Immortal Hearts 2

By Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" More

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 6: Schedule Changes
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Spin the bottle
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 24: Crushes?
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss
Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

Chapter 7: NightMares

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By Jack__Gilinsky

~Carmen Silvers Point of View~

Okay, I can live without Austin for one night. But a whole week? Let’s just say I feel like I’m going through withdrawal.

I haven’t seen Austin  outside of school, for a week since we’ve both been tired and attempting to catch up with our new classes and stuff plus I had to go to rehearsals for the show and tonight was the last showing of the…well…the show. I was glad it was almost over.

Basically, everyone at school was stressed to the max this week because of the dang schedule change, ergo when it finally came to the weekend everyone was ecstatic.

But I wasn’t. I was worried. Austin seemed tired, and he coughed a few times during the week too. I know that it could just be from the stress of school and class changes and catching up that has him lacking sleep and energy but for some reason I didn’t think that was the reason.

But anyways, Jake and I had already sang together really well last night as well as tonight and now we were just waiting for the last few acts to perform before we could go home. I finally figured out Alex’s part in this show; he was a totally incredible piano player and he played on the piano while a pretty girl sang Silent Night. It was amazing.

And when the curtain finally came down on us bowing, we all hurried off the stage to gather are stuff and say goodbye to our friends before heading home with our parents.

I’ll admit, though the week was stressful I did become surprisingly close with Alex and even Jake and had fun with them.

We all walked out of the cafeteria together, which was were everyone in the show waited for their turn to perform while watching the performance on a TV, but before any of us could even blink someone shouted ‘Jake!’ and suddenly there was a petite black haired girl with an arm around Jake as she stood on tip-toe to kiss him.

“You were amazing,” she said and then noticed Alex and I.

She frowned at me, “You were singing with Jake right?”

I nodded, “Carmen this is my girlfriend Lily, Lily this is my friend Carmen.” Jake said, gesturing between us both.

I chuckled, “Nice to meet you,” I said, thinking about how she had the same name as my own sister.

“Likewise,” she said, smiling a little.

“Well, I’m going to go find my parents so I’ll see you guys on Monday,” Jake said, waving as he walked away with his girlfriend. Obviously, finding his parents was going to have to wait a moment because as soon as they were further away they kissed again.

I watched them enviously; would I ever get to be with Austin…in public? I love being with him, just the two of us without anyone knowing, but I’m sure after a while I’m going to start to get sick of it.

I sighed before bidding Alex goodbye as I started to hunt down my sister and father.


It was Saturday night, finally, and I was restlessly pacing my room, wishing Austin would show up so I could regain a little bit of sanity.

I don’t know how long I paced my room before I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and got ready for bed.

I’d already given up on wearing shorts to sleep; now I just wear underwear, a bra and Austin’s tee-shirt since its really comfortable.

I had just given up on the thought of Austin coming as I leaned over to flick off the light of my room when I heard my window slide open.

I froze, turning my head to see Austin anxiously crawling through my window. He slid it shut and just as he looked up I leapt off my bed and tackled him. He stumbled back a few steps in surprise, his arms winding tightly around my waist.

I stood on tip-toe and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him against me. I don’t know how but for some reason we both ended up sinking to the floor in a tangled heap of limbs, still kissing each other roughly as if this was our last kiss ever.

“Damn it,” he cursed, pulling me closer, “This is pathetic.”

“No kidding,” I muttered, burying my face in his neck for a moment before I kissed him again.

“Hey,” he said suddenly, pushing me away slightly, “You aren’t wearing shorts.”

I shrugged, “So? Does that bother you?”

He paused, cocking his head to the side, “No, I was just pointing out facts.”

I sat up so I was straddling his waist and put my hands on his chest, “I say we move back into the bed since I doubt being pinned on your back on my floor is very comfortable,” I said.

He sighed, sitting up but keeping one hand on the small of my back to keep me in his lap. He somehow picked me up as he stood and carried me back to the bed.

“You really shouldn’t do that you know,” I said as he lay down next to me.

“Do what?” he asked curiously.

“Carry me around,” I replied, rolling onto my stomach, “I’ve got two perfectly functioning legs you know.”

He shrugged, “Oh well.”

I rolled my eyes as I suddenly remembered something. I sat up throwing a leg over him so I was straddling him again. He leaned comfortably against the headboard and rested his hands on my thighs.

“You broke our deal,” I said seriously.

“Deal?” he frowned, looking puzzled, “What deal?”

I sighed in exasperation, “Remember a little while ago when you stayed the night and Matt called me in the morning to meet up in the park and talk about the Caleb situation?”

He scrunched his face up, “I think I remember it…” he said slowly.

“And remember our deal? I let you walk me to the park but you never ever acknowledge me in public unless absolutely necessary?” I said, tapping his nose.

He groaned, “That’s not fair! That was so long ago.”

I folded my arms, “It’s totally fair,” I said, “Even without remembering the deal you should know better than to talk to me.”

“Sorry,” he mumbled, “I couldn’t help it.”

“I hope you know we were so close to showing everyone we were together,” I pouted.

“How?” he exclaimed, confused.

“During the assembly when you had your face next to mine?” I reminded him, feeling exasperated, “Do you know how hard it was not to kiss you right then and there?”

He chuckled, “Sorry.”

“You sound so apologetic,” I said sarcastically.

“I’m very, very sorry,” he said, composing his face so he looked serious.

“Do you promise never to do it again?” I asked, putting my hands on his chest.

He grinned wickedly, “I make no guarantees.”

I leaned forward and bit his neck while I shifted my hips so I was basically grinding on him. A growl sounded at the back of his throat.

“Care to try and answer again?” I said, nibbling on the spot between his jaw and ear.

“I won’t ever do it again,” he breathed, his hands tightening their hold on my shirt.

“Promise?” I whispered in his ear.

He nodded mutely and I kissed him slowly, “Good,” I breathed, pulling away slightly. He shot me a disappointed look, but I ignored it; I had a question I wanted to ask.

“Have you been getting any sleep?” I asked seriously.

He blinked, “What?”

I repeated the question slowly and he turned his head to the side, wincing and I knew I got my answer.

“Why haven’t you been sleeping?” I sighed.

He shrugged, “At first I started having these nightmares,” he shook his head.

“Nightmares?” I interrupted, feeling dread wash over me like a wave.

He nodded mutely before he took a deep breath, exhaling long and slow before continuing, “It was about that night,” he started, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, “I just keep having this nightmare about when I killed Ca- when I killed him,” he said instead.

I squeezed my eyes shut, thankful I hadn’t seen it myself and had only heard it and smelt it. “When did they start?” I asked, keeping my eyes closed.

“A week or so ago?” he said uncertainly, “I don’t know, but at first it just started out as when you were missing and I was looking for you in the forest by myself but I couldn’t find you,” his voice took on frightened tone, “No matter how hard I looked I couldn’t find you anywhere and then I smelt your blood and-,” he inhaled shakily.

I opened my eyes and saw that Austin looked almost sick. I cupped his face in my hands, feeling guilt shoot through me, “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

He shook his head, “It’s not your fault,” he said, “I guess maybe it bothered me more than I thought or something.” He shrugged, “It’ll probably stop soon.”

“How can you be so sure?” I asked, threading my fingers through his hair.

“I’m not,” he admitted, “But the nightmares have changed.”

“Changed?” I asked, not really liking the sound of that.

He nodded, “At first it was me looking for you in the forest,” he winced, “And then it moved onto me finding you…but then it got strange.”

“Strange how?” I asked, feeling apprehensive.

“Strange as in…it wasn’t my memories anymore. It felt almost as if I had dreamt up what had happened to you in the cave, imagining everything that Caleb did to you that gave you every single cut, scrape, or bite mark,” he shuddered, pain twisting his features, “I saw it through his eyes; it was as if I was Caleb. I felt so…excited causing you pain but at the same time I felt so sick with myself.”

I exhaled slowly; I knew exactly what he meant. I had my own dream like that. I had a dream where I was Caleb and I had killed Monika, but not seeing it through his eyes…it felt like I really was Caleb.

I licked my dry lips as I thought for a moment.

“Then it changed again,” he said softly, “I saw myself killing him. Over and over again before it suddenly changed. Suddenly I was Caleb again, seeing myself kill Caleb through his eyes. I felt the knife pierce my throat and-” he stopped abruptly, probably at my horrified expression.

I bit my lower lip, chewing worriedly on it. My gut twisted in the most uncomfortable way every time Austin said his name.

“I don’t know why, but they won’t stop,” he said, looking exhausted. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me. I didn’t say anything because I honestly didn’t have a clue what to say. So I offered him the only comfort I could; being there.

“Are you staying the night?” I asked quietly, leaning my head on his chest.

“You couldn’t keep me away even if you tried,” he said, chuckling. Even though he sounded a bit better than a few minutes ago, I could still hear how shaken up he was by this.

“Do you want to sleep now?” I asked uncertainly. There was a pause before he finally replied slowly.

“Yes,” he said quietly.

I nodded as I pulled away and he pulled his shirt off, tossing it lightly to the floor. I flicked off my light and slid back to him, kissing him gently on the lips before I pulled away, settling in his arms.

My mind started to wander for a while and I was vaguely aware of Austins peaceful breathing and the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath my head. Only his heart was unsteady; beating faintly and slightly off beat in his chest like the hearts of all vampires did.

I exhaled slowly, feeling a bit better now that I was sleeping with Austin again. But also slightly worried; my nightmares involving Caleb had almost lead to my death, but what of Austin’s?

I sincerely hoped his were just nightmares…after all Caleb was dead so it’s not like he could come back to life again.











.Or could he?


Anyhoe 2 chapters in 1 day yeah short and boring but i know you will like chapter 9 so much!!!!!!!!! ;) might update again cause well i have nothing to do 



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