I Do.

By BecaBeale

126K 3.2K 1K

Third Installment to 'I Know' and 'It's Okay' More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eleven.

3.4K 104 24
By BecaBeale

(Chloe's POV)

"I do" 

I looked at Beca, not sure of what she was planning. She looked at me with fear and nervousness, and I knew she probably had no idea what she was doing either. 

"You are aware you need a legal reason for this objection?" The priest told Beca. All eyes were on her, "Or a really good reason to make the bride or groom change their minds."

Beca gulped. She walked over to me, and glared at Avery. "Chlo... Avery doesn't love you." She told me. Of course Avery loves me. What is she talking about? "I mean. He might, but he doesn't love you enough."

"Oh and you do?" Avery chuckled. He got closer to Beca, getting in her face and I was surprised Beca didn't clock him upside the head. "You left her for three years, now suddenly you want back into her life? It doesn't work that way cupcake, Chloe and I are going to be married, and you're just going to have to deal with it-"

"Avery, I want to hear what she has to say." I cut him off, which earned a growl from Avery. "Becs, what are you talking about?" Beca looked nervously between Avery and I, I placed a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her. 

Beca glared at Avery. She seemed pissed. "Avery has been cheating on you with two of the nurses at the hospital." Beca said. My heart sank and I looked at Avery who was wide eyed and mouth agape. "He's been doing that for a while." I didn't know what to do. Part of me was livid that he would do such a thing, but then the other half of myself knew I shouldn't be angry. I'd cheated as well.

"How did you find out about that you little-" Avery had his hand raised as if he was about to strike Beca, but then Avery stopped himself and looked around at the people who were now in total shock. "I mean... Uh... I don't know what you're talking about. Chloe, baby I don't know what she's talking about." Avery tried grabbing my arms.

I scoffed and pushed him away from me. "I can't believe you!" I exclaimed. I wrapped my arms around Beca and she just held me close to her. "I can't marry you Avery."

"But... Chlo... The baby?" He offered.

I sighed and shook my head. "The baby isn't your problem." I told him, trying not to come right out and say that I had cheated too. "Avery we don't love each other. Why would we even try? I can't force myself to love you..." I looked to Beca and smiled. "I never stopped loving Beca." Beca smirked and I looked back to Avery. "You're young, go party and flirt with nurses. I'm in my thirties. I just want to be with someone I love, who will cuddle me at night and make me hot chocolate for no reason. You want parties, and wild crazy adventures. We're not meant for each other."

"Whatever." Avery rolled his eyes and stormed out of the church. 

I looked at everyone who was now staring directly at me. "I'm so sorry for making you guys come out here. Please feel free to enjoy the food and drinks, it's on the house." I grabbed Beca's hand and pulled her into the room where I was getting ready just an hour ago. "How did you know about Avery cheating?" I asked.

Beca looked behind me. "Aubrey."

I turned around to see my best friend. I rushed into her arms "Bree, why didn't you tell me?" I cried. 

"I figured Beca should be the one to win you back. I just hoped she'd do it earlier than she did." Aubrey glared at Beca who held up two hands in defense. "Chlo, you deserve to be happy, and I have never seen you as happy as you are when you're with Beca. I knew that I needed to get the two of you back together before it was too late."

"Wait, so you planned this whole thing? You did know she would be at the restaurant on Charlie's birthday!" I shoved her shoulder lightly. "You're such a bitch!"

"Hey, this is still God's house. No cursing!" Stacie pointed at me.

I laughed and all of the girls and I joined in a group hug. "I love you guys."

"Why do you think we tried to protect you from Dr. Horrible?" Amy said as she crushed all of us in her crocodile wrestling hold. "We love you like a sister, and we have to protect family."

We all pulled apart, but Beca stuck to me, keeping her arms around me. "You know, I liked the wedding dress you wore for our wedding much better." Beca said.

"That one showed more cleavage." I reminded her.

"Why do you think I liked that one better." She winked. I rolled my eyes and she laughed. All the girls were talking and Beca pulled me away slightly out of ear shot. "Chlo, what did you mean when you said the baby wasn't Avery's problem?"

I made sure no one else was within hearing distance and got close to Beca's ear. "The baby isn't his." I whispered. "I didn't want people to know."

"Is that why you were so set on marrying him?" Beca asked. I nodded. "I understand. I just want you to know that I don't care that you're pregnant, or who's baby that is. I want to help you raise our daughter, and I want to help you bring up this child as if it was my own. I want to be a family again Chloe."

"Hey Chloe?" Jessica called. I looked over to her and she pointed out to the court yard where we had lights, tables, drinks, and food set up for the after party. "Your family and friends are still out there, they want to see you. Avery's side left a while ago, but yours are still here." 

I kissed Beca's cheek then the girls and I walked out of the room and into the yard, joining the rest of my friends and family. They were surprisingly happier than I thought they'd be. Like a lot happier. My parents never liked Avery anyways, and my brothers never got along with him like they did Beca. Calvin and Carson are now twenty years old. Carson has been given a full scholarship to the University of Florida if he played football there, and Calvin got accepted to NYU, where he met his current boyfriend Liam. Beca was greeted by my family with open arms, they missed her almost as much as I did and when I told them that Beca was a part of my life again they were more than happy.
Now we just have to wait and see how much of my life she'll be a part of.

(Beca's POV)

I knew I shouldn't have, but I got drunk. I mean a party with free drinks? Yes please!
Worse than that, I may have snuck off into the bathroom and did a few lines of coke. Which I probably shouldn't have mixed with alcohol, but I did and I feel great. It's like this sudden surge of self confidence and adrenaline, which is actually really helpful when you're in the music biz.
All of Chloe's friends and family were dancing and socializing. Leave it to the Beale's to get a party going even after a wedding was ruined. Carson was dancing with Charlie, and Calvin was dancing with his new boyfriend (I had no idea he was gay?), and of course mom and dad were dancing together happily. Chloe was talking with friends, and random family members, just discussing whatever they asked her about.

Finally Chloe found me, she had this smirk on her face and I knew what was going to happen. She pulled me away from the party and into the room she used to get dressed and ready in. Instantly she pushed me against a wall, kissing my lips and pressing her hands onto my hips, holding me tightly. "God I missed you. So much."

"Chlo, we're in a church." I reminded her, as a moan slipped out of my mouth. "We..."

"Shhh. I'm just kissing you." Chloe whispered. "I'm not going to do the dirty in a holy house." Chloe tangled her hand into my hair, tugging slightly as she bit my lip. "I've missed this." She whispered, pressing her forehead to mine. "Becs, we should get remarried."

"We don't have to." I smirked. "We can just stay the way we are."

"You don't want to be my wife again?" Chloe looked at me with puppy dog eyes, backing away to sit on the arm of the couch. "I thought you wanted to be a family?"

"We already are a family." I told her, squatting in front of her and placing my hands on her thighs. "You, me, Charlie, and that baby." I placed a hand on her stomach and smiled. "We're a growing family."

"So you want to be a family, but you don't want to get married?" Chloe asked, confused. 

I shook my head. "No, I don't want to get remarried. You're already my wife."

"Becs, got a divorce. Remember? We signed the papers?" Chloe sighed. "We shouldn't have, but we did."

"You're right, we did sign papers." I nodded and let out a chuckle. The drugs were really kicking in now and I just felt way to good for this. Honestly, Chloe was going to love this when I tell her. "Chlo, I burned the papers. I never got them legalized! We're still married. Never got a divorce."

Chloe's face dropped. She stood up and walked away from me, hands on her head. I stood and watched her, a huge smile still on my face. Finally Chloe looked to me and she did not look happy. "Beca... what the FUCK?" Chloe screamed. "What do you mean we're still married?"

"We're still married." I shrugged. "Aren't you happy?" I didn't get why she would be upset about this. "Isn't this good news?"

Chloe scoffed. "You don't get it do you?" She asked angrily. I shook my head. "Becs, you let me live three years thinking we had a divorce. You let me sleep with another man, get engaged and almost married, thinking that he was the only one I was involved with." Chloe explained. "You deceived me. You made me think we were over, when we never even... I can't believe you!"

I didn't think of it that way. "I'm sorry... I..."

"No, Beca I don't want to hear how sorry you are or whatever excuse you have." Chloe ran her hand through her hair and sighed. "You should go. I don't think I want to be with you right now."

"Chloe... Chloe no, no we can make this work." I rushed towards her, pulling her in my arms, kissing her lips, her cheeks, and her neck. She kept squirming and pushing me away, but I kept my hold. "Chloe stop, please. We can make it work." I said again, kissing her more.

"Beca stop!" She cried. "Beca, please stop!"

"No, Chloe, please!" I said kissing her roughly. "Chloe it's okay."

Chloe pushed me away and I lost my grip, she slapped me across the face and I realized what I was doing. I was forcing myself on her when she didn't want me. I was making her cry. I was making her upset.  "Chloe... I'm sorry... I just- Please don't push me away." I looked at her longingly, but she just shook her head and cried. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew I had already done enough. 

"Beca I need you to just go. I'll let you know when I figure out what I want." Chloe wiped her tears. "Right now... Right now that's not you."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry, Chloe. I never thought of how you'd react when I told you... I didn't think of how my actions would have effected you... I just..." I shrugged and leaned against the wall. "I was thinking of myself. As usual." I looked at her one more time. "Are you sure you want me to go?"

Chloe stared at me for what felt like forever, her bright blue eyes burning a hole into me. Finally she nodded and looked away. "I do."

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