Lioness (Draco Malfoy X Reade...

By StaySeventeen

397K 11.4K 8.5K

This is kind of the first thing I've ever written and shown to the world ever, so it's a bit iffy (in my opin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 - Dreaming of Memories
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2


12.3K 371 352
By StaySeventeen

~A Couple Years Later~

"Morning, George!" I greeted the ginger with a smile, giving him a hug. He returned the favor, saying, "Good morning, (Y/N)!" He pulled back and held something out to me. "Happy birthday!"

"You really didn't need to..." I said as I took the small box from George's hands.

"Oh, but I did." He smiled at me. "Go on. Open it." I did so, lifting the top off of the tiny box. Inside was a few coins. "Yeah, we're going to have a party for you in here, but we didn't have enough time to finish. So go buy yourself some candy and come back in an hour." I laughed, pocketing the money.

"Good thing, I needed to meet Anthony."

"Oh?" George shot a cocky grin my way. "You and Anthony are getting pretty.... serious..."

"Oh, shut up," I laughed, hitting him on his arm. "Be back in an hour." With that, I left the store and made my way through the busy Diagon Alley. At one point, someone bumped into me, hard, and I fell to the ground.

"I apologize for that..." the person was saying, and he held out a hand to help me up. I took it and he began pulling, but as soon as I saw the person's face, I let go and fell back to the ground.

"Holy shit." I stood up this time, brushing off my pants. "Holy shit," I said again, shaking my head and not believing what I was seeing. "Draco?" Draco, who looked just the same as the last time I saw him, stared intently at me for a moment, before opening his eyes wide with surprise.

"Lioness?" he questioned quietly. I nodded, a small smile appearing on my face. I wasn't supposed to talk to him again, I made a promise to myself years ago, but he was right here and...

"It's just (Y/N) now, though. No one has called me Lioness in years." Of course no one has called me Lioness, he was the only one who did so. But still, it felt wrong. Wrongly right.

"Of course, (Y/N)."

"I was... I was just headed to Ollivander's..." I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay and catch up with him, but I had to meet Anthony....

5 more minutes wouldn't hurt.

"I just came from there. It's busy."

"Oh? Why were you at Ollivander's?" Draco's demeanor became quieter, more shy.

"My, uh, my fiance's wand needed repairs so I was... doing that." Fiance? I almost frowned, but I kept myself from it. "Why are you headed to Ollivander's?" His question snapped me out of my trace.

"Me? Oh, I have to meet my-"

"Her me." Anthony had sneaked up behind me, and his arms had found their way around my waist. "I figured you'd be up near here somewhere. You're late, silly."

"Sorry, I got caught up...."

"It's fine. Who's this?" Anthony motioned to Draco, who was standing awkwardly, watching the whole thing go down.

"This is Draco.... Draco Malfoy. Draco, this is my boyfriend, Anthony Goldstein." Anthony held out his hand to Draco, who took it. They exchanged a handshake, and it's safe to say it was awkward for me.

"The Draco Malfoy?" Anthony whispered into my ear, so quiet I could barely hear him. "The one who betrayed you, broke your heart, left you for the Death Eaters?"

"The one and only," I replied, before turning back to Draco. "I'm so sorry about Anthony, he's... quirky."

"It's fine. I have to get going, in any case. It was nice seeing you again, (Y/N)." Draco turned to leave, and I gave him a quick goodbye. As he was walking away, he stopped, and briefly turned back to look at us. I gave him a smile and a wave, and he quickly said, "Happy birthday, Lioness," before turning back around and getting on his way.

"Are you crying, (N/N)?" Anthony asked as I watched Draco make his way through the crowd. I reached up to touch my eyes, and there were indeed tears. I shook my head, more tears suddenly pouring down my face.

"Only happy tears, Anthony," I told him as he wiped my tears, "Only happy tears."

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