Immortal Hearts 2

By Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" More

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 7: NightMares
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Spin the bottle
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 24: Crushes?
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss
Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

Chapter 6: Schedule Changes

3.5K 65 15
By Jack__Gilinsky

~Carmen Silvers Point Of View~

"Carmen" a familiar voice said, and I turned around to see Alex smiling at me. Or rather, smiling over my shoulder. I scrutinized him for a moment.

"Hi, Alex " I said uncertainly, not quite sure how to act around him. He was a vampire after all, and the only vampire I've ever been around was Austin so I was unsure what to do or say around Alex

"You're early," he commented, putting his hand under my elbow as he guided me inside Mr. Tanner's music room.

It was Monday morning, the first day back at school. Almost as soon as I woke up this morning Austin had left, not before giving me another heart pounding kiss though.

I shrugged, "I wasn't quite sure what time the meeting started at so I figured it wouldn't hurt to make sure it hadn't started already."

He grinned briefly, "Jake!" he called, and a boy with brown hair and green eyes turned to face me. "This is Carmen, your replacement singer." Blake said, "Carmen this is Jake, he'll be playing the guitar while you both sing."

"Hey," Jake said, smiling at me.

"Hi," I said shyly, looking down at my feet.

"Carmen!" another voice said and I turned to see Mr. Tanner behind me, grinning. "I trust you had a nice, relaxing vacation?"

I struggled to keep the smile on my face; being kidnapped and nearly killed wasn't my idea of a nice, relaxing vacation. And the parts with Austin were far from 'nice' and 'relaxing' they were 'freakin' amazing' and 'exciting.'

"It was pretty good," I said instead while Blake chuckled.

"Good!" Mr. Tanner said cheerily, "Feel free to take a seat; the meeting should be starting in a few minutes."

I nodded and pulled myself up onto one of the desks while Jake sat on the desk next to mine and Alex leaned against the one in front of me.

" you have a boyfriend?" Jake asked casually.

I blinked in surprise, "What?"

Jake chuckled, "Do you have a boyfriend?" he repeated.

Alex sighed, putting a hand over his eyes as he shook his head.

"Um...." I had no clue what to say to that. "Why?"

Jake nodded at me, "Well, I was just wondering where you got that love bite of yours."

My eyes flashed open and I immediately clapped a hand over the left side of my neck. I had totally forgotten about my hickey! My cheeks darkened and I moved my hair so it covered most of the left part of my neck.

"So, did your boyfriend give you that or just a random guy?" Jake prodded, looking amused.

"Jake, I don't think she needs to be bothered by you at this early hour of the morning," Alex said, shaking his head at Jake. "Besides, she's smart. She'd know better than to hook up with you."

Jake pretended to look hurt for a moment, "I wasn't asking so I could come on to her or something; I just got back with my girlfriend over Christmas break and there is no way in Hell I'm screwing that up again."

"Alright everybody, listen up please!" Mr. Tanner called, cutting off what ever Alex was going to say. The meeting started and he went over all the practice times with us and stuff with us before we were finally allowed to leave. And as we were leaving he told us there was an assembly first period concerning the schedule change.

I walked out with Jake on one side and Alex on the other. "What schedule change?" I asked, confused.

"First semester you have one set of courses while second semester some of your courses change so you get different ones," Jake explained.

"Normally, some people only have a few classes changed," Alex added, "While some people have an entirely new schedule with new teachers and classmates."

I groaned, "Great."

Alex patted my arm sympathetically, "It's not so bad. You adjusted pretty quickly when you first started here and this is basically the same thing."

I made a face; the only reason I had 'adjusted so quickly' was because my pack had introduced themselves to me on my first day here.

The intercom crackled into life overhead, "Can all secondary five students please go to the auditorium for an assembly, please." The secretary repeated the message twice before turning off.

"Well, I'm going to go find my girlfriend so I'll see you guys at rehearsal tonight," Jake said, waving before he turned down a hall and disappeared in a sea of teenagers.

"I can't say I'm sad to see him go," Alex commented.

I arched an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about...things," he said cautiously.

"What kind of things?" I questioned as we turned down another hallway, heading towards the auditorium.

"Well, Austin had described almost horrific and I'm wondering why within two weeks they all seemed to have disappeared," he said, arching an eyebrow.

"How did you know they were all gone?" I asked, surprised. He was how could he see if I was okay?

Alex chuckled, "I may be blind but I am still a va-" he paused, "You know."

"So?" I questioned, still not getting it.

"I can sense blood, remember? I don't smell or feel any open wounds," he said.

I face palmed myself; Austin had told me the same thing. Man, I've got a bad memory.

"So how come they're gone?" he prodded.

I swallowed, flushing a deep scarlet as I remembered Austin's licking.

"Well, you see..." I started, wondering how to explain, "The night they found me they brought me back to Kayla's house since I looked like I belonged in a horror movie and my Dad probably would have had a heart attack if he saw me."

"But once everyone was asleep, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk," I said, fibbing slightly, "I caught Austin's scent and remembered that he lived in Kayla's neighbourhood so I decided to pay him a know, to say thank you for helping to save me."

Alex nodded his understanding while I swallowed hard, "And he saw one of my...injuries and asked to see the rest of them." I looked at Alex "So I showed him."

"But how did they heal so fast?" he questioned, still looking vaguely puzzled.

"Um...I'm not clear on details but as far as I know vam- you guys," I corrected myself before I said the 'v-word' out loud, "Have something in your saliva that speeds up the healing process."

Alex blinked in surprise and I cringed, "Austin explained it to me by saying that, for example, if I were human and he were to bite my neck and suck my blood with no intention of killing me, then he would...lick my neck and that would help the wound heal faster."

"Hmmm," Alex said thoughtfully, "He never mentioned it."

"Probably because you never had a use of it," I shrugged, hoping dearly that this was something that I could tell Alex without getting in trouble. After all, I seemed to be in the clear so I don't think Alex will question me.

He was silent for a few moments before he spoke again, " let a let Austin lick you?" he asked slowly as we walked into the main foyer, which had doors leading right into the auditorium, meaning it was full of teenagers waiting to get in.

I flushed again.

Alex burst out laughing, "Well, I never thought that would ever happen!"

My lips twitched in amusement and I chuckled along with him until I heard a voice shout my name.

I whirled around seeing Lena and Matt standing a few feet away, giving me weird stares.

"Ah, it seems you should go," Alex said, smiling slightly as a familiar face popped up by Alex's shoulder.

My eyes widened as I saw Austin standing in front of me, and my heart skipped a beat. I tried not to look at him, but I couldn't help it. I looked straight into his silver eyes and remembered last night in my bed. I turned my head, biting back a grin.

"Hey, Alex," Austin said cheerily, "Hi, Carmen."

I blinked; why was he being so nice to me? In public?

"Um...hey," I said uncertainly, while Alex burst out laughing again.

"Alex," I scowled, knowing he was still thinking about the licking thing.

"I'm sorry," he laughed, "It just sounds so ridiculous."

"What sounds ridiculous?" Austin asked, puzzled.

I blushed furiously, "Nothing." I said.

"You licking Carmen." Alex chuckled, shaking his head.

Austin's eyes popped and I cringed, wishing the floor would just open me up and swallow me whole.

"Excuse me?" Austin sputtered, still looking shocked.

"I asked her why all her wounds were gone and she explained how you...helped heal them," Alex said, still chuckling.

Austin arched an eyebrow at me, folding his arms over his chest, "I see. I wonder if she told you everything..." he said thoughtfully, tapping his chin with one finger.

My jaw nearly hit the floor at the memory of that night; nearly touching me there, licking the whole length of my thigh to my hip and back again, rubbing my inner thighs until I moaned, me taking off my shorts and being just in my underwear while he licked me.

I stared at him, wide-eyed. Don't you dare, I thought venomously.

"I think I have to go," I said abruptly, "Goodbye Alex." I said pleasantly, I turned to Austin and shot him a withering look, "Bye Austin."

He smirked at me, "Goodbye Carmen," he said as I hurried away, "Nice love bite."

I froze, looked over my shoulder and scowled, "Right back at you," I smirked, walking away as I thought about how I gave him his.

I didn't even bother covering up my hickey anymore; who cared if anyone saw it now?

"Why the hell were you talking to them?" Matt hissed at me once we had taken our seats in the auditorium.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "One, I can talk to whoever I want. Two, I was talking to them because I felt like it. Three, we are not having this discussion anymore," I said, "Understood?"

He scowled at me, "Understood," he muttered while Lena chuckled.

"Wha-tish!" she said, "You are whipped!" she cried, going back to our old joke of Matt being whipped.

I giggled until I smelt something familiar. I stiffened in my seat, turning around to see Austin and Alex sitting next to me.

"Well, hello again," Austin said, putting his hands on my shoulders. Warm tingles spread throughout my entire body.

"Austin stop antagonizing the poor girl; when she turns the first thing she'll do is to eat you first," Alex commented.

Austin snorted, and I resisted the urge to grin. After all, why would I want to eat my boyfriend?

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Lena and Matt staring wide eyed at Austin's hands on my shoulders. I fidgeted awkwardly under their stares and he pulled his hands away.

"Whoa!" Lena said, her green eyes widening, "What's on your neck?"

"Um...." I said, flushing while Austin chuckled behind me.

"What?" Matt asked, confused, "What's on her neck?"

"Carmen has a hickey!" Lena sang gleefully, "Who would have thought innocent little Carmen would have gotten a hickey!"

Matt gave me a wide eyed look while I heard Alex comment from behind us, "She's not the only one."

Lena turned around, "Austin has one too!" she exclaimed, shocked.

"Damn, am I the only one didn't get any loving over the break?" she pouted.

"I didn't get any," Alex said, shaking his head while Matt stayed silent.

"Matt?" I questioned, "Did you meet some Floridian chick?"

He flushed, "Kind of."

Lena gared at him before she turned to Alex, "Seems like we're the only sane ones here, Alexy boy."

Alex didn't even flinch at the nickname, he simply grinned, "Most definitely."

Lena smiled up at him and I blinked in surprise; so much for the vampire-werewolf-hate-thing going on a few months ago.

I exchanged a glance with Austin my eyes flicking towards Lena and Alex before looking back at him. He knew my question without me even having to ask it.

Were they soul mates?

Austin simply shrugged in response as he folded his arms on the back of my chair, leaning his head on his arms so our faces were inches apart.

I scowled at him; it was hard being this close and not being able to do anything since we were in public.

He grinned impishly at me, "So Carmen..." he said casually, "Where'd you get yours?"

"Get my what?" I asked suspiciously.

He tapped the side of his neck, "Hickey. Where'd you get it?"

I narrowed my eyes at him while Matt, Lena and Alex turned their attention to our conversation.

"I got it from a guy," I hedged while Lena snorted.

"That much was obvious," she said, "Which guy? Where? When? How?"

I flushed, "Why am I getting all the questions? Austin has one too."

Lena turned her attention to Austin while Alex leaned forward, "I am quite curious as to how you got one, Austin," Alex said.

Austin lifted his head but continued to lean on the back of my chair, "Well, I met this amazing girl over the break..." he said dramatically, "And things started to...heat up..." he smirked for a moment before he gazed at me. His expression softened, became warmer for a moment.

"But I think I love her," he said softly, gazing at me with his liquid silver eyes.

Warmth spread through my body and I grinned, beside me Lena looked at Austin with awe.

"Seriously?" Matt asked, his eyes wide.

Austin didn't answer him for a moment before he tore his gaze away from me to look at Matt, chuckling slightly, "Not at all."

Lena seemed disappointed while I glared at him. Alex looked thoughtful for a moment, frowning while Austin grinned at me.

"Your turn," he said, bumping my shoulder playfully with his elbow.

I balked, flushing, "Um..." I said as I suddenly heard someone talking into a microphone telling everyone to be quiet. I exhaled in relief as I turned around, but Austin still leaned on my chair so I felt his arms on the back of my neck. I felt him move his head to the side so it was next to mine so we were practically cheek to cheek.

The entire time the Principal was explaining I couldn't focus, I was too distracted by Austin being so close. If we both turned our heads we'd be kissing. Of course, just thinking it made me want to kiss him badly.

So I spent almost an hour torn between being extremely comfortable and being extremely uncomfortable. I fidgeted awkwardly in my seat and felt his breath dance across my arm every time he laughed quietly at my discomfort.

"Jerk," I muttered under my breath.

His only response was to laugh again.


"Alright everyone, please pick up your new schedules outside the auditorium then head to your second period class. You should all be in class by eleven thirty the latest! If you are caught in the hallways after that time you will be given a detention," the old Principal said sternly from his place on stage.

Everyone immediately jumped to their feet, trying to hurry out of the auditorium. Almost ten minutes later I was finally out of the congested and overstuffed auditorium. I stepped into the main foyer and inhaled deeply while behind me Lena shouted "Freedom!"

Matt, Lena and myself all burst out laughing as we split up to stand behind the lines for the first letter of our last names.

I was quick to get my schedule and stood by the stairs, waiting for my friends to get theirs so we could compare.

About half my classes got changed; my gym class, science class, history class, and my ethics class got changed for an art class.

I sighed, hoping that the change in schedule meant I'd have more classes with my pack.

"Let's see what you've got," someone said as my schedule suddenly was pulled out of my hands.

"Hey!" I protested, glaring at Austin as I put my hands on my hips.

"Down girl," he teased, patting my head as he studied my schedule.

"You know," I said, fixing my hair, "I think I'm going to cancel my plans tonight."

That got his attention; he looked over my schedule at me, narrowing his eyes. "Oh?"

"Yeah," I said, lacing my voice with regret, "I'm just so tired from school; I think I'll go to bed early tonight."

"Wouldn't your friend be upset?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. I knew he knew full well that I was talking about our little meetings in my bedroom.

"Nah," I said, waving a hand, "My friend won't mine. After all, my friend loves me so they would want what's best for me." I said, smiling cheekily.

He muttered something unintelligible before he handed back my schedule. "Black mail isn't nice you know."

I shrugged, "What ever."

"Carmen!" someone cried and I was suddenly scooped right off the ground.

"Liam!" I laughed as he slung me over his shoulder.

He spun me around while I pounded my fists on his back, "Put me down!"

He set me down on my feet and I stumbled, crashing into Austin. He caught me by my waist, steadying me before he let his arm drop.

"I should go," he said, and I saw Roxanne giving him the death glare. {What a bitch}

"Good luck," I muttered. He must have heard because he grinned before he went over to Roxanne who was now joined by Robert who also looked annoyed.

Liam slung an arm around my shoulders, "So what were you doing with Batboy?"

"Batboy?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"You know, vamps turn into bats," he said, grinning, "Batboy."

"Yeah, sure," I said sarcastically, "And frankly, I have no clue. He just...popped up and stole my schedule."

Liam gasped in mock horror, "The fiend!"

I laughed and he looked down at me his blue eyes widening, "Is that a hickey?"

I groaned, "I've been at school for an hour and a half and I've heard that almost a dozen times."

Liam paused for a moment, " it?"

"Yes," I growled.

He blinked in surprise, "Wow. I never thought you'd get one."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically as he pulled my schedule out of my hands.

"Yes! Art class with me!" he cheered.

"Lucky me," I teased.

He made a face at me as Lena, Matt and Kayla suddenly showed up. We immediately began comparing classes, so now I had art with Liam and Kayla, gym with Kayla and science with Matt and Kayla I had no one for history so that was a little bit annoying, but I'll live I guess.


I walked into science as I talked with Matt and Kayla they were giving me the 411 on science class. Basically the teacher, Mrs. Stern, was appropriately named since she was one of the strictest teachers in our school. They warned me and told me stories about past experiences with her and how I should be careful since she gives out detentions like candy on Halloween.


We were almost late since it was third period and we had been all talking in the cafeteria and on the way to our lockers and to class so we had been walking slowly and not paying attention at all to the time. We somehow managed to walk right through the door at the same time that the bell rang.

They took their assigned seats while I looked around the room, seeing the only empty seat available at the back corner next to my best buddy.

I walked to the back of the class quickly, sliding into the seat next to Austin while he smirked. I said nothing while Matt and Kayla, who were sitting next to each other in the front row, turned around and shot me sympathetic glances.

"Alright, so since we have quite a few new students in this class today I'll be giving everyone a review pack to make sure everyone is up to date. We'll work on it for the first twenty five minutes of class, then we'll move onto the lesson," the teacher, a stern looking, grey haired lady said.

She passed out hand-outs before returning to the front of the class, "Now, you are free to work with a partner...except it has to be the person next to you. No changing seats to sit with your friends. You work with the person next to you or alone. You may begin." She said before she sat down at her desk.

I sighed and opened the several pages of a stapled hand-out, scowling at it.

"Glaring at it won't help," Austin said, writing in the answer to the first question.

"It makes me feel better though," I said, starting to write in the answers to the problems that I knew the answers too without even having to think about it.

"Yeah, Carmen, that's it. Make the paper fear you," he teased.

I stuck my tongue out at him while he simply shook his head at me, chuckling. I returned back to my work, finishing the first page rather quickly before I moved onto the next page.

I was suddenly thankful that I was always good in science and that I had a very good science teacher this year.

"Someone's a nerd," he snorted as he finished the first page.

"I wouldn't talk, you're almost as far as I am," I said, starting to label a chart of an eyeball.

"Whoa," he said, eyeing my paper. "How the hell do you remember all those names?"

I looked down at my half-finished eyeball diagram and shrugged, "I'm good at remembering pointless information." I said as I filled in the last two names before I moved on to a chart where you had to name all the parts of the eye and their functions.

I growled at the paper as I started the chart; I hated doing charts about functions of body parts or what ever.

Seriously, who cared about what the sclera or the retina or what ever does? I can see just fine without knowing how my eyeballs work, can't I?

I hurried through the hand-out, finishing it half-way through the class. I sighed, leaning back against my chair as I closed my eyes. Since being with Austin last night meant I had fallen asleep quite late, and then getting up early to be with him before school again, I was exhausted now. Not mention I wasn't used to using my brain and school had drained me mentally as well as physically.

So, I folded my arms on my desk, leaned my head on my arms, closed my eyes, yawned once and proceeded to doze for a few minutes.

"For anyone who isn't finished the hand-out it's for homework and I expect it to be finished tomorrow," Mrs. Stern said, "Now take out your binders and we'll start taking notes on our new topic."

I sighed, opening my binder with one hand while I propped my head up on the other. I flipped through the pages until I came to a blank loose leaf and grabbed a pencil, scrawling my name and date across the top of the page as the teacher lowered the lights and turned on the overheard.

Our new topic was human reproduction. Basically it was Sex Ed. Fun.

There were a few giggles, probably because there was a diagram of a penis blown up on the overhead.

"Let's try and get through this with a bit of maturity please," the teacher said and the class fell silent again.

"Good," she said, "Now, obviously you all know what this is," she tapped the diagram of the penis with a pen while sniggers echoed from around the classroom. She proceeded to go over things that were kind of obvious for a few minutes, basically reviewing things we'd learned throughout the years while we took notes.

It was vaguely awkward talking about penis', vagina's, ejaculating and stuff while Austin was sitting right next to me. Especially since we both knew very well what the teacher was talking about. And she was just glossing over everything today. Next class she would be going in to detail...awkward.

I was thankful when she finally finished, leaving us with the few last minutes of class to chat...with the person beside us.

"So," Austin said casually as I swung my spinning lab chair from side to side, "Please tell me you felt just as uncomfortable as I did."

I cringed and he nodded.

"Am I still-" he paused, his eyes darting to look at the front of the class where Matt and Kayla were chatting happily.

"Still?" I prodded, watching my friends as well.

He ripped a paper out of his binder and scrawled something quickly across the top of the page; Am I still coming over?

I frowned, thinking for a moment before I shrugged.

"Your choice," I said, spinning myself on my chair lazily.

He passed a hand over his face, groaning, "Now I know why you hate it when I let you choose."

I smiled wryly, "Feel my pain."

The bell rang and I slid off my chair, scooping up my books while I made my way sluggishly to the front of the class with Austin so close behind me I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

Kayla and Matt were waiting for me right outside of science and I saw them both glance at Austin as he walked away. As soon as he was out of sight they immediately started chatting animatedly while I listened with half an hear all the way to English class.

When I walked past his desk I arched an eyebrow at him and he shrugged.

Obviously our meeting up tonight was still pending. Oh well, I think I can live without him for one night if he doesn't come over. I think :\\


Hey guys! So...Question!!

"Whats up with Roxanne And Robert Glareing at her?" Jelly? :)

Anyhoe Hope you enjoed :3 Peace Out


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