My Sister's Demon

By MySilverTouch

13.6K 271 200

My name is Monica Johnson. If you would notice, my life is pretty great.Great friends, Two Loving Parents, an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Notice

Chapter Three

1K 19 9
By MySilverTouch

When I came to, Molly the doll was gone.I tried to explain to my parents what happened but, they told me I never owned a doll named Molly. After that experience, I need weeks of therapy. Can you imagine? Therapy for a 5-year-old. Although, as soon as my mom got pregnant with Whisper we moved out of that cabin. Then all my nightmares stop and I thought that we would never came back to that place. Apparently not.  




"What?!What?!!!" My mind snapped back into reality

"You were spacing out for about 12 minutes, you okay??" My sister's expression was worried, I had never bothered explaining the horrors in the cabin, since I didnt think we would ever come back to that place.

"Yeah Im fine, c'mon lets go" I took both of our suitcase, walked throught the kitchen door to where the car was waiting for us

"We were just deciding to leave without you two" My dad smirked as he took the suitcases from my hands.

"Thats child abuse, Daddy" Whisper pouted, then kissed his cheek and went inside the car

He chuckled, and put the suitcases in the trunk as I went inside the car

I sat in the backseat, right next to Whisper. She held Teddy in her hands, he hissed at me.

Huh, he never did liked me, If you hadnt notice by now, yes Teddy is a cat.

"You ok, Monkey?" My mom asked me from the passenger's seat

I mentally groaned

Monkey was a nickname for me, since birth thats all she has been calling me. It was cute when I was little but now its getting old

"I'm fine, mom"

"Well isn't this exciting?, you get to go back to the cabin, which you loved so much when you were a kid"

That place which I loved so much tried to kill me.

"Yeah, woo-hoo"

"You call that enthusiasm?"

Whisper giggled

I glared at her

"Lets get this show on the road, kids" My dad said as he slid into the driver's seat

As the car drove, I drifted off

I was in a room, I came here........

I came here for a reason, but what was it?

As I analyzed my surroundings, I discovered I was in a cell. A well-furnitured cell.

It was dark, and poorly lit. As I looked at the walls I discovered there were no doors, Who would live in this room?Why was it created?

I turned around and saw a little girl. She was sitting, crumpled in the middle of the room, hands on her face. And she was crying.

"Hey," I called out, reaching a hand towards her

I bend down in front of her, stroking her hair, "Its going to be alright, so don't cry"

As her shoulders shook, I realized she wasn't crying but, laughing

"Yes,"  she said "Yes, its going to be alright, because she's coming, she's coming for you"

She lifted her head from her hands and showed me her face

I gasped

Her eyes! She had no eyes, her eyeball sockets were full of maggots, her mouth full of razor-sharped teeth

"You did this to me!!"she hissed

"No! I didn't do anything!" I tried to shout, but my mouth was stuffed with something

I opened it, horrified to find roaches crawling out

I screamed

"Monica!Monica!" Whisper was shaking me

"What? What?" I sat up noticing the car has stopped

"We're here"

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