Thavma Ropalo - A WonderBat f...

By thedjgirl

32.4K 750 303

Bruce is adamantly against relationships... He is the night. He can't let anyone get too close. especially no... More

Secrets and lies
Unbelievable Sights
Surprise surprise!
Little ones and wedding bells
Mr. & Mrs. Trouble
Veronica Vixen
A Price to Pay
Trouble or Nothing

Poisons and Potions

2.6K 56 34
By thedjgirl

Bruce woke up with a major headache... He couldn't remember most of what had happened after they had landed on Themiscura. He groaned as he tried to roll over. Something was in his arms keeping him down. He slowly opened his eyes to see Diana... She looked so peaceful while asleep... Color had returned to her face and she felt cool... Her sickness was leaving... But now he was feeling sick... He felt his stomach churn as he realized both he and she were naked beneath the sheets. He slowly maneuvered his out from under her. "Well crud." He  muttered looking at her sleeping form. He had broken a part of his own code... He had slept with a team member... He looked over and saw a bottle filled with Amber liquid knocked over with just a little left in it and two partially filled glasses on the table. He picked it up and took a whif... He didn't know what it was but it probably had something to do with why he had slept with Diana and couldn't remember it. He growled softly before finding his pants and pulling them on. It wasn't a moment too soon either... Within seconds a younger version of Diana walked in. She looked at him with wide eyes before she looked at the bottle.

"It's called Ambrosia. The goddess Hera gave us some to cure Diana and you. She was pleased with your argument on Diana's behalf."

He frowned. "I argued with a goddess?"

"Yes... Fervently too... You won her over and she procured some of this nectar for us. Ambrosia is what heals the gods and goddesses from injury and old age."

He raised an eyebrow. If it worked on him he might be able to look past what had happened with Diana. "Why was I given some?"

"Because you had contracted the same magic based illness as Diana." She explained. "You don't remember?"

"No." He said honestly trying to figure out who this girl was... "Who are you?"

"I am Dona. Diana's little sister. I am also a healer." She said with a little smile. "Be glad it is I and not her older sister Narania."

"Who? And why should I be glad? I've compromised my beliefs by sleeping with your sister."

Her eyes darkened a little. "You had to... The ambrosia was only a Kickstarter... It would make up for any infertility issues. To clear the sickness from you both, the two of you had to conceive a child."

Bruce felt his head go light and his knees weak. "I had to get her pregnant in order to survive?"

"For you both, yes." She answered holding out a glass of water. "Drink. Ambrosia dehydrates mortals very easily."

He sat down hard before drinking it in one shot... He wished it was whiskey or even something a bit stronger but it wasn't and he would have to make do.

Dona frowned and moved to shake her sister a little. "Diana... Di, you need to wake up now."

She groaned and sat up, causing Bruce to look away. He couldn't believe it... If Diana was pregnant with his child... What would the team think? Clark? The man of steel still had feelings for her... Shiera would undoubtedly have his head... No doubt she and Clark would urge him to marry her if they didn't kill him first... He put his head in his hands as a now dressed Diana came over and placed a hand on his shoulder. She remembered.

"Thank you Bruce. If it's any consolation, I love you. I always have."

He looked up at her and felt his heart swell... He didn't even think that was possible. "Diana... Do you think you are? P-pregnant?" He managed trying not to burst into tears as fear clawed at him.

"I have to be... Otherwise the fever would still be here." She said taking a seat next to him. "But I'm glad it was with you and not someone like say, Hal or Oliver... Or even Clark."

He looked away. "Diana... I can't be a father... I'm not capable of letting people into my life... I just don't work that way. I'm not good with kids. I'm unable to love..."

She set her jaw firm. "Bruce... Are you saying that I'll be on my own with this baby?"

He bit his lip. "No... I'll make sure you have everything you need to raise the child... But... I won't be able to be in the child's life."

"So I'll be a single mother who's baby daddy is a rich selfish playboy who only pays child support? Maybe you are just as the tabloids say." She spat standing up. "Get off the island. Now."

He stood. "I'm sorry Diana... But I can't compromise myself further."

She nodded. "Just get out Bruce."

He sighed and felt like the earth had just crumbled beneath his feet. Now he had to face the consequences of his actions.

Hey guys! Sorry this is sooooo short but I'm really struggling with writers block... I needed to move past this little awkward part to get to better stuff... Sorry about that. -Jasmine

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