Truth Or Dare

By cherylssoldiers

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Truth Or Dare
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

584 10 0
By cherylssoldiers

After an hour or so of washing ourselves proparly . . . . Well washing each other , We eventually emerged from the shower , Smiles plastered on both our faces. Grabbing the only towel that was on the rack I wrapped it around my soaking body then turned and gave Kimberley a cheeky wink.

" Cheryl hun will you go and get me a towel from the cupboard?"

" Awk why can't you not drip dry?" I laughed.

" Cheryl please I am freezing!" She replied obviously not amuzed.

" I can see that hun !" I giggled before letting my eyes fall to her hard nipples.

After returning with a towel for kimberley I glanced at the clock.

" Fur F*uck Sak ! , Kimberley we only have 15 minutes until the meeting starts and we still have to get dressed and make our way to the office."

" Well its not my fault you couldn't keep your hands off me is it ?" She winked back.

Rushing about I quickly threw on my clothes and applied my makeup , Kimberley was also doing the same.

" F*ck ! , Me bloody hairs still soaking" I shouted woking myself up even more.

" Well next time bring your shower cap." Kimberley joked before sitting me down at her vanity mirror and brushing my wet hair. After drying my hair with her hairdryer she bent down and gave me a kiss on the lips.

" There all done." she smiled.

" Thanks babe , Now what about you?" I asked

" I will quickly dry it , You go and get the car started , A wont be long."

An hour late we quickly jumped out the car and headed inside the building.

" Dont worry hun I am sure Sarah will still be in the shower." She giggled.

Walking through the doors into Hilary's office we were suprised to see Sarah sitting there with all the rest of the girls , And hilary of course.

" And why might you's two be so late ?" Sarah asked with a smirk on her face.

" Well . .erm . . ."

" Cheryl's shower broke and she had to come over and use mine." Kimberley continued , Sensing I was hesitating.

" What all bloody 5 of them ?" Sarah asked with a questioning eyebrow.

" No I mean her water pipes f*ucked up so . . ."

" Well you's are hear now and that's all that matters !" Hillary butted in.

" Sit down girls."

After talking about our upcoming tour and what single choice we would like to release next Hilary asked me for a word in private , Shutting the door behind them the other girls exited the room leaving us alone.

" Well I just wanted to ask you how everything is going with Ashley ?" Hillary smiled before lowering her head to look at the paper work in her hand.

Aww F*ck Ashley !

Crashing back down to earth , I forgot all about Ashley , What was I going to tell him. Now I was the one cheating , That makes me just as bad ! And more importantly I know Kimberley said her and Justin weren't working out but what was she going to tell him.

" Aww yeh everything is fine. He will be back tomorrow I think." I said trying to give it in my most convincing voice.

" That's good then as long as everything is back on track." She looked up from her paperwork and smiled.

Giving her a smile back I got up off my seat and headed for the door. 

" Thanks Hillary see you later."

" Bye Cheryl."

All the girls where sitting outside waiting on me. Looking over at Kimberley I could see her peering up at me. Just then dread surged through my body , What was going to happen between us , I mean I didn't want to loose her and I really was in love with her but what would happen if the media found out and more importantly what would happen to the band ? . . . I was brought out my thoughts when I heard Nadine speak.

" Wanna go for lunch girlies ?"

After everyone had agreed they all turned round to me.

" Sure !" I smiled not wanting them to think something was wrong with me.

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