Skyeward: Love at Agents of S...

By Avengers_of_Shield

29K 763 385

Skye is the new student at Agents of Shield Academy. Ward is the "bad boy" of the school. Every girl wants to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

1.5K 39 27
By Avengers_of_Shield

Ward's POV:

After 10 minutes of driving, I am finally at the school.

I am almost 20 minutes late for first period. History.


I throw my backpack into my locker, grab my books, and slowly walk to class. I honestly don't care if I'm late

"Do you have any idea how late you are!?" Mr. Fury yells.

"I don't know..... Five minutes?" I reply, showing no interest.

"Grant Ward! You have been late almost everyday since the school year started! If you are late one more time, I will suspend you." He warns, harshly.

I just roll my eyes and run my hands through my hair. Some of the girls dreamily sigh, when I do.

I take my seat, and pretend to focus on Mr. Fury, but something catches my attention. Or should I say...... Someone.

A new girl. Well, I assume she is new. She doesn't look familiar. And I don't think that I could forget a face like that.

She is the most beautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes upon. Her hair looks so soft and silky. Her facial features are soft. And her lips are smooth, soft, and glossy.

She is perfect.

I have almost every single girl at this school throwing themselves at me. However, none if them are as good looking as her.

"Grant! Pay attention!" Mr. Fury yells.

"No thanks." I reply, snootily.

His face is turning red hot.

"THAT IS IT!!!!!! You have disrespected the other teachers and I enough! To the principal's office, young man!" He shouts at the top of his lungs.

I am actually kind of scared of him, right now.

Nevertheless, I keep a cool look on my face, roll my eyes, and walk towards the door.

I try to smile at the new girl as I'm walking out, but she has her eyes locked on her paper.

(In the waiting room)

I am now waiting to see the school principal, Peggy Carter.

She may be old, but she is still strict, harsh, and VERY scary, when she wants to be.

"Ms. Carter will see you now." Her receptionist says.

I nod and slowly walk into her office.

"Mr. Ward, I am going to make this short. I have gotten constant complaints from all of your teachers about you misbehaving in class. You show up late, you don't pay attention, you flirt with girls, you never turn in your assignments, you flunk every single test, and you are rude to the teachers. If I get one more complaint, I will give you detention everyday after school, for the rest of the year. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" She says, harshly.

I am silent, and in shock.

"DO I MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR?!" She repeats, loudly.

I slowly nod.

"Good. Now get out of my sight." She says, sharply.

I stand up, and slowly exit her office, still trying to understand what just happened.


Hello people!

Ward is such a bad boy!!

Comment what you think! 😄

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