Actually no thats a lie, i dont mind being mocked as long as its a two way street. However right now, it seems like hes the only one finding some humour in this situation and I'm getting rather uncomfortable with it.

"You," he replied softly laughing. I furrowed my brows at him, shooting him the 'riiight' look. "what?"

"Nothing." I shrug

"Nah tell me!" he insisted, scrunching up his face, now interesting in what i was thinking.

Oh how the tables have turned poo flake.

"Its nothing seriously." I replied hastily turning around, ready to walk off. Nevertheless he gently grabbed my arm --as i expected him too-- and spun me back around to face him.

"yeah it is."

"Uh, no its not?"


"Well," i sighed, continuing,"i was thinking about what happened just before, you know, if im being totally honest with you. Which i am." I added. To my surprise, he didnt seem shocked by my response.

"Oh the grinding? Yeah i tend to have that effect on girls." He shrugged, acting as if he was quite used to it.

"Actually, if you must know, i was referring to the little facade that you pulled. The one where you went aggro at me for playfully, and i emphasise the word playfully, punching your arm." I stated matter of factly.

His face showed no sign of emotion and by the looks of things he had no intention of replying. He just stood there, creating yet another awkward silence between the two of us; despite the loud music thumping around us.

I moved my gaze around the room searching for something, anything to give me an excuse to leave this uncomfortable atmosphere. Never did I, Aria Bexley, think I would want to find an excuse to walk away from NIALL HORAN! But regardless of who he is, me and awkward situations dont mix well. An awkward girl in an awkward

Still trying to find something that will hopefully intrigue me, Niall just bursts out laughing, out of no where (!?) catching me off guard.

Now what?!

This boy is so freaking mind boggling. One minute hes trying to be seductive, then hes laughing, angry, mysterious, laughing, creepy and now laughing again. Seriously what the hell is wrong with him?! haha !

"Are you on crack or something?" I inquired, furrowing my brows together, carefully examining him. He just shook his head in response, thats all he can do. His uncontrollable laughter is restricting him from forming any sort of English. "Are you done now?" This time my voice contained a hint of frustration towards the Irish lad standing in front of me.

Who knew he could be so irritating?

Shaking my head, i continued what i had originally anticipated and made my way towards the bar. All that dancing with Alex made me a tad parched.

SHOOT !!!!


i forgot about him! He probably thought i dogged him for someone else. I mean, I wasnt really talking to Niall for any longer than 5-10 minutes, but it was enough to give someone the wrong impression.

After ordering a shot of tequila and a vodka cruiser, i turned around in search of Alex, but bumped into someone, yep, you guessed it, Niall.

Why, God? WHY?

I love Niall to bits, dont get me wrong, but hes really annoying me at the moment.

I just briefly smiled and made my way past him, but once again, my plans were interrupted when he blocked my path with his right arm, restricting me from continuing to walk away.

"Yes I'm done, sorry." He apologised. "I become a little weird once ive had a few drinks in me." He chuckled at the last part, making me do the same, muttering a quiet, 'ive noticed'. His apology truly did sound sincere instead of just telling me what i wanted to hear.

"And to answer your question about how i 'raged' it before." He used his two fingers, to create quotation marks, emphasising the word 'rage'. "I was just messing with ya. I didnt think i could pull it off but i did! HA!"

I couldnt help but laugh at him. THIS is the Niall Horan i have come to love these past years.

So does that mean he isnt bi-polar?

Did you seriously just ask yourself that Aria?

yes you did you moron.

Shut up! No-one asked you.

I know they didnt, but since when do i care?

Do you want me to punch you?

HA! try me muffin tit.

Aye! No name calling, you potato fart!

You just said no name calling.

Oh shut it!

Oh god, i truly am a moron.

I told you.

Oh shut up you son of a biscuit eater.


Now im hungry.

"Okay then, well i best be on my way! It was nice meeting you Niall" I grinned, genuinely. As much as i loved this little encounter, I have a guy that actually made an effort to speak to me tonight.

"Wait! Dont go!" He called after me. I turned back around to face him, raising my eyebrows, signalling for him to go on.

"How about you come chill with me and my mates?" He insisted


Hold the phone.

The other guys are here?!


What potato farts!!

Why didnt i realise this before?

Because your stupid, you bimbo.

No one cares!

OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Talk about self conflict.

I came to the realisation that i havent yet answered Niall, so i quickly muttered a, "Thanks but no thanks. I met another guy here and i dont want to keep him waiting any longer. Thanks for the invite though Niall," I smile, " I truly appreciate it."

"No worries Aria. If you change your mind, im just gonna be over there!" He returned the smile, pointing to a designated area, made especially for celebrities. I swiftly turned around, scanning the room for any sign of Alex.

I see no sight of him. Not at all.

That was until i saw him grinding with some other girl.

"Well he doesnt mess about." I mutter to myself.

I turn back around to the direction Niall had pointing to, in attempt to catch up to him.

"NIALL!!" I tried to shout over the music, in hopes he would hear me.

"Yeah?!" He called back, thankfully hearing my voice.

"Is it too late to change m mind?" I question, voice filled with hope.

please say yes.

please say yes.

Honestly i came here originally to meet up with the guys anyway, so whether or not its not, half way into the night, or right from the beginning, as long as we hang out, then im not phased. Ive met them all now except Zayn, even though we have spoken and Niall doesnt even know that im friend with them, because as far as I know, Louis never told him.

"Absolutely potato fart." He laughed, throwing his arm around my shoulders directing me to the VIP area of the club.

"Aye ! How did you know about potato fart?!" I scolded, not seriously of course.

"Lets just put it this way, you should learn to keep your thoughts to yourself, instead of occasionally talking out loud when thinking, " He said winking "you muffin tit"

I elbowed him in the side, letting a loud laugh escape my lips. You must admit it is kinda funny. HA!

Then i thought, i wonder what its like in the VIP lounge?


A/N okay so yes the wait was super long again, and im super sorry. it has seriously taken me all night to do this. Like 5 hours all night. Not joking and that was already prewritten on paper. Its taken me forever to type it up even though im actually a really fast typer.

Sorry that this wasnt overly long. Atleast it doesnt look like it.

So for those of you who have seen the message i sent to my followers earlier today, i has said that i had something important to say, well actuall ask. I want to know if you guys would prefer to wait longer for longer chapters or would u prefer quicker-ish updates but smaller chapters? please let me know. i really need to know.

Also i want to thank you guys for all your support on my story. Even though most people tell me to just update and get annoyed, i do have a life outside of wattpad. im currently in year 11, almost going onto year 12, so my final year of high school and i need to focus more on my school work. So thats party the reason for my slow updates.

Also quickly i want to say how sweet some of you are. To those girls kik-ing me, you know who you are all absolute dolls. <3

so questions for the chapter !! <3

1. Would you prefer shorter chapters with quicker-ish updates. Or longer waits but longer chapters?

2. Who do you want her to end up with and why? <~~~~ best creative answer i like gets a dedication and a follow from me !! :)

Picture of the chapter: Gif of Niall winking at you. Hey ;)

TWITTER: @Doudy_laura

Kik: lauralovesyooh

Instagram: @laauraajanee





#not edited

-Laura .xo

sorry for the long A/N

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