Being Popular (GirlxGirl) [CO...

De DrawHannah

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Mickie James has always led an easy life, well as easy a life as you can when you're trying to hide the fact... Mais

Chapter One- Courtney Diamond
Chapter Two- The New Girl
Chapter Three- Team Arizona or Team Courtney
Chapter Four- Arizona's Place
Chapter Five- Some Secrets Are Best Kept Secret
Chapter Six- Consequences
Chapter Seven- The Truth Hurts
Chapter Nine- Arizona's Past
Chapter Ten- Forget Eveyrthing and Start Over?
Chapter Eleven- Sorry isn't Always Enough
Chapter Twelve- What if...?
Chapter Thirteen- Magic Kisses
Chapter Fourteen- A Wake Up Call
Chapter Fifteen- Do You Love Me?
Chapter Sixteen- Enough is Enough
Chapter Seventeen- I Want You.
Chapter Eighteen- A Happy Ending?

Chapter Eight- Rejection

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De DrawHannah

I stood outside and waited for what felt like a lifetime. Where is she? I really need her right now, I need to see her, need to speak to her.

Finally her car pulled into the student car park, she parked in the first available space and ran over to meet me.

"Mickie what's wrong I got your text." I didn't respond instead I feel into her arms and let the tears fall freely.

"Shh... It's okay." She said soothingly rubbing circles on my back.

"I- I... Don't..." I couldn't speak as gut wrenching sobs wracked my body. "You told me and I didn't listen." I cried into her shoulder, soaking the fabric beneath me, she didn't seem to mind though.

"Mickie. You need to calm down honey. You need to tell me what's wrong." I shook my head, unable to form the words to tell her that I can't. Not right now anyway.

Somehow she managed to lead me to her car, where we stayed until the tears had stopped falling and I had calmed down.

"You ready to tell me yet?" She asked giving me a small, encouraging smile.

I took a deep breath, and held back the tears that were yet again threatening to fall. "Someone told everybody that I'm gay." Her jaw clenched and her gorgeous bright eyes became a lot darker.

"What? Who? I'll kill 'em."

"I only told two people you and-" I didn't even get a chance to tell her who the other person was. I guess she already knew.

"I'll kill her." She tried to open the door but her emotions were running too high and she fumbled with the handle trying to open it. She climbed out of the car and slammed the door closed with such force the car rocked and I thought the window might actually break.

"Wait!" I called after her, trying to get her to stop and talk to me. Unfortunately she was a lot faster than me, she had already spoken to the women in charge at the office. I followed her as she stormed through the hallways heading to the sixth from block. She was furious, I had never seen her like this.

She stopped outside one of the classrooms, without thinking about it she pushed the door open and walked straight in.

"What's going on here Miss-" The teacher, Mr. Sharp shouted at her. She gave him look and ignored him as she walked straight to the back of the classroom.

"Get up." She barked at the girl sitting on her own at the back of the room. The girl stood up matching her point for point, she didn't look intimidated or annoyed, nope, she looked just as angry.

"Miss Diamond. Miss Levy. You can continue your staring contest out of my classroom." Mr. Sharp said, pointing towards the door where I was standing, I moved back so that they could leave. Arizona left the classroom first followed by Courtney. Courtney shut the door behind her, and in one swift movement had Arizona pushed up against the wall.

"YOU BITCH!" Courtney spat. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" She had her forearm pressed against Arizona's neck, holding her against the wall.

"Courtney." I screamed at her and pulled her arm away from Arizona's neck.

"What the hell is your problem?" Arizona took a step towards Courtney but instinctively I stood between them.

"You. You're my problem. How dare you?" Courtney looked like any second now she might explode. I have never seen her like this.

"How dare I what?" Arizona looked angry, not as angry as Courtney, but angry enough that a chill ran down my spine.

"You told everyone about me." I looked at Arizona, her facial expression softened and her hand went out to touch me.

"Don't touch her." Courtney hit Arizona's hand away from me and pulled at my arm so that I was next to her, maybe just a little behind her.

Arizona ignored her and looked at me, meeting my eyes. "Mickie I promise you I didn't say a word." She looked so sincere, but I couldn't bring myself to believe her.

"You lying bitch-" Courtney went to launch herself at Arizona again but this time I grabbed her wrist and held her back. Arizona glared at her, her eyes so full of anger it made me flinch.

"I'm not lying to you Mickie. Do you really think I could do that?" I couldn't look at her. It was my fault, if I hadn't told Courtney about Arizona, then Arizona would never have retaliated. I didn't respond. "Have you asked little Miss 'I rule the world' over here?"

"I'm this close to kil-"

Courtney started but I cut her off. "Courtney would never do that to me Arizona." Arizona laughed in a cold and sarcastic way.

"Really Mickie? I think you need to think about that."

"What the hell does that mean?" Courtney spat.

"Come on Courtney, I think we both know what I mean." I looked up at Arizona to see that she was smirking, she looked so different. I can't explain it. It was as if the Arizona I had started to get to know had completely disappeared.

"Ignore her Court, she's not worth it." The change in Arizona was enough to make me realise that I was stupid when I thought I had to choose between them, in reality there was no choice.

Courtney turned to me and gave me a small smile, and nodded her head. "Let's go Mickie, if I have to look at her anymore, I may punch her."

Courtney started to walk towards the door but stopped when she realised I wasn't following her. I wasn't following not by choice, but because Arizona had grabbed my hand.

"Mickie, don't go. Please. Let's just talk." She was begging me with her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes, her eyes that held so much emotion. I didn't respond, instead I pulled my hand out of her grip and walked over to where Courtney was waiting.

Before we left I turned to face Arizona one last time. She was still standing there, both hands on the back of her head. She didn't look angry or annoyed, instead she looked hurt and upset. Her eyes met my mine, it was as if she was giving me a silent warning. A warning for what, who knows.

"Where are we going?" I asked Courtney as we stepped outside the school building.

"We can go back to mine if you want?"

"Yeah okay." I followed her to her a car. "Wait. What about my car?"

"You're not fit to drive Mickie. We can pick it up later." I nodded and climbed into her car. I couldn't think of a better place to be than at her house with her.

"Courtney, yesterday I..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. I folded me hands in my lap. What could I say? I practically declared my love for her yesterday and she rejected me, is there anything you can say to make that seem better?

"Don't Mickie." She whispered, taking a hand of the wheel and placing it on top of my own. "We'll talk about it when we get to mine." She gave me a small smile, it was enough to make my stomach flutter.

We sat in silence for the remainder of the journey. I was too busy thinking about what it was I wanted to say to Courtney that I didn't notice the guy in a black leather sitting on Courtney's porch. It was only after Courtney cursed under her breath that I followed her line of sight and noticed Danny Blaze sitting there, with his trademark smirk. He stood up as we approached him.

"What do you want Danny?" Courtney asked. Danny ignored her, and turned to me, his smirk growing.

"Little birdie told me that you're gay." I swallowed nervously, I didn't realise how fast news travelled. "That same little birdie told everyone else." I looked at him, shock evident on my face. He knew Arizona was responsible, how?

"How?" He didn't give me a verbal response, instead he took his phone out of his pocket and threw it at me. I just about caught it.

"Read it." He ordered. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help myself as I read the text.

'You have nothing on me. Mickie's the dyke not me!'

I read and re-read the text. The words were painful, but it was the sender's name that I couldn't take my eyes from. I looked up, my vision blurry from the tears that we already falling.

"Courtney..." I didn't need to ask her the question, the look on her face told me it was true.

"Mickie." She almost whispered my name, as she reached out to touch me.

"No Courtney. I love you, but I just can't."

"Payback's a bitch Courtney." Danny smirked at Courtney and winked at her, before walking past her to join me. "Want a lift?" He asked.

Normally, under any other circumstances I would have refused, I would rather walk for hours then get in a car with Danny Blaze, but I found myself accepting his offer. "Yeah that would be great."

We both sat in silence, neither one of us having anything to say to the other. I was to caught up in my thoughts to have a conversation with him anyway. I felt like laughing at how much things had changed in just a week, and how it had all changed because of one girl.

One week and my life had been turned upside down. As much as I had to think about, there was one question that I wanted to know the answer to the most... Why did Courtney tell everyone?

We pulled up outside my house and I thanked Danny for the lift.

"No problem Mickie." He smiled at me, and for the first time ever it wasn't his usual smirk. "She's been playing us both for years Mickie, she only cares about herself." I smiled back and nodded my head. I climbed out of his car and watched as he drove off. Was he right? Had she only ever been playing games with us?


Courtney's P.O.V
(The day before)


"Arizona was right. I am so stupid, I never should have told you." Mickie said as the tears began to fall from her eyes. My blood boiled at the sound of that bitches name. How dare she corrupt my Mickie. How dare she.

"Mickie!" I called after her, but she didn't hear me she was already gone. "God damn it." I screamed out loud at the sound of the front door closing. I can't believe I had screwed up again. I ran my hands through my hair, as my mind repeated every word Mickie had said. I know that my words had hurt her, more than I had thought they would.

Mickie loves me, and I've known it for over a year now. I should have walked away from her then, not waited this long. Liking Mickie was a mistake, kissing her was an even bigger mistake, leading her own was, by far, my biggest mistake.

I didn't want or mean to hurt her, but she had to know that nothing could ever happen between the two of us, it just isn't right. I needed to be with a guy, and not just any guy. I had to be with the most popular guy to maintain my power. I had no choice but to visit, one Danny Blaze.

I knocked on his door, knowing that he was there, waiting for me. It took him a while but eventually he answered the door. "Courtney." He said smirking at me, "Come in." I rolled my eyes and walked passed him into his living room.

"So what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked when I still didn't say anything. He sat down on the sofa, placing both hands behind his head and leaned back to watch me.

I cleared my throat and looked him dead in the eyes, "I think we should get back together." I said it with no emotion, we both knew the reason I was suggesting this.

"You're joking right?" He asked, acting as if I had told him I was the heir to the throne.

"I'm not joking Danny, everybody knows we were the perfect couple." I tried to sound at least a little enthusiastic at the idea, but in all honesty there was never a spark between Danny and I.

Her rolled his eyes and crossed one leg over his knee, "Everybody saw what they wanted to see Courtney." I went to protest but he cut me off. "We can't just get back together, it wouldn't work. We broke up because I was sick of being your cover story. Just admit you're-"

"I'm not that." Amusement lit up his eyes. I wasn't what he thought I was, I'm not like that. It's wrong. He's wrong.

"Somebody's a little defensive." He mocked. His attitude was really starting to piss me off. Was it not possible to have a normal conversation with him.

"I'm not defensive. I'm just correcting you-"

"Get over it Court. You bat for the other team." I clenched my jaw involuntarily. I hated the fact he thought he knew me, and how he thought he had the right to tell me about myself.

"I don't bat for the other team." I spat the words at him. Though my anger was not directed at him, it was directed a lot closer to home. He just rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, as if I were boring him.

"You're in denial. Go home." Without looking at me he motioned with his hand for me to leave.

"You're a bastard. You know that Danny." He stood up and took a step forwards, I forgot just how much taller he was than me, he was towering over me. He smirked, and I wanted more than anything to wipe that smirk off his face. I raised my hand to hit him, but he caught my wrist.

"It's like Déjà vu. I swear this is just how our break-up went. Although I like your story of how and why we broke up. The rumour you spread too, it gave me a good laugh. I mean telling everybody about our sex life, when in fact we had no sex life. I couldn't so much as touch you." He raised his hand too touch my face but I hit it away. He chuckled and continued, "A whole year Courtney, I waited, I thought I was being a nice guy. Patient, waiting for you to be ready, but you never were. Why? Because you don't like guys. You. Are. Gay." This time I was able to slap him, but he didn't react like I had expected him to, instead he laughed it off.

I ignored his laughter as I headed for the door. "Payback's a bitch Courtney, remember that." He called after me, just as I slammed his front door shut.

"Bastard." I muttered to myself. I didn't give much thought to his statement, he didn't have the balls to do anything, plus, I had far more important things to worry about it. Like Mickie and what I was going to do about the fact she was in love with me. I was going to have to do something drastic.

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